![]() Author has written 48 stories for Harry Potter, Shaman King, Sailor Moon, Relic Hunter, House, M.D., Pirates of the Caribbean, Zorro, Dragon Ball Z, Bones, Criminal Minds, Sherlock, and Kaiketsu Zorro/怪傑ゾロ. I love good characterizations and very well done character development. I enjoy good plotlines and drama. Seems I'm an angst lover and can stomach fluff only in small doses. I'm more lurker than a writer, although recently it looks likd my muse has woken up after her long period of dormancy. I like coming up with stories, but I lack the patience to write them down. There are a lot of shows I enjoy watching (not in any particular order and from over the years): Bones (of course, my newest obsession), Criminal Minds (one of the best team interactions on TV, also the creepiness has its merits and I was always fascinated with serial killers. I know I'm weird...), The Big Bang Theory (Sheldon Cooper. Nothing to add.) BBC Sherlock (why are the seasons so far apart???) House MD (but up to season six/middle season seven...), CSI (I actually watched the whole 14 season of CSI this past few months - long live a broken arm - and I'm going to start with CSI: Miami even though can't stomach Horatio, then CSI: NY - I actually watched it the most over the years...) Relic Hunter (an old adventure kind of series, Nigel is love) The Pretender (one of the first series I was fangirling over, sexy Jarod and ruthless, awesome Miss Parker...) New World Zorro (what's there is not to love about Zorro? I loved how this series was character/romance focused, and that Diego was a scientist first and most, and the science lessons he gave in every episode) Glee (although saw only first season, I plan on catching up during summer), Lie to Me (was so sorry it got canceled), Monk (gotta love the quirky guy, and of course the mysteries were great), Agatha Christie's Poirot (David Suchet was simply born to play Mr. Poirot!), Agatha Christie's Marple (Geraldine McEwan - she's the personification of Miss Marple for me) Lois&Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (now that's my childhood series, and young Dean Cain with his killer smile... and amazing Teri Hatcher... and of course the awesome Martha Kent!), NCIS (watches from time to time, Gibbs/Abby father/daughter relationship I like the best) JAG (my Mom is a great fan, I liked it a lot too), Dawson's Creek (who didn't watch Dawson's Creek?) Nanny (despite her nasal voice, I loved her antics, and unique babysitting techniques) Mythbusters (Jamie is love! and Adam never fails to amuse me) My Cat from Hell (Jackson is love and cats. Seriously, I love cats) Riders of Berk/Defenders of Berk - I LOVE the movies and TV series. Seriously, among the crap that is TV for kids, this show is a jewel. I recommend it to all parents, it's worth being shown to your kids. The Pinguins of Madagaskar.(ha! Even my own Mother enojys it - although she protests ...too much ;) ).I have quite a few favorite characters from the shows above: Bones: Booth and Brennan, Hodgins, Zack, Angela, Caroline, Wendell, Fisher, Cullen, Goodman, Sweets, Parker, Gordon Gordon, Vincent, Clark, Daisy, Arastoo and Cam, and others too... the show makes great characterizations, that's what really got me into it in the first place. Hercule Poirot (from Agatha Christie's Poirot, it's just everything about him) Adrian Monk (from Monk, he makes you laugh, he makes you ache with him, he awes you with his skill) Sheldon Cooper (The Big Bang Theory, everything about him) Sherlock Holmes (BBC Sherlock ...and looks like another quirky male that has caught my heart... it's just everything about him...) BBC Sherlock: Molly Hooper (she dates sociopaths and she dumps them :P), Mycroft Holmes (I adore his and Sherlock relationship), John Watson, Mary Watson nee Mortan, Mrs. Hudson, Greg Lestrade, Anderson... and so on ;) Capt. Jim Brass (CSI, THE best character on the show. I love his sarcastic sense of humor, his great love for his not-biological daughter, he's just awesome) Gil Grissom (CSI, He's quite and excentric, and I love how shy he always was) Lisa Cuddy (House MD, she had a heart in the correct place and she was able to rein the Doctor, they treated her character very badly in the end though...) House is fine too, especially the early House and House from season six, when he tried to improve, later his just an unlikable ass. Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds, she's just the sunshine of the CM family, and she's quite witty, simply love her) Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds, another quirky male) Amy Farrah Fowler (The Big Bang Theory, a female Sheldon some describe her, but there so much more to her character...) Martha Kent (Lois&Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, she not a simple farmer's wife, not her, pure awesomeness) Miss Parker (The Pretender, you could feel her pain... the Ice Queen with a tender, buried heart) Sue Silvester (Glee, seriously? There would be no show without her!) Miles (Nanny, the best sarcastic butler ever, and such a shipper! gotta love the guy) Of course there are a lot of more characters I enjoy...Of course writing about my shows I need to write about the ships: (I'm a chronic shipper. I usually ship characters in everything I watch/read. Sometimes very hard, sometimes just as a on the side...) Booth/Brennan (Bones: seriously, whoever watched the show will know; two damaged, lost souls that has found each other; soul mates, friends, partners; a love like no other) Hodgins/Angela (Bones: since their first date I was a die hard shipper; I want a Hodgins of my own) Harry/Hermione (Harry Potter series, another OTP of mine, their friendship is simply the best thing ever, especially in the earlier books. I think there was a potential for a wonderful romance, alas now it's a subject for fanfiction) Ron/Luna (Harry Potter series, they could be so much better for each other... she could amuse him and he could be a hero for her, he'd never feel inferior to her...) Neville/Ginny (Harry Potter series, I always felt that those two were simply made for each other, her fangirling attitude focused on him would do his confidence a wonder, while his calm, peaceful bearings would tame her fiery temperamnt) Molly/Sherlock (BBC Sherlock; I find it interesting how she's one of the only people to make him act humbly and human and sincere; if there is a woman for Sherlock, it's her) Mary/John (BBC Sherlock; Mary is love, and John is love and they just fit perfectly) Sara/Grissom (CSI, Gosh, I think shipped them the moment she appeared on the show. Although I loved Grissom/Heather storyline a lot, too) Wendy/Hodges (CSI, I found myself squealing so loud when she finally kissed him, wish they had explored them much, they were such a fun) Morgan/Hodges (CSI, I think I ship them even more than the ship above, I whish TPTB gave them a shot, it would have been a great pairing) Hiccup/Astrid (How to train Your Dragon movie/series, I adore them. I simply do. They are just perfect) Stoik/Valka (How to Train Your Dragon movie/series, I was crying over their scenes in the second movie...) Morgan/Garcia (Criminal Minds, there was always something between them, and their flirtations are simply sweet and awesome) Sheldon/Amy (The Big bang Theory, the most unique, strange yet heartwarming couple ever) House/Cuddy (House MD, it was my OTP for a long time, it still hurts how they treated them in the show, and I'm very bitter about House becoming an a$$hole in the last two seasons...) Lois/Clark (Lois&Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, they were meant to be, had the best chemistry ever, and their bickering never fails to amuse me). Jack Sparrow/Elizabeth Swann (Pirates of Caribbean, because they are peas in a pod, both pirates to the core) Monk/Natalie (Monk, there is something domestic and marriage wise about those two) Jarod/Miss Parker (The Pretender, because they clearly always loved each other, but the circumstances forced them apart) Pacey/Joey (Dawson's Creek, that was a romance that made my heart melt, not overly sweet, but touching, with enough close friendship and sparkle) Usagi/Mamoru (Serena/Darien) (Sailor Moon, gosh, I think this was my first OTP ever, back when I was like 8-9 y.o. ah, fond memories...) Yoh/Anna (Shaman King, got introduced whilebaby-sitting my youngest cousin. I grew to love the Ice Queen and her lay-back fiance)I love to read: mostly crime books: Agatha Christie's. I love music, but have a very peculiar taste... I love all Discovery Channels, of course Investigation Discovery being my favorite, but Science and World I like too. Currently I'm fascinated (as in obsessed to the core) with Bones and BBC Sherlock; and in spare time watch CSI, CSI Miami, CSI: NY series. Avatar - my own cat - the most spoiled but still very much loved cat. |