Author has written 7 stories for Inuyasha, and Card Captor Sakura.
Favorite Couple of the Day: SAITO + LOUISE!! :)
Last Login: June 30th, 2008
The Info
Name: Sara
Age: 15, almost 16!
Birthday: September 10, 1992
Current Residance: Washington (US)
Looks: Brown Hair, Blue Eyes, ShortShortShort!
Hobbies: Volleyball//Writing//Drawing//Computer//iPod//Myspace//Reading//Movies//Anime//Manga//Friends!//Traveling//Normal Stuff
Heritage/Religion: Well, I'm Greek and I think Irish. Maybe a bit of English and Scottish too.
Oh, and I'm Christian! I love God!
Danielle Tobin! What an amazing person/author! Read her stories and I'll give you a cookie!
Current Favorite Movie: CAMP ROCK! (:
Current Favorite Song: I Say Yes - Zero no Tsukaima (OP song) !!
Current Favorite Actor/Actress: Jeremy Sumpter/Reese Witherspoon
Current Favorite Book: Twilight by Stephanie Myers
For my YouTube account click here: YouuuuTuuuube!
The Favorite Anime
InuYasha ▪ Kodocha ▪ Ultra Maniac ▪The Familiar of Zero Princess Nine ▪ Princess Tutu ▪ Ranma 1/2 ▪ Sailor Moon ▪ Fruits Basket ▪ Case Closed ▪ Daa! Daa! Daa! ▪ The World of Narue ▪ Kamichama Karin ▪ Mermaid Forest ▪ Marmalade Boy ▪ Card Captor Sakura ▪ Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch ▪ Tokyo Mew Mew
Pokemon Powerpuff Girls Z ▪ Super Gals ▪ Naruto Teen Titans
The Favorite Manga
InuYasha ▪ Fruits Basket ▪ Absolute Boyfriend ▪ Ultra Maniac ▪ Instant Teen: Just Add Nuts ▪ Ranma 1/2 ▪ Mermaid Melody
The Favorite Couples
InuYasha: Kagome/InuYasha, Sango/Miroku, Kohaku/Rin, Sesshomaru/Rin, Koga/Ayame, Kagura/Sesshomaru
Kodocha: Sana/Akito, Tsuyoshi/Aya, Rei/Asako
Ultra Maniac: Ayu/Kaji, Nina/Tsujiai, Nina/Yuta
The Familiar of Zero: Louise/Saito, Henrietta/Wales Tudor
Princess Tutu: Ahiru/Fakir, Ahiru/Mytho, Mytho/Rue
Ranma 1/2: Akane/Ranma, Akane/Ryoga, Kasumi/Dr. Tofu
Sailor Moon: Serena/Darien, Rae/Chad, Amy/Greg, Rini/Helios, Molly/Melvin, Mina/Andrew, Lita/Andrew, Prisma/Sapphire
Fruits Basket: Tohru/Kyo, Yuki/Tohru, Kisa/Hiro
Case Closed: Rachel/Jimmy (Conan)
Daa! Daa! Daa: Miyu/Kanata
The World of Narue: Narue/Kazuto, Maruo/Yagi
Mermaid Forest: Yuta/Mana, Yuta/Rin
Marmalade Boy: Yuu/Miki, Miki/Ginta
Card Captor Sakura: Sakura/Syaoran, Tomoyo/Eriol, Sakura/Yukito
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch: Lucia/Kaito, Hanon/Tarou
Absolute Boyfriend: Riiko/Night, Riiko/Soshi
Pokemon: Ash/Misty, Drew/May, Brock/A girl who likes him
Powerpuff Girls Z: Momoko/Brick, Kaoru/Butch, Miyako/Boomer
Teen Titans: Robin/Starfire, Beast Boy/Raven, Cyborg/BB, Beast Boy/Terra
Naruto: Sasuke/Sakura, Sakura/Naturo
Super Gals: Ran/Yuya, Rei/Aya, Miyu/Yamato
Princess Nine: Ryo/Hiroki
Tokyo Mew Mew: Ichigo/Masaya, Ichigo/Ryou, Ichigo/Kish
Harry Potter: Harry/Hermione, Hermione/Ron, Harry/Cho, Harry/Ginny
The Least Favorite Couples
InuYasha: Kagome/Miroku, Kagome/Sesshomaru, InuYasha/Kikyo, Sango/InuYasha
Kodocha: Sana/Naozumi, Akito/Fuka, Sana/Rei, Sana/Tsuyoshi
Ultra Maniac: Nina/Kaji, Ayu/Tuyjiei, Ayu/Yuta
Princess Tutu: Rue/Fakir
The Familiar of Zero: Saito/Kirche, Saito/Siesta, Louise/Gulio
Sailor Moon: Serena/Prince Diamond, Darien/Rae
Ranma 1/2: Ranma/Kodachi, Ranma/Shampoo, Akane/Dr. Tofu, Akane/Kuno, Ranma/Ukyo
Fruits Basket: Kyo/Kagura, Tohru/Shigure
Daa! Daa! Daa: Kanata/Christine, Miyu/Seiya
Full Moon: None so far
The World of Narue: Narue/Maruo, Kazuto/Yagi
Marmalade Boy: Yuu/Arimi
Card Captor Sakura: Tomoyo/Syaoran, Eriol/Sakura, Yukito/Syaoran, Yukito/Tomoyo
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch: None so far
Absolute Boyfriend: Mika/Night
Pokemon: May/Ash, Brock/Misty, Brock/May, Drew/Misty
Teen Titans: Robin/Raven, Cyborg/Starfire, Beast Boy/Starfire
Naruto: Sakura/Rock Lee, Sakura/Kakashi
Super Gals: Rei/Miyu, Rei/Ran, Yamato/Aya, Fan girl/Yuya, Rei/Fan girl, Yuya/Miyu, Yuya/Aya
Princess Nine: Hiroku/Izumi
Tokyo Mew Mew: Ichigo/Keiishiro
Harry Potter: Hermione/Malfoy, Ron/Lavender, Harry/Moaning Myrtle, Malfoy/Ginny
The Story Stats
Cinderella: The InuYasha Version--Complete, 7 chapters
InuYasha Boarding School--Complete, 20 Chapters
Their Life Together--Complete, 14 Chapters
Romeo and Juliet--Incomplete, 36 Chapters
I Think I Love You--Incomplete, 12 Chapters
Win Me Over--Incomplete, 3 Chapters
Worlds Collide Chapter One--Incomplete, 1 Chapter
Stories: 7
Completed Stories: 3
Incompleted Stories: 4
Total Chapters Written: 89
InuYasha: 5
Card Captor Sakura: 2
