Title: Forever Yours

Author: xChocolat

Date Published: 03.23.13

Disclaimer: Fire Emblem: The Awakening and all its characters belong to Nintendo.

Summary: A twist on Chrom and his tactician. Romance, angst and betrayal ensues.

The evening sun set the lands ablaze after the arduous battle, basking Chrom and his Shepherds in a golden light that brought the promise of a new future.

The war between Ylisse and Plegia was over. Gangrel met with his demise, bringing the Mad King's reign to an end. Peace was slowly but surely making its return to the land and to celebrate, Chrom was getting engaged.

To Sumia.

There were a few gentle teases but most everyone gave them their most sincere encouragement and support. For once, Sumia stood upright without a single shred of fear in her eyes. The pride she held in her love for Chrom made her radiate with immeasurable confidence. Instead it was Chrom who became bashful, a slight pink hue rising in his cheeks.

Robin smiled ruefully to herself as she turned her back on them, following the others away to give them their privacy.

Everyone around her cheered and some started crying from joy and relief. They chattered happily about their return home and all the pleasures that they would finally allow themselves to partake now that they stood victorious.

Robin too rejoiced and hugged her comrades, thanking them and congratulating them.

But all the while, she felt her heart break, one sliver at a time. She feared her friends would soon hear the cracking that was growing ever louder so she quickly slipped away. Seeking sanctuary in the forest, Robin leaned back, relinquishing all her weight to the tree and sank down shakily onto the cold, hard ground.

The pounding of her heart only hastened its shattering. The erratic beating reverberated in her ears and she threw her arms around her legs, drawing them as close as she could to her chest in a final feeble attempt to keep herself together.

Oh gods...

Robin bit her lip hard and buried her face into her arms.

I thought... I... I dared to think that you felt the same as I did...

The tears she held back broke in hot waves that flowed freely from her cheeks.

I'm sorry...that I fell in love with you Chrom...

A/N: Just setting up the story here. This will be my first chapter story! Really excited. Please review to let me know what you think and follow the story if you like it. Chapter one will be out within the next 24 hours (and it's about five times longer). Thank you!