Reviews for Bound To You
Klarobass chapter 16 . 6/20
I loved reading this fic so much. Glad I read it. I had a feeling that Caroline told tatia about Elena combined with Caroline's death would spark Tatia to betray Mikael and spare Klaus. Glad I was right about that and that it ended up creating a timeline in which Elena lived and her parents lived. I love that even in this timeline Stefan and Elena ended up meeting and Klaus and Caroline ended up finding their way to each other.
Klarobass chapter 15 . 6/19
So if Mikael killed Caroline when she has Klaus's blood in her system does that mean that she will become a vampire again? Very Mikael isn't counting on that. Will she travel back to the present before she can save Klaus from Mikael's clutches? I hope Tatia will do the right thing and spare Klaus and kill Mikael instead. She looks like she was hesitating, maybe the fact that killing Klaus will kill Elena like Caroline told her got to Tatia. Can't wait to read the final chapter.
Klarobass chapter 14 . 6/13
Wow what a twisted Fate. Elena dead, Vicky alive dating Tyler who is his old self. Vampires extinct. More than a filler chapter to me. I wonder who killed Klaus, was it Tatia? Also I thought Klaus wasn't part of her bloodline or was this just an alternate reality kind of thing? Hope she can go back and fix everything and save Klaus from death. I have a feeling Tatia and Mikael aren't done trying to kill Klaus. Looking forward to your next installment of this story .
Klarobass chapter 13 . 6/8
Nooo, Klaus. Why'd you do it. Well I get why he slipped the ring back on, but it still breaks my Klaroline shipper heart all the same. Will he still want the same request before she agreed to stay off them not seeking each other out. Looks like Enough is the primogeniture of her bloodline of vampires. Which means Tatia or Elijah are free to kill Klaus without Caroline or her friends dying. That doesn't bode well for Klaus. It's interesting to see a fix where Elijah is Klaus's enemy rather than ally like he normally Is. Looking forward to reading these final chapters.
Klarobass chapter 12 . 6/4
I'm glad that Caroline revised to save Klaus in the end by warning him before Tatia and Mikael arrived. I wonder how this will effect Klaus and Caroline's relationship bevy time they meet in the past. Will he figure out she was trying to kill him at first? Glad she chose what she wanted in the end and saved him. Hopefully everything will work itself out in the end. I know it couldn't have been an easy decision for Caroline. She was caught between two roads and had to choose one. What she wanted and what she felt was right.
Klarobass chapter 11 . 5/18
Wow, that was an angsty chapter and I loved every minute of reading it. It's evident Klaus is hurt and is lashing out. He wants to prove to Caroline he doesn't care about her or what she thinks. Caroline he seen the side of him she doesn't like. The question is will it push Caroline to kill Klaus. I have a feeling that's what Tatia is there to see a Caroline about. I also enjoyed the interactions between Caroline and Ripper Stefan.
Klarobass chapter 10 . 5/7
Oh yay! Caroline is in the 20s. I always love fics that are set in the 20s save it should be fun to read for a chapter or two. Loved the interaction between Klaus and Caroline in the present. It seems she's trying to figure out what she really wants, the question is if she does figure it out, will it be too late. I kind of like reading drunk Caroline. So much fun to read. Looking forward to your next chapter.
Klarobass chapter 9 . 4/24
Everyone seems to be leaving Caroline this chapter, not so sorry about Tyler though tbh. He did make some good points though. He sees what Caroline doesn't or refuses to acknowledge. That she may harbor sir l done feelings for Klaus, even if right now she believes it's only past Klaus. Not surprised that Rebekah know about Caroline in the past and Klaus doesn't. I think she'd trying to protect Klaus's heart and that's why she erased his memories. Hope he'll remember in the future though. It also seems Rebekah is suspicious of what Caroline is up to. Looking forward to reading more.
Klarobass chapter 8 . 4/14
I love that the Bennett witch line is looking after Caroline even in another era. I wonder what her relation to Bonnie is. Love how protective Klaus is towards Caroline. If anyone so much as touches a hair on Caroline, he will rip them apart limb for limb. I love the way Klaus is concerned for Caroline that he even gave Caroline his daylight necklace until she found her ring. More that she knows Klaus isn't part of their bloodline I wonder how she could possibly stop then from killing Klaus and thus Tyler. I'm interested to see where the story goes from here.
Klarobass chapter 7 . 3/28
Didn't expect the reveal at the end about tatia being a vampire. I'm guessing it was Elijah that turned her. I like where this story is headed. It looks like Klaus of this era remembers Caroline from 300 years ago, the question is will present day Klaus remember Caroline from those timelines. Rebekah sure can be observant when she wants to be as she notices when something's bothering Klaus. She'll inevitably have to disappear again, so I wonder if Rebekah will keep her promise she made to Caroline, or try to rather and if Klaus will put a stop to it. Looking forward to your bevy chapter.
Klarobass chapter 6 . 2/18
I can't wait to read about Klais and Caroline in the past again. I wonder what era it will be this time and if present Klaus will start to remember her from the past. Tyler really can be clueless can he? I mean how else was Caroline supposed to interpret what he asked. He's such a moron. It's sad that Caroline can't talk about Klaus with Elena, knowing the history between them. Looks like Caroline just needs someone to talk to about it.
Klarobass chapter 5 . 1/7
Boo Tyler.. just when Klaus was about to ask her to the dance, Tyler steps in and ruins the moment. Love how nervous they both were around each other. Klaus nervous to ask her to the dance, and Caroline nervous to make eye contact for fear he'd recognize her from the past. I loved the painting. Even if he doesn't know it's Caroline yet, his memory is trying to tell him something. I look forward to reading about them in the past again.
thespeedfxrce chapter 3 . 1/5
I’m digging this so far! Just wanted to toss a fun fact in there cause it’s something I found very interesting and I like sharing it cause it’s fun knowledge! The British accent we know today didn’t actually surface until the 1700s. Their accent in the 1500s would have actually sounded closed to what the American accent is today. You just mention it in your story that she doesn’t have a British accent and neither does Klaus in this time period - technically speaking. But this is also a universe with vampires so anything is possible
Guest chapter 1 . 12/19/2019
This is one of the best Klaroline fic I've ever read, I read this story more than twice because I'm so in love with it. I hope you make more chapters or a sequel because sixteen chapters are not enough for a story as amazing as this.
Klarobass chapter 4 . 11/28/2019
I'm looking forward to reading about Klaus and Caroline in the present. I winter if this will mean present Klaus will remember 16th century Caroline. Even 16th century Klaus is enamoured by Caroline and I love it. She's hard to forget. Not sure what to think of Isabella. On one hand is clear Klaus is using her to gain more wealth and power, but she also makes it difficult to like her with her bitchiness towards Caroline. Looking forward to next chapter.
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