Scar Tissue - Chapter 1 - Pilot

Edited by OnceNeverTwiceAlways

Immediately Following the Arrest of Mayor Dawn Bellwether

Evening fast approached the city of Zootopia. With the setting of the sun came a close on the darkest moments in the city's history. A brutal megalomaniac sat in the back of a police car, bound by pawcuffs and watched by many. Her eyes looked away from it all. Whether it was due to shame, anger, or a combination of both, she had no interest in seeing any of these mammals. For the time being, she gave only the rugged cloth of the cruiser's back seat her company.

From all around, the sound of the gathered crowd roared constantly like rolling thunder. Though moments before only a few voices had cut through the still of the museum, currently it was almost as loud as a football stadium. Mammals from all walks of life stood in groups on both sides of the yellow police tape, chatting about the events of the evening. ZPD officers looked into the situation further. News reporters butted their heads into the crowds, desperate for anything to get a coherent story. Paramedics tended to two small mammals.

Judy waited patiently as her numbed leg was stitched up by expert paws. The gash on her leg was worse than she had thought originally, requiring approximately twelve stitches and a strong pain medication for her to feel comfortable. She looked away as the medic did her handiwork. It wasn't the sight of blood that made Judy's stomach turn. She could still feel her leg slightly, but she didn't want to ask for more anesthesia.

Not far from where she was sitting, Nick was receiving a look over from another medic. Judy heard a small debacle between him and the coyote who had been checking his ribs not a few minutes before. Nick absolutely did not think he needed to receive any medical attention, but Johnny—that was the name she'd heard—had said if there was nothing wrong, then it would take only a couple of minutes. That had been fifteen minutes ago.

Judy watched as a shirtless Nick cringed when Johnny softly prodded a spot on his torso. She internally chuckled and tried not to cringe herself as the last stitch was finished. Judy finally built up the courage to look at her leg, neatly stitched up, though sporting much less fur than before. The red panda who had put in the stitches took a clean, white bandage and gently wrapped it around the wound. Judy smiled as she was given clearance to sit normally.

"Dr. Garvey will be with you in just a moment," the paramedic told her with such a soothing voice that Judy wondered if it was her own mother who had just fixed her up. The paramedic—Judy felt bad she hadn't caught the red panda's name as she'd been too preoccupied by the pain to ask—walked off and left her alone. She decided to sit and pass the time by watching Nick who was looking crestfallen from being told he had a couple of bruised ribs. Rabbit hearing was a wonder to behold.

Poor Nick… Judy thought with the tiniest of smiles flashing in his direction.

As Johnny went into the back of the ambulance to grab something, Nick looked up from his lap. His eyes caught hers. Instantly, his face lit up and his ears flicked back to their most upright and pleased position as he gave her a little wave. She waved back just in time for a male hyena—the presumed Dr. Garvey—to sit down and block her view of Nick perfectly.

"And you must be the Judy Hopps I have heard so much about," he sang, flashing her a toothy grin.

Dr. Garvey was not exactly what Judy had expected when she thought of a doctor. His head fur was slightly disheveled, and, underneath his white coat, she could see a set of very normal clothes—a pair of sweatpants and an old t-shirt depicting what looked to be the 80's band, Guns and Rodents.

"All good things, I hope," Judy said in response.

"Of course, dear. I can't imagine anything bad being said about you. But, down to business. I am going to prescribe you Oxencontin, just a brand of oxycodone. We'll have you take one 5mg pill a day with..."

Judy had completely lost interest in what he was telling her. It was probably important, but there was something even more important that she needed to do.

"And so your meds will be available for pick up tomorrow at your pharmacy, which, according to your records is the one on 57th and Barker Street?"

"That's right," she nodded.

"Ok, then. You're good to go, but—" he said, reaching to his side and presenting a parting gift for her—"I'm sure you'll be wanting these."

Judy stared at a pair of silver crutches that were sized perfectly for her and immediately began to dread the thought of trying to get around the next couple of days. She held the crutches in her paws and looked at them, then back up at Dr. Garvey.

"I'll see you in three days. I'm in Medical Building Two at Zootopia General. Hopefully, you won't be needing those by then." Dr. Garvey stood up and Judy offered him one final "thank you", before she was once again left by herself.

