The journey to the castle's location pointed by San Louis took Nick three days to reach it, he had to stop in a village before going to the castle, everything was misty and strange, he asked for a place at a tourist accommodation in before going to the castle. The count of San Louis warned him to expect people to don't know or hesitate telling him about the castle, but even with that he wished to know how to get there. At the bar while drinking his coffee, decided to ask the barman about the castle.
"Excuse me sir." He said tracking the attention of the beaver barman.
"Yes sir."
"I'm here to ask about a certain place I want to visit. An old castle that I head is not too far from this village do you know something about it?" Nick asked, but the beaver have hesitated a bit.
"Ah, well I don't know anything of any castle sir. Maybe you were misinformed, I'm sorry." He said with a stressed tone.
"Strange I was certain that there was a castle not too far from this place." Nick said.
"I-I don't know who told you that but the nearest castle is several kilometres away from here in Romania or near Budapest or in northern Hungary, I-I don't know of any castle here."
"Well then I will look further." Nick said.
"As you wish, sir." The Barman said. Nick then took his coffee to a table to look around, the centre wasn't too big and aside from the beaver at the table there were a female arctic fox, a deer and an old otter, maybe he could try to sneak behind and hear what they were talking or see if they know anything about the caste, of course he should rely on the locals living in the village not on the strangers. The arctic fox wasn't from the village, nor did the others.
"Ahhh, I will never manage to get to that castle." Nick said to himself in a bit of desperation, just in that moment a male grey squirrel waiter came and gave him a glass of water.
"Excuse me; I don't think I ordered a glass of water." Nick said.
"Oh yeah, it is actually for me sir. I'm in a little break since there aren't many customers." The waiter said.
"Can I sit here?" He asked.
"Yes of course." Nick said letting him to stay on the sofa. The squirrel took his seat, Nick looked at the waiter carefully with the corner of his eyes, he looked to be a resident in the village, maybe he could help him.
"Hey, hope you don't mind but I'm looking for a castle that I heard is not far from the village but I didn't manage to get much information." The grey squirrel on hearing the question started to feel a spine on his back. He might know something.
"W-Why a-are you interested in the c-castle?" The waiter stuttered, and before he could ask another question, Nick showed him his police badge from his pocket.
"I'm trying to track down a criminal whom I heard he is at the castle in this moment. I need to get there as soon as possible." He said. The squirrel looked carefully at the badger that seemed really legit, having his name on it as well.
"W-well Officer I-I ahh."
"If you know something please tell me, I need to get there as soon as possible, it is a matter of life and death."
"A-all right but we need to go in a secluded place, not here." Nick led the waiter one floor up to his own room in the centre, the room wasn't very big only a bed, a small table, a TV and a bathroom, with a wardrobe near the door.
"Now what can you tell me about the castle." Nick asked.
"T-The castle is a very strange place to go, aside from the fact that it isn't too far from here, it is very old and many strange things are happening in there." He said.
"By strange what do you want to say?" He asked.
"You will see me as superstitious, but there are always paranormal things happening there. Many villagers of us don't want to talk about it."
"I see, well I have to tell you that it is true about the fact that paranormal things are happening in there. Before coming here I was witness one of them, in the form that my friend has been cursed by a dark creature, which I must stop." Nick explained.
"The only way to reach the castle is throw a hidden path throw the forest, it is mostly travelled by a mysterious innkeeper whose inn is at the outskirts of the village in the forest, it is old and made of wood. But you must be aware; he could be very dangerous and very unwelcoming."
"Good to know, but how I will manage to get to that castle." Nick asked.
"Behind a door there are some stables where I heard some horses that don't seem being civilized, rather savage and very aggressive." He said.
'Some of his slaves for sure like the innkeeper.' He thought.
"And I think that they are pulling a carriage or something."
"Right, thanks for the information in this way I will manage to get there much more sooner. But why are helping me?" He asked.
"When I was a teenager a friend wanted to go to that castle and never came back, he went in the inn to get to that carriage but I heard only a giant scream. I never saw him since then."
