Voices seemed to swirl around her as Lucy slowly came too, the urgent tones of her brothers seemed to drag her back into the world. She groaned as she slowly sat up, the blow from the Troll had left its mark as blood now trickled from her temple.

Around her many Narnian soldiers were running around with torches, inspecting the scene and trying to see who had been slain in the fight.

"Lucy, are you alright?" Edmund asked as he came into view, his dark eyes a storm of concern and anger.

She nodded as she fumbled for the cordial on her belt, which she unstopped and poured a drop onto her tongue, the taste of many different citrus fruits was almost refreshing and she found herself smacking her lips as the magic took effect.

Her throbbing headache ceased, and the bleeding stopped in seconds, Lucy then gave a reassuring smile to Edmund, who helped her back to her feet. She then looked around at the carnage around them, the skirmish had been small, but it had left its mark.

Several Narnian soldiers had been wounded in the attack, while others had been killed. Many of the Witch's followers lied with the fallen, but nobody was celebrating their victory and one look at Edmund's face showed that something terrible had happened.

She found herself looking up at the Stone Table, where Peter and Oreius were frantically looking at the bodies that lie on the ground and that is when the memories came rushing back for Lucy.

"Susan!" "Peridan!" She called as she charged up the hill, Edmund a few steps behind her.

They found Peter kneeled beside Peridan, who was lying on the ground, his breathing rapid. Lucy paled at the sight of the two arrows she could see sticking out of his torso, his blood flowing out of the wounds and staining the grass around him.

"He's nearly gone, Lu hurry!" Peter urged as soon as he spotted her.

Lucy did not hesitate as she fell to her knees by his side and opened the cordial once again. Her eyes drifted to the arrows and then looked at Peter who had followed her gaze, he knew what needed to be done as he reached over and grabbed one of the arrows.

"We have to be quick, so be ready," he said softly as Lucy nodded back with fierce determination.

Peter quickly pulled the first arrow out of Peridan's abdomen, which extracted a small scream from his lips. The High King then grabbed the arrow which had pierced his chest and pulled it out as well, causing a small spray of blood to follow.

He then looked at Lucy who instantly poured a drop of the fire flower juice onto Peridan's lips. His vitals improved straight away, the wounds caused by the arrows slowly faded, while his breathing returned to normal.

"He should be okay now, we should take him back to his tent, he needs rest," Lucy stated as she got back to her feet.

Two fauns rushed forward and picked Peridan up, then with a small bow to Lucy, they hurried off back towards the tents, trying extremely hard not to drop the heavy Lord in their arms. Lucy then turned back to the scene around her, scanning for any sign of her sister, but there was nothing and panic immediately set in.

"Has anyone seen Susan?" She demanded as she made her way over to the Stone Table where she had seen her last. Her insides twisted when she saw a small puddle of blood, still wet on the grass exactly where her sister was laying.

"I haven't seen her, could she still be in the camp?" Peter asked as he looked around the area, trying to see if he could catch a glimpse of her, Edmund was busy doing the same.

"No, she was right here, she was hurt," Lucy exclaimed, the fear building inside her.

That is when Lucy saw the trail of blood. Small red drops stained the grass beneath her feet, visible in the light from the many torches of the Narnians. Lucy followed it with her eyes and saw that it led to the trees that surrounded the area, the realisation hit her with a heavy blow as she began running towards the forest.


She reached the treeline and that is when she saw the bow, lying on the ground. Lucy recognised it as Susan's and tried hard to hold back the tears as she stared into the dark woods. Without thinking, the Valiant Queen began to step through the trees, determined to save her sister, but was stopped when strong arms wrapped around her and pulled her away from the forest. She wrestled against whoever had her, until she realised that the arms belonged to Edmund and she relaxed, albeit slightly.

"What are you doing?" "Susan is in there!" Lucy yelled, her fear for sister manifesting itself into anger.

"Its too dangerous to go in alone Lu, we don't know how many there are!" Edmund shouted back, which surprised Lucy, for he had not shouted at her for six years, not since he had returned to them in Aslan's Camp after being a hostage to the White Witch.

