Disclaimer: I do not own Les Miserables in any format or adaption.

Man can now fly in the air the air like a bird,

Swim through the sea like a fish,

He can burrow into the ground like a mole.

Now if only he could walk the earth like a man,

This would be paradise.

- Tommy Douglas

No one had ever accused Enjolras of being a particularly patient man. Though only twenty-two years of age, he felt the distinct crush of time weighing down on him whenever a task took longer than necessary. After all, with every passing day the Revolution took to destroy the ridiculous class divide present in France, more and more impoverished people died needlessly in streets. Enjolras couldn't abide by that.

His severe lack of patience also kept him from entertaining the boyish whims and cluelessness of his friends. He simply did not have the time to listen to them prattle on about the girls and activities that kept them occupied between lectures and plans of rebellion. It just did not seem necessary.

The source of Enjolras's impatience at this moment was one Marius Pontmercy. He felt his blue eyes narrow as he observed Marius talking frantically to Eponine.

Enjolras felt a stab of amusement directed towards the girl through his haze of anger. He was furious she came to the barricades. Didn't she take this seriously? There was a likelihood, no matter how much Enjolras tried to push the thought out of his mind, that many of the people who stood so bravely around him would be killed fighting for equality. The last thing anyone needed to think about was Eponine and her pathetic crush on Marius.

Still, she looked rather funny dressed up as a boy. The lengths that girl would go to just for a moment with her dear Marius were astounding. Almost impressive.

If only she applied herself to something worth her time.

"Please, 'Ponine," Marius begged openly, hands clasping the letter that he had worked so hard on. "Just deliver this note to Cosette. I'll give you anything you want!"

Enjolras shook his head as he eavesdropped on their (admittedly boring) conversation. There was no way he could let the girl, no matter how irritating she could be, wander off as a Revolution waged and was sure to grow around the city.

In three strides, Enjolras walked over to the mismatched duo and tore the letter out of Eponine's hand before turning his attention to Marius.

"Stop gaping, Marius," Enjolras commanded. He saw Eponine duck her head out of the corner of his eye, desperately trying to shield her face from him. "I am well aware that it is you under that cap, Eponine," he said firmly, his voice scolding her.

Turning his attention back to Marius, Enjolras held up the letter. "There is absolutely no way that I am going to let you send Eponine into the streets. In case it failed to grasp your attention, there is a battle waging around you!" Enjolras tucked the letter into his breast pocket, safe from any prying hands. "You may deliver your letter yourself when the battle is won."

"You don't understand, Enjolras! Cosette is leaving, her father is forcing her-"

Enjolras held up a hand, halting Marius impassioned pleading. "All the same, Marius, it is not safe for Eponine to do your bidding tonight."

"I think that Eponine should have a say in that, personally," Eponine interjected firmly. Enjolras rolled his eyes over to the small young woman.

Enjolras shook his head. "Neither of you are not taking this very seriously," he reprimanded. He watched as Eponine's unusually large eyes narrowed at him.

If she had not been forced to starve by the selfish bourgeoisie, she would not look so sickly, Enjolras reminded himself. That thought only cemented his belief that he was doing the right thing.

"Listen, Eponine, the front lines are no place for you. You are untrained in combat and, though we are all aware of how strong your spirit is, you are physically weak due to your malnourishment," Enjolras explained clinically, not particularly caring about the young woman's feelings at that point in time.

He glanced down at her. Despite the patchwork clothing she wore, her dirty face, ratty hair and weak frame, she stood with pride, unwilling to falter under Enjolras's rather intimidating stare.

From what little Enjolras knew of the grisette, he knew it would be impossible to keep her away from the barricades. She was stubborn and burdened by pride, unwilling to ask for help even when she desperately needed it. She had a romantic streak that kept her from seeing reason when Marius was part of the equation. No doubt those romance tales forced into her as a young girl found something alluring in the possibility of dying with her One True Hope.

Still, she would not be an asset on the battlefield.

"If you did truly wish to help us, I would gladly take the offer," Enjolras relented with a sigh.

Eponine glanced over at Marius. She wanted nothing more than to deliver that letter to Cosette, no matter how much it would break her own heart, if only to see her beloved smile in what could possibly be his final hours.

That in mind, she was aware of the sacrifice Enjolras and the other boys were willing to make on behalf of her and the working class. Perhaps if she helped, she could save a few of them. The image of Gavroche sitting on the shoulders of one of the boy's as they traipsed around Paris during the funeral was chief in Eponine's mind as she nodded slowly. "I'll do what I can to help."

"Brilliant," Enjolras responded shortly, grabbing Eponine by the elbow, horrified by the feel of her sharp bones pressing into his palm. The poor girl likely hadn't eaten all day at the very least. "Marius, pay attention to what is going on around you right now. You have the rest of your life to mourn that girl. You have a responsibility to your brothers tonight."

Marius dragged his eyes up to meet Enjolras's and nodded. Enjolras offered the young man a curt nod of his own before walking away, pulling Eponine with him.

"I notice that you have some fine sewing skills, judging from your clothing," Enjolras mentioned as he weaved himself through his fellow students.

Eponine struggled to keep up with his long strides. "I guess," she said with some doubt marring her voice. She pulled her elbow out of Enjolras's grasp. "I don't really see what that has to do with anything."

Once they were out of the rush of students, Enjolras turned and looked down at her. "The army that we are facing is vast to say the least. We are looking at a very bloody battle," Enjolras explained quietly, careful to not let any of the boys hear his doubts.

"With only one medic, we are in a great amount of trouble. We need all the help we can get," Enjolras admitted, his broad shoulders slumping somewhat. "We could really use your help in that field."

Eponine cocked her head to the side. "You mean like a nurse?"

"Somewhat, yes. Keep in mind, Eponine, that you will see our comrades in grave condition before the battle is won," Enjolras warned, worried for Eponine's sensibilities. In truth, Enjolras wasn't completely sure that any of the boys were really aware of what they were getting into.

The thought haunted him.

"I'll do it," Eponine said firmly, resolving herself to her new task.

Enjolras smiled slightly down at her, thankful to the steel nature the girl possessed. "Thank you," he sighed as he inclined his head. "Follow me, then."

Eponine followed Enjolras as he led her to the Cafe Musain.

"You'll find Joly in here. Just tell him that I sent you to assist in any way possible," Enjolras explained before turning away from her to retreat back to the front lines. Eponine looked up at the cafe, the entrance bordered in red revolutionary flags.

Eponine supposed that subtly was no longer necessary.

"Mademoiselle?" Eponine turned as Enjolras touched her shoulder briefly. "Thank you for your assistance," Enjolras said quickly, removing his hand from her shoulder and hurrying back to his troops.

A/N: So this is my first attempt at a Les Miserables fanfiction. I have just started reading the book, so it is likely to be more musical/movie compliant than within the book canon. I also hope to be able to delve into the more political side that is touched upon in the movie, as that's what I found most interesting. I'd kill for a Les Aimes L'ABC political thriller, to be honest.

See you next time!