There's something irresistible about the relationship between Elsa and Anna, be it platonic or not. It's the potential, methinks.
It has been a long time since I last wrote, so I pray that the writing is coherent and acceptable.
All mistakes, big or small, are mine.

Fair warning on spoilers, fluff, OC and general OoC.

Hell awaits my soul, and probably yours too :)

The girl, no, woman—her coming of age ceremony did take place after all, despite its abrupt end—was awoken by the gentle rasping on her door, tap—tap—tap-tap—tap. She didn't rise from bed immediately, in favor of lying still, fists resting on the silky satin sheets. The high ceiling loomed over her, very much akin to an austere glare. Even with sunlight shining into the bedchamber now that summer had arrived, she was reminded of the loneliness that was her only company in this very room.

The knock on the door was ever so familiar. For a second, she had forgotten that all that isolation was a thing of the past. Perhaps her mind was fooling her, it wouldn't be a first. Maybe everything was a dream?

"Elsa!" The sound carried into the room, muffled.

Anna. Combing her naked fingers through the platinum blond tresses that fell over her shoulder, she cleared her throat to grant permission. But before the words could leave her mouth, the door to her bedchamber swung open violently; in fell her baby sister.

A thud, followed by a groan. The woman stared wide-eyed at her sister, who lay sprawled on the lacquered flooring. Shaking away her shock, she crawled off her bed in haste.

"Are you alright, Anna?"

The strawberry blonde girl sat up gingerly, muttering, "I'm fine, Elsa. Just a bump to add to the collection."

The girl gave a breathless chuckle, hoping to assuage the concern she heard laced in the older one's voice. Unwilling to meet the pair of frosty blue eyes, Anna focused on rubbing her jaw with no mercy, mad at her own blunder. She chastised herself internally, Clumsy Anna, are you even royalty?

Elsa seized the hand when she saw the grimace that passed her sister's freckled face. Yet the hold lasted for less than a second. Slim fingers released the wrist they held captive as if burnt by contact. A chilly breeze blew across the spacious bedchamber. At that moment, both sisters stared at each other in awkward silence.

The utter discouragement of human contact for the past 13 years had made the Snow Queen apprehensive of it; the fear of bringing unintentional harm to her loved ones was never far from her mind. What if I freeze her again? What if my power slips and bad things happen?

Seemingly aware of the thoughts in Elsa's mind, Anna brought her sister's hand to the bruise and pressed it there. Her efforts were met with some resistance at first, the cold hand wanting to slip away from the younger girl's grasp.

"The cold will help," the princess stated matter-of-factly. A second later, a whispered "You can help."

The fear in Elsa's mind subsided at these simple words. I can help. A warm feeling bloomed in her chest, presenting itself as a demure smile on the outwards. Anna returned the gesture.

"I do hope you do not make a habit of collecting scars and bruises." She proceeded to massage the spot with great care and tenderness, the natural chill of her body reducing the throbbing pain.

"Maybe I should be in full body armor to stave off injuries?" Anna offered without much thought. She giggled as memories of the poor armored knight by the staircase that she had damaged quite a number of times came to her mind.

Acknowledging her sister's attempt to lighten the mood, Elsa bantered along, "Shall I notify the blacksmith today?"

The strawberry blonde grinned as wide as her bruised jaw allowed her to. "I can be your knight in shining armor. Defend our kingdom, protect Your Majesty. After all we've been through, I am pretty a way."

In what way, Elsa knew. It was a matter that evoked pride and disappointment, the former for her sister, the latter in her own self. She was supposed to protect her baby sister and keep her out of harm's way. Instead, Elsa was fooled to think her sister dead by her own hands.

When the conniving prince broke the false news, she lost herself. The raging storm that was always present in her very core vanished, and it left her with an ache—a hollow void in place of a heart. Not even the sound of steel unsheathing could bring her out of her mourning state. It wasn't until she sensed the drop in the temperature that she was accustomed to after using her power that she found herself face to face with the frozen state of her sister.

