In hindsight, it had been quiet for far too long. Sure, there were the usual "Hey Percy us gods don't need your help but could you stop all the dead from rising? Hades got drunk again." (That was actually a lot easier to handle than it sounded, though Nico had to use his day off to help out).
Or "Hey, we know that you all were planning on taking a vacation but we could really use Annabeth's expertise in building Zeus a custom made bed sooo.." (Why it had to have a side doggy bed for a hellhound made in the shape of a lightning bolt they still didn't know). Little things like these that came up every so often, interrupting everything from their class schedules in New Rome to their wedding day. (Annabeth still refused to discuss the tree niad incident and Piper had yet to forgive her mother for taking over the makeup and clothes).
But this? This was a whole new level.
"Percy, we're gonna be late! Come on, move move move!" Annabeth, always a whirlwind of activity, checked her dossier and laptop bag for the umpteenth time. She was one of the top architects in New Rome and was quickly making a name for herself among mortals as well. Her obsession with her projects knew no bounds, save one:
Her eyes softened and she kneeled in front of her "mini me", looking into frustrated and watery sea green eyes that matched Percy's own. Picking up the small sneaker, she helped her little boy fit his foot into it, pulling the velcro over and giving his nose a kiss, brushing blond hair out of his eyes.
"There we go Ollie. See? Just takes a little patience, that's all. Like when Mommy has to be patient because Daddy's a slow poke in the morning." She explained, poking the child until he began to giggle.
"I heard that, and I don't appreciate it." Her husband huffed, jogging down the stairs with a bag of his own. "Then pick up the pace Mr. Jackson, we've got places to be." She chided, helping Oliver into his own little backpack. The three year old giggled more. "Yeah Mr. Jackson! Pick up the pace." Percy scooped his son on, blowing raspberries on his belly and leading his little family out the door.
"Think I'll pick you up instead. And then eat you like a sandwich!" He growled. Oliver curled in on himself,laughing harder as he was cuddled by his father and even Annabeth had to smile. "Not too shabby, hmm Mrs. Jackson?" Percy teased. She stuck her tongue out in response. Still laughing, Percy buckled Oliver in and shut the door. Once settled into the car, he watched from his car seat as his parents spoke outside, trying to hear through the window. His mother seemed frustrated, his father running his hands down her arms in a soothing gesture. Whatever he said, Annabeth smiled and accepted a kiss that made Oliver wrinkle his nose. Icky.
Eventually they climbed into their own seats, Percy behind the wheel and the trio were on their way. Annabeth continued to look through her portfolio, talking to her husband the entire way to the "office" (in reality, the gods had decided to simply give her a space with her own servers of any food she wished, a retreat for inspiration complete with fountains to swim in and it's own reading nook) before hopping out with hurried kisses to her boys.
"Alright bud. Guy time!" Percy smiled back at his son, making a beeline for their usual spot. "Guy time!" Oliver cheered. It was a short drive to the bakery near the daycare, where Percy got a blueberry streusel for himself while Oliver chose a chocolate filled croissant. Two to go cups of a coffee and a small milk later, they were on their way.
Together, father and son ate breakfast in the park across the street with flaky crumbs falling and snickers at their mutual beverage given mustaches.
"Yeah little man?"
"Could I have some coffee?"
With a furtive glance around, ( who knew how many spies his wife had) he held the cup to his son's lips, laughing at the way his face immediately scrunched up.
Still chuckling, he helped brush away crumbs and picked Oliver up, resting him on his hip before heading towards the cheerfully displayed sign,