Hey all. After writing two one-shots and getting such excellent feedback from all you guys I am going to write you all a multi-chapter story between Beast Boy and Raven.

I've been trying to get at least something published so far every two days. But I promised myself for this story I would try to make the chapters between 2500-5000 words. This is taking slightly longer than I expected so I might not be able to publish the first chapter till Sunday or Monday. I did want you guys to know the good news so I decided to write an announcement/teaser for you guys. If you've ever read "The Gift" the author did the same thing for his story (except for mine will certainly not be as long). This is the announcement from Allen Blaster. Now the teaser for "I'm Sorry"

Disclaimer: If I owned the Teen Titans I'd be making more Episodes for the fans.


"Come on dude why do you have to make so much meat in the mornings!"

"Because I, unlike you, love to start my mornings with at least ten pounds of Juicy, Greasy, hot off the stove bacon!"

"Can't you at least wait for me to eat my breakfast before you cook so much murdered animal in front of me Cy!"

"No can do grass stain. Why don't you try some you might actually like it." he said lifting his eyebrows.

"Dude, I turn into them why would I want to eat them!"

"Because they taste good!"

Yep just another morning and Cyborg and Beast Boy were arguing over breakfast once again.

"Do they have to do this every morning." Robin asked to himself.

"Well Robin at least them doing this means they are feeling the normal." Starfire replied.

"Well if that means another normal morning then…"

Raven entered the room through the sliding doors.

"Yep looks like it's going to be another normal morning since Raven just arrived for her morning tea."

Raven silently glided over to her kettle and set it on the stove to boil.

"Can you guys ever start a morning without a fight." she said in her monotone voice.

"I wouldn't argue with Chrome Dome here if he served waffles in the morning instead of murdered animal!"

"Oh yeah Grass Stain! Well I bet that if you stopped eating that tofu crap maybe I would actually make you something without meat!"

"Dude, what would I be able to eat if I didn't have tofu!"

"That's for you to figure out Grass Stain!"

Raven's kettle started going off and Raven took it off the stove. She then proceeded to pour the hot water in a cup and started to prepare her tea.

"Seriously Chrome Dome just once I'd like to see you take this!" as he picked up the bag of waffle mix, "And make waffles instead!" as he threw it towards Cyborg.

Cyborg, having spent years facing villains managed to easily dodge the 10 pound bag of mix. However, Raven, who had just picked up her finished tea didn't see it coming.


Author's Notes:

Well I decided to play the evil cliffhanger card here for this teaser. What will Raven's Reaction be? Will Beast Boy live? Is this author going to get to work on the story? Find out when the next update comes out. This is Allen Blaster saying "Till next time."