(Now many years ago before Zootopia and its foundation. When Species formed kingdoms of their own for there individual species. Species intermingled, No more than mere friendships would occur. Even then not common place except among common predators ,and similar for prey. Two leading houses among these kingdom's. House of Hopps and House of Wilde. These two houses are on different sides of alliances with a possible coming of war.)


(looking at the common vixen's strolling about the streets of the castle). From Nick's perch in the trees no one could see the crowned heir of the Wilde throne in his green cloak of a knighted ranger. Now if only Skye could get here quicker we might make it the the rendezvous on time. (Hearing a ruffle in the trees nearby, and just like that Skye emerged on a nearby branch).

"You know one of the few times I mention time with you and your late" Nick pointed out to the snow white vixen with a cheeky smile.

"Ha if only you listen to me when I point the paw in the other direction" Skye countered.

"You know Jack and Judy are probably waiting while we're busy discussing time and it's essence to our merry lives" Nick stated with a sly smirk.

Remembering why they are there"Then we better move quick as them bunnies" Skye quickly stated.

"Better hurry up then" Nick says as he's "flying" through the trees. As Skye tries to keep pace with Nick who's seems to be pretty excited to see his favorite bunny and she feels the same about her's.

As Judy was collecting blueberries. While Jack a good friend of hers played a little of his violin. knowing the cords like his very own stripes. When she was picking she heard Jack yelp. Judy turns around to find Jack on the ground tackled by a white fox and to her very own surprise. A red haired/green-eyed fox with a very charming smile was centimeters away from her muzzle.

"Hey there carrots" Nick says with a cheeky smile.

Judy and Jack simultaneously break out in a laughing fit."You got us" says Judy trying to stifle the laugh.

"Well I told you I can sneak up on you even with those large ears" proudly and jokingly says Nick.

"Well i'm surprised that your lovely tail didn't brush up some noise on your way here" Judy pokes back still smiling.

"It only causes commotion when I want it to" Nick retorts playfully tickling Judy with his tail causing another round of laughs. "So you wanted to duel right"said Nick with his ever charming smile.

"Why yes I am Nick of Wilde, and to make it interesting if I win the duel you owe me a basket of those sweet honey carrots your kingdom grows". Judy said with a smirk of confidence.

"And if I win you owe me a dance tonight at the ball" Nick replied quite happily.

"DEAL" Judy said rather quickly and blushed realizing it.

All while Skye and Jack were watching quietly making a little side bet of their own on who would win. So Nick takes ten paces away from Judy drawing his one-handed short sword. Readying his stance having his body pointed sideways to judy. Nick standing tall with a slight bend in the knees ready to move quickly and won't have to much trouble; his armour a figure fitting chest piece with his family crest on it. Along with his green cape/cloak matching his clever, calculating green eyes.

Judy readying her stance keeping a bounce in her legs. Unsheathing her Hopps Guard spear/axe. The weapon is unique in on one end it holds two axe like edges and a spearhead to top it off. Allowing her to slash and jab with brutal and precise force. Her armour similar fashion to Nick's in that it allows speed. Being a light, figure-fitting chest piece with her own family crest on it. She also had her very own cape; this one though a dark violet matching her own vibrant, determined eyes.

It's when Jack says"go" that judy bounds forward pointing her staff directly at Nick. Which Nick easily sidesteps allowing Judy's momentum to take her past Nick, except she uses her momentum to bounce off a boulder originally behind Nick to get airborne. Flying over Nick landing in front of him. Judy Sends an onslaught of slashes. For which Nick continuously blocks, not breaking concentration. He then acts when a jab comes. Nick pulls a dagger from his belt and with amazing speed which his sleight of hand gave him. He slides the knife into the gap between one axe piece and the staff. Then Jerks it in a twisting motion catching the bunny off-balance. Nick pulling the axe/spear away from the bunny. Nick swipes his tail into judy's feet. Judy then succumbs to a falling state in which she gets caught in Nick's arms, with muzzle to muzzle. " It's a dance then". Nick proudly states.

"You may have got a dance but guess who lost a week's wage" Jack said dumbfounded.

Later that very day at the Hopps castle. Queen Bonnie Hopps was welcoming guests into the castle for the ball. This night would be the first night of a week long festival between the kingdoms of the Hopps and Wildes. Celebrating mutual prosperity from the friendship between the two houses. Bring valuable trade, and support when eachother needed it.