After twiddling her thumbs for a while, she soon had Nick on her mind again and decided to see how things were going. And there he was, just getting his shirt back on. Leaving the top one undone, Nick did up the final button, before he slipped his tie over his head and tightened it to where he wanted it. Loose, yet dashing. Giving the space a once over, he soon caught Judy's stare, and, once again, his smile returned. She waved him over, and he didn't hesitate to sit down next to her.

"Hey," she greeted.

"Hey, you," he quickly fired back.

"Your ribs?"

"Three bruised ones."

Judy winced.

"But enough about me. You sure you're going to be fine? That leg looks like it hurts a lot."

"I'll be fine, Nick. Since when did you worry so much about me?" she chuckled while giving him a slight shove on the shoulder.

Nick flashed a toothy smile as he raised his paw to playfully shove her, but instead lowered it back to where it was. "You didn't hear this from me, but I've been worried about you since you left. I'm sorry for what I did, Judy. I left you all alone after the press conference and…I—I just feel terrible about it. I shouldn't have done that. It was foolish, and I'm really sorry about that."

"Hey, don't beat yourself up. You're forgiven. No hard feelings, Nick. I did that to myself. You're not to blame at all," she said, her voice quiet and almost strained.

"But still—"

"No!" she interrupted before he could continue. "Don't pin this on yourself! I was the dumb bunny. You didn't do anything wrong—"


Both mammals froze suddenly as a shadow fell over them. Simultaneously, their heads turned to meet the steeled gaze of Chief Bogo. His arms lay at his side, though they came into a cross as he knelt down to be closer to the mammals who were miniscule by comparison. Judy suddenly realized who had joined them, and, due to her training, almost immediately tried to stand. The action caused both Nick and Bogo some amount of fright as she nearly fell over, but, fortunately, she had Nick there to steady her.

"Stay seated, Hopps. I don't want you hurting your leg even more."

Judy understood and slowly lowered herself back down with Nick's assistance.

"It seems that you haven't remembered the fact that you're no longer an officer?" he continued.

"That never really left, sir. Once an officer, always an officer," she stated proudly.

Bogo gave a snort as his lips displayed a half a smile. "I'm glad you think so."

"Why is that, sir?"

"Did you think you'd do this and go back to being a stereotype, Hopps? No one else would have considered our very own mayor to be behind these attacks. Your drive to make the world a better place is stronger than ever. Your skills as an investigator are top notch," the chief said as he uncrossed his arms. "If I remember correctly, your badge is sitting in one of the drawers in my desk. It's yours if you'll have it."

Judy blinked before turning her gaze to Nick, who looked almost as shocked as she felt. After a moment of silent contemplation, she saw Nick smile and nod towards Bogo. Judy turned nervously, twiddling her thumbs as she bit the bullet.

"Is it still shiny as ever?" Nick blurted before she could give Bogo her response. Judy shot Nick a dirty look as she elbowed him in the side.

Bogo eyed Nick for a second before snorting in an almost humorous manner. "Might be a bit dusty. It'll shine up real nice pinned to your chest, Hopps."

"I'd be happy to have it back, sir. But—" she held up a finger. "I'm not one to take all of the credit." She waved a paw at Nick. "He deserves more of it than I do. I'll be glad to serve the city once again, but there is one condition."

Judy reached into her back pocket and pulled out a wrinkled piece of yellow paper. She unfolded it and gave it to Nick. She noticed he hesitated to take it, and, as he did, his ears flattened against the back of his head. He looked at the completed application form, then up at Judy with wide, green eyes.

"He would be a great addition to the police force, sir," she continued. "I know he has what it takes. I want to see to it that he gets into the Academy."

Judy's ears fell behind her when Bogo's frown reappeared. He looked over at Nick who gave a little wave and smiled nervously.

The chief turned to Judy once more. "The fox?" he spat.

"Sir, he has a name."

"Right…. What is your name, fox?" Bogo asked brusquely.

Nick suddenly straightened up and steeled his features. "Nick Wilde, sir," he replied.

Bogo simply snorted.

"Very well, Mr. Wilde. Turn in a new application—one that it isn't so wrinkled—and I will see what I can do for you. The new class at the Academy begins in two months, so you'd better prepare yourself. Am I clear?"

"Yes, sir!" Nick nearly shouted.