Lucy was about to open her mouth to retaliate, but Peter's strong voice boomed around them as he approached with Oreius and several other Narnian soldiers, their weapons drawn and torches lit.

"Enough, we're wasting time here. Now those followers have taken Susan for a reason, so we are going to go and find her, hopefully they have not gotten far," Peter said, his voice firm.

Lucy and Edmund nodded; their argument already considered a thing of the past. Instead they readied their weapons and prepared to move out, that is when Lucy saw Cerise and she instantly had an idea.

"Cerise, I need you,"

The Dryad made her way over to her and bowed deeply, though Lucy quickly grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her back to her feet, there was no time for court protocol here.

"What do you need Your Majesty?" Cerise asked.

"I need you to go and speak to your kin, Susan has been taken somewhere into the forest and we'll need the trees to help locate them," Lucy explained as her lady in waiting instantly began nodding.

"I will leave at once," she replied, before she burst into flower petals, a sign that she had returned to her tree.

Lucy then readied herself and mounted her horse that had been brought for her by the frantic looking Felton, who had joined them from Anvard, his position at the stables of Cair Paravel had been accepted, despite the condemnation he received for helping Susan.

"She'll be alright, Your Majesty, Queen Susan is strong, like you," she said with a comforting smile, which brought Lucy a small amount of comfort and allowed her to give a small smile back.

"Thank you, Felton, that means a lot," she replied as he nodded.

Peter and Edmund had saddled up as well and were already making their way over to the trees. Lucy quickly joined them and together they all proceeded into the forest, with Narnian soldiers at their backs and grim determination in their hearts.

Their sister had been taken and they wanted her back, tonight was not the night to anger a Pevensie.

Susan did not know how long she floated in the darkness, different voices came and went, though she did not understand what was being said. It was beginning to feel like a dream, when suddenly a blinding light erupted in front of her and brought her back into world, where gruff and shrill voices shouted back and forth.

"You're all fools!" "You were told to bring us a Son of Adam!" The shrill voice shouted, the high pitch hurting Susan's ears.

"Our attack failed, we were spotted, we only had time to grab her," the gruff voice replied, his frustration detectable.

Susan then felt herself being placed onto something cold and wet, she gently opened her eyes to see that she was lying on the earthy ground of a forest. A campfire blazed next to her, the heat radiating onto her face, while searing pain exploded from her skull and Susan quickly bit her lip to stop herself from crying out.

The voices persisted and Susan could see out of the corner of her eye, that many of the White Witch's followers were all stood around her and were all arguing with one another.

"The spell won't work with a Daughter of Eve, you've ruined everything!" The shrill voice bellowed, and Susan saw that it belonged to a Hag wearing a dirty white robe.

"Then you must think of another plan, you're the one who convinced us to do this, to leave Ettinsmoor!" The gruff voice shot back, and Susan saw that it belonged to a great black furred Minotaur who came to stand in front of her.

"Ettinsmoor is not our home, Narnia is, and I want it back!" The Hag sneered.

"There are other ways to reclaim it!" The Minotaur argued, refusing to back down.

The Hag stepped closer to him at that, while other Hags came into sight and took up positions behind their leader. In response several other of the followers who had survived the attack on the camp, appeared behind the Minotaur.

"Tell me Darros, are you having doubts?" The Hag demanded, her eyes narrowing as she looked upon his furry face. "Maybe you'd prefer marching for the Phoenix instead?"

"Our people fought for him before, maybe it's time we do it again," Darros responded, bravely voicing his opinions.

A metallic taste appeared in her mouth as Susan drew blood from her lip, trying her best to not make any noise and trying even harder to stay awake. Questions began to rattle around her mind, and she tried to keep her focus on the conversation that was happening around her.

"We chose our side a long time ago, I will follow Jadis until I die and I refuse to go crawling back on my knees to that man, for he is not our salvation," The Hag spat, which caused a stirring of agreement from the other Hags.