The woman pinched the girl's cheek as she said, "Now, aren't you a smug little bug?" She saved us both, and Arendelle as well.

"Hey! You know it's true. I have witnesses!" the girl defended hotly. She put on an adorable pout when the older sibling pursed her lips to prevent her mirth from escaping.

Soon after, the hand that was serving as an ice pack returned to its duty. The strawberry blonde sighed at the analgesic effect, shifting her body closer to her sister. A sense of relief flooded Elsa; for once, she was not the cause of her pain.

Was it wrong of me to reject Anna's invitation? Truly I did not give false word about the workload I am facing now, but oh…the dejected look on her face.

It smelled of spring. Elsa let her gaze wander, taking in the magnificent floral arrangements that lined the sidewalls of the otherwise dull courtroom. She was never well-acquainted with the blossoms of spring and summer. During her younger years, the day was set for lectures and lessons. Pedagogues invited by her royal father strolled into the library one after another; each wise man came in with his own brand of knowledge: geography, arithmetic, history, oratory.

It was all done in her best interest, she knew.

Be the good girl you always have to be.

The 7-year-old princess took up her studies in a flourish manner. She was lauded for her eagerness to learn, praised for possessing a sharp mind at that young of age; but it was her discipline that was the main subject of adulation of the kingdom. How many times had she heard the older maidservants talking among themselves: "If only my child was like Princess Elsa."

You wouldn't want a cursed child.

A deafening crash broke her reverie. Blue eyes, still hazy coming out of a memory, fell upon the source of the disruption.

"Are you hurt?" the queen asked, striding towards the pool of shattered glass and the frightful girl dressed in a maidservant's robe, who wore a look of a startled fawn.

"Forgive me for my clumsiness, Your Majesty," the girl said while hanging her head low in submission and contrite. She made a move to kneel but was halted by the queen.

"It is a small matter," the queen spoke with finality. Then, she fixed the girl with a scrutinizing gaze, "More importantly, are you hurt?"

"N-no, Your Majesty," the maid shook her head to emphasize her point.

"That is good. Fetch a broom and let us clean this mess up."

Elsa watched as the brown-haired girl took her leave, only to stop a few steps away from the courtroom entrance to perform a bow before running again.

"So young to be working in the castle," Elsa murmured to herself as she waved her hand in an upward motion, crystallizing the water that spilled on the stone floor. There were a few stems of magnolia and lilac on the floor, all white in color, so these are responsible for the sweet smell.

Holding the product of her powers, she uttered the words under her breath.

"Love will thaw."

The queen was in the middle of diffusing the ice crystal in her hand when the girl entered the courtroom with a broom and dustpan.

Hazel eyes were filled with amazement and wonder at the sight of the monarch using her powers. The air glittered with tiny flakes of ice crystals and the room felt colder than it had been before.


The queen turned around and faced the girl. A look of merriment was etched on the chubby face, reminding Elsa of her baby sister when they used to make the ballroom their personal winter wonderland.

As soon as the crystals melted away, the maid quickly busied herself with clearing the wreck she had caused.

"Did you pick the flowers?"

To be honest, Elsa was quite curious about the decorations in the courtroom, for she had not ordered for anything to be done with the exception of the opening of the high windows.

The girl paused her sweeping and responded, "Princess Anna did, Your Majesty."

The blonde's eyes crinkled, yes, who else would know to choose white?

Elsa walked up to the vase next to the shattered one and examined the blooming plant. "When were you given this order?" she asked.

Gardenia, if her memory served her right. She leaned in to capture its unique smell, sugary.

Caught up in her own world, she almost did not hear the young maid's answer: "Yesterday, Your Majesty. Princess Anna said she wanted your first day in court to be memorable."

"You have my gratitude," she did a small curtsey for the girl, eyes twinkling with amusement when she saw the rosy blush on her face. "Are you, by any chance, a child of a servant here? I've yet seen a hardworking girl as young as you in the castle before."

"Yes, Your Majesty. My papa is the stable master and my mama works as a serving maid. I was born in the same year as Princess Anna, Your Majesty," the girl replied in honesty.

