This originally was going to be a one-shot lemon, but I decided, hell no, this is going to be the story to replace 'Life Changing Text' (If you don't know what I'm talking about, read more of my stories :P). Now, I'm just trying this pairing out, since I don't see a lot of this pairing. If you don't like it, well, you don't have to review, simple as that. The Zuko character is based off my brother, who just happens to be a Corporal in the Marine Corps. So this story is dedicated to him...even though he has no idea that I write Fan Fiction...and neither does my family...but anyways, here you go:

She continued to let the tears flow down her face. Never had she felt this way before. After realizing that she truly loved Sokka, Yue had broken up with her boyfriend Hahn who her Dad had set her up with months before. But once she did, she found out that Sokka moved on to Toph. Now she was here at the local dinner, drowning her sorrows in complementary coffee. She wiped her face with a napkin as her waitress came over. "Hey Yue," Katara sat down across from her. Katara was Yue's best friend. She wore her hair in her usual pony tail she kept it in during work hours. Her uniform consisted of a blue shirt and skirt to her knees with a white apron tied along her waist. She poured her friend another cup of coffee. "Are you feeling any better?"

Yue shook her head, "No…your brother took my heart out and stomped on it, leaving me alone…and now have nowhere to live." She had been kicked out of her house because she broke up with Hahn. Yue was going to hopefully move in with Sokka, but obviously that wasn't the case anymore.

"You're more than welcome to move in with me and Suki. I can get you a job here and you will be on your feet in no time." Katara offered.

Yue ran her finger along the rim of the mug, "I don't know Katara…maybe. I'm still hoping that maybe my father will let me back in the house. You know, if he forgets the part about him losing the big account with Hahn's father."

"I promise everything will be fine Yue, we all have your back no matter what. You won't have to live on the streets even for a second. You were there for me when Aang and I were still trying to figure out what has happening between us." Katara said. Yue remembered that week like it was yesterday. Katara had thought that, ironically enough, Aang and Toph were going out. The whole week was spent her not leaving her apartment, watching chick flicks with her and Suki and eating a lot of Ice Cream. But when Aang finally got a hold of her, he explained that he and Toph would be nothing more than best friends. After that, they've been the major couple of their group.

She finally stopped crying and regained her composure, "So, how are you and Aang?"

Katara smiled, "We're great…but you don't want to hear about us."

"Gets my mind off of him…" Yue sighed.

"Well, he took me out to Lake Laogai, it was soooo romantic and…" Yue stopped listening to Katara's long story about her and Aang's romance. It wasn't that she didn't like Aang, he was a sweet guy, but her problems seemed to outweigh paying attention to her friend. She let her mind wander, like the time that Sokka had promised that he would cherish the day that once she was no longer with Hahn, that he would treat her like the princess she was. Yue sighed, wishing that those words were true. The double doors opened to the diner and their familiar friend walked in. It was Aang's older brother, Zuko. He was a couple years older than the group, now about 21, they were all either 18 or 19. He was a Marine that use to see action overseas but now worked at the local base. Yue never admitted it, but she always had a small crush on him since they were little. He always took charge of things and knew how to lead, a classic Sergeant in training. She found herself a little self-conscious, looking like the mess she was. The only thing she had to work for her right now was her low cut blue shirt, other than that, she had her blue winter coat in the seat next to her and only a pair of blue jeans. He spotted her and Katara and walked over. "…and then there were Fireworks and it was so magic- Zuko, what are you doing here?" Katara asked, breaking off her story midsentence.

He smiled, "Well this is a diner isn't it? I came here for food Princess." She scowled at her nickname that Toph and Zuko both insisted on calling her.

"Stop calling me that Zuko," She whined as she got out of the booth.

"I could call you that name my brother was calling you last night," Her face instantly went red and he smiled, knowing his work was done.

"Fine fine," She said, "Where are you going to sit?"

He looked at the booth, "I think I'll join our resident beauty queen here." Yue blushed as she slid into the booth. "Could I get your best food?"

"The best food you're going to get here is the pancakes," Katara said.