"I'm sorry for your loss." Nick said patting the squirrel's back. "How do I get pass the innkeeper?"
"You must track his attention with something and then find a way to get in the carriage."
"I will do my best."
"Let me help you."
"Thanks but I don't want to put you in danger."
"I will not be in danger I will distract him saying that I'm sick and you try to get inside, of course you must change the key to the stable with a fake one. After I finish my shift I will come with the duplicate and get you there." Nick prepared himself for the fight against the vampire, he took his entire arsenal and after two hours he went outside to wait for the squirrel, which arrived with a duplicate.
"Yes. Follow me." The squirrel led the officer outside the village near the forest, to an old shack that was made of wood and really old.
In the meantime at the ZPD.
Clawhouser was listening the new song Gazelle just composed while chief Bogo was in the office looking at his phone at Gazelle's new clip having his face placed on the phone. The count of San Louis went outside his lair to go to the Clinique of the doctor that took care of Judy. After Nick left Zootopia to hunt down Wolfcula, Judy had many symptoms of deliria, high fever and great pain always saying that she must go to join her "Lord and Master". The Doctor did everything in his best to help but he couldn't do too much. Upon the arrival of San Louis, he noticed the Clinique empty; he immediately went to the doctor's office to see the tapir unconscious on the floor. The vampire rabbit filled the mug on the doctor's table with water and poured over his head to wake him up.
"Ahh, what the..." He noticed the vampire in front of him and immediately went behind his desk to get out a crucifix to hold it in front of him.
"Well sorry about this, but you know." He said.
"I came to see if everything is fine and if mademoiselle Hopps is here. What happened here?"
"I don't know I had just finished examining her when I felt two fingers on my neck before I felt something of like a needle."
"Un technique de paralysies. I must see if she is still here."
"She should be on the bed in the room next door." The count went inside the room, but there was no patient in the bed.
"There is no one in here." He said.
"What but how could this be possible." The doctor asked, and the vampire went to the bed to examine it. He places his hand on it and had a vision of a wolf in black.
"Wolfcula was here, he took her."
"But that's impossible I put garlic at door and a I painted a cross. Plus there are no windows or ventilation systems here."
"Il transformais in a mist and went throw the cracks in the door on the upper part before entering inside the place. After that he went outside with her." He said.
"Oh, no that means that he is now back at his castle."
"Oui, I must go the ZPD and try to call Nick."
"I can't believe I let my guard down." The tapir said in desperation.
"You have done your part monsieur the best you could, there is no time to whine, now I need to do my job to stop Wolfcula." The vampire said ready to leave the Cabinet, but the count turned around and threw a bag at the doctor.
"Take this argent. It will help to equip your Clinique." He said throwing a small bag with 25 gold coins.
"Thanks, but I don't think I could take so much, what is in here is almost a fortune by today's standards."
"Take them anyways you did what you could; now I need to go, au revoir." He said and left in the darkness of the night. By using the Vampire speed, the count arrived at the ZPD office to find Clawhouser watching at his phone, right before entering at fast speed inside, that made the cheetah to change his look to the vampire that was approaching him, he immediately took up the crucifix for protection against him.
"Ahh, count I didn't knew that you will come and I hope everything is all right and that you…."
"Not now. I need to ask you to call Officie Wilde, I must tell him something." He said looking at him with sharp eyes.
"Ahh, right away." He said and looked at his phone to find Nick's number and call him.
"I want to tell me the number to call him on my phone." San Louis said taking out his phone.
"I didn't know you have a mobile phone."
"Keep old things of value but adopt what is new and useful." San Louis said.
"Oh well then, mine is just….."
"It doesn't matter call him now on your phone if this is what you started. And give it to me." He said extending his hand.
"All right, but…." The count placed a bag with 10 gold coins on the desk.
"I wanted to say something else about this, but here you go." He handed over the phone to the vampire rabbit that immediately placed it to his ears.
Before Nick and the Squirrel could enter inside, Nick's phone started to rang, it was written Clawhouser, he immediately placed it on his ear to know what was going on.
