![]() Author has written 18 stories for Doctor Who, X-Men: The Movie, Pride and Prejudice, X-Men, x-men, Sherlock, Avengers, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and Lunar Chronicles. My name I think suits me but part of the fun of being a writer is to keep em guessing with An alias! So for anyone who cares I am lizzieBdarcy (or Darcy if ya really like me) Things about me: I love pride and prejudice (you will probably at some point see a fic from me based on it) (hence the name) I am part of the "big three" fandom, that being Doctor Who, Sherlock and supernatural (never seen supernatural don't get ya knickers in a twist) I LOVE rogue/wolverine pairings. Yeah it isn't really canon. I don't care. Once I met Matt Smith and basically died. I also met Karen Gillian the same day and died again. I randomly slip into accents. (I do a mean Harley Quinn impression) I am all for requesting a fic. If it's one of my loves and you have an idea lemme know! Pretty sure you could find me and obsessions somewhere on pinterest. That's all for now, love to my followers, mwuah! |