Okay, first off this is OmegaVerse, so expect... well... knotting, Bonding, biting and lots of sex. There are elements of dub-con. The angst is strong in this one, but as I say with all my stories... happiness will prevail. Sherlock does some not good things but stick with me. I'll work it out.

I couldn't have done this without MizJoely. She has been so unbelievably supportive, not only as a beta but as a friend and cheerleader. I also want to thank MrsMCrieff who give this the first read through months ago and kept asking where it had gotten off to. I love these ladies. I really do.

Expect 5-6 chapters.

I own nothing. Enjoy ~Lil~

Sherlock paid for his cab as it stopped in front of the Watson's house. He arrived, just as he had planned, at the moment Molly Hooper came walking down the street. "Well, isn't this serendipitous!" he commented with a warm smile that was almost completely sincere as he stepped up next to her.

"Oh please, you don't believe in such things. If I didn't know better I'd think you planned it," said the perky young woman.

Sherlock laughed. "What do you have there?" he asked, gesturing to the bag in her hand.

"Wine, Sherlock. It's a common courtesy to bring a gift when invited to dinner at someone's home."

"My presence is gift enough," he replied.

"Well, that sounds more like you."

By this time they had made it to the front door and Sherlock rang the bell.

John answered with a bright smile and a hug for Molly. "Hey! Did you two share a cab?"

"No, I took the Tube. We just happened to arrive at the same time. Here you go," she said, taking the wine out of the bag and handing it to him. As she started to remove her coat Sherlock suddenly appeared behind her and helped her out of it. "Thank... you, Sherlock."

He nodded.

"I'll take this to Mary. You didn't have to do that Molly," John said as he turned to walk into the lounge.

"See, I told you," Sherlock quipped.

The pair followed John further into the house and sat down on the sofa, Sherlock sitting next to Molly instead of John's chair, which he usually commandeered.

"So, how was your day, Molly?"

She adjusted herself scooting a few inches away from him before replying. "It was fine, nothing too exciting. Oh, I did find a massive aneurysm though."

"Really? Brain?"

"Yes, and intact."

"Anyone have dibs on that brain?" Sherlock asked with a hopeful look on his face.

Molly narrowed her eyes. "You can't have it Sherlock, it's not happening."

He shrugged. "Can't blame me for trying."

A few minutes later John came back in with a glass of wine for Molly. "Thanks John."

"Where's mine?" Sherlock seemed positively affronted.

"Since when do you drink wine?" John questioned.

"I drink... occasionally. I'd like a glass of the wine that Molly so graciously provided," he said throwing a wink to the pathologist.

John walked away mumbling about how strange Sherlock was acting.

Yes, tonight was a bit out of the norm for the detective. However, he was planning on having an important conversation with his good friend, Molly Hooper, after dinner and wanted everything to go just right.

Sherlock had rarely given much thought to his biology. Being an Alpha had, for many years,

been secondary to everything else in his life, if not very last. He had no room for sex, or knotting and certainly not Bonding in his world. No, no Bond Mate for Sherlock Holmes. But lately he'd been experiencing an itch that he just couldn't scratch. Need. Want. Desire. It was worse than puberty. Nothing kept it at bay, not the Work, not his mind palace, not even masturbation. He was not inexperienced. He'd been with Omegas, mostly at university and a few there after. But in recent months it seemed he was focused on one in particular Omega. His pathologist and dear friend... Molly Hooper.

All of these factors led him to only one possible solution. He and Molly needed to have sex.

The pair had had their share of ups and downs during the tenure of friendship, but Sherlock was confident that Molly was no longer interested in a romantic entanglement with him. She was, after all, a sensible woman and had indeed seen him at his very worst. She knew what a horrible boyfriend, husband or (shudder) Bond Mate he would make. All that aside, he was also confident she was still at least somewhat attracted to him. Her last relationship, Tom the moron; a Beta and a weak one at that, had been over for almost a year and she herself must be feeling the effects of such a dry spell. His proposal, he was sure, would be met with a classic Molly Hooper smile and the aforementioned sex.

He'd been planting the idea for a little over a week now. A simple switching of his scarf for hers set his plans into motion. Very fortunate for him that he'd given her a scarf identical to his for her last birthday. He had asked her for coffee and while she was out he quickly made the exchange. The subtle mingling of their scents – their pheromones – should be having an effect by now.

He'd been spending a lot more time around Molly as well, at her flat and at the hospital. Of course, he'd also been closing in on her personal space; a gentle hand on her back in the path lab, sitting closer than normal while sharing takeaway. All carefully calculated. He was laying the foundation for an idea... The brilliant mind of Sherlock Holmes had found a perfect solution to his little problem. He'd show the rest of these bloody fools how it was done. He would have his cake and never gain a pound.

He was certain that she would see the logic of his proposal. Molly was an Omega, after all. She could date all the Betas and baseline humans she wanted but her biology would always need something more. How long could she possibly go without an Alpha in her life- in her bed? And she hadn't had one, that was a fact. He would have noticed the change in her scent. The last Alpha she'd dated was Moriarty and he knew that she hadn't slept with the psychopath. He had never spoken to her directly about it, simply because he didn't see her for quite some time after the events at the pool. No, he had made John gather that information instead. Sherlock was merely concerned for her safety, of course. He needed to make sure that nothing untoward had happened during her last encounter with the consulting criminal.

He and Molly were friends. An Alpha and an Omega and they had needs: said needs could be satisfied by one another. Nothing would have to change. No commitment, no Bonding and no animalistic biting for God's sake. Yes, brilliant.

"Thank you John," Sherlock took a drink of his wine. "Mmm, lovely Molly."

"I'm glad you like it. It was on sale," she said flatly.

Mary stepped into the room. "Dinner's ready."

They all sat down and started eating. The table was pushed up against the wall to save space in the small dining room. Mary and John sat at the ends, Sherlock and Molly sat next to each other. Sherlock took one bite and quickly deduced who had prepared the meal.

"My goddaughter is sleeping, I assume?" he asked.

"Yes, we wanted to have a proper grown-up meal. That's why we're eating so late," Mary explained. "I hope that's not a problem." She was looking at Molly.

"Oh, I don't mind. My schedule's never the same. This one," she gestured to Sherlock, "keeps me at Barts so late, most nights I don't even get dinner. This is a nice treat."

"Good lasagna John. The salad's not bad either Mary," Sherlock commented as he took another bite.

"I might have made the lasagna," Mary spoke up indignantly.

"I would hope not, I nearly died the last time you tried to prepare meat. Might be best for everyone if you stick with bread baking, Mary," Sherlock replied.

Molly laughed as Mary shot her a hurt look. "Oh, sorry Mary, but I was a little sick too."

Sherlock turned to Molly. "A little sick! You and I vomited for three days." He looked at John. "I thought I was going to have to take her to hospital. She can't afford to lose any more weight."

Molly jerked her head up to the detective. "And you can?" She poked his ribs, he emitted a very undignified squeak as he batted her hand. "You're all skin and bone."

"There's muscle there too I'll have you know." Sherlock argued, then he turned to his friend. "How did you two manage to not get sick?"

John cleared his throat. "Well," He cut his eyes to his wife. "I think we managed to eat the cooked part of the meatloaf. Anyway, you survived. That's all that matters." He smiled. "The salad is really good."

Mary finally laughed. "Oh, shut up! All I did was cut up some lettuce!"

"You didn't use a metal knife did you?" John asked.

"What? Why would that matter?"

"Never mind. This is excellent wine, Molly." John commented, redirecting the conversation away from his wife's culinary incompetence.

Molly nodded. Sherlock realised her glass was empty and made to pour her another. She quickly put her hand over the top of the glass.

