A.N Hello everyone! This is the sequal to The Black Rose (You don't have to have read that to understand this) it is set before the 'Four Months Later' chapter, enjoy!
By Beetle Juice
Major Trouble Kelp had been promoted to Commander after the arrest of IA agent Ark Sool. Many people said that he was the greatest Commander that had ever been, but he disagreed. There had been one who he considered better, a hero of his time-LEP Commander Julius Root. Trouble had decided to follow Commander Root's lead since day one, he had not been wrong yet. But as he was about to find out the mission he was about to go on would turn out to be one of his biggest mistakes ever.
This was just the prologue-don't worry, the first chapter will be up soon (it depends of my mum kicks me off the computer before I can put it up or not!) Please, tell me what you think! XD