A/N: Yes, I am back on The Lion Guard bandwagon. Sorry I took some time away from this story, I just wasn't feeling inspired so I went to work on other stories to get some writing inspiration back. Now that I've re-read my first two Lion Guard stories and the current chapters of this one, and have re-watched the entire Lion Guard series, my ideas are back in order and I'm ready to continue. But I am putting this out there, I only started writing fanfiction as a therapeutic outlet because I do suffer from depression and writing helps me feel better. So, if I go weeks or months without updating, it's because of that. I'm grateful this series has lots of fans, but the constant reviews asking for updates make writing seem like a chore and takes the fun out of it. I understand you all are eager to see Nyota's adventures with the guard and learn more about her family and see her relationship with Kion continue, but please be patient with updates. Thank you.

Now, author rant over. Since it's been a while, I'll answer the reviews to the last chapter now before we get on with the new one.

KDBloomfield: Bunga does know that Kion and Nyota are close, but he didn't intentionally place the mistletoe over them in hopes of something happening. I'm glad the chapter gave you some holiday cheer.

LockieBoy1819: Since it was nearing Christmas, that's why I posted "Timon and Pumbaa's Christmas" early instead of going through the original lineup. The entire episode was mainly a flashback so the continuity stays in tact. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Fanficteller: I'm glad you liked my original spin on the chapter and the fluffy Kion/Nyota moments. They were fun to write.

Derick Lindsey: As always, I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. I know it seemed like Bunga was bringing Kion and Nyota together, but that was not the case. If anything, Bunga is completly oblivious to the romantic hints between Kion and Nyota.

Shane Hedin: Okay, first, making an account on the website is easy, just create a username and password and link the username to your email and that's pretty much it. Once you have an account, go to my profile and there's an envelope icon where you can send me a private message with all your questions regarding the story. I was 14 when I created my account. Now for your questions: 1) I don't know yet if I'll mention Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed from the first LK film. 2) The feelings between Kion and Nyota will grow over time, before Battle for the Pridelands. 3) Not sure about the elephant graveyard. 4) I might mention Nyota's parents, and they might be shown. Nyota will meet her parents in a future chapter of this story. 5) I'm gonna incorporate the Guard into LK2 from the point of Kiara's first hunt onwards. Wait and see. 6) There will be no flirting between Kion and Nyota and no awkwardness.

johannvanguard: I'm glad you enjoyed Nyota and Shaba taking part in the Pride Lands Christmas celebration.

DemonGirl123: As always sis, your support means the world and I'm glad you enjoyed the Nyon moments in the chapter.

Air-Crafter: Always happy to see a new username in the reviews. I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter.

738: Thank you for your suggestion about Kion and Nyota's future kingdom, I might use some things and change a few. Nice to know how invested someone is in the story.

LadyKeren: I'm glad you like my series and Nyota too. I also liked Rani's character in the show, and I've got and OC-mate for her in season 3. Hope you like the future chapters.

FirePhoenix11: Yes Maddie, Kion and Nyota did in fact kiss. Just the first of many moments to come. I'm glad you're enjoying the series and I hope you like what's coming.

Guest review from Jun 10: Wow, I'm glad my story has inspired you to draft your own. I hope you like what's to come.

Now, on with the series...

Rafiki's New Neighbors

Another day in the Pride Lands, another day of emergencies for the Lion Guard. "Lion guard, keep digging!" the Guard's fiercest member ordered as a wildfire raged across the plains.

Up in the sky, Ono kept watch over the panicking zebra herd. "The zebras are stampeding!" he alerted.

"One problem at a time, Ono." Nyota grunted as she continued to work on digging the trench with Fuli, Bunga, Kion, and Beshte. "We need to stop this fire before it spreads through the Pride Lands." Just as she said that, the fire roared in front of them, causing the five animals to jump back.

"Reposition!" Kion shouted. "Surround the flames, but stay back!"

