I APOLOGIZE FOR HOW LONG THIS HAS TAKEN ME. I got writer's block, then the show started airing (and while obviously I read the books) it was hard for my mind to not mix up the TV vs. the Books vs. My Story.

As always comments are loved!


The Red Garden

Cersei felt herself shake with fear as Joffrey rattled off all of her sins. Her head was still swimming with the idea that her Father was dead, beheaded. Her son had killed her father. Kinslaying was the worst offense in Westeros and now the strongest and most brave lion in all the Seven Kingdoms was butchered like some calf taken to slaughter. The idea alone was lunacy; Tywin Lannister would never let that happen.

But the drunken soldiers seemed to know Joffrey was telling the truth. She felt herself wobble again, the news, the late hour, the lack of food, and the knife at her throat were just too much. Theon Greyjoy inched closer to her, probably worried she would faint.

She lost her train of thought for a moment, forgetting her current circumstance as she saw her Father riding walking with a purposeful stride through the halls of the Red Keep. His armor was shiny and new as courtiers parted in the Throne Room. The banners from the highest rafter were crimson and gold, and the Iron Throne was empty as Tywin Lannister made his way up the high steps. Before Cersei could picture her father taking his rightful place, she heard Joffrey laughing again.

"She thinks she's a man. She thinks she's the true heir to Tywin Lannister, when all she's got is a slit between her legs."

Joffrey's lips snarled up in a cruel smile and Cersei barely recognized the boy in front of her. He looked nothing like Jaime right now, nor herself. He looked nothing like the little boy who played at her skirts. He looked like a stranger. Joffrey walked around her twice, his breath hot on her neck and his boots catching on the cheap material of her dress. Then Joffrey walked around Theon the same, close to his body with a menacing stare.

She met Theon's expression, a boy she'd met only once before tonight and realized her life was in this stranger's hand. Joffrey began laughing as he asked Cersei, "if she wished to join your lying father."

Before she could speak, the sound of swinging swords sounded in the night. A second later grunts and screams of pain echoed loudly around her. She watched as the drunken guards fell to the ground in quick succession. A few spun around to try and defend themselves but they were outnumbered nearly three to one by men dressed as Joffrey's own men. A few second passed before she was pushed to the ground by the Kraken. It took a few moments for Cersei to realize the attacking men were all Lannister men, they were her Father's men. Although now, if Joffrey was telling the truth the men were sworn to Jaime, or to Tyrion, or perhaps one of her uncles.

Joffrey looked around confused and clearly furious.

A second later he ran towards Cersei, throwing his weight on top of her. She fell back harshly against the ground as she felt pressure on her throat. She clawed at Joffrey's hands as they applied pressure to her neck. Then suddenly the pressure was gone, replaced by Joffrey's entire body falling hard on top of her. The smell of new blood hit her nose a second before she heard her eldest son's groaning.

Cersei reached down to try and shift the weight off of her when she felt a warm gelatin against her fingers. The same sort of liquid she felt while she was giving birth to all four of her children.

The Stables

Sansa felt her throat constrict as she looked down at her still sleeping children. The morning sun would greet them in a few quick hours and they were supposed to be long gone by now. Sansa gave a quick turn of head to Tyrion. His mismatched eyes shared her worry.

A second later, Theon and Jaime appeared at the far end of the stables. Jaime carried his twin in his arm, her arms dangling down beside of herself. Tryion quickly huddled back with the sleeping . Without a word between them, Jaime put Cersei in the back of the wagon as well. Theon jumped on one of the free horses while Jaime climbed in the front of the wagon beside Sansa. She was still dressed as a boy. Tyrion began moving in the back of the wagon, laying blankets over Cersei and himself. Theon's horse rode first and the wagon quickly fell in behind.

Sansa shivered more out of fear than cold. Her eyes darted to see the soldiers above her. They were positioned at the gates, on the parapets, on the walls. They were all Lannister men. They were Jaime's men now, following through with the plan. And as soon as the wagon was out of the Keep, they would fall in behind.

Perhaps Joffrey would be too drunk or too stupid to chase them. Either way, the soldiers were too drunk to chase them as a unit now.

They crossed the last gate as easily as the rest. Then out into the night of King's Landing they moved. The streets were dark but still carried sounds of whores and drunkards. The pungent smell of Flea Bottom grew fainter as the horses began a quick trot. It amazed Sansa that despite Stannis' sacking of the city and the destruction of Flea Bottom, the smell still remained in the part of the city. Ice was hidden at the back of the wagon near a bag of food and extra supplies. As soon as they were far enough outside the City, he would be allowed to jump off the wagon and run alongside.

It was then that Sansa moved over on slightly and touched her knee to Jaime's. It was a brief touch but one of reassurance for both of them.

Once the wagon was covered in dark, far enough away from the lights of the City, Sansa leaned over and asked Jaime what happened to Cersei.

Jaime grunted for a moment, a sign that now was not the time to be speaking. But a few moments later, Jaime leaned over and whispered that Joffrey attacked Cersei and Theon, "then Theon stabbed Joffrey."

Sansa's eyes darted over to Theon on his horse, riding right beside them.

2 Days Later

The Red Keep

Margaery grimaced as Joffrey's screams filled the walls. The potions and the prayers weren't working. The large hole in Joffrey's belly stayed open despite it all. The masters and the healers had tried everything and yet the King was no better than he was two days before. Yet, he was no worse either. Perhaps that was enough for now.

Margaery looked down at her own clothes, a colorful green with deep orange flowers. She should be wearing black for her Loras, her poor dead brother. His body had just been moved to the Sept this morning. Until then, he'd been forgotten in the chaos.

