Author's Note: This is the real last chapter of Stolen Kisses and Secret Glances! Watch out for the sequel, name pending. Thank you Izzy for reviewing and a response for RebelSugar7: Yes, I know that it was an act of true evil, but maybe it could be excused if it was for a good cause. Now my readers, have a wonderful time reading the chapter!

Evie's POV

I was shocked. Mal had just killed her own mother. Did she turn good? Everyone in the castle is murmuring and whispering as Mal is brandishing the wand at anyone who dares call her a murderer.

"See? She killed her mother and she'll kill us too!" Audrey shouts, backing off when Mal turns to her, the wand pointed.

Carlos takes the button out of his pocket, pressing it. After that happens, the guards start taking action. They try to grab us, but I take out the sleeping potion Mal gave me, disguised as a bottle of perfume, and spray them. Like Mal said, two prays and they were out like a light.

Ben is staring at Mal with a heartbroken expression on his face. It almost makes me feel regret. Almost.

It's pure chaos, and I love it. People are running around, screaming and crying for each other. Nothing's even happened yet people, calm down.

Mal takes down the barrier, and that's when we hear the chants of our friends from the Isle. No, not friends. Acquaintances. There are no friends on the Isle.

"Evil lives! Long live evil! Fuck Auradon! Villainy!" And other chants ring out loud and clear from the direction of the Isle.

The first person reaches the castle.

"Hello, the Four." Says Tanganyika, the daughter of Scar.

"Hey, T." Carlos answers, giving her a slight wave.

The rest of the villains are slower, but come in wave after wave. The heros scream even more, huddling in a corner. They are probably thinking, "Saftey in numbers," but they're wrong. They broke the number one horror movie rule: Never, ever, get backed into a corner.

I jump onto the stage a speack as loud as I can.

"Hello! Everyone!"

No one listens.


Still no one.

"SHUT UP!" I yell.

Now everyone is silent, staring at me for various reasons.

"Now, I do not want us just randomly killing people. So, I will lay down some rules: One, the original heroes have made their choice to be good, so they will be killed, with no chance to convert. For the hero kids, I'm gonna pull a Ben,"

Some people glare at Ben, muttering things under their breath that are quite rude things to say to a king.

"I am going to give them one chance to convert. Convert or die. Evil, or death. And I know that there are people who are going to pretend to be evil so tat they can be a hero. So, we will have spies. If any of us four," Mal, Jay and Carlos had joined me on the stage, Mal nodding and glaring at people, Jay putting his arm around me, and Carlos tampering with something he found on the stage, " catch wind that you are not truly evil, then you will be tried. If you are found guilty, you will die a gruesome, slow, and painful death. Are we clear?" I finish, looking out at the audience.

"Also, one more thing: I am Queen. I don't care if Mal declares herself the ruler, I am a queen, The Queen, and you will address me as such. Any questions?"

The crowd is silent, and then the villains start clapping.

Mal stepps up.

"The dungeons at the bottom of the castle will be your holding cells. Villains, start harnessing people. We'll meet you downstairs."

The four of us look at ecach other, pure ecstasy written on our faces. We hi-five, and quickly become serious again.

"So, what do we do now?" Carlos asks, already knowing.

"Carlos, my friend, now we take over the world. Or at least Auradon." Jay says, grabbing the poor boy into a noogie, rubbing his knuckles into the white haired boy's scalp.

"Guys, we have a kingdom to run."

Author's Note: Oh my God, this is it. After 15 real chapters together, we have finally reached the end. But fear not, my readers. I will have a sequel to this, and I will be posting other stories, and one shots. I love you all! Also, any one who reviews on this chapter, there will be an update with a dedication/acknowledgement for you.

Evil dreams,
