"Thalia I'm just saying…why do you always blame the guys for things?" I asked as my assistant closed the door to Thalia's office behind me. Thalia was sitting in front of her computer, which was hooked up to a flat screen T.V. behind her.
"First off all, I'm a Hunter I'm supposed to hate boys. Second, have a seat, Percy." She said sternly.
I sat.
"I'm not just blaming you. I'm blaming the men. Percy you boys need to focus more. You keep messing up too much."
I stared at her. "What?"
She sighed. "Watch."
She clicked on a file marked 'Percy Jackson Mess Ups'
The Lightning Thief
Gabe: Maybe if you hurry with that seven-layer dip…And maybe if the kid apologizes for interrupting my poker game.
Percy: I'm *Giggle* I'm sorry—HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Gabe: *Grins* Look kid I can't be scary if you're laughing at me.
Director: CUT!
The Sea of Monsters
Annabeth: You guys DON'T eat or drink anything.
Percy: *Is chewing* Mmmmm…These chocolates are yummy.
Annabeth: PERCY! What did I just tell you?
Percy: I'm sorry! They looked so delicious.
Director: CUT!
The Titan's Curse
Percy: I have to help her. I've been having these dreams.
Aphrodite: You even dream about her! That's SO CUTE!
Percy: Lady, you have some serious issues. Maybe you should go see a doctor or—
*Aphrodite laughs*
Percy: What? Oh…that wasn't my line was it?
Director: CUT!
The Battle of the Labyrinth
Percy: Put your cap back on. Get out!
Annabeth: What? No! I'm not leaving you.
Percy: I've got a plan. I'll distract them. You can use the metal spider—maybe it'll lead you back to Hephaestus. You have to tell him what's going on.
Annabeth: But you'll be killed!
Percy: I'll be fine. Besides we've got no choice.
Annabeth: *Glares at Percy*
((((((Five Seconds Later))))))
Annabeth: *Laughs*
Percy: I mean, seriously. You're just sitting there staring at me!
Director: CUT!
The Last Olympian
Annabeth: Hello William.
Percy: Billy Bob Joe Twinkletin.
Annabeth: Billy Bob…wait a second—PERCY!
Director: CUT!
"See? You mess up too much." She concluded.
"I can't believe you took the time to make that." I snorted.
"Well, it wasn't hard since most of the guys usually mess up." She snapped.
"Well, what about that one?" I asked. "Click on Annabeth's."
"No we are here to talk about you not—HEY GIVE IT!" She screeched as I stole the mouse from her. I clicked the file marked 'Annabeth Chase Mess Ups'
The Lightning Thief
Annabeth: I've got training to do. Dinner is at seven thirty. Just follow your cabin to the mess hall.
Percy: Annabeth, I'm sorry about the toilets.
Percy: Uhh…Annabeth, you have ten more in the trailer…
Annabeth: Oh yeah…Wait are we still filming?
Director: CUT!
The Sea of Monsters
Tyson: I will miss you, Rainbow.
Percy: Maybe we'll see him again sometime.
Percy: You are so cruel.
Director: CUT!
The Titan's Curse
Annabeth: So, What did you want to tell me earlier before we were so rudely interrupted by the gods asking Thalia to join the hunt?
Percy: *Smiles*
Annabeth: Wrong line?
Percy: Yuppers.
Director: CUT!
The Battle of the Labyrinth
Annabeth: STOP! This is an insult to children of Athena everywhere…and…that's not my line is it?
Grover: Nope.
Percy: You sound like a motivational speaker.
Tyson: What?
Director: CUT!
The Last Olympian
Percy: What are they fighting about, anyway?
Annabeth: *Scribbles on her inspection scroll*
Percy: *Stares at her*
Annabeth: *Tries not to laugh*
Percy: *Still stares at her*
Annabeth: *Bursts out laughing* I'm sorry…I…hahahahaha. Okay…I'm better now.
Director: CUT!
"See? It's not only the guys!" said crossing my arms.
"Oh yeah?" She asked.
"Well, why don't we check Grover's mess ups."