we have reached the end of our fluffy story! I had so much fun with this and surprisingly was quite difficult for me to write, but we made it!
Huge huge thank you to all that follow read review and fav,
For the month of October I'll be taking a break from "Freezing Flame", and "Dragons Reign" so I can focus on a Halloween story, which I promise to be awesome! Big sorry in the mean time.
Enjoy the final chapter. Read review and see ya next time.
Chapter 10: Time for a baby.
"Mom, your embarrassing Me in front of the superhero."
Megan ignored her son's plea and continued to shower the boy with kisses, hugs, and all manner of lovens while Garfield Logan, now Changeling stood snickering in the corner of the hospital room. Luckily her son, Dillon, after being checked out, was fine. A little dehydrated and malnurished, but other then that, he was just fine.
Megan took a moment away from her son and turned to Garfield, tears of gratitude and joy streaming down her face. "Thank you, thank you for saving him." She held him close, intent on never letting go.
Gar shrugged, "It's what we do. I'm just sorry he was in danger to begin with."
She shook her head, "You didn't have a say in what Galtry would do. It wasn't anyone's fault but his."
He gave her a warm smile before tosseling her sounds hair. He chit chatted with the boy a bit longer, learning that Green Lantern was his favorite and Robin was his favorite Teen Titan, Stephanie Robin to clarify, when a nurse, looking frantic, entered their room.
"Mister Logan, we need you in your wife's room."
His shoulders quickly tensed as if he was about to pounce at a seconds notice. "What's going on? Are they alright?"
"I, uh, I'm not sure."
Without a goodbye he took off towards his wife and newborn son's room, to find a scene that didn't quite surprise him.
A red and four eyed Raven sat on her hospital bed with her son clutched tightly to her chest, snarling, hacking and cursing in a gutteral demonic language at the terrified doctors and nurses in her room. At this point in their relationship, Garfield expected this kind of behavior, even found it comical at times, but for the sake of everyone involved he should try to wrangle her in.
Her head snapped in his direction when he began to approach cautiously. "MATE! TELL THESE MORTALS TO STAND BACK LEST THE TASTE MY WRATH!"
Garfield had his hands up and spoke softly like she was a frightened cat. "Rae, do you trust me?"
She tilted her head, as if she hadn't heard him correctly. "OF COURSE. JUST NOT THEM!" Her arms went tighter around her newborn which caused the little one to grunt in protest. Garfield could see a little pale fist emerge from the bundle of blankets and began tapping his mother in a smacking fashion. After a few taps her eyes shifted into two, violet orbs and her dark powers retreating from the darkness and back into her body.
Raven looked around confused and somewhat frightened, but Gar was by her side in a second. "Hey, it's okay, Rae. You and him have had a very traumatic experience and the doctors need to check him thats all." His voice was low and so soothing Raven had no choice but to hand her son over to a very careful and hesitant hospital staff.
As soon as he left his mother's warmth he began to fuss and whimper, this of course put Raven on edge, but knowing that this might happen, Gar made sure to pour as much soothing and loving emotions into his wife.
"What . . . happened?" she asked once she had settled.
He chuckled. "You went demon four-eyes when they went to take him away to check him out." She flushed with embarrassment, but he continued, "Then he tapped on you a few times and you calmed down. It was weird, and cute at the same time."
A small smile graced her lips. "He has some empathic abilities. Our close bond as mother and son means we'll be able to feel each other no matter what."
His ears drooped in a mock pout. "Awe. How am I supposed to bond with him?"
With an eye roll she responded, "You get to change him." They both shared a very tired laugh before her head slumped against the pillow. "What about Galtry?"
She noticed his jaw tighten. "Richard thinks he had me help make a suit to buy time till you give birth and once you had he was going kill us and take our son, who would have inherited my families money." Gar took a moment to compose himself, allowing his jaw to unclench and calm himself. The very thought of Galtry raising his son made his blood boil. "Something happened to him during our fight. I don't know what, but the doctors and Vic are looking him over now to figure it out."
Raven examined him closely while taking his hand in hers. "I'm proud of you, Gar. You didn't kill him when everything you have told you too. Hell I want to lick his blood off my fingers while his entrails roasted on a spit."
He met her stare and gave a small but warm smile. "I couldn't do that to you or our family. He may have deserved it, but I had to prove I was the bigger man, and once again, I did it."
She was able to push a smile from behind her exhaustion, and though she was tired, he still needed to know something.
