Author has written 11 stories for Harry Potter. I was the first Harry Potter fan fic writer, with "Harry Potter and the Man of Unknown," and I got Xing to start this section. I wrote the first Severus Snape fiction and started the Draco/Hermione ship. I'm so proud of the fact that I'm seventeen and feel terribly old. :sticks out her tongue: Now I'm just kind of a loser.Ahem, anyway, I tend to read slash more often than not nowadays. Favourite pairings are Snape/Harry (Snarry), Draco/Harry, and Snape/Lupin. The fanfic I'm currently working on is "The Spirit Room" with a mainly Draco/Harry feel to it. This fic is extremely dark and I warn anyone intending to read it that you must be prepared for the depression, hopelessness, and violence in the fic. There is some humour, but it's very cold, and, yes, the slash will show up eventually. I encourage reviews and critiques for TSR! TSR's main page Visit me: |