Author has written 21 stories for X-Men: Evolution, and Frozen. Hello, my name is Brittney! I am currently 23 years old and have been writing on this site since 2005. I have loved x-men evolution ever since it was airing and still love the show. My favorite character without a doubt is Nightcrawler, but runner ups are Rogue and Shadowcat. If you haven't guessed from looking at my stories, I am a huge fan of writing Kurtty fics. :D I believe those two should have ended up together in the show, and still like to imagine that they did. :) They are just too cute with each other! My writing mostly centers around the more casual side of life that the x-men mutants live, rather then concentrate on battle scenarios. Not sure if this turns people off or not, but I love getting more intimate with the characters, and action filled plots don't really allow for that. Just give my stories a try, you might just like them. :) So, if anyone cares, here is some more about me. Like I said, I am 23 years old and am currently in college. I am going for a degree in Biology and am transferring from my current community college to a university in the fall. Man, I can't wait until I'm done school! When I'm not in school, some of my hobbies include writing (otherwise and on here), drawing, fishing, and spending time with my many animals (5 chinchillas, 2 birds, a cat, a dog, and 3 fire belly toads). I also love to go to the animal shelter where I volunteer and walk the many wonderful dogs there. It's a city shelter, and unfortunately about 98% of the dogs there are pit bulls. :( They are so misunderstood, I have worked with over a thousand of these wonderful dogs and have never met such loving, smart, goofy dogs! It's such shame the sad state they are in. This is what lead me to put a pit bull into my story "One Good Deed" btw. ;) Hmm, what else? I guess that's about it. I hope you take the time to read my stories and review to tell me what you think! :) Thanks for visiting my profile! Tschüss! ;) Brittney My Tumblr: http:/// Hope to see you there as well! :) |
1123444332 (0) 39t847372847r (0) ATHPluver (16) Bamf99 (4) bearhow (27) BeyondTheSea13 (16) djupcake (13) Forever Free Evergreen (122) Knightcrawler (13) | Loridhhp (17) maregnbue (19) Nerd-is-Frozen (10) NicPie (7) Nina Windia (27) Raziel12 (103) reens (2) | Rosie2009 (142) Scary Cat Gaming (4) simplesnowflake (6) SnowQueenOfMyHeart (16) StarShinobi (25) thedreamoath (24) Tohdoh (73) |