Wow, I can't believe it's finished. I've had the best time writing my first story and I hope all of you have liked it too! It's been such an exciting experience. I am super excited to share with you my epilogue, I think it was necessary to write one. :) Disclaimer: I do not own the Heroes of Olympus or Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. Without further ado, the... EPILOGUE!
Piper Epilogue
One year later I was finally about to walk down the aisle. The wedding was beautiful. Annabeth had really outdone herself. It was outside in the spring breeze underneath a canopy of yellow flowers. I could see from inside the tent I was in Jason standing proudly and looking totally handsome waiting for me and Leo next to him as best man with his huge grin. Annabeth was back with me in a beautiful yellow dress that she had made herself after reading a book on dress-making. She had made my dress too. It's a simple but elegant gown that totally suites my personality. Hazel looked gorgeous in her dress too, she has become a true friend to me and now she is my flower girl.
Hazel walked down first carrying yellow petals. Then it was my turn to walk down, Annabeth gave me an encouraging smile and I smiled nervously back. "Piper," she whispered reassuringly, "you have freed all the unwanted gods' children, created a safe haven for anyone who wants to live here, and give hope to a girl who thought she had to be a slave all her life. You can do this, there's nothing to be nervous about."
I smiled, she was right. Skytopia had been rebuilt, thanks to Leo, to be the most beautiful kingdom that ever lives. It is also the most peaceful. The kingdom has thrived on the jewels that Hazel had found here. It was almost like the gods were giving them to us…. Now it was time for me to finally be with Jason.
The orchestra conducted by Will Solace played 'Here Comes the Bride' as I walked down with Annabeth holding my train. I smiled at Jason who beamed back. The guests were made up of all my friends and they gave me grins and thumbs up signs as I waked down. I held my head high and took my place next to Jason. Frank started the ceremony.
"Do you, Jason Grace, take Piper McLean to be your wife, in sickness and in health, for rich or for poor, as long as you both shall live?"
Jason took my hand and said, "I do."
"And do you, Piper McLean, take Jason Grace to be your husband, in sickness and in health, for rich or for poor, as long as you both shall live?"
"I do." I said.
"Well then," Frank said, "I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride."
Jason leaned in and we kissed. The guests clapped and cheered. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world.
The days afterward were amazing too. Jason and I decided not to have a honeymoon, but we did have a party with our closest friends. Percy was there. He had come to us a couple weeks before the wedding much to everyone's surprise and begged for forgiveness of his ways. He said that he had changed. It seemed impossible, but he has become a great friend of ours now. He's more friendly with Annabeth though and he proposed to her at the party. So sweet!
Annabeth said yes, as long as it didn't interfere with her career. Annabeth is an architect for Skytopia and a good one at that. She was the one that designed the beautiful buildings based on ancient Greek architecture.
As for Leo, well he built all of it with his team. He also had become a successful inventor. He invented the microwave, the cell phone, the tablet computer, and a swirly ice cream maker. He's doing great and he's also the co-president of the group that is looking to find the unwanted gods.
Jason is the other co-president. Aside from being the marveled king of Skytopia he dedicates time to finding his dad and the other unwanted gods. And I think he just might be able to do it.
I am living my dream. The people respect me and I get to be free and make my own decisions as queen. Things are going really well. Jason and I have the best times in the castle and our relationship is still going strong. We always ride horses together in the fields. On Lightning, Jason has no fear and he actually has a great time riding.
I can't believe how much my life has changed. My world is perfect and my people are happy too. I have a very calm and peaceful existence, but you never know when another adventure may start…
That's the end folks! I hope you've liked it! And I can't wait to get started on my next book, I am considering a sequel! Thank you for reading this book. I am so happy you have picked it up and read it. Here's an idea! In the comments section, write your favorite part of the book, I want to see what you liked the best!
I 100% promise to be back with a second book very soon.
Keep on reading! :D