I do not own Avatar the Last Airbender. I write for fun and I will never get any money for this fic

Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall

Four Seasons, Four Loves


To say that Yue was the first girl Sokka fell for would be a lie – he did meet Suki first after all – but, to say that she was the first girl he fell in love with wouldn't be.

Yue represented everything he wanted in a girl: beauty, compassion, loyalty, goodness, self-sacrificing, loving, adaptable, brave and kind with a quiet inner strength. Yes, Yue was the perfect watertribe girl. Only Yue was more than a girl; she was a woman. Yue was a perfect example of a watertribe woman. She reminded him of his mother in a way; they had both sacrificed everything to protect those they loved even if it meant leaving behind the very people they were protecting. It was the quiet strength that made watertribe women strong enough to do what they had to, whether it was to go hungry for a meal or two so their family would have just a little bit more; doing the jobs that the men deemed "unmanly" - even if they were nasty like tanning hides or washing Sokka's socks; lending and taking away support from their husbands at the right moments, to keep them from making stupid choices; marrying someone they didn't love for the betterment of their tribe; deciding when someone had to be pushed off an ice flow because they were a danger to the tribe; or to give their life to the world.

Sokka had never really noticed these things until then, and he felt ashamed that he hadn't ever thanked any of them for what they did every day. He vowed that he would make sure to thank Katara for doing the things that he couldn't.

They would be starting towards the Earthkingdom in the morning with Pakku and the rest of the benders who were on their way to the south pole. He wanted to say one last goodbye before leaving the Spirit Oasis, possibly forever. Sokka snuck out of the house that his little family was staying in. He passed a few night sentries but they recognized him and let him pass. He was on his way to the Spirit Oasis to say one last goodbye to his moon.

Once he got there he knelt down on the spot of ground where she had last stood and he cried. He cried for her and the life she would not have; he cried for the "what could have been's"; he cried for a tribe who had lost their princess, and he cried for the world who had lost such an amazing person. He cried until he could cry no longer then he wiped his eyes and looked at at the moon. It was only a small curve in the sky that night, but it made him think that Yue was smiling down on him. It was too much for him and he started weeping again.

He felt that he would never feel the same about any other girl, and he was right. No other girl would make him want to defend them because they could not defend themselves; he would never know the feeling of strength that standing with her would give him; he would never know the joy of a life lived with a white-haired princess at his side and a family to curl up in furs with.

With that thought he sobbed, "Yue, I failed you. I failed you. I failed your father too, he told me to protect you and I couldn't. What kind of a warrior fails the people he loves? What if I fail Aang or Katara? What if someone comes at her from the back and..."

With that he starts crying uncontrollably again, until suddenly he feels peace and serenity come over him along with a voice in him mind:

"You did not fail me Sokka. It was always my destiny to become the moon spirit that day. Do not worry Sokka, you will not fail any of those you love. One day you will become a renowned warrior, and many will be indebted to you for their lives. Have faith my strong warrior, it will guide you."

With that her presence left, and he was left with a feeling of peace and love so strong that for the first time he felt that the war could actually be won - as opposed to just survived. "Thank you Yue." He said quietly. Then he got up and walked out of the Oasis, ready to face the world and his destiny.

Author's notes:

So I finally posted a story! Yay! It's taken a year of me having an account to write one along with many many wonderful fics that inspired me. Thank you to all of the authors whose works inspired me! I would write a list of all the fics that inspired me but that would take days and would probably end up even longer than my actual story and nobody wants to read that.

I would however like to thank the wonderful emletish, Loopy777 and Vathara for inspiring little bits in this story. They may or may not be able to find ideas from their fics in here but believe me they are there.