"Once again you Hags are trying to take control, remember that it was us Minotaurs who fought fiercely on the battlefield for the White Witch, it was a Minotaur who she chose for her General," Darros replied, fire present in his eyes.

"Otmin was a disgrace, he was outsmarted by those children," The Hag roared back, a throaty laugh escaping from her lips.

The Minotaur snarled at that as Susan struggled to stay conscious, the darkness once again calling to her. She saw him hold up his battle axe, which caused all the Hags to hiss in unison at his threat, her eyes then drifted to his belt and that is when Susan saw her Horn.

She cursed that they had taken it, for if she had been able to use it, it would have helped her siblings to locate her. Despair began to flood around her, and Susan was tempted to let the darkness take her again.

"At least he died in battle, that was his duty," Darros growled, bringing Susan back to the current argument. "We know that you all tucked tail and ran!"

Susan could see that a fight was about to break out, but then rustling was heard amongst the surrounding trees. As all the followers prepared to defend themselves, they visibly relaxed when Dwarf emerged from the trees, breathless and exhausted, his black beard matted with leaves.

"They've begun searching for her, the Kings and Queen, and they're getting closer," He announced as he tried to catch his breath.

That news filled Susan with hope, her siblings were alright, Lucy was alright. She prayed to Aslan to keep them safe as the followers all began to panic and she realised that they did not have a plan for her.

"We have to move, now!" The Hag urged as everyone began to pack up their makeshift camp.

"What do we do with the Queen?" Another Hag questioned and Susan could feel eyes fall on her and instinctively closed hers.

"We have no use for her, kill her and let them find her body," The lead Hag replied, her voice full of malice.

Susan's heart began to pound against her chest, she knew that her bow must have been left behind at the Stone Table. She could feel her quiver still on her back, but whether it still held arrows she did not know.

Not that it mattered, for without a bow, she knew that she would not be able to fight them all. It seemed that it would be death for her, she thought once again of the image in the pool and the man who she had seen firing an arrow at her, she supposed that Alinora and the Hermit had been right, those images were not always as shown.

"She lives for now," Darros shouted, which caused all the followers to stop and look at him in shock.

Susan was also surprised that he wanted her alive and once again she squinted her eyes open to see. After everything that happened during the Winter Revolution and the banishment of the followers, she would have expected them all to want her and her sibling's dead.

"Have you gone soft Minotaur?" "What possible reason do you have to keep her alive?

The Hag's tone was mocking, but Susan detected a layer of anger within her words. It seemed that she did not like anyone questioning her orders, but to Susan it was nothing but good news, for these types of arguments could be happening within the main force of Ettinsmoor.

"She's still valuable, we take her as a hostage and we can bargain for our lives," Darros affirmed and even Susan had to admit that his plan was smart, for she knew the wrath that Peter and Edmund would deliver if they found them.

There was a murmur of agreement and Susan could see that the Hag knew that Darros' plan was good, but it was obvious she was angry for not coming up with it herself.

"Fine, we take her with us," she muttered before storming off with the other Hags.

Darros watched her go, while the other followers resumed preparing to move. His eyes then turned to her and though Susan knew she should close her eyes, she instead found herself meeting his. They didn't say anything, but the way he looked at her showed Susan that he was not happy about anything that was happening, he then turned away, almost as if in shame and then walked away leaving her on the ground.

Susan watched his retreating figure as her strength began to once again fade, her head was still in agony and she knew that she needed Lucy and her cordial. However, she allowed the darkness to reclaim her.

Though as she closed her eyes, she thought again of Darros and the look she had seen. As her thoughts then drifted away, she prayed to Aslan to keep her safe and she could have sworn she felt warm breath on her face, that filled her with renewed courage and she knew that her prayer had been answered.

A few drops of rain had now begun and had caused the soft ground to turn into muddy sludge. That did nothing to stop the loyal Narnians who moved through the forest, torches in one hand and weapons in the other. They were all determined to find their Queen and they would not rest until she was safe.

