Hey everyone! Well I wrote this one shot when I was suffering from a major writers block from my story 'The Pain That Love Causes'. At then end review!
Disclaimer: I don't own the Teen Titans and if I did I would put a lot more action/romance/humor/angst/ and all sorts of things in the show. That would be freakin awesome.
"I Will Mend Your Broken Heart"
It was cold night at Jump City. There were many beautiful stars in the night sky. The ocean was calmed and it made a soothing sound that could calm anyone. The moon's light lit up the ocean that caused a beautiful scene for anyone to stop and enjoy.
A girl with auburn hair was sitting on the edge of the tower with one of her legs swinging back and forth. She watched the scene before her and wished that she would be watching it with Robin by her side.
Starfire violently shook her head. "I cannot." She told herself getting rid of such thoughts. "He is with friend Raven." She sadly told herself. A tear ran down her face as she remembered the moment they had announced they were together. It has been two days since they mentioned there 'great' news.
Beast Boy and Cyborg were playing there video games and Starfire was cheering for them both like always. The screen flashed 'Player One Wins' repeatedly. Cyborg stood up and teased Beast Boy about him loosing.
"Friend Cyborg, I do not think pointing and laughing is very nice." Starfire told him as she watched Beast Boy getting angry at the constant pointing and laughing that Cyborg was doing. Cyborg stopped pointing and laughing at Beast Boy not trying to be rude in front of Starfire.
Beast Boy smiled and thanked her. "Where's Rob and Rae?" He asked Cyborg and Starfire. Cyborg shrugged in response. Cyborg turned off the game, picked up his remote, and placed it on top of the Game Station. Beat Boy stood up and place his remote next to Cyborg's.
"I believe they are doing the talking." Starfire answered him as she stood behind the couch. Cyborg took a seat on the couch, grabbed the remote from the table nearby, and turned the television on.
"It sure it's taking them an awful long time to talk." Beast Boy told them as he took a seat on the far end of the couch. Cyborg and Starfire nodded in agreement, as they both watched the television. As in cue, Robin and Raven both walked in the living room. Starfire turned her attention away from the TV and to Robin and Raven.
"Hello Friends!" Starfire said happily, as she gave them one of her infamous smiles. Beast Boy and Cyborg greeted them with 'hey' and turned there attention back to the television. Raven took a seat on the black armchair, that was a couple of feet away from the couch Beast Boy and Cyborg were sitting, and observed what they were watching. The TV was showing two people informing the viewers about the latest video games and the video games yet to come. Raven stared at it in disgust.
"Titans, we have to tell you something." Robin announced as he stood between them and television, blocking there view. Cyborg and Beast Boy both moved to the left where they could see better. Robin then moved to the left blocking their view once again.
"Can it wait?" Beast Boy asked as he stood up and tried to push Robin out of the way. "There telling us about Mega Monkeys Six!" Robin didn't move and Beast Boy sighed in defeat. Raven shook her head.
"No. Now sit down and listen." Raven told him monotonously but you could tell that she was a bit irritated. Raven just wanted to get thing over with so she could read a book. Beast Boy glared at her but took a seat. He then stuck his tongue out at her for being such a Meanie. Raven rolled her eyes at him.
"I am sure that they have something important to tell us. So we must listen to what our fellow teammates have to say." Starfire told Beast Boy and Cyborg. Beast Boy and Cyborg both let out an aggravated sigh and turned there attention to their mask leader. Cyborg turned off the television so they could hear Robin better.
"Go ahead." Cyborg said as he laid the remote in the table next to the couch. Beast Boy tapped his foot impatiently. Unlike Beast Boy, Starfire waited patiently for what there friends are going to announce. Robin turned to Raven's direction and she nodded.
"We'll Raven and I are together… as in a relationship." He announced. Everything went silent for a moment. Starfire literally could feel her heart stop beating as soon as he mentioned those words. Robin, her love, has just announced that he is in a relationship with Raven, her friend.
Cyborg broke the silence that had settled over the room. "That's great!" Cyborg excitedly shouted as he stood up from his seat and patted Robin in the back. "But you had to make me miss five minutes of my show for this." He told him angrily. Raven rolled her eyes. Robin smiled and turned his attention to Beast Boy.
"Yeah, that's awesome!" Beast Boy stood up from his seat. "I thought y'all had a thing going one with all your talking." He said emphasizing the word talking. Robin and Raven blushed. Beast Boy and Cyborg went to Raven to mess with her about being together with Robin. Robin sighed but quickly noticed that Starfire hasn't said a word yet. He walked towards her and found that she was lost in her own thoughts.
