Couples: Deuce and Rocky, Ty and Tinka, and Gunther and CeCe. Sorry forany mistakes

"The beats are sick; the music is hot; the dancers are even hotter! Welcome to Shake it up Chicago summer dance" Gary annouces and quickly steps off the stage to let the dancers dance. Today was the last kids day of school, and they were having a beach party. Rocky and CeCe stood in their summer clothing, -such as shorts and shirts- next to Gunther and Tinka. Unlike, any other day, Gunther and Tinka were not wearing sparkles. Tinka was wearing shorts and a tank top. Gunther, on the other hand had a blue short on, and a white v neck.

"I can't wait for 5:00" CeCe said excitedly.

Gunther nods "Even though we are not great friends, I don't mind spending a week with you guys"

Rocky nods and looks at Gary, who was motioning them for their part in the dance. Rocky nudges CeCe and runs to the stage. CeCe follows, and so does Gunther and Tinka. They stood behind the group, and the minute the group moved, they started dancing. They jumped out and started the dance that they had learned.

When they finished dancing they quickly grabbed their stuff and went outside. They found Ty in a SUV waiting for them. Since, Ty had gotten his licence, his mom borrowed him the truck. The guys quickly went and got in the car.

"Isn't your mom coming?" Gunther asks from the back

CeCe shakes her head "She said that our uncle is waiting for us there"

"Ok, everyone buckle up" Deuce said and put on his seatbell "Unless you want to buy this insurance card" he pulls out a card from his pocket, and Rocky smacks him. He grabs his arm "What was that for?"

"For talking buisness, when we are on a vacation"

"Okay, everyone buckled up?" Ty asks. When everyone replied yes, he started the car and drove off. The drive to their destination was a long ride. It took 3 hours to get there. When Ty saw the sign leading to the cabin, he followed it. He stops the car in front of an cabin. "Were here" he annouced.

Everyone groaned "Finally!" and Ty rolled his eyes. He was the one doing the driving, while they just sat there and text. Ty got out of the car and helped the girls to their luggages. They went inside and stopped as they got a good look at the place.

"Um, Ty are you sure you took us in the right cabin?" Rocky asks, setting her bag down.

"Look, I'm sure this is our uncles cabin." he looks around "He just didn't finish it for us"

"So this is how we are going to spend our week here?" Tinka asks

Deuce took the chance and walks around "This place is not so bad." he looks outside the window "There's a lake and many fun things for us to do"

Rocky looks at the beaten cabin. It wasn't that bad, but it wasn't that good either. She knew she wouldn't want to stay here, but she wasn't going to let this little thing ruin her summer week with her friends. "It's not that, anyway. Like Deuce said, there's a lot of things to do" she goes to her uncles closet and opens it. She turns back to the group "There's laser tag, and an Ipad"

"Electronic!" Ty said, running over to Rocky. He grabs it and takes it "I thought uncle was a country man. Who knew he liked Ipads"

"Who doesn't?" Deuce asks. "I just wished I bought my cable"

Gunther sighs "So... what should we do"

Ty shrugs "Get settle in... there's only one problem: there's only 3 bedroom."

Gunther shrugs "That's not so bad. CeCe, and Rocky will be in the same room, you and Deuce will be in the next, and me and Tinka will take the other"

Ty shakes his head "Uh, uh. I'm not sleeping with no dude"

"So what do you suppose we do?" Rocky asks

"How about girls sleep with guys" Deuce suggest. "The girls can pick who they feel trustworthy sleeping with"

Everyone looked at each other.

"I guess that's not a bad idea" Ty says. He turns to the girls "Who do you guys want" he pulls Gunther and Deuce by his side.

The girls looked at each other, wondering who would go first. Rocky nudges CeCe in front.

CeCe stumbles in front "Okay, that is way to hard. Can't we just make a raffle or something"

The guys shrugged their shoulders.

"Okay, we'll make a raffle" Rocky says. She opens her bag and takes out three blindfolds. "Now you guys stand over there, and mix the places. Who ever we pick is the one" she hands blindfolds to the girls. "Tinka, go first"

Tinka sighs "Alright then" she puts the blindfold on. "Can I go now?"

"Yeah" CeCe replies

Tinka takes a deep breath in, and starts walking towards the guys. She held her hand in front of her to see where they were. She found all three of them, and started feeling them. After 21 seconds of feeling the guys and stops. "I pick this one" she opens her blindfold to find her hand on Ty's chest. She smiles at him, knowing that they had some past together.

"I guess me and Tinka are together" Ty says, taking her hand. He leads her to the side.

"Now, you guys shuffle" Rocky says. The guys obeyed as CeCe puts on the blindfold. "Go, CeCe" she nudges her forward.