"Splendid," Bogo said softly as he turned to face Judy once more. "Hopps, I will see you in uniform as soon as you are able to. He better not let me down, or it's on you," he finished with a finger pointed directly at her.

Judy offered him one last "thank you, sir" before the chief walked off and left them alone.

"I think he likes me," Nick said after a brief moment of silence.

Judy chuckled. "Sure. Whatever you say, Slick."

"You didn't have to do that."


"That! Put in a good word for me! Why did you do it?"

"Because you deserve better than a life on the streets. I know you can do it, Nick," she said as she leaned closer to Nick and moved her paw to rest on his forearm. "You have the same desire to make the world a better place that I have. I can see it."

"Hey, Carrots, guess what?" Nick asked as he patted her paw a couple of times before drifting away enough to break the connection.

"What?" she replied with a silly smile.

"You're the best."

"I know," she giggled.

He flinched, making Judy stop and wonder if something was wrong. She looked at him and saw a brief glint of fear in his eyes, but it left as quickly as it had come. It was subtle, but she'd noticed it.

"Nick, is everything alright? You jumped a little bit."

"I, uh…. I just realized that you probably don't have a place to stay, do you?" he said quickly while gathering their small number of things.

"Oooh…. You're right!" Judy cringed. "I might just have to get a hotel for a while so I can look for an apartment…"

"With that leg? I don't think so!" Nick turned on his heel and looked at her with stern eyes. "You can barely walk by yourself. I'll take you to my place. I've got plenty of room to take you in for a while!"

"Nick, I don't want to be a burden on you!"

"I am inviting you, Carrots! You are going to be searching for a while, and there is no way I am letting you live by yourself until you can walk on your own!"

"Fine! You win, Slick!" she shouted as she threw her paws in the air. "I'll stay with you until I find a new place!"

"Good." Nick stated, clapping his paws together. "My place isn't too far. Why don't we get out of here? They don't need us anymore, do they?"

"No, we are good to go."

Nick stood up first and helped her into a standing position. She grabbed her crutches and took her first steps with them, which nearly ended with her in a pile on the floor. Her foot slipped from underneath her, causing her to lurch forward.

Nick caught her with ease and helped her upright once again. "I know this will be tough, but you need to slow down a bit. Wait until you get used to them, first."

"Har har. I know I'm impatient." Judy set herself up again. She put all of her focus on where she was planting her good leg while keeping the crutches pressed against her armpits and took her first successful step.

Nick hovered close to her as they exited the museum. "You know, this is probably twice as fast as Flash. I'd say you're doing just fine!"

"Can it, Wilde!" she spat. "You're lucky that my leg is bad and my paws are occupied with keeping these stupid crutches in place!"

"Alright, I guess somebody doesn't want a nice warm apartment to sleep in tonight," he said convincingly.

Judy shot him a look, thinking that he was serious for a second.

"Kidding," he corrected. "I wouldn't do that to you."

"I'm trying. This is a lot harder than it looks!" she whined.

"Well, then I'm just going to have to carry you the rest of the way."

"Oh, don't be ridicul—Ahhh! Nick! Put me down!" she shouted as she was lifted into Nick's arms and over his shoulder against her will. She giggled when her crutches fell to the ground with a metallic clank and Nick bent down, groaning painfully as he was once again reminded of his bruised ribs. He kept his muzzle straight forward as he struggled, and failed, to keep the grin off of his face.

Judy thrashed in his arms, but eventually gave up and put on her best pouty face. "I'm not enjoying this."

"I'm not the one who tripped on a tusk and gashed open their leg. I'm not enjoying this anymore than you are, but we would have never made it to my apartment at the previous rate."

"I'd say you're enjoying this a lot more than I am, Nick! I can practically hear your smile!"

"Ok, yeah, I'm enjoying this a little bit. Mostly just because you aren't."

"Of course you are…" Judy grumbled.

Nick had been right, though. Their previous speed was not much faster than a sloth, and, now that her leg wasn't impeding them, they were making much better time. As they passed other mammals, she noticed how all of them looked strangely at her. She made sure to look extra unamused, but didn't want people to think she was being abducted. She figured that would probably not bode well if they had the ZPD showing up at Nick's door as soon as they settled in for the night.

