![]() Author has written 17 stories for Teen Titans, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Hunger Games, Avatar: Last Airbender, Lorien Legacies, Hook, and Les Misérables. Hi, my name is Melusine. I'm a 16 year old writer who barely writes. Honestly, I sometimes wonder what I'm doing here. HUGE trigger warning before you scroll down: I find incestuous dynamics interesting, so I may write about/mention incest couples bellow. Fandoms: Hunger Games, Percy Jackson ad the Olympians/ Heroes of Olympus. Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia, Teen Titans, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Lorien Legacies, Les Miserables, The Fosters, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, From Dusk Till Dawn, Revenge, the 100 My Ships Ultimate OTPS are bolded Lorien Legacies: Marina/Nine, Marina/Adam, Marina/Five, Marina/Eight. Sam/Sarah, Sandor/Devektra, Marina/Sam, Ella/Five, Marina/Sandor, Marina/John, Adam/Five, Sam/Five (platonically and romantically), Daniela/Six, Mark/Marina, Six/Sarah. Teen Titans: Starfire/Red X, Starfire/Robin, Starfire/Beast Boy, Starfire/Speedy, Raven/Beast Boy, Beast Boy/Terra. Percy Jackson and the Olympians/Heroes of Olympus: Piper/Leo, Piper/Apollo, Piper/Jason, Piper/Connor, Nico/Will, Leo/Callypso, Reyna/Annabeth, Percy/Annabeth, Thalia/Percy, Percy/Artemis, Hazel/Frank, Hazel/Sammy, Frank/Piper, Percy/Piper, Percy/Bianca Avatar: The Last Airbender: Ty Lee/Zuko, Ty Lee/Sokka, Ty Lee/Jet, Ty Lee/Teo, Toph/Sokka, Suki/Zuko, Zuko/Yue, Azula/Sokka, Toph/Zuko, Mai/Sokka, Jet/Azula, Onji/Hide, Katara/Zuko (Sometimes), Zuko/Sokka (mostly platonically). Les Miserables: Enjolras/Eponine, Enjolras/Grantaire, Combeferre/Jehan, Combeferre/Coufeyrac, Marius/Cosette, Cosette/Joly, Joly/Eponine, Combeferre/Eponine, Eponine/Coufeyrac, Feuilly/Azelma. From Dusk Till Dawn: Kate/Seth, Kate/Santanico, Kate/Richie, Santanico/Paloma, Carlos/Santanico, Santanico/Happiness, Scott/Kate, Scott/Carlos. Game of Thrones/ A Song of Ice and Fire: Sansa/Robb, Sansa/Jon, Sansa/Theon, Sansa/Jaime, Jaime/Brienne, Jaime/Lyanna, Brienne/Hyle, Loras/Renly, Sansa/Willas, Sansa/Aegon, Daenerys/Jorah (non sexually but romantically?? idk how to explain it), Sansa/Sandor (same with Jorah/Dany), Yara/Daenerys, Sam/Gilly, Gendry/Arya, Jaime/Elia. Descendants: Ben/Evie, Evie/Harry, Mal/Audrey, Audrey/Lonnie, Chad/Doug, Evie/Chad (platonically), Jay/Evie, Jay/Carlos. Shadowhunter Chronicles: Sebastian/Clary, Will/Tessa, Jem/Tessa, Jessamine/Will, Jessamine/Gabriel, Jessamine/Gideon, Jem/Being Alive, Raphael/Clary, Emma/Julian, Emma/Mark, Emma/Cristina, Kit/Ty, Alec/Magnus, Mark/Kieran, Cristina/Mark, Cristina/Diego, Diego/Mark, Sophie/Gideon, Cecily/Gabriel. |