Judy was sitting next to her father/king Stu Hopps observing the guests coming in. Anxiously waiting for a certain fox/best friend to show.

Stu noticed the anxious attitude practically spewing from his daughter and happily asked Judy. "Waiting on a special someone Jude".

"Yes, is it that obvious". Judy responded embarrassed.

" Only to a father's eyes, and whoever it is I'm almost sure you have your eyes on a keeper. Afterall you are commander of our house's Honor Guard and can judge character quite well in your position. In any case if you have a problem with this special mammal. I'll call for their execution and swing the axe myself" Stu sayed with a chuckle.

Which made Judy chuckle herself.

"Thanks dad, I'm going to walk a bit to get rid of some of the anxious spell" Judy said laughing a little still".

"Ok have fun tonight" Stu replied.

Judy began to roam the Large ballroom. When a brown bunny cut her off from continuing her stroll. That bunny was no other than Sir Allister Browning a handsome knight, and Lord of the House Browning. Who swear fealty and are vassals to the house of Hopps. Allister is also too proud in some cases.

" Why hello princess Hopps" said Allister

"Hello Sir Allister. How are you?" Judy replied.

" well, I am quite well. Would do better with a dance, care to join me" Allister said with a slight smile.

"Oh well I uh.." Judy said stammering "

" Oh hey there Sir Allister" said Judy's older brother and heir to the Hopps throne James Hopps. A very white furred bunny who had a way with words. "I must talk with Judy for but a moment" James stated while pulling Judy away. Leaving a confused brown bunny behind.

"You know I think he fancies you" James stated.

"It isn't mutual if that's what you're implying" Judy replied.

"That I know and more" James said with confidence with a wink.

"He's just too proud and no fun" Judy reasoned.

" Very well, I won't keep you from your true dance partner either" James said before leaving her side.

Just as he left she spotted Nick in a formal Uniform of a dark pine green. Along with his green ranger cloak/cape. "He is as charming as ever especially with that smile of his" Judy thought to herself.

Nick was having thoughts of his own. "Do I look good. I mean does she think I look good. I probably always look like a giant carrot with my orange fur and all the green I wear. Well She loves carrots hopefully she feels the same about me" Nick's thoughts racing in his head. Yet his face never betrayed his emotions unless he allowed it.

" How's my violet carrot doing" Nick said with his usual charm.

Judy blushed just hearing him say "my". "Not bad how's it feel to actually look like a carrot" Judy replied smiling.

Now that caused Nick's eyebrows to jump.

"Just messing with you. Never thought I could throw it back did you" Judy laughed.

"You've learnt well but do you know your dance" Nick playfully challenged leading Judy to the dance floor.

"Why yes I do" Judy replied happy to dance with Nick.

"Um, Nick?" Judy asked.

"Yes lovely" Nick replied.

"My arms can't reach your shoulders" Judy replied with a slight redness in her cheeks.

"I can fix that" Nick happily said. Which Nick picked Judy up by the waist holding her in his arms and in turn wrapped her arms around Nick's neck. Looking at Nick's face Judy felt she would like to be in this moment forever, and then snuggled her muzzle into his neck. Nick happily laid his muzzle on Judy's head right between her ears while slowly dancing.

Some in the room stared bewildered, but the couple couldn't care less about that. Two people in particular or more specifically two Kings were dumbfounded.

" I did not expect that" stud said struggling to keep his jaw from hitting the floor.

"I'd have to agree" King Robyn Wilde commented.

"Knew it" said Queens Marian Wilde and Bonnie simultaneously.

" Well back to serious matters Stu. There is a certain sheep who wants a world full of blood and steel, and we may need our new happy dancing couple to help prevent this" Robyn said in a Saddened voice.

Elsewhere in the rolling hills where the sheep lay claim to the land. One Queen was setting her plan to motion.

"The bunnies may remain Neutral to the Prey and Predator alliances. With their coy friendship with the Wildes. If I want to win a upcoming war I need their land to go around the valley that separates most prey / predator kingdoms. Yet chaos can set a lot of things in motion but one things is certain. There little co-operation won't matter when a little chaos puts the Hopps in the middle of hell on earth" Queen Bellwether laughed.

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