Like Nick had said, the walk was pretty short, and, soon enough, he was climbing the stairs to his apartment. She enjoyed the smells of the food cooking somewhere in the building. Judy could tell it was something spicy since just the scent of it burned her nostrils, but she kept sniffing because it smelled wonderful.

"My neighbors are red pandas. They eat a lot of curry." he explained. "They've even invited me over a couple of times before to try it. Really spicy, but good stuff. You should try it sometime."

"No thanks. Not a spicy food kind of rabbit."

"Didn't think so, but they do know how to make it mild. I wasn't aware the first time I tried it."

"Burned your mouth?" she asked, trying to get a look behind her.

"All the ice cream in the world wouldn't have saved my tongue," Nick shivered.

"You're a goof," she said while giving him a pat on the back.

"Alright, here we are. Down you go!" Nick stopped and finally let Judy down, being extra careful of her leg.

She graciously took her crutches and watched as Nick pulled out his keys and unlocked the door. He pushed it open and revealed the inside to Judy like he was a showgirl displaying a product on a game show. "Here it is. Home sweet home!"

She looked into the cozy two-bedroom apartment with satisfaction. Judy looked around a little bit and found his place to be small, but perfectly sized for just the two of them. Needless to say, she would much rather be here than in her old apartment. At least here, she wouldn't have to deal with annoying neighbors.

But is Nick going to be much better? she thought jokingly. There was a difference between him and her old neighbors though. She could handle Nick's little games to annoy her, while the other two were only doing it because that was who they were.

"So, what do you think? Will this work for you?" Nick asked.

Judy gave the living room another look. "It will be just fine. Where will I be sleeping?"

To this question, Nick put on a guilty smile as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, you see…there is a spare room, but…"

"But what?"

"There isn't a bed."

"No bed?" she repeated, trying not to sound disappointed.

"Nope. Just an empty room."

"That's fine. I can take the couch. Plenty big for me!" Judy smiled up at him reassuringly while bounding her way to the couch as well as she could on one leg.

"I know you probably want—Wait, what?" he questioned, his focus snapping back to her. "You're fine with the couch?"

"Of course! I'm not going to make you go out and buy me a mattress if I'm only going to be here for a little while!" she said while making herself comfortable.

"You're sure you want the couch? I could give you my room." he suggested.

"I don't want to smell like fox all the time!"

"Hey!" Nick crossed his arms with a smile. "What's that supposed to mean?!"

"It means you smell like a fox. If I sleep in your bed, I will smell like you!" Judy laughed, though he still seemed like he was offended by what she'd said. "Not that it's a bad thing, Nick. I'm sure I wouldn't mind smelling like you a little. But trust me, I'll be fine on the couch for a few weeks."

"Alright, if you say so. Hey, it's getting kinda late. How about we relax for the rest of the night? How does a movie sound?" Nick asked.

"Sounds great! Do you have Zoolu? If not, we can use my family's account. I'm sure they wouldn't' mind," she said as she patted the spot next to her.

"I've got it. No need to mooch off of your parents."

He climbed up and sat down with a noticeable distance between the two of them. Judy leaned to one side of the couch while Nick leaned to the other, effectively allowing them to just about stretch their legs out completely. He turned on the television and opened up his Zoolu account to begin searching for a movie.

"How about something like this?" Nick suggested while waving the remote at the TV screen. Judy almost immediately scoffed at seeing his selection to be one of the more recent action movies released.

"Haven't you had enough action for today?" Judy asked. "Don't you want to just relax? How about a comedy?"

Nick shrugged his shoulders. "I suppose you're right."

Judy watched as Nick continued to scroll through the options until she started bouncing up and down, pointing at the screen like a kit in a candy shop." Oh my gosh! John Moolaney! I had no idea any of his stuff was on Zoolu!"

Nick raised an eyebrow. "That skinny little whitetail is a comedian?"

"Yes!" Judy shouted. "And he's hilarious!" She could tell that Nick wasn't even a little interested, but she would not take no for an answer with this one. "C'mon, Slick! How long has it been since you've had a good laugh?" she asked, sending her best sad eyes his way.

Nick gave her an odd stare before breaking into a smile as he selected the stand up act. "Alright, Carrots. We'll watch this one."

The two settled into the couch as the show started. Judy would occasionally look over at Nick and would smile every time he laughed at a joke. He laughed particularly hard at a joke comparing drug dealing to food delivery, with the exception that the food delivery guy was never invited in to have some of the food. Judy laughed, but when Nick didn't stop laughing, she turned his way and waited for him to notice. When he finally did, he smiled nervously while shrugging his shoulders.