Zuko smiled, knowing Katara hated dealing with pancakes. "I'll get the pancakes then." She sighed and wrote it down.

"Anything else future brother-in-law from hell?" She asked sarcastically.

"What makes you think that you and Aang are going to get married?" He questioned.

Katara laughed, "Do you really see Aang and I breaking up, like someone and their emo girlfriend?"

Zuko softly hissed and covered his heart, "Oh Katara, that one stung," He joked, "I think I've taught you well. Plus, you know I have a weakness for emo girls."

She smiled at her victory, "Yeah yeah, whatever. I'm guessing you're going to stick with water then?" He nodded. "Good, I'll have your pancakes up soon." Katara walked back to the kitchen and went to work.

Yue watched Katara leave then turned back to Zuko who was looking at her. His amber eyes almost made her go weak, but she contained herself. "So Yue," He took her hand in his, making her blush more. Zuko put his other hand over hers, sandwiching it between his hands. "Have you heard that I have magical powers?"

"No, I haven't." She answered, ignoring how right it felt to have her hand in his. Yue completely forgot about the two boys that she had been stuck in between for the past couple months and only thought about the pale skinned man in front of her.

Zuko smiled, "I can tell you exactly what has happened in the past couple hours of your life, just by looking by you. Watch…" He closed looked her up and down. Yue sat awkwardly, not use to such close study of her. "Okay. I know the tragedy of what your day has been. Since I know the idiot that we call Sokka, I know that he has wanted you to break up with that Hahn guy. Am I correct so far?" She nodded. "You finally agreed, breaking it off with Hahn and wanting to start your new relationship with Sokka, but you found out he found somebody else…like…Toph?" Her tears started to come back and she nodded again. "But now since you broke it off with Hahn, you're kicked out of your house and need a place to stay."

"How did you know?" She asked wiping away her fresh tears.

"Magic…and of course Facebook. That is why I am here." Zuko set her hand down. "I need to tell you something."

She sighed, "Is it that Sokka drove into a ditch?"

He shook his head, "No, I want you to move in with me."

Her eyes went wide, "You want me to move it with you?"

"Yeah. I get housing allowance since I don't live on base. I have an extra room, the rent is close to nothing and it's a great apartment. You won't have to pay anything, free food, bed, stuff like that." Zuko explained.

"But why me?" Yue asked. "I'm just one of your brother's friends and I'm just barely out of high school."

Zuko shifted in his seat a little and leaned over the table, "Let's just say…I've had my eye on you for a couple years."

Her heart skipped a beat, did he really just say that he's liked her for a couple years? It was literally a dream come true for Yue. Her childhood crush was coming to her with an answer to her problems and more. How could she pass it up? "You like me?"

"Of course, how could I not?" Zuko told her. "You're beautiful, sweet, and you are everything that I am missing. I would like to treat you like the princess you deserve to be treated." She was totally speechless. He got up and opened his wallet and pulled out a couple of bills, putting them down on the table. "Have the pancakes, they're on me. Come to my house tonight if you want to accept my offer. I'm going to go drink now to try to forget this in case you totally I'm a fucking idiot." Yue silently watched as he left the diner.

Katara walked up to the table with a plate of fresh pancakes, "Wait, where did Zuko go?"

"He left, but he paid for the pancakes for me." Yue told her.

She growled, "He just fucking did that to mess with me." Katara noticed the blank face of the white haired girl and sat down, "Did you think about my brother again?"

Yue shook her head, "Zuko just offered to take care of me. Give me a place to live, free rent and everything…then he told me that he has 'had his eye on me'."

Katara's jaw nearly dropped, "No way!" She nodded. "Well…do you like him?" That was the question Yue couldn't answer. Sure, she had the crush on Zuko, but enough to move in with him and have a relationship with him? She had just had her heart broken by Sokka and kicked out of her house for breaking it off with her old boyfriend. Moving in with someone would be a big step and she wasn't sure if she could make that kind of decision in the condition she was in.