"Hey, Clawhouser what is it."
"Officie, il se moi San Louis, I asked your friend to lend me his phone to tell you something urgent." The count said.
"Hey, I didn't expect you to know about phones. But whatever, what is it?"
"I was at the Clinique and Mademoiselle Hopps has disappeared, she was taken by Wolfcula and now she might be in his hands at his castle, while it is still day you still have time to rescue her, but you need to be quick." That thing made Nick even more stressed about this but now he was even more determined to bring an end to Wolfcula.
"I have just arrived near the inn that will take me to the castle once I'm there I will stop him." Nick said.
"I hope you have a plan to distract the innkeeper, he is one of Wolfcula's servants as well as his coachmen, so be aware." The rabbit vampire said.
"Don't worry I will." He said ending the conversation. The count looked behind to see the cheetah looking at his phone; he surely found his music collection.
"Hey, I didn't know you also like Gazelle."
"I might have 400 years of age but I like music of every kind; as long as it is good and is sang or composed by a good singer."
Both Nick and the squirrel went inside an old mess hall with old wooden tables and some old metal plates. The place really looks creepy especially as if it was abandoned. With the exception of a deformed pig at the table. They both sat at a table and the pig brought them some dried bread with water and dried bread sticks. But they didn't want to put their hands on it.
"So, you will act as if you have a problem at the stomach." Nick asked.
"Well, I have to tell you that it isn't quite an acting I actually have a constipation for 4 days. So it wouldn't be very much acting." He said before pointing at the door behind Nick.
"That's the stable door; you will take the key and change it with this replica." He said handing the key to him in order to not be seen by the innkeeper, before he started to pretend hi isn't feeling well. Nick immediately went to the pig.
"I need to look as if we don't came for something else." He thought to himself.
"Good day sir my name is Alexander Savage. I came here because I am interested in old places such as castles and old houses." Nick said.
"My name is Boris Miros. I also like old things, they are more simple then what we have in those so called modern times." He said.
"I don't doubt this maybe you could help me I am looking for a castle whom I heard it isn't very far from the village, do you know of it?"
"A castle I don't know of any castle to be around, if you want to see one go to other parts in Hungary or to the south east in Romania, you aren't mocking something don't you?" He said with a loud tone.
"Not at all, I was just asking, maybe I was misinformed. I will not continue any further on this subject if you want."
"Do just that."
"Good but still I wish to know something, as you see my friend is in pain and I wish to know if you have a remedy or something for him. I can pay you very good for your kindness." Nick said with a smile.
"I will go look in the stable, I might have a potion that would help." He said and started to walk to the door. Nick went to the table.
"What are you doing?" The squirrel whispered.
"I need to make sure he doesn't suspect us of anything, don't worry everything is under control."
"I hope that."
"And still, how can I thank you for helping me?" Nick asked.
"You don't need to repay me, just if you succeed tell me what was there, for generations the shadow of the castle frightened the people here. Tell me what was there I wish to know what happened to my friend." The squirrel said.
"Don't worry I will." Nick said and the Pig then came back slamming the door behind him and carrying a bottle of medicine.
"Here it is mister, a concoction good for your friend, its radical."
"I don't doubt it. I can't drink that thing."
"Try at least, my friend don't worry everything will be all right."
"He is right; don't be afraid, it will work just fine." The pig said before going near and trying to get him drink the medicine. Nick then snick behind him and replaced the original key with the fake one, first thing he has to do now is making that pig leave and get inside the stables.
"My good man, my friend is in great pain don't you have something much stronger?" Nick asked.
"You are correct, I think I can add something to make it better, it is behind the bar." He started then to walk to the bar slowly. Nick pulled out his wallet and place 650 forints on the table.
"Say that this is his payment, if he asks where I am, tell him I am outside. You will then have to leave." Nick said making the squirrel to lean his head in approval. Nick then opened the door to the stables to notice the black carriage that is bounded by two black horses with red eyes, which seem very aggressive and very fearsome. After closing the door, he went to inspect the carriage, to find a way to get incognito to the castle. The answer was the wine or whatever barrel on the carriage.