Standing beside him, Nyota glanced to the Guard's strongest member, "Beshte, we'll need a new trench."

"You got it, Nya." Beshte gave a nod and pushed his snout to the ground, digging a new trench so the fire wouldn't spread towards Pride Rock.

Ono kept his eyes on Thurston's herd while the rest of the Guard continued putting out smaller fires on the ground. Bunga and Kion stomped out a couple fires while Nyota and Fuli kicked dirt onto a slightly larger one. The Guard's keenest of sight glanced down and saw the wildfire move closer to the trench Beshte was digging.

"Hapana!" the egret shrieked. "Kion! Nyota! The fire's at the trench!"

The two lion cubs looked up at the sound of their names and saw the same sight. Nyota's ears fell flat against her head, "Beshte!" she called out to her hippo friend. "Get outta there!"

Beshte looked up and saw the fire getting closer and, as quick as he could, climbed out of the trench and ran a few feet ahead. He sighed in relief when the fire hit the trench and slowly burned itself out.

"That was a close one, Big B." Bunga noted, patting the hippo's side as the Guard regrouped.

"Good work, everyone." Kion praised, glancing to each one of his friends. Ono landed between Nyota's shoulders, taking a quick breath. "How bad's the damage?" the Guard's leader asked, glancing to the bird.

"I'll see what I can see." the egret took off and scanned the area, seeing a few burnt patches. "Not bad, Kion." Ono reported. "Looks like the zebras still have plenty of grass left to eat."

"The zebras!" Nyota gasped as her eyes widened, remembering the herd that was currently panicking about the Pride Lands. "Ono, where's Thurston and his herd?"

The egret focused his sight and quickly found the herd of striped animals. "They're still stampeding." he answered the female cub. "This way."

Kion glanced to his four friends, "Till the Pride Lands end..."

"...Lion Guard defend!" Nyota, Bunga, Fuli, and Beshte finished as they ran after Ono and Kion.

It didn't take the Guard long to catch up with Thurston and his zebra herd, the problem was the zebras were still in a frenzy and the Guard had trouble getting their attention. Fuli ran up to the herd's leader, "The fire's out!" she shouted.

Bunga jumped onto Thurston's back, tugging on his ears, "You can stop running now." he added, bringing the zebra to a stop. The rest of the herd followed suit.

The Lion Guard moved to stand in front of the herd, "Now that you're all calm now, can you tell us what you saw when the fire started that caused you all to panic?" Kion asked gently.

"Well..." Thurston sighed, "...I saw the grass."

"Because you were grazing?" the Guard's fastest arched her brow with an unenthusiastic look.

"Why, yes." grinned the zebra leader. "Then I saw a big flash of bright light."

"I actually know what he's talking about." Ono spoke up from his perch on Nyota's back. "Lightning must have started the fire."

"Lightning?" Beshte repeated. "But there was no rain."

"That's because it's dry lightning." Nyota clarified, glancing to the hippo. "It doesn't bring rain."

The Guard's keenest of sight shrugged his shoulders. "Quite common in the dry season, really." he added. The Guard's wisest nodded in agreement.

Kion stepped forward, "Well there's nothing to worry about now." he assured the herd. "You can all go back to grazing."

"Fabulous." Thurston sighed with a flip of his mane. He began trotting off with his herd in tow.

Nyota cleared her throat to get the herd to stop, "Your grazing grounds are this way." she motioned her head in the opposite direction. Seeing the slightly confused looks in the zebras' eyes, the lioness cub lowered her muzzle and sighed, "Better show 'em home, Ono." Nyota suggested, glancing to the egret on her back.

"Affirmative." Ono nodded, taking off. He circled around the zebra herd, "After me, zebras." he called out, flying back towards their grazing grounds.

Thurston looked to his herd, "You heard the bird." he said with a stomp of his hoof. "After him." They took off after the Guard's avian member.

"Zebras." Fuli sighed with a roll of her emerald colored eyes, sharing a glance with Nyota.