"I don't know…"

"Here," Katara pushed the plate of pancakes towards Yue, "Eat since Zuko paid. Are you going to need anything else?"

She sighed, "Katara, I have $10 to my name, I don't think I should pay for anything."

"I could pay for it myself," Katara offered, "Or you could move in with Zuko." Yue blushed, realizing she would have to make her decision fast if she wanted to sleep in a bed tonight.

"YOU WHAT?" Suki yelled at Sokka. She smacked him upside the head, making him cry out in pain. "HOW DARE YOU DO THAT DO HER SOKKA! THE GIRL IS PROBABLY HEART BROKEN!" She growled in frustration. "She finally breaks up with the guy…and you get together with Toph?"

"Hey!" Toph interjected.

"I'm sorry Toph, you are pretty, but we're talking about Yue," Suki turned her attention back to Sokka. "How fucking stupid are you? Her ass is prettier than my face."

"True, she really does," Toph added.

Suki got up from the couch, "I'm severely disappointed in you Sokka. I can understand if you just wanted to be with Toph, you can be with her. But you literally continued to badger Yue into dating you and even falling in love with you, only to hook up with Toph the night she breaks up with Hahn. Then you have the balls to tell her you want Toph over her, leaving her out on the street and heartbroken. No wonder I broke up with you…" She walked out the front door only to be met by Zuko. "Whoa, Zuko, long time no see."

He gave her a small smile, "Good to see you too Suki, is he in here?" Suki nodded and he went inside. She was going to leave, but she wanted to see what damage the Marine would do. "Sokka, we need to have a talk."

"Am I going to get another tongue lashing?" Sokka groaned.

"Nope," Zuko cocked his arm back and punched him with all his strength, knocking him out. Suki and Toph gasped as they saw Sokka drop to the floor.

"Holy shit!" Suki tried not to laugh as Zuko shook his hand, realizing how much the punch really hurt his hand.

Toph sighed and got up, "I'll get the ice pack." Zuko walked out the door and Suki quickly followed him.

"I can't believe you just did that Zuko! That was amazing!" She smiled. He continued walking towards his black truck and opened the door. Suki stood on the other side of the door, "Zuko…have I ever told you how much I like older men?"

He chuckled a bit, "Suki, you and I wouldn't be good together. Sure, it would be great sex, just days and days of mindless pleasure, never tiring of the pleasure we can get out of each other…but for the other hours of the day…what would we talk about? We wouldn't be able to keep a conversation even if our lives depended on it." Zuko got into the car and rolled down the window, "Plus…there is someone out there for you, someone that's been waiting for the chance to get you…just like I have a chance to get someone I've been waiting for."

A big smile was plastered on her face, "You like Yue…"

He nodded, "That I do. And Zach likes you…he's a pretty mature guy. Give him a chance, okay?"

"Okay…thanks Zuko."

Zuko smiled, "Your Welcome, I'll see you later." He started the truck and drove off towards his apartment.

"You really punched Sokka out?" Aang asked, playing videogames upside down with his legs hanging over the back of the couch.

"Yep, he deserved it for what he did to Yue," Zuko said, going through the apartment and cleaning it.

Aang rolled back over on to his butt, realizing how hard it is to actually play upside down, "So what, you like my friend now? I remember when you use to hate it when I hung out with you and your friends all the time."

"Yeah, that's because you use to tell my high school girlfriend that I always talked about her," Zuko told him, going into the kitchen. "At least if I was with her, she would be happy."

His younger brother laughed, "God for a Marine, you sound like a little girl."

"I was trained to kill Aang, I wouldn't try to give me shit right now." Zuko came out with a peach and sat down by his brother. "Shouldn't you go see Katara?"

Aang shook his head, "No, she's working until 5…wait…Zuko do you realize that we both like dark skinned woman…that's hilarious."

"Yeah, our racist grandma would be turning in her grave…knowing we like bronze skinned…ample breasted…fit bodied…luscious assed…"

"You really need to get laid and this is coming from your younger brother," Aang laughed as he beat the level and put the controller on the table. "Do you want some advice?"

"From my younger brother…on love?"