"What?" he asked before he scowled. "Oh, come on, Carrots! I was never a drug dealer! Quit looking at me like that!"

Judy chuckled. "Whatever you say, Slick."

It was a good change of pace to just sit down and relax with her friend after the events of the day. After Bellwether had been arrested, she could finally let her mind rest. Over the last few hours, Judy had been preoccupied by everything that she still needed to deal with. Nick had brought up her living situation, and, while he'd taken care of that, she still had a lot to do. She needed her parents to bring her clothes, as she only had the ones on her back. Her uniform was sitting at home. She needed to tell Bogo officially that she would reaccept her position. And yet, none of it mattered to her right now because she was happy to just sit and enjoy the moment for what it was.

Judy heard a scoff next to her as John Moolaney began talking about how much he enjoyed being married and how amazing it was to be in love. She turned to see Nick shaking his head and rolling his eyes.

"You don't agree?" she questioned him. "Didn't you ever want to meet that 'special someone'?"

"Haven't thought about it for years, Carrots. I've never really thought about it, actually."

"You like living alone?" she asked, taking her eyes off of the screen and looking directly at Nick. His eyes flicked to her and immediately back to the TV.

"Yes…and no. I would jump at the chance to get a permanent roommate, but no one has ever really caught my eye. Finnick says rent is just a 'social construct', and he refuses to pay it."

"Is that why he lives in the van?"

Nick stifled a giggle. "Yeah."

Judy turned her attention to the TV for a second before glancing back to Nick. His features had hardened.

He rubbed his brow. "Just do me one favor, Carrots. Please don't fall in love. You'll just end up getting hurt."

"Nick, I—"

"Remember, I'm right about everything," he said with a smile.

They both turned their attention back to the show, Judy only having one last thing to say on the topic. "I'll take your word for it."

It was halfway through the show when Judy's eyelids started to get extra heavy. She fought and fought with herself to stay awake, but the events of the day were starting to take their toll. Her world became dimmer with each passing second until her eyes closed completely, only for them to reopen what seemed like only a fraction of a second later. Judy looked at her surroundings, worried that she'd somehow ended up in some strange place. It only took her a moment to remember that she was in Nick's apartment.

"Figured you need to get some rest. Busy day, wasn't it?" Nick asked, holding out a pillow and blanket for her.

"Yeah, no kidding. How long was I out?" She rubbed her eyes.

"Only about fifteen minutes. You zonked out fast, though." Nick put the pillow at one end, before unfolding the blanket for her and throwing it over her head.

Judy struggled to get out of the trap and shot him a dirty look as soon as her head escaped.

"Sleep tight, Carrots. I'll see you in the morning," he said, giving her a sleepy smile as he walked to his room.

"You too, Slick," she yawned. "Goodnight."

With that, Nick disappeared into the depths of his room, and Judy was left alone in his living room—but she knew that she wasn't really alone. While she was driving to Zootopia, she had never expected to end up here. She hadn't even expect to have Nick help her all. In the end, though, he had done more than help her solve the case. He'd helped her mend their friendship. And, based on how she was sleeping on his couch, Judy figured that it was at its strongest. That fact helped her fall asleep almost instantly when her tired head hit the pillow.

Judy's paws explored her surroundings. Her eyes remaining closed, she felt a rough material beneath her fingers—some type of durable cloth, but she couldn't tell exactly what it was. She knew it was late morning due to how the light threatened to shine through her closed eyelids, and she was not about to let anything bring her completely out of sleep.

Just keep your eyes closed, Judy. You'll fall asleep again in no time…

Just then, she heard a loud thump followed by an annoyed shout of "God damnit!"

Following the shout were a series of smaller thumps slowly getting louder and louder. She opened her eyes just far enough to barely see a frustrated red fox hopping on one foot into the living room. She tried to close them before he saw her, but Nick noticed that she was, in fact, awake.

"Oh, I didn't realize you were up, Carrots. Sleep well?" he asked while leaning against the wall, still holding his foot.

Judy sat up on the couch, still in her clothes from yesterday, and rubbed her eyes. "Yeah. I did. You alright?"

