"Anna, I've told you half a dozen times, I'm not sick. There's just something in the air that's making me sneeze. I think the kitchen is using too much pepper in the soup." The queen wiped her nose delicately and continued to scratch at the paper with the nib of her pen.

The princess sighed, defeated. She knew better than to argue when her sister was working, so she settled down in an armchair by the window, draping her legs over the sides. "So what's new with Arendelle?"

Elsa raised an eyebrow, but never took her gaze off the paper. "Why do you ask?"

"I dunno. I like knowing what's going on, I just don't like being as involved as you are." Anna shrugged from her chair, and glanced out the window. The autumn breeze was shaking leaves off the trees causing them to splat against the window before falling to the ground. "Besides, this way I find out what's going on, and you get to be with me!" She grinned and turned the chair so she was facing her sister.

"Alright," Elsa said with a giggle, "but if I say enough is enough, I mean it." She turned back to her papers and scratched a few more lines. "We're looking into getting better prices for our textiles. Last year's winter caused a lot of issues, so our supply is limited."

Anna pulled a face, but Elsa missed it. "So what happens if we don't get more for the stuff? Do we settle for less or do they just not take it?"

"Tha-" Elsa paused, and wrinkled her nose before sneezing loudly. "Pardon me. That depends on our partners."

"Is that…is that a snowflake Elsa?" Anna pointed to about a foot from where the queen was sitting, where a solitary snowflake was floating towards the ground. "Where did that come from?"

"I-I don't know. It must have been stuck in my hair." Elsa thought quickly. Where could it have come from? She knew there was no snow in her hair at the time, but the only other thing that happened was her sneeze. "It's nothing, I'm sure."

"Then why did it show up after you sneezed?" Anna's face lit up and she suppressed a giggle. "You sneeze snowflakes? Elsa that's hilarious!"

The queen crossed her arms and stared sternly at her sister. "I do not sneeze snowflakes, Anna. That was an isolated inci-" Her sentence was interrupted with another loud sneeze, and the arrival of several new snowflakes which were impossible to hide or pass off as something else.

"See! There! You totally sneeze snowflakes!" Anna was giggling so badly, she was curled up in a ball, shaking in almost silent laughter.

"I-it's not funny, Anna. It just happens!" Elsa was less than amused at the fact, but Anna was enjoying herself so tremendously, that she couldn't help but be slightly tickled by the idea. "Besides, it's not like anyone else is going to see this."

"Wait until I tell Kristoff!" Anna was so wrapped up in her fit of giggles that she barely heard what her sister was saying. "What? Whaddya mean no one's gonna know?"

"I mean that you're not going to tell a soul about this, or else I'll tell the staff about your frequent trips to the cellar."

"Oh lighten up, Elsa." Anna rolled off the chair and sat on the edge of the desk. "You know I wouldn't actually tell anyone. Well, maybe Kristoff, but it's not like he talks to anyone but you 'n' me anyways so it wouldn't be that bad, right?"

"No one, Anna. Please? It's never happened before, and I'd rather not have it leave this room. Okay?"

"Okay Elsa, I won't tell anyone. But you owe me your dessert!" Anna slid off the desk and headed towards the door with a grin. "Just don't sneeze on it beforehand." And with that, she skidded off down the halls, thoroughly amused with herself and the situation while Elsa was left to wipe the partially melted flakes off her desk and continue working out trade agreements.