Author has written 8 stories for Eternal Sonata, Digimon, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Harry Potter, and Fire Emblem.
In regards to the fanfic Forever Yours:
Hello to all my beloved fans. Thank you for not giving up on me completely. Because I have not given up. I have laid out three new chapters, yes, THREE. And our newest addition, older Morgan, will be making his appearance in the tenth chapter (counting from the eighth one where I left off). I have written parts of chapters nine and eleven and I have been drafting whenever I have the free time (mostly on public transportation between my internship and campus).
In regards to the fanfic Irreplaceable:
I have made a sequel! It's definitely less angst, more romance, more resolution. I look forward to the finished product, and I hope you guys will too.
Video games - Sometimes romance is vague and even neglected, and I feel it is my duty to fabricate some stories for the characters.
Manga/Anime - Honestly, I think it kills them to put the characters together. So once again, I will be dutiful and just get it over with for them.
I hope to be very active and to make friends with fellow writers and dearest readers.
I want to grow as a writer and also keep writing as an important part of my life.
I want to produce works that both my readers and I will love.
Stories Thus Far:
1. Once Loved - My first story published to fanfiction. It was because I was so impassioned by this story that I felt the need to create an account here. Coupling here is FalsettoxJazz from Eternal Sonata.
2. Love Needs a Dash of Courage - Summer time means revisiting childhood cartoons and Digimon was the lucky winner this year! Coupling is TaixSora because I'm still in denial after 02.
3. Connect the Dots - I'm on a Digimon high I think. After having my Taiora fix, I wanted to try something fresh. TaixMimi is super cute! Then again, Mimi looks good with just about anyone from Digimon 01.
4. Take Note of Me - Michi AGAIN. This came to me during my above Michi fic and was also partly inspired by my writing process. I tried using gel pen to draft my Taiora story, and it did not go well...'
5. Irreplaceable - A story of angst! I decided to give time for Phoenix to brood over Mia and it got out of hand. One-sided Phoenix - Mia, and one- sided Maya - Phoenix.
6. Ruffian - Tai and Izzy! Friends for life! Partners in crime! They are absolutely too cute (: It's super short, but I think it says all that needs to be said. Just one lazy afternoon scene.
7. Hear My Pleas - Anticipated three-parts. Simply readjusting the ending of Harry Potter to suit my tastes just like everyone else lol. I am rather fond of romance that is chock full of angst...
8. Forever Yours - My comeback! Going to be a chapter series that will be active till the end. It's shaping up to be one of my favorite stories. I hope you all like it as well.
Stories To Come:
They're all a surprise :P But I must confess, I really prefer to write one-shots (even if they end up long) over chapter stories. I fear my conviction will fall through if I wrote longer stories.
Well, it's almost elementary. If you don't like something, you're not obligated to read it. My writing is more for myself and my own pleasure. If you disagree with my preferred couplings, then don't flame my work simply because of that. I have the lowest respect for people who go around giving rude reviews to stories that just weren't about their favorite couple. You might not know it, but it's hurtful and disrespectful to the writer. Other than that, I really hope that you enjoy my work for what it is and I wholeheartedly accept constructive criticism.
Did you know?
I firmly believe that there is not a single piece of work that cannot be improved. Therefore, as an author, I often reread my works and edit them whenever and wherever possible. The changes to my stories may be slight, but they are always being polished.
If you read to the end of this, I sincerely thank you (: