![]() Author has written 18 stories for Dragon Age, and Forgotten Realms. Well, let's see: I have been playing DnD since the early '80's, love Baldur's Gate I&II, Neverwinters Nights, Dragon Age, Dungeons & Dragons, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings - let's add Mass Effect to that list as well as Magic, the Gathering (totally my husband and elder son's faults - totally!)...and not just the games or movies, but the books, too. Am an avid reader, ferocious gamer, and wanna desperately be a writer. Hey! I am! 25 years after putting the pen down, I recently picked it back up at the urging of another writer of fanfiction (thank you, zevgirl, you gave me the push I needed). You may have seen my ID on the Neverwinters Nights forums, the NWN Reviewers' Guild (now defunct), Academy of Modding Excellance, and the BioWare forums for DA and such. But, then again, maybe not. *shrugs* 3/25/16: I cannot believe I got The Halla Reborn completed! And the sequel is up. I had thought it would take longer to get it going, but I think once I got the cobwebs out of my head, the sequel came easily. I hope to have updates at least once a month. I know a slow update, but I think with things going as well as they have been, I will be able to fulfill this. And, hopefully, get some work done on my other stories. As always, thank you to everyone who has continued to follow my stories and me. You have no idea how good it feels to know that people enjoy what you create. Thank you. I have started moving/posting my stories over on the Archive of our Own site. I will still be posting here, but figured I'd get them over there as well. By the by, you should really, really check out some of my favorite authors' stories. I may have forgotten to 'favorite' others as well. Shakespira, CCBug, Arsinoe de Blassenville, Tropical Fool, Isabella Monroe, Wyl, Fluid Consciousness, MsBarrows (ah, check my favorites list)...and many more. At the helpful suggestion of fellow FF author, Wyl, I am putting up a chronology of my stories: DragonAge: The Halla Series as follows: DragonAge: The Halla: This tale tells of when Adaia meets Maric, Rowan and Loghain, all told from their varying points of view. Complete DragonAge: The Halla At First Sight: A short telling of the first time Duncan sees Adaia. Complete DragonAge: The Halla Tainted: This is the tale of Adaia and Duncan's first adventure together. This is a work in progress, and can actually be read prior to, during, or after reading DragonAge: The Halla Reborn. It will, eventually, tie into events set in Reborn (below). DragonAge: The Halla Reborn: My pet project, the one that truly inspired me to begin writing (well, with Zevgirl's help! She inspired me to start writing instead of just reviewing others' works). Complete DragonAge: The Halle Awakened: the sequel to The Halla Reborn. Other stories (you can read these in any order you wish - they are stand alones): From Isolation: Jowan finds himself as the Commander of the Grey in Fereldan. This is a work in progress, inspired by Fluid Consciousness' series of one shots entitled "The Dragon Medley", the chapter entitled "Isolation". She had breathed life into the city elven warrior, Sorcha Tabris, which I had asked her to write a pairing with Jowan for. She did such an awesome job that I decided to carry on with it. In order to get a feel for this story, I strongly suggest reading this chapter in the above series. Actually, I strongly suggest reading all the chapters. It is really, really good. Work in Progress/short hiatus while I work on the Halla series. Into Isolation: short prequel to From Isolation detailing the final battle at Denerim. Complete. Worth Fighting For: Teyrn Fergus Cousland/Magda Amell planned pairing. Work in Progress/on hiatus while I work on the Halla series. Ten Minutes to Dying: A series of shorts – prequels to Worth Fighting For. This is in answer to the Cheeky Monkeys Ten Minute challenge – each chapter was written in ten minutes. Work in Progress/on hiatus while I work on the Halla series. Darkness Paths: She is the dark light, seeking to end the deepest of darkness. He loves her - but can never have her. Complete Beyond the Sylvan Paths: The Dalish Mage, Say'reil Mahariel, joins the Grey Wardens, and in so doing her life is saved. Darrian Tabris and Alistair went through the joining together and have been fast friends since. Adrian Cousland is conscripted against his will into the Grey Wardens, and his anger and hatred threatens to overtake him. Alim Surana is saved from a fate worse than death - the mage's prison of Aenoar. Can these five very different people find the means to work together to end the Blight that threatens not only Fereldan, but all of Thedas? Work in Progress/on hiatus while I work on the Halla series. Despair to Determination: For Sten, assisting the Hero of Ferelden was more than finding the answer to the Arishok's question. A Cheeky Monkey Secret Santa gift to roxfox1962. Complete The Watching Giant: A Sten/Brosca pairing. Complete Blackened Skies: This story is in answer to a challenge over at the Cheeky Monkey's Forum, writing a scenario containing different wardens from different stories/authors (and by wardens we mean 'The Warden'). I am using my own Adela from Halla Reborn, Wyl's Alim Surana from his The Little Hero story; and Malcolm Cousland from mackillian's series 30Dragon and In Peace We Lie. This story has these three wardens come together in a different universe where the Blight is never defeated. Work In Progress/on hiatus while I work on the Halla series. The Lie: My entry into BioWare’s Asunder contest. Complete. Darkness of Us All: This is my first crossover between the Forgotten Realms and DragonAge universes. M/Drow original character, M/Hawke, Fenris. Work in Progress/hiatus while I work on the Halla series. Legacy of the Hawke: My own take on the Legacy DLC. You know, with my own twists and takes on it. Work in Progress/on hiatus while I work on the Halla series. How Well: A Cheeky Monkey Secret Santa gift for pennies-4-eyes: Just how well does Byron Hawke's companions - those who claim to know and love him best - really know him? Complete Take care, and be well! |