"Those horses with black eyes surely belong to Wolfcula, I must find a way to calm them down." Nick said to himself before noticing some oats, but he needed to find a way to transport it to the horses. He looked around before taking a metal bucket and filled with oats.
"If those horses belong to a vampire, then they wouldn't eat it unless it has something else." He whispered to himself and looked to some fresh meat with blood. He put some in the oats before giving it to the horses that calmed down.
"Perfect now I must get inside the barrel but how to get the wine out from it in order to not spit it on the ground." He said and looked around the stable; he could use the old pipes under the table and the old funnel on it together with the hose from the right of the carriage, if it didn't had holes in. Nick took a look to the rubber hose there wasn't much to say except the fact that it had some holes in it.
"I can't use it, there must be something else. I can't hold the pipes and the funnel to pour the wine out." He said and looked around to notice an old plastic box.
"That might hold the pipes." He placed the box on the ground below the wine barrel before placing the pipes; one to a hole in the ground the other upwards fixed on the carriage and with one end attached to the other.
"Hmm, maybe I can try to cut a small part of the hose and attach it to the funnel, after that I will manage to pour the wine out." He took a part from the hose and use his police knife to cut a small part from it and place the funnel, he opened the door of the carriage to see a black room black with red cushiness and some bat symbols on each door.
"He really adopted the vampire style, didn't he?" He said and climbed up to hold the hose and funnel before letting the wine out. It took some minutes to empty the barrel.
"Now I must put down what I built and get inside." He threw the funnel and silently dismantled what it was and placed everything behind the carriage.
"Now, I must get inside the barrel." He said to himself and used his knife to open the barrel and went inside with his back pack and closed it. Once inside he pulled out the barrel's toggle to see what happens outside.
"Hope I will not have to wait too much for the coachmen to come." He said to himself, not expecting the door to the barn opening.
"Better not let the master wait. Otherwise he will not let me eat my favourite spiders." The pig said entering and going to open the door to the barn and started to mantle the horses. After the coachmen started to drive the inn began to get more and more far away.
"Hang on Carrots I'm coming." He said getting out a torch light to inspect his anti-vampire arsenal. Everything was ready to stop the vampire.
"Wolfcula, tonight you are going down." They arrived at the castle in two hours, after the coachman placed everything down in the next room and the barrel in the stable, Nick went out from the barrel and looked around the dark place, the horses were sent in a stable near that place. After the coachmen left Nick went out from his hiding.
"I need to get rid of that pig, maybe if I get him in a trap. Let 'see what we have?" He started to look around the place for some suitable objects to use; he used a rope and some other things; a heavy anvil and a dead rat that was on a table and attached it to the rope. After he finished he heard the footprints, the coachman, he went behind the carriage and waited.
"Hope it will work." He said to himself, the coachman entered and looked around, after hearing a noise he took an axe and advanced, with one blow he cut the rope that went in one direction and a 2 and a half tone bear foot trap felled on him and was now behaving like a small child. Nick immediately took the axe and looked at the pig.
"Hello, can you tell me where your master is?" Nick asked.
"Master is on the roof waiting for midnight to come. Hee, hee, hee."
"That is in four hours, tell me how the road to that place is."
"Not far, but quite troubling, master has four subordinates on his side, hee, hee, hee. Who might wake up in 90 minutes from now?"
"Where are they?"
"Near the first door to the left. Hee, hee, hee"
"I must put them down. How many they are."
"No more under three."
'Under three.' He has a total of five wooden stakes and arrows with silver bullets and one silver bullet in his pistol for the count. The pig said it will be in 90 minutes, it means 1:30 hours he must try to destroy them quickly. Nick went to the door leading to the crypt and saw five coffins, if what the servant said was right he must go and destroy them as soon as possible. But how he could enter the door was locked he must find a key. Nick looked around and but couldn't find the key, plus he must not make noise. After 15 minutes he went back to the servant and asked him where the key was, he told him that it was in a small coffer in the grand hall. He went to see an old dark hall with lightened torches on a pedestal he saw the coffer but it was closed.
