I've been gone in like forever... So for the first time in forever... I updated! Yay! Thank you all those people who followed, favorited and reviewed... You are all snowflakes : ) Also more good news, Lany19 is alright again so please make sure to go check out "The Ice Behind Bars" and show her a little love. Ok that's it... Enjoy...

Elsa looked at Anna uncomfortably. They were sitting face to face, so close to each other that Elsa could see every freckle on Anna's face... She could only fearfully think about what kind of atrocities details Anna was seeing on her own... Anna on the other hand was excitedly setting up the breakfast she had prepared on the flowers. She had been roaming around the castle earlier with Olaf and discovered that the backyard of the castle actually housed a garden that would have been magnificent if all the plants weren't dead or covered in snow... To Anna's glee however, right in the center of the garden was a huge structure, completely made of glass and inside, flowers of every shape and color blooming beautifully as if it were summer... Excited, Anna had literally ran back into the castle, and tried to force a still sleeping Elsa out of bed to tell her about the amazing discovery.

"Elsa! Elsa!" she shrieked as she shook her sister, not at all intimidated by her curled up frame... Actually, Elsa looked kind of adorable in that position... Like some large wolf cub or puppy that was napping peacefully...

"Wake up!" Anna demanded but Elsa failed to respond and instead rolled over, causing Anna to fall off the bed and onto the ground with a loud "thump". Anna looked up hopefully but frowned to discover that her sister was still sleeping...

"What a stinker..."

Blowing a stray lock of hair out of her eyes, Anna rolled up her sleeves and quickly clambered onto Elsa's back. Cheekily, she gently lifted one of Elsa's eyelids...

"The sky's awake!" she declared loudly only to shriek as Elsa bolted up forcefully knocking her back onto the ground...

Back in the present, Elsa continued to eye Anna carefully. Her sister looked all right, no bruises or scratches from what she could tell... But she couldn't help but feel horrified when she discovered she had knocked Anna off the bed. Elsa bit her lip guiltily. She didn't mean to... It was just that... no one had ever woken her up that way... and... It was just the shock of her life to have someone scream

"The sky's awake!" into her ear...

When she found Anna on the foot of her bed that morning ... and looking at the crumpled position she was in, it nearly gave Elsa a heart attack... She knew her own strength and for a moment, thought she had hurt Anna and immediately ran over to her baby sister's side to ensure she wasn't hurt, forgetting to even get angry at Anna for invading her private sanctuary.

"I'm sorry Anna..." Elsa heard herself say for what must have been the hundredth time that morning, guiltily clenching her fists as self-loathing seeped rapidly into her system.

" I didn't mean to hurt you... I'm a mons..."

"Hey Elsa, could you pass the bread please?"

The beast blinked, before obediently passing the bread... and then went back to apologizing before stopping when her sister raised her eyebrows at her.

"Elsa you can stop apologizing! Like I said, it wasn't your fault... I've taken worst spills..." Anna grinned before shoving the dumbfounded beast a sandwich. Elsa looked at it and then back at Anna, before trying to protest weakly.


"No buts!" Anna announced loudly as she gently pressed her finger onto her sister's snout. " And if I hear you apologize one more time, I'll never forgive you..." she joked before sitting back down and taking a hearty bite out of her sandwich.

The sisters sat in silence after that, with Anna trying to catch Elsa's eyes... Which were OF COURSE cast down to the ground... Finishing her sandwich, she tried to sit closer to Elsa who at first recoiled... but for once, didn't actually move away...

Anna couldn't help but smile...

"At least she's making progress..." she thought cheerfully before noticing the uneaten sandwich on Elsa's lap.

"Elsa? Is something wrong?"

Elsa glanced up hesitantly before giving Anna a weak fallacy of a smile.

"Nothing's wrong... its just..." she sighed...

"Anna... Could you not watch me while I eat... Please?"

Anna raised an eyebrow at this peculiar request.

"What... Why?"

Her sister gave her an uncomfortable look, those cyan eyes pleading.

"I... It's just that... I don't particularly have good manners when

I eat..." Elsa said softly, her ears flattened against her head.

Anna stared at her sister.

"Elsa I don't care about that sort of thing... you should see me eat, I eat like a pig..."

"And I eat like a beast..." Elsa said darkly, her lips curled in hatred revealing her fangs for a split second before looking away causing Anna to stop smiling.

"Elsa..." she said warily as she touched her sister's cloaked shoulder. Elsa flinched a little at the touch before looking apologetically at Anna.

"I'm sorry... Did I scare you?" and Anna saw guilt and hatred in Elsa's cyan eyes.

"You will never scare me..." Anna said seriously patting Elsa's shoulder before hesitantly wrapping her other arm around her sister, wrapping her in a hug.

"Elsa... Was... Was papa the one who said... you ate like a beast?" Anna said carefully as her sister seemed to tremble beneath her touch.

There was a pause, as Elsa's head darted around fearfully, like their father was still standing there watching and listening to her every move...

"Yes..." and Anna couldn't help but feel even more newfound hatred for the man she called father...

"When we ate together... Mama would always remind me to eat like a princess... To keep my back straight, to have poise, to not use my paws... I tried but... It was so hard for me... Papa... He said if I couldn't even eat like a princess... Why bother acting like one?" Elsa confessed softly, her arms wrapped around her center like she was hugging herself. It was a few seconds of that before she glanced back at Anna.

