Hey everyone, I'm starting a new story again...I know that..er..I shouldn't but I have no more idea for the other stories. Anywayz..this time I promise that I will finish this story no matter what. Well, here's the profile of the characters. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Sadly...I don't own CCS, CLAMP does.

Title: GOD Sisters

Summary: Due to the 'Lucky Draw' result Sakura, Meiling, and Tomoyo the three goddess of Elements was send down to earth for one year to make their 'Lucky One' happy through out the whole year...SS, ET, MJ.

Name:Sakura Kinomoto

Age: 21

Sign: Hope

Identity: Water Goddess, ruler of the Water Realm in Heaven. Normal form is a mermaid.

Powers: Controls the element water. Can also controls ice and could freeze things.

Magic Item: A silver ring with a star-shaped, crystal blue-colored attached to it. Sakura wears it on her right hand's index finger.

Personalities: Very outgoing, carefree, adventurous, super hyper, goes for the extreme, likes to find out about others people's secrets, very clever and athletic, quiet modern and fashionable, impatient and stubborn.

Name: Meiling Rae

Age: 21

Sign: Courage

Identity: Thunder Goddess, ruler of the Thunder Realm in Heaven.

Powers: Controls thunder/electricities

Magic Item: A tiny silver sword which Meiling wore it like a necklace. A green crystal is attached to the handle of the tiny sword.

Personalities: Likes to joke around a lots, even at serious times, but always cheer peoples up. Very optimistic and brave, has a bad temper but kind at heart. Skilled at sword fighting, a bit cocky. Has a puppy as a pet name Elecy, the puppy has the ability to shock people as well.

Name: Tomoyo Daidouji

Age: 21 1/2

Sign: Love

Identity: Fire Goddess, ruler of the Fire Realm in Heaven.

Powers: Controls the element of fire.

Magic Item: A cross that Tomoyo wore around her neck. A red crystal is attached to the center of the cross.

Personalities: The serious one of the three, very polite and formal, can be a bit spoil at times but respects her elders a lots. Very classy and fancy, likes to shop, the most fashionable one of the three. A loyal friend, could be a bit rude towards the ones she detest.

Name: Syaoran Li

Age: 22
Identity: A super rich guy, attends Hong Kong University. Lives in a huge mansion with his best friends - Eriol and Jamie
Personalities: Fun is all he thinks about. Can't live without excitements, adventures. Very funny, knows how to bright up your day. Caring and sweet, but is a playboy, flirts a lots. Target of every girl in the Uni.

Name:Jamie Ling

Age: 22
Identity: Same as Syaoran. Lives with Syaoran& Eriol
Personalities: Very romantic, yet another playboy and flirts a lot as well. Goes out on dates with a different girl almost every night. Very athletic, but hot tempered and cocky, kinda spoiled but is very nice to young children and old people.

Name: Eriol Hiiragizawa
Age: 22
Identity: Same as Syaoran. Lives with Syaoran & Jamie.
Personalities: Cool and fashionable, cares a lots about his looks, especially his hair. Can't stand serious people, not a formal guy. Very kind, sweet, jokes around like a kid. Another playboy, got tons of girlfriends and is quite good at flirting.

YAY! I'm done with the character profile! Took me sooo long. Hehehe. But it's all good now. Hope you guys will support me on this fic. I'll update chapter 1 in a few days. Bye!

- Anne