Two in one day NO WAY! Well here another one.

I do not own shake it up

"Hey there people its Jason and I am totally rocking this hosting thing man."

Yes Jason is still hosting. He tried to ask Gary if he wanted to continue but Gary wouldn't step a foot on the stage. He was still upset about his shaved head.

Jason chose a card and read it "Awesome! Here's something from TheKawaiinfan. She dares the girls to duct tape and chain Gary to a chair and to not let him go until you each get a truth. Whoa Mr. Boss! This has to suck for you."

Two workers grabbed Gary and sat him down on a wooden chair. The girls taped and chained him to the chair.

"Okay well this from FlynaAusllyRTD4eva. This fan has a truth for Gunther and Deuce. Have either of you ever had romantic feelings for Rocky and/or CeCe?"

"Well I did have a crush on Rocky in second grade. And then I had a crush on CeCe in seventh grade" said Gunther.

"Yeah I had a crush on Rocky in sixth grade" said Deuce.

"This is from Boris Yeltsin. He dares three people to act out a scene from Star Wars, the old Republic."

Deuce, Ty, and Tinka walked up and started to act it out. Once they were done they stepped back and waited for Jason to continue.

"Ha-ha. Star Wars rocks. Oh yeah I'm hosting a show!" he grabbed a card and read it. "This is from Candygarden. This fan dares CeCe to kiss Gunther for 30 seconds while, Gunther holds CeCe's butt and boobs. (Uhhhhh…)

CeCe slowly walked to Gunther and kissed him while he…well you know what he touched and felt. Even though it was a dare CeCe would swat and smack Gunther's hands away. Thirty seconds up! CeCe quickly pulled away and ran to Rocky and Tinka. And Gunther quickly walked to Ty and Deuce.

"Okay well let's go to the next card. This is from TheKawaiifan. She has a truth for the guys, have any of you scream like a girl or wet your pants when watching a horror movie?" said Jason.

The guys looked at each other and Ty spoke up "ha no way have I ever screamed like a girl or wet my pants." No one had anything to say about that.

Then Deuce said "yeah me too. I'd never do that!" CeCe looked at him and said "what about the time we went to see The Ward and The Dead oh and Red State and-" Deuce covered her mouth before she could name any more.

"Okay so maybe I got scared of a few movies" said Deuce.

"Well for sure I never did that" said Gunther.

"Yeah I never did either" said Jason. "Well except when I saw Toy Story 3. The ending scared me dude! I thought the Woody and Buzz would be gone forever! Anyway let's read the next card. This is from SolarianLovix."

"Ty what is the most embarrassing nickname anyone has ever gave you?"

"Deuce I dare Gary to put his hand in the toilet and then you have to lick it."

"Gunther who do you think in the room is most likely to flirt with themselves in the mirror?"

"Rocky I dare you to pick any food and to lick it off of Gary neck."

"CeCe if a very rich 87-year old man asked you to marry him would you say yes to him just for the money?"

"Tinka I dare you to French kiss the person of the group's choice for five minutes. If you refuse then take three more dares."

"So Ty what is the most embarrassing name anyone has ever gave you?" asked Gunther. Ty mumbled something but no one heard him. Deuce nudged him and Ty blurted out "fine they called me princess dorka after I went dressed as princess Laya for Halloween!" everyone laughed including Gary. (Yeah I forgot he was in this story)

"Whatever let's go to the dare now…Deuce" said Ty. Deuce stopped laughing. Ty and Gunther carried Gary to the bathroom and put his hand in the toilet. Then they carried him to the stage so Deuce could continue the dare.

Deuce closed his eye and quickly licked Gary's hand. "Aw man this is sick!" thought Deuce.

"Ugh nasty! Let's go on with the next truth. Gunther?" asked Jason.

Gunther looked around the room to answer his question. But it wasn't easy to answer. At the dressing mirror he saw CeCe making kissy faces at herself. Ty was at Gary's dressing mirror looking at him and mouthing compliments to himself about the dress. Tinka held her hand mirror and looking at her hair. Even Rocky was looking at herself in the mirror.

Gunther sighed and said "oh I do not know. Deuce I guess."

"Me? But I'm not even looking at a mirror" said Deuce.

"I know" muttered Gunther.

"Okay now let's go to a dare" said Jason.

Two workers came and held four jars. The first one held peanut butter and cheese. The second one held strawberry jam and ketchup. Rocky pouted and chose the strawberry jam. Gunther grabbed the jar and spoon and spread it on Gary's neck. Rocky stomped over and started licking it off. Once she was done she ran to the bathroom and washed her mouth.

When Rocky came back CeCe answered the question.

"I wouldn't marry someone old enough to be in a history book. Now I would marry his son."

Rocky tapped CeCe's shoulders and said "CeCe if he's 87 then his son's going to be pretty old too."

CeCe nodded and said "okay I'll marry his grandson."

"Now for your dare Tinka" said Jason. The teens except Tinka gathered to pick who she should kiss.

"What! But why me!" yelled Deuce.

CeCe pushed Deuce towards Tinka and said "we pick Deuce." Tinka sighed and French kissed Deuce.

Jason laughed and read the next card "this is from MysteryWriter12345. She dares Rocky and Gunther to play seven minutes in heaven in their underwear. And Rocky and CeCe make out until they run out of air."

Someone came and unchained Gunther and CeCe. Rocky and Gunther changed in their underwear and went in the closet to play seven minutes in heaven again.