"Starfire?" He called out. Robin waved his hand in front of her face. "Starfire?" He called out again. Starfire snapped out of her thoughts and gave him a weak smile. "Are you okay?" He asked in a worried tone. Starfire slowly nodded.
"Yes, I am alright." She told him sweetly disguising all the pain she was feeling. "I am happy for you and friend Raven." Starfire said excitedly and gave him a fake smile. Robin eyed her for moment. "Robin, you must go to your Gretsnar Raven." She told him. Robin gave her a questioningly look on what Gretsnar means.
"Greasnar?" He questioned.
"I believe it means girlfriend in your planet." Starfire told him. Robin nodded and walked towards Raven. Starfire watched him go and frowned.
"I am going towards my sleeping chamber." She announced as she walked away towards her room.
----------------End of Flashback-------------------
She sniffed as tears constantly ran down her face. Ever since that day, she had secluded herself from the Titans. She would only come out to go to the roof at night, when the alarm went off, or when she is making herself something to eat and then eat it at her room.
"Why cannot stop feeling this way towards Robin?" She desperately asked herself. Pain was consuming her and she couldn't take it. She was heart broken and the person who would always help her had caused her the pain. Starfire stood up and watched the sharp rocks below. Just one-step and it ends it all. 'No more pain.' She thought.
"One step ends all the pain…no more pain." She told herself. Starfire lifted one of her legs and was about to take that one-step but the sound of someones voiced stopped her.
"Don't do it." A voice told her. Starfire turned around to find Red X two feet away from her. "Don't do it." He repeated. Starfire lit her starbolts and pointed her hands at him. She was mad that he had made her stop. She just wanted the pain to go away. Was that too hard to ask? Red X saw that her eyes were red and puffy from all the crying and her face looked a little pale.
"I believe you have no right to tell me what I should do." Starfire angrily told him. "Why are you here?" She questioned, her starbolts were still glowing and ready to shot him with.
Red X lifted his hands in the air. "Don't worry, Cutie. I'm not here to hurt you." He took a step closer. "I'm just here to tell you not to jump." Starfire let arms down which made her starbolts disappear but stare at Red X still having doubts that he was not going to harm her.
"As I said before, you have not right to tell me on what to do." She told him. "I-I just want to make the pain go away." She murmured. Tears started forming.
Red X took another step. "Killing yourself is not the way to solve it." Starfire blink back the tears yearning to be release.
She stared at him and questioned herself on why was she confiding in him in the first place. "This does not concern you." She told him. "I beg of you. Can you please leave me alone?" She asked him desperately.
Red X never saw her so hopeless. Yeah he was villain and hasn't seen a lot but she would always be on magazines and on the TV looking cheerful having no worry for what is yet to come. "If you're going to kill yourself then it concerns me." Red X told her. "I can't leave you alone."
Starfire stared at him for a while. Why does he care? Why doesn't he leave her alone? Starfire turned around to face the sharp rocks below and then turn back to find Red X standing there still not leaving. She turned her attention back to the rocks below.
Just one-step and the pain is gone.
"Don't do it." Red X told her but more desperately.
Starfire hesitated. Should she go through this? Is Red X right?
Starfire whirled around and put her arms around him seeking comfort. Red X was taken back from her actions but quickly recovered and wrapped his arms around her. She had started crying. Red X closed his eyes behind his mask and pulled her closer.
"I want the pain to go away." She told him between sobs.
"Shh." Red X whispered in response.
After a while, Starfire sobs had stopped as she felt herself getting tired. Red X held her for a long, beautiful minute but knew he had to let her go. He reluctantly pulled his arms from around Starfire's soft, warm body. Starfire and Red X stared at each other for a minute but to them it seemed like it was eternity. She sighed and took a seat on the edge off the room to stare at the beautiful scene once again.
"I thank you for your comfort." Starfire told him. "But my heart has been broken and it is not easy to fix."
Red X stood next to her and nodded. "I know but…" Red X let his voice trailed off. Starfire turned around and looked up at him.
"I will mend your broken heart." He said as he offered his hand to the girl. Starfire hesitated but then took his hand.
He cared for her. He could make the pain go away.
He pulled her up and close to him. She gave him a weak smile. Red X smiled beneath his mask and reached over his belt to press a red button in the middle of his belt. In a second, they both disappeared leaving the beautiful scene.
Alright that's it. I don't know if I should turn this into a story...what you think? Well Review and I would Really Apreciate it.
Review! lol I'm probably annoying you already.
Now I'm off to write the rest of my other story.