"How will I open it?" He asked himself thoughtfully, he then took out a hairclip and placed it in the keyhole, after a time he managed to open it. He took the key and went to the crypt. He pulled out a hammer and one wooden stake. He opened one of the coffins to find a skeleton that seemed to belong to a wolf but with oversized canines, he then turned to the one next to it to find one of a fox but vampire and another smaller one to find a white squirrel with fangs, near he noticed a note written to Lazar the name of the butler from the centre who helped him and a letter to him.
'My dear friend, If you will ever receive this note it means I am no more between mortals, I was turned by Count Wolfcula into a vampire, no matter how hard I fought I couldn't stop him, I'm sorry for this I hope you will pray for my soul to rest in peace and I hope you will remember me as a good friend. I wish to have been with you. May the one who reads this do the right thing to liberate me from this wretched curse of the vampires, may you never experience such a thing and hope you would forget me.'
Nick felt sorry; he placed both letters in his pocket and the stake to the heart and pulled in with great power killing it. Nick made the sign of the cross on him and said. "Rest in peace and don't worry, your friend never forgot about you and never will." He then turned his attention to the other coffins one was empty and the other had another female vampire which he destroyed. He then destroyed the empty coffin, before going out from the crypt.
"Maybe I should destroy the coffin in his room. I can't let him return." He went to the grand hall of the castle and searched every single room to try and destroy his coffin but only found the library, the kitchen which almost made him barf and looked to another door.
"Hope that this is the one." He said opening the door to find a room full of gold and silver, the sight of so many riches would tempt him in taking something, but he must think about his mission, what he noticed was only the necklace the count said he will reword the one who will capture the criminal.
"This room is to remember." Nick said with a smirk, before going to the next room to find Wolfcula's coffin near another a big one not suited for a bunny.
"You shall not have Judy monster he said and destroying it with the axe like the others and turned to the other. He went back in the corridor and looked at the hour on his phone, it was almost midnight he only had 30 minutes. The corridor led to the rooftops of the castle. Nick took out the crossbow from his backpack San Louis gave to him and armed with one of the silver arrows and was ready to get there. He placed his paw on the hinder only to discover that it was closed.
"Oh no it's closed, but I must save her. I can't lose her." He said in desperation, for a moment he felt everything was in vain and lost. But after a minute of thinking he decided.
"No! I will save her." He said to himself and thought about how he could open it there must be a key somewhere.
"The key, there must be key in his room." He said to himself and burst back in the room, he looked in the coffin and find it, he immediately returned determined to stop the vampire once and for all.
"God please I hope I didn't arrive too late." He said to himself. And entered the balcony, the full moon was up and Wolfcula was reciting an incantation from the Demonomicon, and to his horror Judy was up in the circle but not in the air. He must be at the beginning.
"WOLFCULA!" Nick shouted in anger.
"Aah, Officer Wilde, I didn't knew that you will come after the bunny you are just natural enemies." The vampire said with a smirk.
"Maybe, but not anymore, we are friends and I will get her out of here. AND STOP YOU." He said firing a crossbow to him but the count made an energy barrier and the arrow was vaporised by electricity.
"You will not stop me in my quest, fox. I will succeed and after I will be done here I will make you my servant. A fox to be my vassal will make a great acquisition." He said laughing evilly.
"I will stop you."
"Huh, I can see now why you came here." The count said.
"What, what are you talking about?"
"She is not only your friend, you never realised that you actually in your heart see in her more than a friend, you love her just as I did my wife. Without knowing we are more similar then you might think." He said.
"I at least I haven't became a monster like you and turn myself to evil."
"Maybe, but you will become after I finish with her." He looked to the sky to notice the clouds that covered the moon dispersing.