"Oops, sorry. I can't have any more," she said with no further explanation.

"Why on earth not?" Sherlock questioned.

Molly huffed. "It's... delicate." All three people stared.

"Delicate?" Sherlock asked, giving her an odd look.

She looked at Mary hoping for some solidarity, but only received a shrug in return. "Okay fine, I'm taking experimental suppressants. Alcohol interferes with them, or could interfere I should say. They warned me to limit my consumption. I'm probably being overly cautious. But the benefit is that I only have to take them once a week instead of every day." Everyone was still looking at her. "Okay, stop staring at the Omega! Eat!"

With that everyone went back to their food. Sherlock wasn't sure he was completely finished with the topic, however the dinner table with their best friends, might not be the ideal place for such a conversation.

Heat. Suddenly his trousers weren't fitting very well. He, of course, had considered not only sex with Molly, but knotting her as well. Knotting generally needed to take place during a heat or it could be very uncomfortable for the Omega, possible even dangerous. Unless of course they were Bonded. A Bonded Omega could take her Alpha's knot at any time. Once a Bond had fully formed between the two, the Omega's body would automatically prepare itself for her Alpha's knot; softening the vaginal tissues and releasing additional lubrication to ease in mating. The process was similar to what took place during a heat without the discomfort. This was of course not the outcome Sherlock was looking for. That was a discussion for a much later date. He shifted. Twice. Time to move on, he thought.

"Molly," he said. "How was Toby's vet appointment yesterday?"

"Not great. He's old, though I'm not sure how old, neither is his vet. He was an adult when I adopted him and I've had him for ten years. So..." She looked down. "He's just so lethargic. She's not sure what's going on. They took some blood to run tests and gave him subcutaneous fluids. But he's not eating well. I have medicine that should make him hungry. It- it's not really working."

Sherlock touched her back. "I'm sorry Molly."

John Watson had been watching his best friend all evening. Sherlock's behaviour was finally starting to make sense. Oh thank God! he thought. Finally, if anyone needs an Omega it's Sherlock Holmes. John smiled. And Molly Hooper... this is perfect.

Quite frankly, John had been meaning to talk to Sherlock about this very subject for some time now. An Alpha could only ignore his instincts for so long. As a doctor, and as his friend, John felt it was his place to help Sherlock see that taking a Bond Mate would only serve to give his life more structure. Though, in truth, structure and Sherlock Holmes didn't exactly go hand in hand.

He and Mary had talked at length about Molly and Sherlock and the possibility of a relationship between the pair. If anyone could handle his best friend's moods and erratic lifestyle, it was Molly Hooper. The two of them seemed perfect for each other.

After dinner they all went back to the sitting room and had coffee and a lovely lemon cake that Mary had made. Thankfully her baking skills were leagues above her cooking ability. It was delicious. Molly helped Mary clean up the dishes. When finished, she and Mary came back to the sitting room and she told the men goodbye. She kissed John on top of the head as she passed by him.

"What, I don't get a kiss?" Sherlock asked.

Molly shook her head and ruffled his hair. "No, you get a hair ruffle." She gave Mary a quick hug.

"It's early still. Why are you rushing off?" he asked, standing up.

"I want to check on Toby, see if he's eaten. He also needs another round of meds." She was putting on her coat.

"You know what, we can share a cab."

"You just said it was early."

"Not as early as I thought," Sherlock said as he donned his coat. He started to open the door.

"Say goodbye to your friends," Molly said, putting a hand on Sherlock's arm.

He turned around and stepped back into the sitting room. "Thank you for a lovely evening, and for not giving us food poisoning. I'm seeing Dr. Hooper home, goodnight." He rushed out of the room behind the small woman.

Mary looked at her husband. "Is that finally going to happen?"

"Seems like," John replied with a smile.

Okay, that's chapter one... Sherlock's got a plan... God help us! Please let me know what you think. Come find me on tumblr, same name. ~Lil~