"Gar, while you were battling your uncle, a demon from my father's realm came for . . . our son." His mood shifted again, his ears forward and hair on end. "Don't worry, Drake and Richard saved us, but Gar. . . he knows. We have to assume he's always known."
His anger gave way to determination. "Well protect him. No matter what well protect him."
She nodded, "I have no doubt in my mind that you will. But you know more will be needed."
He furrowed his brow in anger, he knew what she was implying. "No Raven, we can't- I don't trust him."
"We don't have to trust him, just trust that he'll keep his own interests in mind and that's keeping Trigons grandson away from him."
He frowned hard, not liking the idea in the slightest, but finally nodded his head. "Your right. Your always Right."
"And don't you forget it." she smirked.
He was about to bite back with one of his famous Garfield comebacks, when the nurse had returned with their now shrieking son. She informed them that he was perfectly healthy, just hungry and practically threw him into her mother's arms before scurrying away. Obviously not wanting to potentially anger the half demon new mother again.
The wailing child flailed about clearly starving and not having any idea were his nourishment would be coming from. "Looks like it's feeding time."
Garfield's ears perked up along with a huge grin spreading across his face. "Sweet!"
She rolled her eyes, "Grow up." She exposed her breast and helped guide her son to her nipple who eagerly began to eat. "Hungry huh?" Though he couldn't answer they could swear he let out a small little sigh of contentment as he suckled. With everything that had been happening Garfield and forgotten to appreciate the finer things, like how Ravens breasts had swollen with his sons milk. Feeling him staring she responded, "Take a picture it'll last longer. On second thought don't do that."
He laughed but managed to rip his eyes away from her breasts and found himself lost in his little boy. Without Galtry or demons attacking he was finally able to get a good full look at his son. He was really pale, almost white, and any color was all on his head, a full head of dark violet hair, but if the light hit it just right, he could make out the slightest highlight of green. His ear were tiny and barely pointed making his round head the most adorable thing he had ever seen in his life.
"Raven, he's perfect." he swooned. With his large hand he began to rub his sons head, taking notice of the smooth flesh he possessed and watching the green catch the sunlight from his hair. He looked up to Raven, whose eyes burned with tears of pure happiness.
"I can't believe we're parents," she chocked, "To a little boy."
"We still need to name him to."
Her eyes went wide, "Oh God that's right. Um, any ideas?"
"One. Hunter." she looked at him a bit surprised, "What? It was the only thing I could think of."
Raven mulled it over then looked back down at her still feeding son, "I like it. He can easily grow into it."
They both sighed in relief and continued to watch Hunter Mark Logan eat his fill.
Mortified the new parents turned their attention to the open doors to see both Mar'i and Kori being held back by Richard. The two Tameranians we're eager to get a glimpse at the new Logan, but fearing the condition they would be in, Richard had to hold them back, to no avail.
"Yes Mar'i they are quite plump, the better to feed her new Bumgorf."
"Kori," Raven plead, "Can we not talk about my boobs for a few minutes." Kori placed a hand over her mouth, but couldn't contain her joyful giggles. "Richard, let them go."
He didn't have much choice as they tore themselves from his grasp and we're eyeing the newborn in her arms.
"Ew, it's a boy." Mar'i scrunched her face at the young one.
"And quite, pale? Paler then you Raven." Kori noticed.
"I'm thinking it's his angelic heritage, but I still need to have that checked somehow."
"What's his name?" Mar'i asked.
"Hunter Mark Logan." Garfield answered proudly.
The girls continued to gush over the little one, while Richard hung back for a moment longer, until finally he motioned for Garfield to follow him.
Stepping into the hallway they were met by and annoyed looking VIctor, telling Garfield they had information about his uncle.
"So, what's the word?" he asked.
Vic and Richard exchanged looks, before Victor answered, "His suit was state of the art stuff ya know, everything was top of the line, including a neurological link." Garfield's blank stare told him to elaborate, "It's like Terras suit that Slade gave to her. Hardwired into her skin? His suit had a link straight to his mind. When you two fought it sort of shorted out, and pretty much, fried his brain."
Garfield's lungs lost their air, "You mean . . . I-"
Richard firm hand was on his shoulder. "You were defending your family, whatever happened was NOT your fault. Understand?"
He hung his head. He knew he shouldn't feel guilty in the slightest for what happened to Galtry, but he couldn't help it. That's just the kind of person her was, and deep in the back of his mind Galtry was still family, and the only connection he had left to his parents. But the more logical part of himself said he had a new family now, and they were all the mattered to him.
