Hey I know I have to incomplete stories but I'll finish them I just think this would be fun!

CeCe and Rocky both walked in the shake it up studios Next Gunther and Tinka came in next, Tinka yelled out "hey what are you two doing here?" CeCe and Rocky both turned and repeated the question "what are you two doing here?"

The four argued while Deuce and Ty walked in next. After that everyone started asking questions.

"Hello Chicago! And welcome to a special shake it up episode!"

Everyone turned behind them to find a smiling Garry.

He continued to speak. "Today we have seven teenagers here to play Truth or Dare!"

Everyone in anger yelled "What!" CeCe walked to Garry and said "you told me and Rocky that we came here to work on our spotlight dance."

Gunther walked up too and said "no that's he told me and Tinka."

Ty came up and said "you said there will be a party here." Deuce came up and said "YEAH! That's why I followed him."

Garry turned to the camera and said "I lied! To get everyone here! And after the commercial break we could start the game. So start calling audience to ask a question or give a slimy dare to our contestants!"

Before anyone could yell at Garry he ran to his dressing room.

Yup I want to play truth or dare with shake it up so tell me what you want them to do BTW I changed their ages to 16 and Ty to 17 because I just want to