Some time later, Shifu asked everyone to take their seats, as the ceremony was about to begin. Po, Tigress, and the rest of the Five sat close together.
Po had to sit in the front with his fathers, while Tigress and the others sat behind him. When they took their places, Po looked at them nervously.
Tigress patted his back with encouragingly, while the others smiled at him. He smiled back for their sake, before everyone's attention was on Master Shifu, cued the moment he cleared his throat.
"Thank you everyone for giving your time to join us on this day." He began. "It means a lot to those who was once situated in the Panda village. Twenty years ago, they endured a time in history they will never forget. As we are inexperienced of this new custom in the Valley, I will call forth Sir Li Shan." He turned to the panda named, and as if to ask with his mind, everyone looked the same way, apart from Tigress and the Five. He stood up slowly, and as he walked away, Mr. Ping patted the seat for Po to sit on, just so he could have both Dad's on either side for support. Po took the opportunity while his Li took Shifu's place after they bowed towards one another.
"Uh... hi there," he began, turning to face everyone and giving off a timid wave. Silence fell, so he cleared his throat awkwardly. "This ceremony of ours lasts the day... honestly a day no one really looks forward to... emotionally. Of course everyday most of us pray to our loved ones, but this is the anniversary of that fateful day. Of course, you all are new to this, so we will give you some details, and then commence with the ceremony... and then you all are welcome to exchange stories of loved ones. We will ammence this day as one you can connect with your loved ones too..." He bowed to the congregation. "Thank you."
Everyone bowed back, still sitting down, wordless. Li notice Po moved up one, but had nothing to say against the action, so resumed to take his new place. Simultaneously, Mei Mei rose and made her way to where Li once stood. It was unnatural to see her in a black kimono and no ribbon in her paws, and in this strange, quiet form, saying nothing until a few seconds in her place in front of everyone.
"I'm Mei Mei, as you all would know by now, and I am in love with Ribbon dancing, as far as I can remember. I get that from my mom... she passed away a few days after I was born... and it was hard for my Father to raise me on his own... but he was doing a great job, doing everything he could to be both a mom and a dad, and with my Aunt's help, I was able to blossom..." she looked down at the floor just in front of her feet, while Po glanced to the side, to find, whom he assumed was Mei Mei's Aunt, sitting directly in front of Mei Mei, wiping tears off her cheeks gently. "Shen came along a few months later... and that's where this ceremony has come from; the pain and despair over the loss of our people eternally imprinted into the roots of his feathers..." Mei Mei took in a sharp breath. "However, this is a day of remembrance for all... and rejoice of how far we have come in our present day...with the extraordinary milestones I have achieved... defeating Kai, becoming a Master of Chi with my people, and the blossom of new friendships... with Po, Master Viper... and Master Tigress-"
Everyone turned their glances at Tigress, who stared ahead like nothing happened, nodded towards Mei Mei. Po glanced down at the feline's gentle hold on his shoulder. Slowly, he placed his paw on top of hers. As of recently, he only ever saw the two practice Tai Chi together, or Tigress watch Viper and Mei Mei. "A Master," Mei Mei continued, catching everyone's attention again. "Who is always there to listen with a gentle ear, a paw to give a comforting hold that my passion for Ribbon dancing can sometimes fail to fix... I am honored to work alongside her, and called her a dear friend..." She held up a paw, while the other was sitting on her heart. "I as an individual, and one of the youngest survivors of such a dark time... thank the Gods above, where I hope my dear parents are at peace, knowing I am me."
There was a soft eruption of applause, as Mei Mei bowed and stepped down towards Tigress and the others. Crane shifted out of the way so she could get through, and Lei Lei, who was originally sitting next to Tigress, was pulled into her arms as the feline stood up, and wrapped an arm around Mei Mei's neck, whose arms wrapped around Tigress' back, embracing her when the feline was unable to. They quickly sat down after, as Dim and Sum stood, and spoke about their father, and the joy that was shared among their family when they found out about Po being alive. They were fortunately not born at the time of Shen's attack, but heard, and became involved in their uncles pain... along with their own ounce of pain... of the man they never met.
"You'd think it was hard to miss someone you don't miss." Dim spoke almost bluntly, before the tears began to fall. "We lost our father, but we weren't born... our parents didn't even know they was expecting us then... but Li told us so much about Po, in the months he was around. Meeting him, he felt like a part of the family was returned to us... while the others are still missing."
"At the end of the day, we pray to our dad..." Sum looked up towards the Shrine. "Who was Uncle Li's brother in-law, and thank him for fighting- for our safety and existence, saving our mom, and the other survivors of that night... even though he didn't know we were to come." Po felt his heart twist a little, and glanced to his side, to see his father closing his eyes, his closed fist resting against his lips in such as way that his thumb was under his nose, barely touching it. Casting his eyes on the floor, Po remembered he had the list under the seat. As he gradually reached down to pick it up, others came up and told stories; losing a husband, a wife, and sibling, a lover, a parent... and even little infants. This struck a chord for Li, and he held onto his son's paw once he stood up, as a woman shared her story, as subtle and PG as possible, of how her child was snatched out of her arms, and... the rest spoke for itself.