"Ah, yes." a voice sighed from the tree behind the Guard. "Much better."

The five animals turned and saw the Royal Mjuzi sitting criss-crossed on a branch, his eyes closed. "Papa?" the cream-furred cub questioned with an arched brow, "I thought you were training Makini for the painting ceremony tonight?"

"Makini is training." Rafiki answered, keeping his eyes closed. "I am taking a break from the noise." Nyota blinked in slight confusion.

"What noise?" the Guard's fastest member quirked her brow.

"The noise that is a young elephant, monkey and antelope!" exclaimed the older mandrill, who opened his eyes and rested his hand against his knee. "They are now living next to my tree."

"We've got new neighbors?" Nyota asked with a swish of her tail.

"But, why aren't they with their herds?" Beshte questioned.

Rafiki held up his finger, "Excellent question, young hippo. And one I could not ask." he replied. "They do not stop talking, except for when Makini talks."

"And Makini does like to talk." the female cub muttered with a slight giggle.

"We'd better find out why they're not with their herds." the Guard's leader suggested, glancing to his friends.

"Yes!" Rafiki agreed, jumping down from the tree. "And perhaps you and the Lion Guard can take them somewhere else." He grabbed his bakora that was leaning against the trunk and proceeded to walk with the Lion Guard back to his home.

As Rafiki and the Guard neared the large baobab, they heard four voices chanting "Bug! Bug! Bug!" coming upon the sight of a red-colobus monkey shoving bugs into his mouth, with Makini, an elephant and antelope continuing to chant.

"And Furaha beats his bug eating record!" announced the elephant.

"Bug eating record." Bunga repeated with a wide grin. He rubbed his paws together. "Wait till you see how many I can eat!" The honey badger ran towards the cheering group.

The Guard's wisest blinked her stormy-blue eyes, standing between her best friend and guardian. "Now I understand your problem, Papa." she stated, a small smile forming on her muzzle as she glanced to the Mijuzi.

Fuli let out a light scoff, "Yeah. You have three Bungas." she chuckled. "Well, four now." she corrected, after Bunga himself started cramming various bugs into his mouth.

"Makini?" Rafiki questioned sternly as he stepped forward, his eyes landing on his young apprentice. "Is this practicing?"

"I was just taking a little break, for inspiration." Makini defended, chuckling dryly. She turned around and started climbing up the baobab tree. "But now that that's over I can really, really focus on painting."

"Hey Chama. Mzaha. Furaha." Beshte greeted the elephant, antelope, and monkey respectively as the Guard approached them. "Why aren't you guys with your herds?"

Chama shrugged his shoulders, "They kicked us out." he informed. "You know how it goes."

"Kicked out?" the hippo repeated. "By your own herds?"

"Why?" Kion asked, curious to know the answer.

"Beats...me." Chama belched, Mzaha and Furaha doing the same.

Nyota recoiled, shaking her head, "I think I can understand why." she mumbled, sharing a look with Kion.

"I'm sure it's some kinda misunderstanding." Beshte assured, trying to maintain the optimism. "Your herds are probably worried about you."

"We can take you back to your families." Kion offered. "If that's what you want."

"Yes, yes. Back to their families." nodded the Royal Mjuzi, wanting to be rid of the commotion causing trio. "Being with your herd is part of your role in the Circle of Life." he added with a wave of his hand.

"Circle of Life?!" Chama exclaimed, looking to his two friends. "In that case, we better go back!"

"You said it." Furaha nodded in agreement.

"Indeed." added Mzaha.

Chama lowered his trunk at a sudden realization, "But, uh, guess that means we three gotta say good-bye, huh?"

"But without you two fun guys, I'll just be one fun guy." Furaha said, pointing to himself.

Ono swooped down and landed on Nyota's shoulder, his eyes on the Guard's leader. "Thurston and his herd are all home safe." he reported with a grin on his beak.

"Great work, Ono." Kion gave a nod. "Now I'll need you and Nyota to take Mzaha back to his herd."

