Well, here's my newest story. This time it's a crossover. BTW, my name is Natalie, but u guys and gurls may call me Nat! Here ya go:


Lemonade of Anubis

Chapter 1: Tour Dates and Nina's Favorite Band

Liv's PoV

Oh my gosh! England is gonna be SO beautiful. I just called Wen and told him what was going on. He laughed, and promised not to tell the reat of our bandmates. Oh, Wen. My BF and BF. Haha. Anyway. I texted my other bandmates, and told them to meet me at Hanna's Hot Dogs, our new place, since Dante's banned us. Though it WAS Ray's fault, he apologised long after, and we took the blame. Since then, Ray has gotten closer to Stell. Anyway, Liverpool, England. That's our first stop on the Foreign Tourin' tour that Lemonade Mouth was invited to perform in. Sooo cool. Anyways, I'll just head over. Gram's gonna drive me, though it's a five minute walk.

Amber's PoV

"OMG, Nins, you've been sitting at that computer ALL day. Why?" She replied that it's her favorite band, and that her friend Nadia said that Lemonade House or Mouth (whatever) is performing right here in Liverpool. But the last part shocked me. She was trying to get tickets for Fabian's b-day! YAY FOR FABINA! Wow, what about Joy? Whatevs.

Nina's PoV

"Yes yes yes!" The tickets for Fabe's birthday to Lemonade Mouth. Here in Liverpool. I got them! Even backstage passes. Wait, I ordered 6 tickets! Fabian will just have to choose who he wants to come. I ran downstairs to find him. "Fabian! Come here." He came over and I asked him this question: "If you were to have a b-day party, what four people would you choose to come besides yourself?" He replied Amber, Alfie, Trixie, and Jerome. I was shocked. Why not Joy? Oh well, it'll have to wait. I can't believe how much Fabian loved LM when he heard me play and sing one of their songs. I can't wait. The tickets would arrive tomorrow. The concert was two weeks away. I was perhaps the luckiest girl ALIVE! Little did I know, someone was listening into our little conversation...

A/N Srry peeps. U just gotta wait 4 the person! A/N

Mo's PoV

Charlie Charlie Charlie Charlie! Get outta my head. I love him so much. Why can't I just breakup with Scott? Liv's expecting us to meet her at Hanna's at noon. It's 11:50, but I'm always ear- WHAT THE HECK! Is Scott seriously kissing Jules. I guess now there's two reasons to break up with that lil devil. "Hey Scott." "Mo, uh didn't see ya there." I slapped him and yelled, "HOW DARE YOU CHEAT ON ME! And with Jules no less." Just then, the rest of Lemonade Mouth showed up. The looks of horror on Wen and Olivia's faces. Stell and Ray had mixed emotions. Charlie looked happy, yet a little odd. I guess it's 12 pm now.

Charlie's PoV

Wait... why is Mo furious. And why is Scott by Jules. Ohhh, I get it now. I thought he loved her. A look of happiness, yet perplexion danced across my face. One by one, it creeped to pure love and devotion.

Liv's PoV

Once agian, I Olivia White, have NO idea what's going on. Scott,. Mo, and... Jules? Uh-oh.

Wen's PoV

B-but. W-What. S-Scott. M-Mo. J-Jules. W-What?

Stell's PoV

I think I'm gonna hurl. FINALLY! So then I grabbed Ray and cried. I know. Cried. Maybe FINALLY Mo and Charlie will get together. Today rocks. Yet, what about Mo. Will she be alright? Jules, Scott,+Mo= very bad. Mo+Charlie=Happiness. Yayyy!

So that's that for Chap 1. Just a few questions:

Who's listening to Fabes and Nins's conversation?

How will Joy react once she finds out Fabian didn't choose her?

What will Liv say to the band?

How will Mo deal?

What will Scott say?

Will Mo and Charlie finally confess their feelings?

Find out in Chapter 2: Finally!

Keep the revs coming. I luv em! Thx fans!