Inside the closet

It was a bit different from the last time they were in the closet. Rocky was even shyer since she was half naked. Gunther wasn't any better. After two minutes of just standing there Gunther got closer to Rocky and kissed her…

Outside the closet

After the seven minutes were over the two teens came out a put their clothes back on. Once they came back Rocky walked to CeCe and did their dare. When they were done the girls walked to Gary and-




Tinka: creep

Rocky: cootie

CeCe: egg head

Jason laughed at the name calling and continued "This is from Tratie-Zutara-and-Perlia-Fan. This fan dares Tinka to sing broken hearted and Rocky does the rap. Gunther why do you like two girls and why didn't you choose Rocky? Tinka why do you like Ty? I dare Deuce to dress up in Lady GaGa's meat dress. Ask the whole cast to make up couple names for Tinka/Ty, Rocky/Gunther, CeCe/Deuce, Rocky/Deuce, and CeCe/Gunther. And I dare Gary to play seven minutes in heaven with Tinka."

Jason gave the micro phone to Tinka and she started singing. Unlike Gunther, Tinka's voice wasn't so bad. When the rapping part came Tinka gave the micro phone to Rocky. Rocky was great at the rap. When they were done everyone clapped.

Now Gunther had to answer the question. "I don't know what you're talking about. I don't like either of them. They both annoy me. And I picked CeCe because I know she still likes me after I dumped her at the school dance." (Episode: Hot mess it up)

CeCe looked at Gunther and smacked the back of his head. "I do not like you!"

CeCe looked at Tinka and asked "so why do you like Ty?"

"Well he is cute and a great dancer. And he's funny and…" Tinka continued to make the list. Ty crossed his arms and smiled. He was enjoying listening why Tinka liked him. Everyone else was getting tired of listening. Rocky finally told Tinka to stop.

Deuce went and changed into a meat dress. Why does shake it up have that dress? No one knows why.

"Now for you guys to make up those couple names" said Jason.

After thinking the teens finally got some names.

Ty/Tinka- Tynka

Rocky/Gunther- Runther


Rocky/Deuce- Drocky

CeCe/Gunther- GeCe

And now it was time for another kissing game. Ty pushed Gary (who was still tied to a chair) into the closet with Tinka. Nothing really happened in there.

"Man hosting is fun!" said Jason "Okay here's something from kadienewberg. Ty tell Tinka what you really think of her. Deuce has to tell Rocky that he thinks she looked sexy naked. And Gunther has to tell CeCe that she can give him another lap dance. Oh and she has no choice."

Ty took a deep breath and said "Tinka I think it's weird how you could wear so much Glitter and sequins. I feel like your foreign country is Mars. I don't like how you pick on my friends. But I think your fun to be with. You're an amazing dancer. And sometimes when you want to you can be nice."

Tinka smile and blushed. Even though she was insulted by the first part, she like what he said in the end.

Now it was Deuce's turn. He turned to Rocky and said "Rocky I think you looked really sexy naked. And I'm not lying! You looked really hot!"

Rocky felt her face heat up. She didn't feel like she got a compliment. She felt like she should hit him for saying that to her.

And last was Gunther. "CeCe you could give me another lap dance. Oh and you have no choice. This doesn't matter since you like me."

"I do not like you! Now shut up so we can get this over with" said CeCe.

CeCe did the dare just like last time. No touching and a few kisses. Once they were done Jason read the next card.

"This is from FashionRox669. She has a truth and dare for CeCe, CeCe if you picked to kiss Gunther and he likes you would you date him voluntarily?"

"I dare you to dress in a bikini and dance the Macarena while singing the ABC's like an Opera singer."

"Well if Gunther dressed hot and didn't act like he was from a different planet then yes I would probably date him. PROBABLY!"

"Aha I knew you liked me!" yelled Gunther. CeCe rolled her eyes and left to change for the dare. When she came back she started the dance and tried her best to sing like an opera singer. When she was done she bowed and stepped back.

"Well that's all for today everyone! Thanks for calling!" Jason waved goodbye. He turned to the teens and said "You guys can go home now."

The teens quickly said goodbye to Jason and ran outside. Jason packed up his things and got ready to go home until…

"Wait! Jason I'm still tied up!"

Jason looked at his boss and said "sorry Mr. Gary but a dare is a dare and only two of the girls got truth, sorry sir." Jason walked off and left Gary.

"Jason? Jason!"

With the gang

"Come on CeCe just admit that you like me" said Gunther. Both CeCe and Gunther have been fighting since they got out of the studio.

"Gunther for the last time I do not LIKE you!" yelled CeCe. "Why do you keep saying that? Maybe it's you who likes me."

Gunther blushed and said "N-no I don't! Fine if you don't want to admit you like me than you don't have too."

CeCe frowned and looked away. Gunther looked at her and smile.

"I'm sorry about you and Dina" said Rocky even though she half meant it. After the kiss they shared in the closet she's had a few feelings for Deuce.

"Ah it's okay. It's wasn't your fault that we broke up" said Deuce. Actually he was kind of happy they broke up. After the game was over he was planning on asking Rocky out.

"Do you really think I'm from Mars Ty?" asked Tinka. Tinka was still upset that he said she was from Mars.

Ty shook his head and said "no not really."

It was silent between them for a few minutes. Tinka felt something grab her hand. She looked down and saw Ty's hand with her's. They both smiled and looked down.

Today was a long interesting day for the teens and they were happy that is was finally over.

Hmmm… yeah it's done. I'm thinking of doing a second game to this story tell me if I should do that or not. Oh and sorry if I made a few mistakes but I didn't feel like checking it before I updated.