The Guard's wisest and keenest of sight exchanged and look and a smile, before facing the prince. "Affirmative." they replied in unison.

Kion looked to his honey badger friend, "Bunga, we'll take Chama back to Ma Tembo's herd." he then looked to the cheetah and hippo, "Fuli, you and Beshte take Furaha back to his troop."

"You got it, Kion." Beshte nodded. Fuli rolled her eyes.

"Okay, you three." Kion said to the trio, "Let's take you back home."

The three animals looked to eachother with sad expressions, "Chama cha Mzaha na Furaha." they all said in unison, before bumping their rear ends together and going their separate ways.

Nyota stood before the sable antelope leader with Ono perched on her shoulder. "I don't care what the Lion Guard wants us to do." Bupu huffed, turning his snout up slightly. "We aren't taking Mzaha back."

"But he's one of your kind." Ono reminded, outstretching his wings on either side and flapping them a few times.

"And he was sent away for good reason." replied the herd leader.

Nyota sighed, her ears falling to the sides of her head, "Okay, look. I understand Mzaha might be a little..." she began to say, watching the teenage antelope charge into a tree trunk and let out a loud laugh, "...different, but shouldn't he be with his family?" When the antelope's expression didn't change, Nyota added "Please, Bupu?" and widened her eyes just a little bit, giving the antelope a wide smile.

"Ah, yes. Very well." Bupu agreed, looking into the lioness cub's eyes. "It never hurts to be polite." he added. Bupu turned his head towards the laughing antelope, "Mzaha, you are back with the herd!"

"Oh, goodie!" cheered Mzaha as he leaped into the air. "I'm back! I'm back!"

"Thanks, Bupu!" Nyota grinned, her and Ono tipping their heads before the cub took off away from the antelope herd.

Nyota skidded to a halt once she was a fair distance away and caught her breath. "You got out of there awfully fast." Ono noted, still perched on his lioness friend's shoulder.

"I just didn't want to give Bupu any time to change his mind." Nyota panted, followed by a small giggle. "You know how he gets." A low rumble of thunder caught her attention and her ear twitched, "You hear that, Ono?"

Both Guard members turned their heads towards the direction where dark clouds were forming, another low rumble catching their ears. "Those clouds don't look too friendly." the wisest member noted.

"Indeed." agreed the keenest of sight, who was hovering a few feet above her. "It looks like we might have to deal with another dry-lightning fire like this morning." Ono flew down and met Nyota's eyes, "We'd better tell Kion."

"Agreed." Nyota nodded. The two ran off towards Pride Rock.

"Well, Furaha is back with his troop." Fuli informed as her and Beshte made it to Pride Rock, where Kion and Bunga were waiting.

"Ma Tembo took Chama back too." Kion replied. "And I'm sure Nyota and Ono are on their way back from returning Mzaha back to the sable antelopes."

"I bet they're all happy to be with their families again." Beshte thought aloud, his ears wiggling.

"Yeah." Bunga nodded in agreement. "I'll miss 'em though. Not everyone in the Pride Lands can burp their name. It's a talent." he chuckled. The honey badger looked out ahead and saw two animals coming towards them, "Hey, there's Nya and Ono." he pointed out.

Nyota came to a stop and caught her breath, with Ono perching between her shoulders. "Hey Nyota. Mzaha get back to his herd alright?" Kion asked, padding up to his friend.

"Huh? Yeah." the female cub breathed out. "Bupu took him back no problem."

"But on the way back, we actually found a problem." Ono added.

Fuli arched her brow, "What kind of problem?" she asked.

Nyota and Ono turned around and motioned out over the savanna, where the storm clouds were gathering. "We heard the thunder on the way back from the sable antelopes' grazing grounds." Nyota informed.

"More dry lightning's heading this way." Ono added.

"Lion Guard, we've gotta make sure nobody's near where that lightning's gonna hit." Kion ordered, glancing to each member of his team.

