Losing The Only One..

Summary:One day the Titans East tower was blown up. Now the Teen Titans are letting them stay in their tower but will it be for the better when couples start to form and Robin loses himself in work and misses his chance with Starfire?

Starfire's point of view:

I stood up to take my plate to the sink when the alarm went off I nearly jumped out of my shoes with fright. I dropped the plate and turned to see Robin coming in the room "Titans the Titans East is in trouble we need to help them…. Oh and Star clean that mess when we come back!"

I sighed and looked down "Yes Robin" I don't think I know Robin anymore, all he thinks about is the way we fight, the people we fight and the investigations we go through. All he can think about is his job he doesn't consider anyone's emotions anymore and we all can't handle it anymore we thought of doing an intervention but there's never any time.

"Titans Go!" I snapped out of my thoughts and that familiar call goes through the air and suddenly I'm running with the others out of the tower. As we get to the Titans East tower we see the H.I.V.E Five attacking and we all help Aqualad, Speedy, Bumblebee and Mas y Menos defend their tower. Gizmo yells something then throws a bomb at the tower suddenly they run off and the tower is in shambles. Bumblebee is suddenly deflated "Great there goes our only home!"

Aqualad smirks "We can always go to my layer"

Bumblebee suddenly looks terrified "No Way! We are not going to your underwater!"

"Why Not!"

"Cause it wet dark and a cave! That's why!"

Robin sighs "Hey guys you can always stay with us?"

"Really Robin?" Bumblebee's eyes light up and suddenly Raven and I are in a better mood nothing bad could come out of this, another girl two hot boys and cute twins what else would be better?

"Yeah sure we got some extra room it'll all work out and you guys can help us when we have to go after villains"

"Cool and we'll definitely help you"

Once we got to the tower Robin looked towards me "Please do cleaned what you dropped before we left, Starfire"

I nod and as I do he walks away towards his study obviously going to do more research on Slade's where a bouts. I sigh and go into the living room to start cleaning up the mess. As I was bent down I never noticed someone coming towards me until they were bent down right beside me. I look up to see Speedy in front of me he smiled "Need some help?"

I smile at him and nod "Thanks" He starts to help me pick up the glass and as we finish putting the glass in the trash can Cyborg comes up to us "Hey guys we're about to watch a movie want to join us?"

Speedy and I look at each other and nod. We both sit down with everyone except Robin. Beastboy, Raven and I know better then to ask where he was. But the Titans East is a different story. Aqualad looks at Cyborg "So where's Robin?"

I look toward him and sighed "He doesn't do much anymore lately his main priority is the research he does."

Speedy saw the sadness in my eyes and gives me a hug. "It's okay Star. I bet he doesn't know what he's missing maybe we should go tell him"

Beastboy smirks "Good luck with that dude last time we try to talk sense into him he yelled at us and went MIA for two weeks."

Speedy laughed "Same old Robin, well I think we should give him a kick in the ass then he needs to know that there's more then life then fighting crime and researching about an old man that has no life to begin with!"

Everyone nods at what he says everyone silently agreeing but no one moves. Speedy turns to Cyborg "we'll make a plan after the movie." Everyone laughs and turns towards the T.V as the movie starts.

An hour later the movie is still playing an everyone is either curled up in fright or hideing their eyes the twins were long gone hiding in their room. Apparently no one was told that the movie was a horror movie but no one really cared at the moment all they wanted was for it to end. Something pops up on the screen and I jump and now out of my previous ball my eyes widened. Speedy looks around and then at me no one else noticed as he put his arms around me and hold me to him until the movie was over.

When the movie ended I sat up and looked up at him and smiled as he looked back at me. Cyborg turns off the T.V and turns on the lights. He looks towards us and sighs "Well what are we going to do about Robin?"

A/N: Please forgive me for not updating on my other stories. They will eventually be updated I just like starting new stories when the idea is still in my head.

Hope You Enjoyed the Story and PLEASE Review.