Margaery's eyes landed on a squire from Highgarden. He'd accompanied Loras to King's Landing . He was some relation to House Wythers. The boy had soft curls of light brown and brown eyes, same as herself. Lannister seed was week when it mixed. Same was true for Targaryen blood. A Lannister son with dark hair would be not unnatural, the child would just be thought to look like his mother. Perhaps the people of Westeros would declare the child even looked like Good King Robert, First of his Name.

If Joffrey did survive his wounds, he would chase Sansa Stark to end of the waters. In Joffrey's eyes and in the eyes of the Seven Kingdoms, Hendrick was the heir to the Iron Throne. Of course, he was no more Joffrey's son than Joffrey was King Robert's son but that didn't matter now. Just like it wouldn't matter if the child she was carried was the son of the Lion or the son lesser House from Ashford.

Joffrey let out another scream of pain but nobody seemed too alarmed. Margaery walked to the solar in the King's apartments and looked out amongst the City. There were no ravens left to send word of anything that had transpired in the last few days. All the good horses had been freed into the city streets sometime the same night of the escape. Nearly two hundred soldiers of the crown were missing. Other soliders were dead in the garden, a few in the Stables, more were found near Tryion's rooms and one was found under a bush in the garden. A few guards were found dead in the dungeon but there were probably more in some dark corner. She half suspected Petyr Baelish's body was somewhere in an unchecked room rotting away.

On her order, the gates to the Red Keep had been closed. All servants and guards and guests still at the Red Keep were forbidden from leaving. She looked at the young squire again and while everyone's attention was on Joffrey, she went to whisper in the young boy's ear.

The Riverlands

Tyrion stretched his little back and walked along the shallow creek. They'd been traveling for nearly three days straight and everyone was exhausted. The weather had been dreadful, a steady rain for the first day followed by heavy winds blowing against them.

Jaime and Theon had taken turns on the lone horse. Even Cersei had taken a turn on the horse for several hours. But Tyrion's appearance meant he had to stay hidden in the back of the wagon with the dog and the children. Even the dog was allowed to get out occasionally. The twins had been entertained by Theon playing with them, and by Sansa's singing. Cersei had allowed Hannah to fall asleep on her shoulder the night before.

But the horses were tired and in desperate need of a rest.

Tyrion watched as Sansa stretched out her legs as both children ran playfully along the banks of the water. The two dozen soldiers that were traveling directly and behind us on the River Road stopped as well. The other hundred or so on either side were miles ahead and behind them. Tyrion watched as his brother placed a hand on Sansa's shoulder and whispered something to her. The girl's response was to push Jaime playfully away and then pull him even closer.

Tryion wondered out loud what was going on in King's Landing.

Cersei came up behind him and sighed, "Joffrey's wound was not deep, more flesh than anything. He will live."

"Yet you passed out at the sight of the blood and the wound," Tyrion happily reminded her.

He watched as Cersei's face scrunched in pain and fear. Only then did Tyrion gave her a sympathetic look. His sisters' four children were in four different Lands and all of their safety depended heavily on other Great Houses.

Cersei seemed to have the same thoughts. She let out a deep breath, "Tommen is safe. The Tullys words are 'Family, Duty, Honor 'and Blackfish is a truly great warrior. He's to marry Edmure's daughter Minlyn when she comes of age."

I nod as Cersei plays with the cheap material of her stolen dress. Then I reassure her as best I can.

"Willas loves his son very much. He would never allow harm to come Maceon, especially not at his own hand. Myrcella is to marry the Vale, it would be foolish for Lysa Arryn to allow any harm to come to her."

"Do you think I made a mistake sending the Ravens?"

Tyrion arched an eyebrow, causing his misshapen head to look even stranger.

"You lied to your husband and insisted he bring himself and his infant son to Casterly Rock, while failing to mention that your son killed his brother and will probably soon kill his wife."

Cersei chose not to responds to Tryion's comment. Instead she looked out amongst the water and the grass.

"It doesn't feel right, being here in the Westerlands without him. It won't feel right being at the Rock without Father either."

Tryion looked around at the small creek and the green grass and sighed. The Rock was safest for now but it was not a long term solution for any of them.

The River Road

4 days later

Jaime looked around the large Inn, grateful to be back in the Westerlands. The Inn had nearly three dozen rooms, hot boar and peppers, and two large hearths. Cersei and Sansa had both changed into spare gowns that the InnKeeper's daughter had loaned them. There were only men down stairs; the soldiers who had travelled with them had only their small clothes while their uniforms were drying.

He was tired and wet but luckily there was only a day or so left of traveling. He still wasn't sure what they were doing once they got back to the Rock or who or what would greet them.

He was tired and in desperate need of a hot bath. Sansa had tired to make things as positive as possible. Theon's demeanor was jovial. Tryion was his usual self. It was Cersei that bothered him. Cersei was being quiet and at times downright passive. It was odd for her but by no means discouraged.

King's Landing

Varys raised an eyebrow as he his spies whispered into his ear along Eel Alley. The streets were buzzing with gossip and words of half truths and all lies. Most first spoke of Theon Greyjoy and the Imp's escape from the dungeons. Most on the streets believed one or both of them kidnapped both Sansa Stark and the children and intended to hold them hostage. Jaime Lannister had returned to Casterly Rock according to some and he'd gone to find the kidnapped Queen according to others. Some believed Joffrey was already dead while others maintained he had never been stabbed to begin with. Rather, the gossip said he'd gone to chase down the escaped prisoners.

The new Hand of the King was also missing since the night of his feast. Some believed he'd been paid off by the dwarf and the kraken to help them escape. There were whispers of dead soldiers in the garden, stories of Tywin Lannister's ghost stabbing Joffrey himself, and so many other wild and fanciful tales.

The problem wasn't the tales and rumors. There were questions that the people of the streets weren't asking yet.