Nyota met the lion prince's eyes, "We should check the watering hole first." she suggested, motioning out towards the plains to clarify which watering hole to check.

"Why Nya?" Bunga questioned with a shrug of his shoulder.

"Because it's not safe to be near water in a lightning storm, Bunga." the Guard's wisest answered.

"Common knowledge, really." added the Guard's keenest of sight.

"Alright everyone, let's go." Kion looked to his team, before his eyes met Nyota's. "Till the Pride Lands end..."

"...Lion Guard defend!" the rest of the Guard shouted as they ran towards the lightning storm.

Elsewhere in the Pride Lands, Furaha, Mzaha and Chama all decided to willingly leave their herds and form their own family because they felt they were three of a kind. The trio of friends ran around the Pride Lands, laughing as they did what they did best, joke and play.

More thunder crashed around an enclosed watering hole that spooked the occupants, a large elephant and two young hippos. "Everyone! Get away from the water!" warned Fuli as she sped up to them, standing on a rock at the edge of the watering hole. "There's a lightning storm!"

"A lightning storm?" Zito the elephant repeated.

"But, there isn't any rain." one of the young hippos pointed out as the Guard ran up to them.

"That's because it's dry lightning!" Ono exclaimed, hovering over the animals. "There isn't any rain!"

"It's dangerous to be near the water." Nyota added, glancing to the three Pride Land animals. "Follow us and we'll get you to safety." Her and Kion turned on their heels and ran to the edge, but a flash of lightning caused them to skid to a halt. A fire sparked where the lightning struck, cutting off their exit.

"Fire!" screamed the young hippos, their eyes growing wide.

"Oh, no." gasped Zito.

"We need another way out." Kion said looking between Ono and Nyota. The avian member of the Guard circled around and found another exit out of the watering hole, and motioned for them to follow.

Just as they reached it, another flash of lightning struck and sparked another fire, trapping the Guard, Zito, and the young hippos. Kion looked to Nyota, "Could Zito spray us a path out?" he asked her, the prince's ears falling to the sides of his head.

Nyota quickly cast a glance around before shaking her head, "No, there's not enough water." she answered, her own ears falling against her head. "We're gonna need to find another way." The young lioness scanned the area, keeping herself calm as she came up with a plan. A gentle wind blew past, spreading a few embers to another part of the Pride Lands.

In another part of the Pride Lands, Makini was working on her painting, standing near a bed of leaves. She took a step back, admiring all the colors she used. "So, what do you think?" she asked, glancing to her mentor.

Rafiki carefully looked over the artwork, "I think..." he began, but a troubling scent caught his attention and he sniffed the air.

"Oh, do we need to smell the painting too?" Makini questioned.

"Not the painting, Makini." Rafiki shook his head, reaching for his bakora staff. "Smoke."

"Smoke?" the younger mandrill gasped, grabbing her staff as well as she followed her mentor. Just outside of the tree, another fire had started. "Rafiki, we're trapped!" Makini gasped. "What do we do?"

From the air, Ono spotted the smoke in the distance. "Hapana." he gasped, focusing his eyes. Once he saw that the smoke was from a fire at Rafiki's tree, he let out a squawk loud enough to get the Guard's attention.

"Ono?" Kion questioned. "What's wrong?"

"Rafiki's tree!" the egret exclaimed. "It's on fire!"

Hearing that, Nyota's ears fell back against her head, "Are Rafiki and Makini okay?" she asked, her voice laced with worry. "Can you see them, Ono?"

The small bird just shook his head in response as he flew down eye-level with the cream-furred cub. "I'm sorry Nyota, I can't see them." he answered. "There's too much smoke around the tree."

Nyota let out a shuddering breath as her eyes welled with moisture. Seeing the distraught look in her eyes, Kion turned over his shoulder, "We need that rock, Beshte!" he yelled to the strongest member of the Guard. "We've gotta get everyone outta here and go help Rafiki and Makini."