CeCe walks forward doing the same thing Tinka was doing. She hoped she could find which was who, but she couldn't. Deuce hadn't bringed his headphones or his jacket, and they were both wearing t-shirts. She finally stops her hand on a guy. "Um, this one" she takes off her blindfold to find her hand on Gunther.

Gunther looked a little awkward "So, I guess it's me and CeCe"

"So that means I get Deuce" Rocky says.

"You know, I'm kinda feeling hurt" Deuce says

Rocky laughs and goes next to him. She pulls him into a hug "I was only kidding"

"Cool, now lets get to the rooms" Ty says then grabs the bags. He heads to the bag to settle in.

CeCe and Gunther got the room in the end, while Rocky and Deuce got the middle. They went to their rooms, and now CeCe and Gunther are trying to decide how to sleep together.

CeCe sets her bags down "So how are we going to do the sleeping arrangments?"

"I'll sleep on the floor" Gunther suggested.

CeCe shakes her head "There is no reason for that. How about I sleep under the covers and you sleep over them? That way our bodies won't touch or something"

Gunther nods "Sure"

"Guys, come outside!" they heard Rocky say.

"I guess we'll finish this tonight or tomorrow" CeCe says then goes outside with Gunther behind her. They found the gang sitting on the logs outside staring at the fire. "What's going on?"

"Well, I was thinking about how we would spend this break. Deuce suggested that we sit by the campfire and roast marshmellows, and make smores" Rocky replies

"Does your uncle even have stuff to make smores?" Tinka asks

Ty nods "Yeah. He even has hersheys, so we can make hershey smores"

CeCe sat down, and Gunther followed "So what are we doing now?" she asks

"Telling ghost stories. Now who wants to go first" Rocky asks

"ooh" Gunther says "I will"

Deuce laughs "Gunther, a story about goats is not scary"

Gunther smirks "Trust me: it is not" he clears his throat as everyone looked at him "There once lived a lady named "old lady swanson" who lived alone in the woods somewhere in the U.S around the 1800′s with her only son Named Ted. He was her miracle baby, she couldnt have kids because of medical issues but did eventually concieve Ted later in her adult years. She sowed and made cloths that she later sold. One afternoon as she was workin in her cabin her son Ted was out playing alone by the railroad tracks with his ball. As he played the ball fell near the tracks n when he tried to get it he fell n hit his head on the track n passed out. his face was laying on the tracks, then a train came! n as it passed him it sliced his face off!"

The guys gasps

Gunther continues, "A short time later old lady swanson found her son laying there by the track with his face sliced off. she took him back to their cabin and she wept uncontrollably on her rocking chair with her son on her lap. some say she died on that chair as she cried. Years later her home was turned into a cabin for a camp site which eventually was used by campers. One day a bunch of young campers stayed in her cabin. At one night a young camper had to use the rest room wich was an out house just outside the cabin a short walk away. The kids were taught to take a partner with them if they needed to use the bathroom in the middle of the night so young billy woke up and asked marty to go with him. as they walked to the outhouse billy asked marty to keep talkin to him so he knew he was still there after a short walk, marty stopped talking and responed to billy, billy then turns around and doesnt see marty anymore. Billy thinks martys just playing a joke on him so he continues to the bathroom. Once he's there he turns on the light and SEES OLD LADY SWANSON HOVERING OVER HIM WIELDING A BIG KNIFE SCREAMING "GIVE ME YOUR FACE!" THEN SHE SLICES HIS FACE OFF! Some say at night time in the woods somewhere in america you can hear old lady swanson sowing and crying as she sowes the face of kids she murdered onto her son, trying to find a match. Hopefully, we are not in the same cabin" he finishes off smirking

Everyone except Ty was stunned. Ty just only laughed and said "That is so fake"

Weep, weep, weep. Everyone gasps and stands up.

"This is just his joke" Ty gets up "I'm sure there is nothing-"

"Give me your face!" a hand touches Ty

Ty screams and quickly runs behind the gang. He heard the gang laughing and raised his head up, to see Gunther where he was standing.

"Sure, Ty" Gunther says then sits down. Eveyone sits too.

"I was just playing, yall" Ty says trying to look cool.

Rocky was still laughing "Sure"

CeCe smiles "You know, even though there's no Tv, we can still have fun. And I'm pretty sure, there is much to come" she takes a marshmellow and starts roasting it.

"Okay, now truth or dare?" Rocky asks CeCe

"Dare" she replies

A sly smirk came across Rocky's lips, as she thought of the dare she had for CeCe.

Tell me if I should continue or not! Review are much appreciated. And the couples will start to show in the next chapter.