"I'm fine. Just dropped something on my foot."

"Sounded pretty heavy. What was it?"

"C'mere. I want to show you," Nick said as he waved her over to him.

Still lying on the couch, Judy crossed her arms. "Even after it attacked your foot? Brave fox!"

"Yeah, just follow me!" Nick waved her over even faster.

Judy uncovered herself and followed the hobbling fox into the spare bedroom. Not bothering to grab her crutches, she just used the wall to prop herself up. "Guess we are both limping now, huh?"

Nick simply waved behind him as he offered a chuckle. He led her into the spare room which was now filled with furniture. What she noticed right away was the small bed that was situated in the corner of the room.

"I dropped one of the legs on my foot while I was trying to get it into the corner. What do you think? I even picked up carrot print sheets!" Nick held up the light blue sheets with little carrots on them, still in their plastic container.

Judy raised an eyebrow. "You didn't have to do that, Nick! I was fine on the couch. How much did you spend on this?"

"Doesn't matter." Nick swatted with his paw. "I wasn't going to have you staying here without a real place to sleep. Try it out! See how it feels!"

Judy wasted no time walking over to the bed. She gave it a feel with her paw before struggling to get on top of it. When she finally did, she melted into it. This was the softest mattress she'd ever been on! "This is great, Nick! It's so comfy! C'mon! You try it, too!"

"Why do you think I picked that one? I've already lain down on it, and I knew you'd like it."

"How do you know I'd like it?" she questioned with a sneaky smile.

"Because it is super comfy! No mammal in the world enjoys sleeping on a rock-hard mattress!"

Judy sat up and dangled her legs over the edge of the bed. "You're right. Thank you, Nick. You really didn't have to do this."

"I didn't, but I wanted to," Nick said as he nervously swung his arms back and forth. "I wasn't going to force you to sleep on the couch until you found a place of your own. And besides, if I ever have other guests, they can sleep in this bed too, as long as they don't mind carrot print sheets."

The two shared a short laugh before they found themselves in complete silence. Judy still sat on her new bed, while Nick leaned against the wall. She pulled out her phone for a moment, before putting it back in her pocket. As she did so, Judy made eye contact with him and smiled. The fox gulped awkwardly before doing the same.

"Say, Nick. I needed to pick up my pain medication today. Mind giving me some help with that?"

His eyes brightened as he gave her a questioning stare. "You want me to pick them up? Just tell me where and I'll get them!"

"No, silly! Could you just go with me? Maybe we could grab a bite to eat while we're out!"

Nick looked down at his stomach as, right on cue, it growled loud enough that both of them could hear it. "I'd say that's a great idea, Carrots. Let me get you your crutches!"

Bolting out of the room, Nick came back with Judy's crutches a couple of seconds later. He handed them to her, and the pair walked out of the apartment together. Approaching the stairs, Judy was ready when Nick scooped her up and carried her fire-mammal style down to the streets below. The first time that he had done that she hadn't been prepared, but now she found it didn't bother her.

Judy let a pleased smile slip onto her face as they walked. It was nice to know that after what happened yesterday she had someone not only to live with, but someone that would be there to help while her leg healed.

Today is going to be a good day! she thought.

A/N: Enjoy? I do hope you did very much! You know, the movie has been out for over two years, I've been writing fanfiction for about a year and a half, and yet I've never done a story that began immediately after the arrest of Bellwether. Funny enough, this one almost didn't! About two weeks ago, this story had a completely different beginning, starting approximately three years after Nick's graduation from the academy! Don't ask me what made me think it was a good idea to change it so close to the release date of this story, but I did, so HA!

Of course, if you enjoyed, please let me know how it was with a review. My editor, OnceNeverTwiceAlways is absolutely brilliant, so please give her a round of applause! Also, don't forget to follow and favorite!

It's great to be back with another story. And as always, please take care. Have a great day!


P.S. Despite me being free from the shackles of high school, updates will not be so frequent. Once a month perhaps? This is mostly a slice of life fic, so ideas for silly and fluffy situations are the life nectar of it. I have a good bank of ideas, but some of them have to wait for a little anecdote to come into fruition inside if this (potentially massive) story. There will be arcs, there will be (mostly) happy times, and a few not so happy times, but we'll save that for later.

P.P.S. There is a reason it's called Scar Tissue… ^^^