"It doesn't matter... I'm not a princess... I will never be one... Looking like... Looking like this... Looking like a monster..."

Anna was speechless... She just couldn't believe how much Elsa tormented herself even when she wasn't trying to... Anna sighed, she knew Elsa had no optimism whatsoever and to be honest, she didn't blame her at all... Twenty-one years of misery and self-loathing won't be fixed or forgotten with a hug... Fiddling with a beautiful flower with her fingers, an idea sprung into her mind and she quickly got to her feet.

"Eat your sandwich... I promise I won't look." Anna smiled as she made her way behind Elsa, who watched her intently like a frightened puppy that was afraid to leave it's master's side. She flinched when Anna grabbed her mane, a soft whimper escaping her lips.


"Relax Elsa... I'm not going to hurt you. I promise..." and with that Elsa felt a gentle tugging at the back of her head and Anna's gentle finger weaving through her fur... It wasn't unpleasant... It was actually quite soothing... It reminded her of...

"Mama..." Elsa couldn't help but choke... The memory bringing tears to her eyes...

"Elsa? Elsa... Where are you darling?" Idun cried out in worry, as she looked frantically around Elsa's room... She had heard Adgar yelling at Elsa for lord knows whatever reason... And when she had made it to Elsa's room... Her husband was gone... Rubbing her temples, Idun sighed.

"It's like he can't stand the sight of her..." she thought sadly remembering the drastic measures Adgar took to ensure their daughter wasn't found after they faked her death. He had ordered a castle to be built on the north mountain, too far and too high up to be found by anyone living in the villages. She had stayed with Elsa for the few first months to take care of her while the kingdom was under the impression she was in mourning over their dead child. When Elsa was old enough to entertain herself, they had left her there under the care of a few highly trusted and highly paid servants and would occasionally come visit her to give her lessons along with her husband...

"What went wrong this time?" Idun thought as she looked into the closet, before slamming it shut. Elsa was a fast and eager learner and despite her husband's claims, she firmly believed Elsa was smarter than the average child... The girl had managed to get through Shakespeare at the tender age of six... Why couldn't Adgar see that?

"Elsa where are you?" she called out again, getting increasingly more worried with ever passing second. There was a soft whimper, followed by a sob and catching sight of a familiar white tail, she bent over and looked underneath Elsa's bed... Sure enough, her daughter lay there, curled in a fetal position and sobbing.

Idun felt her heart crumple as she stared into those cyan eyes... Her daughter's beautiful fur was tangled, pulled in several places...

"Oh baby..." she said gently before holding out her arms and wrapping them gently around her daughter as Elsa crawled into them and started to whimper uncontrollably.

"It was an accident mama... I promise... I didn't mean to make papa angry... I..."

" I know... I know..." Idun comforted patting her daughter's back as they started to tremble. Lifting Elsa onto the bed, Idun proceeded to wipe away the tears still caught on Elsa's long lashes.

"What did he do to you?" she whispered sadly, running her hand through Elsa's soft platinum blonde fur before grabbing a brush and tidying it. Hugging her daughter close to her, she sang a soft melody as she slowly started to style Elsa's fur.

"There... All finished..."

"There! All finished!" Anna declared proudly looking at her handiwork... It wasn't easy at first... Elsa's soft mane was practically made up of tangles... Like her sister had neglected looking after herself for years... Anna bit her lip... Knowing Elsa... That was most probably the case...

"So what do you think?" she said nervously.

Elsa felt behind her shoulder and was surprised to find that her long hair was adorned with flowers and styled into a braid... Just like how her mother would do it... Elsa felt tears well up in her eyes...

"Anna... It's beautiful..." she said honestly, before stroking it hesitantly... A smile forming on her face...

Anna grinned.

"I'm not done yet!" she announced before placing a flower crown on top of a very surprised Elsa's head.

"No princess is a princess without her crown..." she said lovingly looking Elsa in the eye. However, she couldn't help but feel confused when Elsa's smile disappeared, her ears flattening against her head as she gently removed the flower crown.

"Anna... I'm not a princess... I'm a... beast... Something unholy... unnatural... A monster to be feared..." she said morbidly.

Shaking her head vigorously, Anna slowly lifted Elsa's face so that her sister would look her in the eye and hopefully take in what she had to say...

"But I don't see a monster Elsa..." She said firmly.

"I see a kind, caring girl who was just wronged most of her life... If anyone deserves to be a princess... It's you..." and with that, she stubbornly placed the crown back on Elsa's head before wrapping her sister in a hug. Smiling happily when Elsa actually hugged back.

"Second time!" Anna thought triumphantly. "Hopefully it'll become a habit..."

The sisters stayed in that position... until a loud "Awwww..." caused them to break apart in surprise. Turning around, they were surprised to find no other than Olaf looking longingly at them...

"Did I mention I love warm hugs?" he giggled.

The sisters grinned at each other before Anna signaled for Olaf to join them, which he happily obliged... Quickly wrapping the both of them in the warmest hug he could muster...

I tried to make this as positive as I can... I need to work on it but I hope you guys enjoyed it... This chapter was inspired by a little piece of fan art I found on the internet so yeah... Please tell me what you guys think :D