Before Po passed the scroll to his father, he heard a whimpering behind him, which made him turn, to find Lei Lei crying into Tigress' chest. The feline had her protective arms around the cub, softly exchanging the words 'she'll be alright', as the little girl begged with her rising cries for her Stripey baby to hold her as close as possible. Her eyes screwed up tightly, and her paws latched onto the fabric beneath them just to show get all the tears out. He assumed that she was crying because the majority of people in the room were crying too.. or maybe she was used to this time of year. Anyway, he turned back to face the right way, while slowly passing the scroll to Li, at long last.
Li felt the nudge on his belly, and took it slowly, looking at his son in confusion. "Another speech?" He asked. Po shook his head, and a threw a small gesture to his dad to open it. Li did so, and as Grandma Panda shared a story of the loss of her husband, he took the time to read;
1. What was her name?
2. What was her favorite food.
3. Did she sing?
4. Did she dance? Tigress and Monkey have been wondering where I get my, quote un-quote 'amazing' moves and songs from.
5. Was she a master of napping?
6. What was her favorite hobby?
7. Did she make clothes?
8. Was she a good cook?
9. Was she able to tame my appetite? Dad 'A' told me that I had a mighty appetite, and I ate all his bamboo furniture.
... The list continued...
41. What was her favorite song?
42. What did she sound like?
And the last one...
50. Would she be proud of me now?
Po sat and waited for Li to finish, and saw the signal when the scroll was wrapped up slowly again. He watched his father's paws close it delicately, keeping it close and firm on his lap, curling his fingers around the cylinder. When he dared to look up, he found tears welling up in his eyes, and Po wasn't far behind to follow suite. Slowly, Li wrapped his arms around Po, silently crying on his shoulder again. Po hugged him back, very tightly.
"Of course she will be son." He whispered through sharp breaths. Tigress was watching them closely, smiling softly as he squeezed Lei Lei closer. "Always..."
It didn't just end there.
As night began to descend, the skies grew clearer, and the stars were starting to appear, but the weird grassy smell that followed a rainy day lingered around them in the candle and lantern light village square.
I tried to walk together
But the night was growing dark...
Thought you were beside me
But I reached and you were gone...
Every member from the Panda village had traditional black and white lanterns... which Po was in sync with. Staring down at the lantern, clinging onto the edges in fear it would float away at the wrong time.
Sometimes I hear you calling
From some lost and distant shore
The villagers whom were in the Valley of Peace before the Panda's joined were gathering with their own, to symbolize their own loses, even the Masters of the Palace; Monkey was sending one off in memory of his Mother; Mantis in memory of one of his childhood friends...
I hear you crying softly for the way it was before...
Viper and Crane in memory of their grandparents.
Where are you now?
Are you lost?
Shifu in memory of Master Oogway; and Tigress dedicated hers to anyone who had passed, and didn't have a loved on to send their lantern to. The children were given candles to blow out with their prayers in the flame.
Will I find you again?
Are you alone?
"To the Gods above." Li began.
Are you afraid?
Are you searching for me?
Why did you go? I had to stay
Now I'm reaching for you
Will you wait? will you wait?
"May we thank you for looking after our dearly departed after they left us on this young with many memories. May you still keep watch over us, and guide us through every twist and turn fate places upon us. By sending you up our lanterns, and the blowing of our candles, we ask these requests are answered..."
Will I see you again?
You took it with you when you left
These scars are just a trace
Now it wanders lost and wounded
This heart that I misplaced...
And so, with a nod to his son, Po was the first to release the lantern from his finger tips, holding himself back from grabbing it back. Soon, his father followed, then his cousins, then Mei Mei, and the other members of the panda village. Po's eyes screwed tightly while his lantern went further away, towards the Jade Palace, with the other lanterns following it. Tigress and the others turned and asked if he was okay...
Mom... I can't lose you again.
Where are you now?
Out of nowhere, he began to run. Up the thousand steps. Ignoring everyone calling out for him. Panting heavily, he kept his eye on his lantern.
Are you lost?
Will I find you again?
Reaching the platform outside the Hall of Heroes, he caught his lantern again. Staring at it intently, he let the tears roll down his face. Edging his head closer to it, he whispered tearfully. "I love you Mom..."
Are you alone?
Are you afraid?
Memories began to plague his mind; Shen's attack on the village was violent, red, and frightening in the eyes of a cub.
Are you searching for me?
Why did you go? I had to stay
Now I'm reaching for you
Will you wait? Will you wait?
Will I see you again?
"I love you too... Little Lotus."
He heard a faint voice softly singing in his ear. A gentle, feminine notation moving up and down beautifully. Without thinking, he let his lantern go, and it soon disappeared into the sea of light above him.
His paws and knees touched the ground, and he started to sob as he felt Tigress, Crane, Viper, Monkey, and Monkey collapse behind him. They didn't say anything, but they just held onto him. Po wrapped his arms around Tigress and Monkey, while Mantis hugged the bag of his head. Nothing needed to be said...
He just needed them there.
And we are done! Thanks for reading! Be sure to review!
I don't own the song; it's called Hymn of the Missing by Red.