"Damnit Baldy, pay attention to me!"

"But...I was."

"Then what's with that bored expression on your face?!"

Genos let out a thoughtful hum and continued to jot down notes in a notebook labelled 'Marital Spats: the Do's and Do Not's' from his secluded corner. Granted, they were not married yet, but Genos had seen quite enough forum posts and video comments to indicate that they were the perfect match, and he needed to learn from only the best.

"I suppose I'll file today's under 'Management of Well-Being'," he muttered, ripping out the current page and tucking it neatly away in a nearby folder.

Saitama yawned and stretched, not noticing or small objects in the apartment shaking. "Ah, don't get mad, I don't wanna have to pay for broken windows again. I'll be honest here, I'm more worried about losing you."

Rage slightly subdued, Tatsumaki raised an eyebrow. "I'm the S-Class Rank 2 hero for a reason, Baldy. You know me," she scoffed. "There's nothing that can even come close to scratching me."

"That's a pretty dumb mindset. What happens if you run out of energy in a long fight and get squashed?"

"W-Won't happen!"

He raised an eyebrow. "I thought you didn't make jokes."

"Shut up! Why are you so insistent about this whole 'me dying' thing anyway?!" Tatsumaki pouted, turning away. "Do you just not have any faith in me, idiot?"

"No, I'm just afraid of losing someone I love, dummy. Why else would I put in the effort to explain something really obvious?"

There was a pregnant pause in the air before the couple abruptly turned away, beet red.

"D-Don't announce those kinds of things so nonchalantly, stupid baldy!"

"Hey, i-it worked, didn't it?! What's wrong with saying 'I love you' when it's true, shorty?!"

"What an interesting development," Genos hummed, filling out the end bubbles in an increasingly complicated chart labelled 'The Flow of Conversation Between a Significant Other'.

Reddening further, Tatsumaki threw her arms out and waved at him to stop. "I-I get it, I get it...I'll try to be more careful, alright?"

Saitama collapsed onto the futon with a tired groan. "That was harder than it had to be, but ok," he replied, stretching out to properly lay out in the summer sun. Feeling another force lay on top of him, he cracked open an eye to find a head of green hair nuzzled into his neck.

"And for the record," she mumbled, voice muffled by the sheets. "I-I...love you too."

"Thank you, Miss Tatsumaki," Genos called out. "Your statement will indeed make it into this record."


Saitama, thinking quickly, threw his arms around Tatsumaki.

"Dude, you better haul ass before my girlfriend gets over there."

"Thank you for your generosity once again, Master."

A/N: This is probably a bad idea.

Not the writing part, I actually like writing OPM stuff since if I'm being honest it's probably the most kickass manga/online comic/anime I've ever seen. The problem is opening up another story when I have like 6 others. Nevertheless, I promised an eon ago that a sequel may go up (or even confirmed it, I forget) and I will deliver.

This is just a short teaser, please tell me what you guys think of it, if I should continue, stuff like that. Even if you didn't like it, I'd very much appreciate constructive feedback on what I can improve.