Elsa nodded in understanding; the girl's revelation of her age confirmed her suspicion. "You were her companion, when I was…away. What is your name?"

"Helena, Your Majesty. And yes, I-I tried my best," the girl directed a downcast glance at the shards of glass and crushed flowers. "B-but Princess Anna missed you dearly, Your Majesty,"

The queen followed her line of sight. That sentiment was never one-sided.

The maid suddenly stood up straight and bowed deeply, "Forgive me, Your Majesty, but the counselors will soon be arriving. May I request Your Majesty's leave?"

With the high windows open wide, the afternoon sun bathed the room with enough light to forgo the notion of lighting candles. Judging by the position of her own shadow, Elsa realized that she had delayed the girl from her duties for far too long.

The queen put on her winning smile, "Thank you, Helena. You may take your leave."

"We have come to a decision on this alliance with DunBroch, fellow counselors," the Queen of Arendelle concluded. She swept the courtroom with her stoic blue eyes, challenging anyone to rise and give opposition.

When none arose, she dipped her pen into the ink bowl. With an air of regality, she penned her name on the piece of smooth parchment detailing the minute aspects of the mutual alliance. The royal seal came down and she declared in an orotund voice, "Arendelle is now legitimately an allied state to DunBroch, the highlands of Scotland."

"Eyyyh!" her counselors of six roared in unison. They took up their goblets and drank their wine with gusto.

Elsa looked into her own goblet, swirling the pinkish liquid around before taking a timid sip. Her face pinched at the sour liquid. She returned her goblet of gold back to table.

The advisor who was sitting on her left let out a hearty guffaw, "Wine does not sit well with Your Majesty, I see." His moustache purpling as the wine seeped into the grey.

"I would rather end this meeting sober, Lord Glenn," the queen retorted. She then added a well-timed smile to take the edge off her words. I never understood the practice of imbibing.

She allowed the drinking to continue as she listened in on some of the chatters, for it seemed apt to show her fellow countrymen that she will not be harsh in her rule. It would do her well to have them give counsel in earnest and not fear.

The list of matters that required the queen's attention remained as long and complex as the grand staircase in the castle, yet exhaustion had already gnawed its way into her. Turning her body to address the whole court, she gave her leave, "I hope my devoted counselors do not mind, but I shall like to end the meeting now as the issues that are of utmost importance have been discussed."

She motioned the attending servants to take care of the parchments and pens before continuing, "I am sure we all have families waiting for us. We shall adjourn tomorrow, at the same time."

The courtroom bustled with the sound of heels striking stone. Each counselor came forward to kneel before the queen regnant, swearing their fealty to Arendelle and the royal family. Uneasy for the men, Elsa was sure, to skin their knees for a woman who was half of their age. Nevertheless, it was a customary practice to pledge loyalty to the sovereign on the first formal council meeting. "Respect is earned, that which is not earned should not be trusted," the words of a philosopher came to her mind.

The queen expressed her gratitude to every single one of the counselors, complimenting their commitment to Arendelle for serving voluntarily under an inexperienced ruler such as her. She played the diplomat with ease—personally inquiring about the well-being of their families, talking about the local markets, asking about hobbies and trades.

Beyond any doubt, the counselors left the courtroom with a more adorned impression of the queen than when they entered, and Elsa had her royal father and former pedagogues to thank for that.

Elsa's eyes drifted to the empty slot at the far left corner of the room that disturbed the symmetry of the tableau before her. There were 15 vases on the right, but only 14 on the left. The young maid did not manage to replace the broken one due to the holdup with the queen.

The wine and goblets have been cleared away by the maids; the table was spotless and neat safe for the royal crown which she had taken off when she was finally alone.

Now what do I do? Papers await me in the private chamber, yet this weariness won't leave me. Should I have some food first…maybe chocolate can keep me awake.

She remained in the high seat propping her head on her hand, deep in thought.

Someone cleared their throat.