"I'm on it, Kion!" Beshte yelled back, bracing himself against the large, flat stone they were going to use as a ramp to get out.

Kion gave a nod and turned his attention back to Nyota, who was being comforted by Ono. He was perched on her right shoulder and rested his left wing on her neck. Kion brushed his paw against Nyota's and brushed his nose against her cheek, making the lioness look at him. "Once we're all outta here, you can go on ahead to help Rafiki and Makini. We'll be right behind you." he told her, giving her a smile. "Ono, go with her." he added, glancing to the egret.

The Guard's keenest of sight nodded, a smile on his beak. "Asante, Kion." Nyota said, returning the young prince's smile. She rubbed her forehead against his cheek before nudging her head under his chin, calming down when she felt Kion brush his chin against her ear and place his paw over hers.

"Twende kiboko!" Beshte grunted as he pushed the rock over a portion of the fire surrounding the watering hole.

Zito and the two young hippos ran up the rock, followed by the Lion Guard members. Once they were all clear from the flames, Kion gave Nyota a nod, which she returned before running towards her home with Ono flying above her. Even with some distance, Nyota could still hear and feel Kion's Roar as he used it to extinguish the flames.

"Ono, can you see them?" Nyota asked, looking up to her egret friend.

Ono narrowed his eyes and focused, spotting the two mandrills a few yards away from the tree, watching the fire. "I see them Nyota! They're safe!" he answered, looking down at the female cub.

Her eyes widened as she wondered how they managed to get out of the tree. She looked ahead and sighed in relief when she saw her guardian and surrogate sister. "Papa! Makini!" she called out, running up to them. She rubbed against the white fur on Rafiki's chest, breathing out another sigh, "Thank Mufasa you're okay." Nyota rested her head against Makini's, who wrapped her arms around the cub's neck.

"How'd you guys get out of the tree?" Ono asked, hovering over the three.

"Chama, Furaha and Mzaha saved us!" Makini answered, her arm still draped around Nyota's neck.

Nyota blinked and looked towards the tree, and saw the three males working on putting the fire out. "Huh." she breathed, a smile crossing her muzzle. She glanced up to Ono, "Come on Ono. Let's get this fire out."

"Affirmative!" the egret saluted. Ono swooped down and blew some dirt over part of the fire while Nyota ran and skidded around, kicking up more dirt and putting out another portion of the fire.

It wasn't long after that Kion, Bunga, Fuli, and Beshte arrived and started helping as well. In no time, the fire was almost completely out. "We've almost got it!" Kion stated.

"There's just one small fire near the base of the tree." Nyota noted. She glanced up to Chama, "Care to do the honors?"

"My pleasure." the elephant replied, saluting her with his trunk. Chama sucked up some dirt with his trunk and, with a loud trumpet, sprayed it over the fire and extinguished it, earning cheers from everyone else.

"Great job, everyone!" Kion praised as everyone regrouped.

"My tree. It is saved!" Rafiki exclaimed with a wide grin and a laugh. "Thank you, Lion Guard." he tipped his head respectfully to the Guard, before looking to the trio of animals that saved him and Makini earlier. "And you three, there are no words."

"Hey, no problem, Rafiki." Chama replied.

"We're just glad you and your tree are safe." Mzaha added.

"Yes." Nyota breathed, glancing to the large baobab before looking to Chama, Mzaha, and Furaha. "But, if it couldn't have been saved, we could've always found somewhere else to live." she admitted in a soft voice, "But family..." she glanced between Rafiki and Makini, "...that's irreplaceable."

Makini's eyes welled with moisture as she wrapped her arms around Nyota's neck and laid her head on her shoulder. Nyota ran her nose over Makini's hair, before pulling back to meet her eyes. She turned and glanced up at Rafiki, nuzzling up against his chest while the older mandrill wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. Nyota stepped back, looking to the teenage elephant, antelope, and monkey, "So thank you, for saving my family." she continued, a small tear falling from her eye as both Rafiki and Makini draped their arms over her neck and shoulders.