Victor clapping his metal hands brought him back to Earth. "Welp, I'm certainly not gonna cry about it. No if you'll excuse me, I've gotta meet my new nephew."
He stepped into the hospital room, but Gar had neglected to tell him that Raven was still breast feeding. But he soon found out . . . the hard way.
Two weeks later.
"Where's Hunter? Where's Hunter?" The small pale baby boy searched for his father, but was unable to find him as he hid behind his giant hands. "Peek a boo!" Hunter jumped than began kicking excitedly when he met his father's matching pair of forest green eyes.
"He has your smile." said Raven from the comfort of the couch. She had settled into her usual routine of a book in her hands and her butt planted on the couch. What she said about her son was true. He had his father's eyes and wide, though toothless, grin.
"Don't be jealous Rae, he has your hair and skin. Except ya know . . whiter." He glanced back at her, "When are we going to-"
"I have yet to contact an expert in the field of angels, even those from azarath are a bit puzzled, but he is definitely mostly angel. And to answer your other question, no I haven't contacted him yet either."
"Good." Garfield didn't want to press the issue further and went back to playing with his son, at least until there came a knock at the door.
"Ugh, who is it now?" It was to be expected that Raven would be a little frustrated with so many visitors wanting to see the newest bundle of Titan joy, and it just seemed like they kept coming. She hoisted herself from her comfortable position on the couch and opened the door for Drake, Kole and Chloe.
"Okay where is the little angel?" Kole asked excitedly. She pushed past Raven moving about her home in search of the young one.
"Normally that's just a metaphor, but he's in here." Raven led them to the living room where Gar had shifted Hunter to his lap. As Raven had expected, Kole let out a loud "Awe" before commenting on how much he looked like his father.
"Chloe wanna say hello?" Kole knelt down and placed Chloe onto the floor a good few feet away from the new baby. Chloe looked back at her mother confused, but Kole just pointed to Hunter and encouraged her to go say hello. Chloe turned her large round head to Hunter before getting to all fours and began crawling towards him.
"Oh wow, she's crawling!" Raven exclaimed.
"She just started doing that the other day." Drake had taken a seat on the arm of the couch and watched from afar.
Chloe slapped her hands against the floor until she was in front of Hunter. She got into a seated position and the two babies began to stare at each other with curiosity.
"Careful Drake," Gar chuckled, "First she's crawling, then walking, next thing you know she's dating."
"Don't even joke about things like that." the knight growled.
"She's gonna be daddies little girl forever." Kole smirked kissing him on the cheek.
Drake helped his wife onto his lap. "And don't you ever forget it."
They couple sat themselves on the couch and began to chit chat the night away, Garfield wrapping his arms around Raven pulling her as closely as he could, and was never going to let go if he had anything to say about it. All the while the two babies played on the carpet below them.
Then Hunter sneezed, shattering every light bulb in the house.
xxxxxxx xxxxxx
A nurse wheeled Nicholas Galtry into who sat atop a wheelchair into the main room of the intensive mental care unit of the hospital. The nurse placed the drooling man in front of the television, locked the wheelchair and let him be. This was his routine for the last couple of weeks once it was proven that he was essentially brain dead, as if he was locked inside his own body. Galtry stared blankly at the television screen, not registering what was being shown, or the fact that a man in a deep blue suit was standing next to him.
"Comfortable?" he asked in a silky smooth English accent. Galtry made no movement. "Good. I'm glad. This is one of the best facilities that handle people that need intensive care after all."
The demon King took a seat next to him to watch the television, well aware of Galtry's condition.
"You know this isn't completely personal, I mean sure you did go back on our arrangement, but no. You were going to end up my tenant in the end anyways, after what you put a child through, but now you won't pass the gates of hell for a long, long . . . long time." Landon leaned closer to Galtry's ear, "You remember no harm was to come to Raven, or her child, and your little scheme to keep him for yourself was NOT part of the bargain." The Englishman leaned back in his chair. "I guess it worked out in the end. They still need me to help watch over the little darling. Course that could just be because of Trigons demon I set loose, which was no easy feat mind you. But hey, you'll have a long long time to think about what you've done. Lucky me, my little soul locking spell was masked by your suits malfunction."
Landon put his feet up onto the coffee table to enjoy an afternoon of television with his favorite vegetable.
"Once again. I still win."
So the details of the how Chloe, Hunter and the other kids may be different from the main story line , but they are still cannon.
I hope you loved it!