The Full Summeries
Cinderella: The InuYasha Version--Kagome is a maid with two evil step sisters and an evil step mother. She works hard everyday and gets nothing but agony. That is...until the night of the prince's ball. Kagome goes but will this night change her life forever? Or will she remain a helpless maid for the rest of her life? COMPLETE InuKag Chapters: 7
InuYasha Boarding School--Find out what it's like for InuYasha and the gang to be in a boarding school! Love, rivals, and pranks...this is one story you just have to read!COMPLETE InuKag MirSan KogAya RinSess Chapters: 20
Their Life Together--When InuYasha goes to hell with Kikyo, Kagome is extremely upset. So she decides to go and live with Koga. COMPLETE KogKag Chapters: 14 Warning: Chapters very short.
Romeo and Juliet--The Kinomoto's and Li's have been enemies for generations. Kinomoto Sakura and Li Syaoran attend the same school and absolutely dispise one another. But an unexpected even happens to cause the two to begin to fall in love. But how will their love last when their families hate each other? SS Romeo and Juliet type of story. Chapters: 36
I Think I Love You--Sakura's dad is the happiest he's been in over 12 years. He met a woman he loves and has been dating her for a month now. Sakura is happy for her dad and goes with him to visit his new girlfriend. But everything gets screwed up...BIG TIME. How? Sakura falls in love with her dad's girlfriend's SON. SxS ExT Chapters: 12
Win Me Over--They hate each other. But their friends sign them up for a reality show. The prize is ten thousand dollars. How hard can it be? I mean, all they have to do is spend a month locked in a room together. InuKag Chapters: 3
Worlds Collide--Here's the story of two families. The woman has three daughters. The man has three sons. What happens when this "happy family" forms and the siblings begin to fall in love with each other? Uh oh. Sorry parents. InuKag MirSan KohakuRin Chapters: 1
The Story Planning
CCS Stories
Princess Sakura and Prince Syaoran have been forced to spend summer together ever since they were little. But just as they start to fall in love, Sakura is taken by an evil wizard to a castle on the lake. Until she agrees to marry him, he changes her into a swan each day. Only at night is she allowed to be in her human form. Only a vow of true (and everlasting) love can break the curse. Will Syaoran be able to make that vow? SxS
For the Girl I Love
Although Syaoran and Eriol each have girlfriends, they make a bet after getting drunk to see who can date the most girls in the next month. The winner gets to KEEP his girlfriend...the loser has to break up with his. When Syaoran looses, what can he tell his girlfriend...Sakura Kinomoto? SxS
Welcome to My Life
Sakura Kinomoto lives in a luxury hotel. She absolutely despises the managers son, who also lives there. By day, she attends school and puts up with the annoying managers son, but by night she chats online with a boy shes slowly falling in love with. And he is? Take one guess. SxS ExT
Can't Buy My Love
It's the opposite! Syaoran's a nerd and Sakura is the most popular girl in school. Syaoran pays her to go out with him for a month...but she swears she could never fall in love with him, not for all the money he pays her even. Well, is this true? And what happens when Syaoran steadily becomes more and more popular? SxS ExT
InuYasha Stories
Happiness is in the Eyes of the Beholder
InuYasha has the perfect girlfriend, Kagome. But everything is so...planned out. Nothing's exciting anymore. That is, until he meets Kikyo and his life starts brightening up. He's happy with her, but he doesn't want to leave Kagome. What is a guy to do? Plor somewhat based on The Last Kiss though I've never seen it before. InuKag MirSan
Harry Potter Stories
Mirror Mirror
This year at Hogwarts everything is getting shaken up. A magical mirror arrives at the school and it has the power to show you your soul mate when you look into it. All the students are trying to sneak a peek. Harry, Hermione and Ron find a way into the room where the mirror is hidden, and look into it. Who will it show for each of them?
The Recent Updates
New Chapter - I Think I Love You Chapter Twelve (Card Captor Sakura)
New Story - Worlds Collide Chapter One (InuYasha)
Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed my profile! Later.
~Starlight Maiden 1216