"Hey guys, it's Amber Millington," said a cheery voice through the old dusty speakers. "It's probably been three days since you all last saw me. Let's just say I'm not on this planet anymore. Even buying a whole closet of shoes, couldn't help this girl cope. Now listen closely, because this evolves everyone at the Anubis House who hears these tapes. Each one of you who receives these tapes is a reason why death came early for me."
The blond boy looked at stereo, shocked, or how Amber used to say, "shock face." The Amber Millington had killed herself three days ago?
"Now listen closely, each one of you will hear my life story, and each person has a tape of their own. I'm not going to say which tape brings you into my story. But don't worry, each one of you has received this tape for a reason, your name will.. pop up eventually."
Wait, I never even talked to this girl, sure we hooked up once or twice, and yes she was pretty popular, but why am I a reason?
"Now why would poor little Millington lie? Everyone on this tape knows for sure, that I'm no lier. The rules are simple. One, you must listen to each tape. Two, pass it on. Please be aware, you're being watched. No, it's not Sekhara, but maybe you should wish she was. After you have listened to each tape rewind and past it on to the next person on the list. And you luck number ten, I hope you go straight to hell or face the wrath of Sekhara, whatever suits your fancy. If these tapes are not delivered to each person, I have copies. Each copy will be distributed. And many of you wouldn't want that, would you? Well, let's get started, you Mr. Miller are first.. Or should I say Mr. Junior Sweet."
Eddie Miller? How did Amber have any connection to him? He was the big shot at school, yes you heard the rumors. That he was a player, had many girls in his room. All the boys in the locker room told me to not mess with him. So I only approached him when it was necessary.
"Oh, Eddie. You were an interesting guy for sure. The player, am I right? Wrong. He was just a phony. He was a sensitive little boy, who couldn't even admit his father was the principal of the school. Shocked? Maybe. If not you must have not been in school that day, when rumors swirled, and finally a little announcement came on coming from office, the rumors were settled."
Ahh, that. The big announcement. The one that wasn't supposed to be aired, but someone accidently made Eddie's rumor, valid. I remember everyone crowding around him, laughing, his face flushed and furious. That's when his ego went down a notch. Was Amber in that room with him?
"If you're wondering if I was the girl who by accidently sabotaged him, you're wrong. Of course I know who, but let's leave her for another tape. Anyway, Eddie.. You pathetic little thing. You couldn't even admit he was your father. You just walked away, real sly. I would have defended myself unlike you. I would have stood my ground. And you know what? I didn't laugh. Surprised? I was too."
I remember not laughing too. I just say the transparent Eddie walk the halls, being mocked at every turn.
"But, why are you on this tape? Probably because you use everyone. First you use another girl to make your girlfriend or girl interest, or whatever she was, jealous. You slept with this other girl and made her cry. Why? Are you so consumed with hatred for your father that you can't even make one relationship work? And you even used me, yes, I was the first rumored girl. Not surprised? Well of course rumors are to be believed. Right? Remember the way he described how easy it was to get the girl in bed. Well, of course it wasn't true. Sure I went to one. Yes one date with him. We drank a milkshake together. THAT WAS ALL. No he didn't corner me in the ice cream shop and go under my skirt. We just talked, and I actually thought you were a sincere guy. You were intelligent, funny and all over fantastic. But I'm glad we didn't go further then just being classmates. Since it was bound to be turned into friends, to friends with benefits, and to sex buddies all in one week. I hate being a lier. But when the rumor came out that I was his rumored first, I couldn't deny it. Because you never deny a rumor, it's in the "Survive school textbook". Because of the little rumor, guess who I was? Little miss easy millington. I'll never forgive you. For you ruined one of the best friendships I ever had. But stick around Edison Sweet, because you're bound to pop up again in the next couple of tapes.