Timmy was looking out the window and had noticed the weather had taken a more severe approached to the island. Tim decided it was time to feed the new infant T-Rex and check on him. He grabbed the chicken and knife while walking towards the Hatchery.


Timmy walks into the hatchery were the baby T-Rex was being kept till he was little bigger. He walked over to the pen where he saw he was now standing after 48 hours of from hatching from his egg. Tim climbs into the pen and picked up Tiberius. The Young T-Rex let out a small squeal when he was picked up.

Tiberius let's out small growl that was harmless right now. Timmy wraps him up in the blanket and wraps him up to meet Rexy his new mommy. Tiberius snuggles close to the blanket while Timmy walked to Rexy's Paddock.

( Rexy's Paddock )

Timmy walks into the Paddock with Tiberius and Tiberius let's out wail because he didn't like the rain one bit. Rexy heard a small wail come from another T-Rex but she realized he was just a baby. Rexy smells the small T-Rex and makes small noises to get the little one to realized , he doesn't need to be afraid of the rain or her. Tiberius wails and wants to be next to his mommy.

Timmy let's him down the hatching and smiles when he runs around her legs to get some food from Rexy's new Mommy. Rexy roars wanting food so she can feed Tiberius.

Timmy walks over were the goats are being kept and pulls one over to Rexy. He puts flare next to it and took off running before was mistaking for food. Rexy killed the goat so she can feed her hatching, Tiberius kept close to his mommy and while waiting to be feed.

Rexy drops a small piece in his face and Tiberius looked up and he ate it . He makes happily noises while snuggle's close to Rexy's leg trying to keep dry. Rexy made a nest for him to sleep in and she wraps her tail around him. Tiberius was warm and sleeping next to his mommy.

(The Hatchery)

Timmy left the paddock and went back to the labs , where he can look at the other eggs that was getting ready to hatch soon.

/ Sorry I haven't had a lot time updating like I would love to do, reason for this is because I have been taking care of my mother who was diagnose 4 weeks ago with Cancer. But I am slowly working on other Chapters just not as fast as before /