Furaha sniffled and wiped his eyes, "It's the least we could do." he replied, sniffling again.

"Yeah." Mzaha nodded. "After all, you and the Lion Guard have saved us Pride Landers dozens of times."

"So it's only fair we help save your family and home." Chama finished.

"That's so beautiful." Beshte sniffled, getting teary-eyed himself.

Rafiki cleared his throat, "If my tree feels like home to you, then you should stay." he offered. "But perhaps you could be a little quieter?" At that comment, Makini and Nyota let out a small chuckle.

"What an offer, Rafiki, thank you." Chama replied, tipping his head respectfully.

"We do think you're a fun guy. That's why we originally wanted to live near your tree." Furaha added.

"But then we found a nice tree over by Big Springs." Chama continued. "We can be as loud as we want. It feels like home."

"Yep." Mzaha nodded. "It's perfect for our family."

Bunga scratched the back of his head. "Your family?" he repeated, raising his eyebrow in confusion.

The teenage elephant nodded. "Maybe the reason why we don't fit in with our own herds is 'cause we already have a family."

"Each other!" the trio shouted. "Chama cha Mzaha na Furaha!" They bumped their chests together and burst out laughing.

The rest of the Lion Guard exchanged a glance, with Kion shrugging his shoulders. "Makes sense to me." the prince said.

Nyota's tail swished side to side, "Well, then at least be our guests at tonight's ceremony for the Royal Family." she offered, exchanging a glance with Rafiki, who nodded in agreement.

"Yeah!" Chama cheered.

"We would love to!" Furaha exclaimed, jumping onto his elephant friend's back.

"Thanks!" Mzaha grinned as he leaped into the air.

Makini's olive colored eyes widened, "The ceremony." she gasped, her palms on her face. "I hope I'm ready."

"I'm sure you'll do just fine." Nyota assured, bumping her shoulder to the younger mandrill's.

At sunset, various animals gathered at the base of Pride Rock. The Royal Family sat together, Nala sat between her two cubs. Nyota sat beside Kion, with the rest of the Guard beside her and Ono on her shoulder, and Chama, Mzaha, and Furaha behind her.

"As you all know, it is the duty of every Royal Mjuzi to keep the history of the Pride Lands alive." Simba announced, standing next to the two mandrills. "Today Makini will take yet another step in that role. Rafiki." He glanced to his Royal Mjuzi before padding down and sitting between Nala and Kion.

Rafiki turned to his apprentice, handing her a gourd bowl full of paint, "Ready?" he asked.

Makini took the gourd bowl from her mentor, "I think so." She took a deep breath and rested her forehead against her bakora to concentrate. She faintly heard the voices of the past whisper on the wind, "Shwari!" she grinned, as she began to paint on the base of Pride Rock. Once she was finished, she stepped back, "I did it, Rafiki!"

The painting was a portrait of the Royal Family; Simba and Nala side by side with their cubs in front of them. Rafiki smiled proudly and placed his hand on his apprentice's shoulder, "Yes, you did, Makini." he praised. "Yes, you did."

A smile crossed Nyota's muzzle as her tail swayed behind her.

A/N 2: Well, that's the end of the chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed it. Now, remember, this is not the only series I've got on the site, so I won't be devoting all my time to this one story. Like I said in the first Author's Note, writing is therapeutic for me and if I'm getting constant reviews begging for updates, it takes the fun out of it. I also have spurts of inspiration where I want to work on other stories as well. I haven't abandoned this series, in fact I've pretty much got it all planned out. Like I said, if any of you have personal questions about this series, create an account and PM me, I will be happy to answer as best I can without giving spoilers, unless you ask for them.

Thanks again for your patience and I look forward to seeing your reviews.


Next time: The Lion Guard head to the Outlands to help their hyena ally, Jasiri, and Scar's looking to recruit other Outlanders to join his army.