Author has written 30 stories for Artemis Fowl, Beauty and the Beast, Harry Potter, Anastasia, Despicable Me, My Little Pony, and Frozen. Update July 23, 2017 I don't know how, but I survived the first YEAR of medical school! I passed everything so far and even though it's been crazy-hard it's going all right I suppose. I hope I've retained more than I feel like I have. It's just a LOT. I'm still writing a bit here and there, got some WIPs, but I can't work on stuff super often and it'll probably be quite a while before anything actually gets published. Fandoms involved: Frozen, OUAT, and possibly Moana. About me: First of all, I am a Christian. My life is not my own - it is devoted to God's call. And it's been quite the adventure. Basically, I was studying chemical engineering and then God told me to be a doctor, so I changed my major and took an extra year to graduate and now I'm in medical school and it's honestly just unreal. Also, I love to go on mission trips. I have been on 8 outside the USA so far (Ecuador x2, Honduras x4, Panama, Senegal) and I intend to continue to participate in medical missions throughout my life. I may end up going into full-time mission work as a career at some point when I've finished my training, but that's at least 7 years down the road so we've got some time to figure that out. Any more questions, please message me. General theme of my written work: Most of my fan-fictions have the main female character getting horrendously wounded/tortured/afflicted in some unpleasant way. I'm not sure why I do this. Another FF author, "Swirling Dreams" who read my story "Box of Shame 3" suggested this explanation, "You know I read your bio, and most of my stories involve strong female characters being brutally hurt and then cared for and loved on. I'm pretty sure I know why. I think it's cause we want to believe in justice. Especially romantic justice. I know Gru isn't romantic, but we want to believe that if we were hurt there would be some loving guy holding onto us, whether it's a lover, a best friend, or a father." So, hurt/comfort is my favorite and easiest-to-write plot premise, so there is a lot of it in there. I also promise I don't hate these characters. Holly, Anya, Margo, Belle, Twilight, Rainbow, Hermione, Elsa, and Anna are my absolute favorite characters from their respective worlds, but pain is an incredibly powerful human emotion and it's easy to write convincingly about it. Especially considering that I'm not all that good at understanding emotions sometimes. |