Author has written 13 stories for Zootopia, Kung Fu Panda, Lord of the Rings, Walking Dead, Hobbit, Avatar, Jurassic Park, and Chronicles of Narnia.
"Hello there."
"My name is Tuomas Pöllä and I live in Lahti of Finland."
"I really love reading fanfiction stories from this page and my own head is full of some my own."
"And I'm really eager to make and release my very own fanfictions."
"Pretty hard to work with the stories when I do have four fanfictions in the process"
"And when I got either a new fanfiction story or a new chapter finished."
"It's Fanficteller time!"
Movies = Kung Fu Panda. LORD SHEN STRIKES BACK
Po leaves early from the Jade Palace to investigate the recent but oddly non-hostile wolf activity inside of their borders. Po encounters a legion of enemies while trying to return to Jade Palace to warn the others about the old enemy, who has inexplicably returned and seeks revenge on one certain panda and everyone in the Jade Palace. Not complete.
Book = Lord of the Rings. Guardians of the Middle-Earth: Invasion to Lóthlorien
Couple years after the Battle of Five Armies, the ancient evil rises in the North in the name of Dark Lord and threatens to unleash the war upon the unsuspecting northern lands, starting from Lóthlorien. Gandalf forms a small group of warriors as the Guardians of Middle-Earth to protect the free peoples of Northern lands from upcoming evil before everything falls under the darkness. Ongoing
Movies = Zootopia, A FOX OF FRIENDSHIP
In a post-ice age North America. After her father is killed in the fight with a fox, Judith kills it in revenge, only to be transformed into a fox herself. To change back to bunny, Judy starts a dangerous journey to the mystical mountain, accompanied by her own worst enemy, a fox cub named Nick, who shows her the true side of the foxes in a way she'd never imagined. (Title changed). Ongoing
TV = Walking Dead, STREET DOGS: March To War
Set between the season 7 episodes "Say yes" and "The first day of the rest of your life." After the carnival events, Rick and Michonne encounter on their way home the mysterious group with a large number of people, heavy weaponry and who are as greatly organized as the saviors, though they partially live/act like dogs more than humans. (Contains Richonne and the foul-language.) Ongoing
Book =Hobbit. Bolg in Azog's role in the films
What if Azog had died in the film's version of the Battle of Azanulbizar and his son Bolg was the one who had personal life-task to hunt down Thorin's company and then eventually led the armies of Dol Guldur into the Battle of the Five Armies until to his dead. - Each chapter has some features of The Hobbit book's plot mixed with Peter Jackson's films plots and a bit my own ideas. Ongoing
Movies = Avatar. Revenge of Taro'Nyu the Queue Hunter
Several months after the defeat of the Sky People and Jake Sully becoming a new Olo'Eyktan. Now as refugees living Omaticaya seeks for a new Hometree after the destruction of their old Home. But still recovering clan encounters a new threat from the past; the rogue clan of outcasted Na'vi and their cruel Olo'Eyktan Taro'Nyu, who seeks revenge against Omaticaya and Eytukan's family. Ongoing
Movies = Zootopia: Wildehopps Detectives: The wave of scams
There has been reported several mysterious scams all around of Zootopia lately, so officers Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde are called off from their deserved week off by chief Bogo to help to solve these wave of scams. Ongoing
Movies = Zootopia. I love you my sweet honey-bunny - I love you too my handsome fox
Judy returned home from work late in the evening and cold loneliness makes her to make warm call to her handsome fox boyfriend, who has been a week on holiday from work.
Movies = Zootopia, TREASURE TROPOLIS
The Story, which is mix of Treasure Planet's plot, Treasure Island (1950) surroundings and Zootopia's characters.
Young rabbit doe Judy Hawkins is greatly troubled by everyday problems, until she gets in her paws mysterious map which takes her to the greatest adventure on her life to search the legendary pirate, the captain Flint's the long lost treasure. During of search she meets old fox sailor and cook Nick John Wilder, who has the same life goal like Judy has but not by the honest way.
Movies = Zootopia. Wildehopps Detectives: Tricks and Treats
Two days prior Halloween, Judy and Nick are visiting at Judy's old friend to spend Halloween with her family. Everything looks fine at first, until suddenly happens a mysterious candy theft which surprisingly brings charges against Judy. Nick has to find out the truth behind the theft before Halloween night passes or else its "Hero Bunny Cop Gets Busted For Theft" in the headlines. Complete.
Movies = Jurassic Park. Jurassic World: Crocodile in the Sewers
In the city of Los Angeles, two sewer sanitation workers, Todd and Carl, are about to start tonight's work in the sewers, until their work is interrupted by the sudden appearance of crocodile-like creature that has settled to live in the sewers. Complete.
Movies = Avatar: Neytiri meets Thanator (Alternate)
Oneshot: Alternate version of Neytiri meeting Thanator during the "Assault of the Tree of Souls". Complete.
Books = Chronicles of Narnia: Missing scene of Giant Rumblebuffin.
Do you remember the Giant Rumblebuffin? He had a big role both in LWW book and BBC miniseries, but in Disney adaptation film much of his part in the story was omitted. So I decided to write this one-shot fanfic based into 2005 LWW film, that is extended version of Aslan, Susan and Lucy's visit at the Witch's castle, that includes Giant Rumblebuffin's own major part in the story. Complete.