Here's Cyborg's view on things...

Cyborg's P.O.V

Cyborg was starting to wish that he had a jetpack installed in his suit so he could just fly to the stupid portal, but nooo, naturally he had to walk through the whole forest instead, with no path, accompanied by a self-esteem lacking clingy copycat of his best friend.

Neediness didn't talk much unless Cyborg talked first, and even then he usually answered with short, blunt answers, and also constantly shot worried glances at Cyborg like he was worried he would disappear if he looked away for too long.

Cyborg frequently made attempts at starting a conversation, which Neediness tended to bat off with half hearted replies.

"A school, huh? What's it like?" Cyborg tried once again.

In his mind he got a vivid mental image of a Beast Boy with a goatee, glasses and a cane (the type used to hit misbehaving kids) glaring at him from a teacher's desk.

Shuddering, he thought the image away.

"I don't know," Said Neediness. "I haven't been there."

Neediness, my foot. This guy should be Ignorance, Cyborg thought in exasperation.

"Why not?"

"I'm not allowed. Anyway, who would want to hang around with me? I'm so clueless and useless and a liability and... "

Cyborg cut off the beige teen's pity party with a question.

"Why aren't you allowed? You a criminal or something?" He laughed.

Neediness winced for some reason and unconsciously rubbed his back.

"Even as a criminal I failed," He mumbled, which made no sense to Cyborg but before he could ask Neediness continued, "And I'm not allowed without permission. None of us are allowed in the others domains without the permission of the aspect living there."

Here he sighed deeply.

"That's why you're going to leave me when you get there," He whimpered. "Because I can't come."

Cyborg flinched.

"Oh. Look man, I didn't know that you weren't allowed."

Neediness shrugged and kicked a pebble mournfully.

Cyborg didn't know what to say, so he decided to change the subject.

"So, uh... Why are you so unlike BB?"

Neediness gave him a look that said clearly, You have to be kidding me.

"I'm not. You just don't know him well enough to ever see me. I make up quite a bit of his personality."

"Which is why I've never seen you before today."

Neediness sighed.

"I prefer to stay in the back."

"Of what, his head?"

"His mind," Snapped Neediness angrily, purposely cutting off any further attempts at conversation. "And if you really knew him, you'd have met me by now!"

Cyborg was silenced by this cutting remark, and soon enough he and the emoticlone reached a swirling green portal.

Neediness gestured to it sadly.

"There you are. Go on, jump in. Abandon me like everyone else."

Cyborg gave his 'friend' a hurt look.

"BB, Needy, whatever, I'm not abandoning you. I never would."

"That's what they all say," Whispered Neediness.

Cyborg, giving up, stepped forward hesitantly only to be stopped by a sniffling sound behind him. He turned around abruptly, catching the small beige teen in the middle of wiping his eyes which were pooled with tears.

"Are you crying?" Cyborg asked awkwardly, not knowing how to deal with things like emotions when it came to this.

"No," Snapped Neediness, attempting to act strong. "Now go on. Intelligence is waiting."

Cyborg wanted to stay and comfort his friend, but he knew that once BB was stubborn about something, he wouldn't change his mind anytime soon.

With a sigh he turned and jumped into the portal, Neediness's sobs echoing behind him.