He nodded, "Think about it Zuko, Katara and I have been together for years…almost ready to get married."

"Aang, I will kill you if you marry Katara right now, neither of you are in the place." Zuko warned him.

"I know, I know. I'm just saying, Katara and I are still very much in love with each other and I just want to try to help you." Aang offered.

Zuko sighed, "I know I'm going to regret it, but lay it on me."

"Forget about your usual…non-emotional Zuko, you're acting like you're captain of the Emo's." Aang told him, "The way you told me how you talked to her today is the guy she needs…share how you feel with her and not just how much you like her."

Zuko patted his brother on the shoulder, "Thanks for the advice little brother. I thought that I would actually be the one helping you, but it seems the tide has turned." They heard a knock on the door and he got up and opened it. A still teary eyed Yue stood at the door, Katara behind her.

"Is the offer still available?" She asked with a weak smile.

Arnook flipped through the newspaper when the front door opened. He immediately stood and saw his daughter walk in with a taller boy. "Yue, I told you you're not welcome here."

"I'm getting my stuff father." Yue told him as she stomped up the stairs with Zuko quietly following behind her. He quickly ran up the stairs and into Yue's room as she pulled out a suitcase from under her bed.

"I want you out." He nearly yelled as she continued to pack.

She blew the hair out of her face, "So you're going to kick your own daughter out of the house without a single piece of clothing or even my picture of my mother?" Yue placed the said picture with its frame in the suitcase. "It was just a million dollar deal with Hahn's Dads Company…that's like chump change to you."

"You disobeyed me for the last time Yue, that's why I kicked you out," He told her. Arnook looked at Zuko who stood silently out of the way. "And so you're going to move in with this boy? I don't even know how you can afford food." Arnook sized Zuko up, who now was sporting a frown.

"Sir, I am Corporal Zuko Agni of the U.S Marines." Zuko told him, "I fought for this country and I think I deserve a little bit more respect than you're showing me."

"I was in the Navy for 20 years, so you can show me respect," Arnook shot back, puffing out his chest and standing up to Zuko.

Zuko looked at Yue who was having trouble zip up the blue suitcase. He went past her father and pressed his hand firmly against the top of the suitcase, allowing her to zip it up the rest of the way. She tried to take the suitcase, but he picked it up for her and hung it over his shoulder. "Now I'm leaving. Have a good rest of your life alone father." She stormed out of the room and Zuko followed, after giving her father one last look. They went down the path and she got in while he put her stuff in the back of the truck. Zuko got in and started the car, taking off down the road. "I'm sorry about that Zuko…he's…not a good father."

"You don't mean that," Zuko told her, "You will always love him no matter what, he'll realize what he did soon enough."

"You really think that?" She asked. Zuko nodded. "I don't know Zuko, he truly meant what he said." Yue sat quietly as he drove back to his apartment. Her eyes roamed around the truck. Zuko kept his truck pretty clean, he had a iPod plug in for his stereo and had a pack of gum on the center console, other than that, there was nothing. She spotted a rag on the ground next to her foot, there was blood on it. "Zuko, why do you have a bloody rag in your truck?" She asked, pulling her legs up, not sure whose blood that actually was.

He laughed a little awkwardly, "Yeah…about that. I went to see Sokka today."

"What happened?" Yue questioned anxiously, not worrying about her lost love, but more for Zuko now. Zuko didn't do anything for a minute, but gave her his right hand. She saw the cuts on his knuckles. "You fought him?"

Zuko shook his head, "It wasn't a fight…it was more of me going in there, knocking him out, then driving off."

"Zuko, you didn't have to hit him," She softly stroked his hand.

"If he doesn't learn, then he'll continue to fuck up…and I don't like that he hurt you." Yue smiled and she placed a small kiss on his knuckles. Zuko was like her guardian angel…her Prince.

Aww, sappy love between two characters that never showed one ounce of affection towards each other in the show. I decided not to have this as a one shot lemon because i always have the characters get it on in the first chapter or so don't I? so I'm trying this out. Tell me what you think.