"It is time." He said and started to recite the incantation and thunders started to roam. Nick was now desperate how he will pass the barrier, he analysed the situation very quickly and noticed that the barrier was between two armours. That might be used to track the lightning he could use the axe to track the lightning and make the barrier to have a hole in and use something made of rubber to clear the path for him. He placed the axe and some other metallic objects to the armour and when a lightning strike the barrier had a clear path to move. He placed a rubber belt on the path and walked carefully while making his way to the other side having his pistol armed with a silver bullet.
"Hello Excellency." Nick said pointing his gun at him, the count moved his head towards him and Nick shot him in the middle of the body putting him down, Nick advanced to him with the crossbow and fired a silver spear in his right.
"Well, who is now the weak one?" He said looking at the wounded vampire with the wooden stake in his right hand and a hammer in the other.
"I was right about something. You really love her, more than you think." He said with cold eyes pointed at him.
"This is really the only right thing you mentioned."
"Huh, well at least you realised it and you will realize even more things sly fox." Nick then pulled in the stake in the vampire's heart, killing him instantly and turning him to dust after 30 seconds. With his destruction the barrier was vanquished, the thunders stopped and Judy almost fell on the ground, if it wasn't for Nick to catch her. He immediately inspected her teethes to see them been normal bunny.
"Carrots, Carrots." He said despaired before saying her original name.
"Judy." She slowly opened her purple eyes.
"Nick." She said weakly. "You were right, you and Mr. Big were right, count Wolf was the criminal. I'm sorry, I..." She was almost on the brink of crying.
"I know, I know."
"Where is he?" She said wanting to put him down and Nick pointed to the dust.
"The count was a vampire, his real name was Wolfcula. After I found out I immediately went to destroy him and save you. And I thank God that I succeeded." Nick said.
"Oh, Nick I don't know what to say I'm just a dump bunny. For believing he was innocent."
"He deceived all of us. But everything is over now." Nick said smiling and Judy hugged him.
"Judy I...I need to tell you something."
"What is it?" She asked worried.
"When I found out that you were his next victim I was so frightened and when I saw you there with him wanting to turn you into a vampire I...I almost despaired. I thought I lost you. I don't think it is a very good place to state this but...Judy I." He was interrupted when she gave a kiss on his lips closing his eyes and enjoying her sweet lips over his before they slowly separated.
"I know I love you too Nick, with all my heart. No matter if you are a fox and I am a bunny I love you." On hearing that Nick took her in his arms in one large hug, when they separated each other nick looked at her and said.
"Come, let's leave this creepy castle."Nick said and Judy couldn't agree more, they walked holding each other's hands throw the corridors before Nick remembered something.
"Wait for a moment I need to take something from here." Nick said and went to a room leaving Judy a bit confused.
"Nick what do you want to take from this place, there is nothing of interest." She said.
"I went to get the count's reward for capturing the criminal." Nick said holding the necklace and two silver cups, Judy then remembered that the count promised the necklace and two silver objects to the one who captures the criminal.
"Hey even if the count was the criminal, a prize is a prize."
"And you will take the Necklace and the cups." Judy asked.
"Actually." He said placing his backpack on the ground to show her two silver animals a bunny and a fox and two gold animals; a peacock and a horse, before showing that some silver and gold coins in the cups.
"Don't you think it is a bit too much mister fox?" She asked sarcastically.
"What is in the back pack is our reward, what is in cups is for someone who helped me." He said and both went out of the castle only to be bump into a person dressed in black with they're back at them.
"Hello, Officers Nick and Judy." The person said tracking they're attention.
"Ahh, who are you?" Nick asked. The person turned around to reveal himself as a human with red eyes and white skin.
"I am Count Dracula." He said looking straight at them.
"D-D-D-Dracula!" Nick stuttered.
"Stay behind me Judy." He said placing himself in front of the human, with the crucifix at him but the vampire only breathed with pleasure.
"Ahh, what a pleasant sense to be feared but I came to give you my gratitude." He said.
"Gratitude, for what." Judy asked.
"For stopping Wolfcula, since he became a vampire he wanted to overthrow me, and thanks to you I will continue to dominate. Remember the one and only reality of the vampires there must be only one Prince of Darkness and Lord of Vampire. And that is me. You are free to go to your home and retake your normal lives, and hopefully no one of you or your descendants shall relive this. But still who know when we will meet again." He said before wanting to leave.
