Part I
"Ma'am, my opinion is that her son suffers from a mild form of psychosis... nothing serious, just a... er... excess of imagination."
"B-but it is treatable, right? I mean... you said that it is mild..."
"Yes, enough of hypnosis sessions, You can convince him to come to the lessons saying that they are telepathy or mind control lessons or things like that, he likes these things."
In the room near the one where a lady and a doctor were talking, a little child was having a conversation with a stuffed tiger
Imagination is more important than knowledge¹
Part II
A month later
"Why did you...?
"Calvin, was for your own good."
"And what do you know of my good.?"
"Calvin, It was not real!"
"Well, for me it was!"
A door slammed. Two worried parents looked into the eyes of the other.
Who can decide what is real and what is not?
Part III
Ten years later
Calvin had become a lazy and listless teenager when they removed removed him the fantasy. He was trying to dream but could not ... not as before.
He went slowly in the garage with his father, to brush up on some things for the driving test.
Entered, accidentally collided with a shelf, and some boxes fell over him. He saw a tiny orange stuffed animal falling on his face. When he opened his eyes, he saw Captain Napalm* action figure and a F-14 airplane model with a poorly assembled plastic dinosaur*. He spat dust and quickly put everything in the box again while he remembered something the thought to have suppressed, while his father asked him if he was okay.
Soon his parents might believe him comimg home with the crashed car. Not like that time, long ago...*
He could not spit out some orange fur that remained between his teeth.
He would not have a good grade in the test, given the poor visibility... having eyes flooded with tears.
He exitedthe car and came back in the garage looking to a little plush arm showing up from the box that fell before.
"Would you be happy with happy with me, old friend? Without dreams, ambitions... no, of course not..."
What can I do... well... I would have an idea ...
As I said long ago... it 'a magical world, Hobbes, buddy ... Let's go exploring...
to discover new places, new beauties, new ideas and new dreams."
Oh yes Calvin're just curious as a child ...
Many great men were still active in their ninety ... and you know why? Because they still had dreams to realize!²
A a little house in the suburbs there was a garage with many old boxes... a tired and old tiger in one of these stood there in the dark with old memories. Something in him, smiled.
Truth is a matter of point of view.³
Author's afterword
If you find some mistakes please tell me, i'm italian and 14, so my english is not perfect.
This is my little tribute to the greatest comic strip ever. In the ending i made Hobbes "alive" because Watterson said that for him Hobbes is not completely imaginary but it's not even real.
I tried to use an experimental and minimalist style, so if you don't like it very much it may be for this choice. Actually, this was my very first fanfiction, so when i decided to post it here i fixed many things.
*Facts occurred in the comic strip
¹Alber Einstein
²Quote from The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck
³Quote from PKNA - Paperinik New Adventures, an italian Disney comic.