Elsa schooled her features instinctively, straightening her back as if jolted by lightning. She cast an impassive gaze to the intruder.

Kristoff thought he would freeze on the spot when the queen looked at him with her cold blue eyes. He gulped down the sudden impulse to escape the room while his limbs were still functional and stood at attention.

The gaze softened a little when she realized who he was, and boy did he thank his lucky stars.

The fair-headed man did not reckon himself a coward. He had faced burly men who tried to cheat him, temperamental grannies who smacked him up and down when delivery was late, even a snow giant with claws of ice. Surely that had to add some points to his courage. Yet, meeting the Queen of Arendelle made him implicitly nervous. Inferior is the word, I think.

"Ice Master, to what do I owe this pleasure?" the queen said in a polite tone. Even in a sitting position, her form was fierce and powerful.

"Ah, I, uh…came to report that the ice business is…uhm…booming…thanks to Your Majesty, of course," Kristoff stammered, his fingers twitching behind his back. Coward.

"Elsa is fine. As a family friend, you shouldn't mind yourself with the formalities," the platinum blonde reminded him before granting him a sight of the sincere smile that rarely appeared in the absence of her sister.

So rare that it temporarily distracted Kristoff.

"…be sure to work hard, winter will be upon us soon."

He blinked. Winter? What? A frown crawled up his face out of confusion.

"A natural winter, I mean," the queen clarified with a sidelong glance.

Kristoff chortled and rubbed his dirty blond hair as embarrassment painted his cheeks red. He decided to test the name, "I'm sorry, Elsa, my attention span is as short as Sven's, at least that's what Anna says."

The woman's face beamed again at the mention of the strawberry blonde. She does look stunning, more so than usual. The pale beauty angled her head towards the high window, observing the orange tint of the sky; her lips formed a straight line.

Kristoff noted the fall of the smile. He ran his tongue across the back of his teeth, trying to find the words to explain the real reason he came. The royal sisters of Arendelle had grown up together, only to be split apart by the cruel twist of fate…like ice. Melt the ice and you won't be able to tell one from another.

When he saw the longing gaze on the blonde's face, he realized he did not need complicated words to convince her. It was plain on her countenance that she wanted to get out of the castle. The only thing standing in her way was her sense of duty, and well, this conversation.

"She wanted to take you to the gardens," Kristoff said gently. "Apparently flowers are a big deal to ladies…" he added, nodding his head at the walls of the courtroom.

The flash of guilt on Elsa's face confirmed his theory. She dragged her eyes away from the outside world and looked at her audience intently.

"I remember telling her to take you as her escort."

Thick-headed as he may be, Kristoff could read between the lines. The low tone told him that it would be wise to proceed with caution. Walking on thin ice, was how the adage went.

"I got rejected," the blonde man shrugged sheepishly as he recalled what the young princess had said when he offered. "Anna was adamant when she left, yelling 'I don't need a guy to follow me everywhere!'"

An exasperated response, "I… Forgive my sister's tactlessness. She-"

"No, no. Brusque honesty is good," Kristoff interrupted. He received a peculiar look, but carried on, "I don't mind it. Actually, I don't think anyone minds it. She is upfront with what wants."

The queen leaned forward as if to speak, but her words abandoned at the last moment. She gave Kristoff a look of mutual understanding and made a move to rise from her seat.

"That, she is."

The man was aware of the sides of his lips twitching. When was the last time he felt this noble helping people?



1. This takes place, say, 2 weeks after the Great Thaw.
2. Elsa sleeps in her old bedroom, not the royal bedchamber that belonged to her parents.
3. I cannot imagine Anna having no one at all(with her being so warm and bubbly), so I made up the girl. /shrugs
4. White is Elsa's favourite colour, but she likes other colours too. It reminds her of innocence and purity.
5. DunBroch is Merida's homeland.
6. I have a hard time picturing how the crown would fit Elsa's new hairstyle. Like seriously, how?
7. Kristoff is surprisingly fun to write. He's a good guy.

bye! oh and review if you please.