"Wait a minute, Your Lordship, can't you do something for Count Anton of San Louis, he helped me in fighting Wolfcula and he wants to no more be a vampire." Nick said.
"It is not me who could liberate him. San Louis became a Vampire thanks to Wolfcula only you can decide now wheatear to liberate him or not and in the same time the decision belongs also to him not to me. Whatever he or you decided it will be wise. Goodbye fox and bunny like I said who knows when we will meet again." He said turning to a bath and leaving.
Nick took Judy to the tourist centre where he was staying, one meeting the squirrel waiter he gave him the notes of his friend and the two cups with silver coins as a compensation for his lost. He thanked them for giving him the information and he will always lighten a candle for his lost friend and pray for they're safe return. After they returned to Zootopia they reported to the ZPD that the count was destroyed and Judy was safe, all of them greeted cheered them as Heroes.
ZPD news.
"Today it is a day of relief for Zootopia just yesterday we heard that the murderer was eventually caught by the Romanian and Hungarian authorities with the help of Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps. It was reported that the criminal was sentenced to death due to the number of victims he had over the years." The snow leopard said.
"The relief was declared a great celebration for many people, the fear of the night was totally brought to an end with the new concerts, cinemas and party meeting during the night, and it was also declared the great boom in the visits at night clubs." The moose reporter said.
"Further news, the disappearance of Count Wolf started for many a dispute upon his fortunes, since it is said he never had any accounts in any bank it is still disputed to whom the riches will go. And speaking about money, Officer Nick Wilde after stopping the criminal had received the famous necklace and some silver objects together with a bonus in two animals figurines made of gold. The Officer had donated, 10 millions to the ZPD while other 10 millions that went to charity but even with that he will still have money to spend, on who and what who knows. It is only to be seen."
"I will find in what to invest those money on." Nick said while watching the news with the others. Even thou it was declared to be rich thanks to the necklace he decided to stay in the ZPD along with Judy whom they bought a bigger apartment for both them in the Downtown area.
"You will surely find things as long as you don't get overboard." The chief said.
"Boy, hope we will never meet a vampire ever again." Clawhouser said.
"And Count of San Louis." Nick said with a smirk.
"I meant the ones that drink blood not the ones that drink juice from fruits and vegetables."
"I know that you referred to me as well. Oui?" The count asked entering the room.
"Ahh, Judy this is Anton, Count of San Louis, French and the one that helped me." Nick said presenting the rabbit vampire
"A pleasure to meet you." She said and the count extended his hand, but she hesitated but turned to Nick who made a reassurance smile, to signal everything is fine that made her shook hands with him.
"Sorry but after the not very good meeting with Wolfcula I am a bit sceptical about others."
"J'ai compris. It is normal." He said before realising her hand.
"So what is the reason for the visit?" Nick asked.
"I come to say au revoir. I will have to leave Zootopia." He said.
"Wait, but why you could be a good helper for us." Nick said.
"Staying in a place for too long and making attachements is not bon for moi, due to the curse of immortality of the vampires. Seeing know people like friends and family aging and leaving this world for the other is always heartbreaking for every immortal no matter vampire or else." He said.
"You know when I met Count Dracula he told me that I could try to liberate you by the hunters method, but only if you want." Nick said.
"Good to know, but I believe that my mission now is to help other people in order to prevent this kind of thing to happen to them. But when I want I will come and ask you to do me this favor if we will meet again. But for now au revoir" He said before taking his cape to throw over his head to turn into a bat and leave in the darkness of the night with everyone watching as he was leaving.
"Well this was the hardest and weirdest cases we ever experience." Bogo said.
"Yeah, you tell me. But wait you met Dracula?" Clawhouser asked shocked.
"Yeah and told us that there he should always be the Prince of Darkness and Lord of Vampires and hopes that we will never meet again." Nick said.
"Good because I don't know what I will do if he appears around." He said and all started to laught.