Edmund had always admired them for their loyalty, he had led them into several battles in the last six years and in those year and not once had they let him down. Now, however, dread had overtaken him, for the thought of losing Susan persisted in the deep recesses of his mind and he struggled to push them away.

"Please don't worry, Your Majesty, we'll find her safe and sound," Philip the horse said, noticing his rider's discomfort.

"I hope so Philip, Susan has been the one to always to take care of us and now we've failed to take care of her," Edmund replied, his voice threatening to crack.

"That's not what happened Edmund, she was taken by cowards who attacked in the dead of night, they are the only ones who are to blame," Philip shot back, determined to stop his King from blaming himself.

Edmund patted the horse affectionally, the friendship he shared with the steed was valuable and the Just King was always thankful for his presence in his life. Philip had come into Edmund's life after he arrived at Aslan's Camp all those years ago and had helped the young King as he came to terms with his guilt and became a respected confidante of Edmund.

A whinny from another horse alerted Edmund to the approach of Peter, who came to a stop beside him, sat a top a black stallion who touched Philip's nose affectionately. Peter's face was serious, and Edmund knew that he too was blaming himself for Susan's capture.

"It's been hours and still nothing, the only tracks we've managed to find eventually disappear," Peter vented, his frustration beginning to get the better of him.

"We know that some Narnians are good at covering their tracks, we'll find her Pete, it'll be light soon that'll make it easier for us to spot the tracks," Edmund replied, once again the responsibility of comforting Peter, fell on his shoulders.

Peter nodded at that as his eyes scanned the darkened trees, almost as if he were waiting for the followers to show themselves. His hand was wrapped firmly around the hilt of his sword as he used it as a source of comfort against the concern for his sister.

"I haven't felt like this since the time I noticed you had gone from the Beavers house, I couldn't save you from becoming a hostage and now I couldn't save Susan from the same fate," Peter admitted, which caused Edmund to reach out and grasp his brother's shoulder.

"Pete, you are not to blame for this, but we do owe Susan to keep it together, so let's focus on bringing her back home safe," Edmund urged as Peter turned to him and gave his little brother the smallest smiles, similar to the one he had given him the morning of the Battle of Beruna, where Edmund declared he would follow his brother into battle.

Peter nodded at him and grasped his arm, his thanks evident in the gesture. Edmund nodded back as Lucy came riding into her view, her look of determination had not changed since she had entered the forest.

"We've picked up the trail again, looks like they're heading West," Lucy revealed as she pointed further through the trees.

Edmund looked at Peter, who for the first time that night, wore a look of fierce fortitude. One that showed the warrior King of reputation and one that filled Edmund with brotherly pride, for Peter the Magnificent was truly with them now.

"We ride West then," He stated as he pulled on the reins of his horse.

He began to gallop through the trees, Edmund and Lucy close behind. Together they would bring Susan home and they all vowed to Aslan, that no follower would prevent them from accomplishing that task.

Susan felt herself being pulled through the darkness, there was nothing beneath her feet to steady her and she didn't know where she was falling, all she knew was she that she felt strangely at peace here, almost like nothing could harm her.

Light then exploded around her and Susan found herself falling faster, closer and closer until she landed roughly upon hard ground. Slowly she opened her eyes to find herself lying upon the floor of a cave.

She did not recognise the cave, but she suspected that she was still in Narnia. Sunlight poured in through a great opening, gifting light for Susan to see clearly, there was nobody else there and she began to wonder why she was there, until she heard movement outside the entrance.

Two figures hurried into the cave; their faces hidden by the cloaks they wore. Susan turned to face them and was about to open her mouth to ask them where she was, when they both walked right through her, like she was a ghost.

The sensation made Susan feel strange and she spun on her heel to keep the figures in eyesight, but neither of them seemed to be able to see her. She had no idea what was going on and so many different explanations went through her mind, but then one of the hooded people spoke and drew Susan's attention.

"You should be safe here," one of them said in a male voice.

The person then pulled his hood down and Susan gasped, for she was now looking at the man she had seen in the pool. He looked older here and his hair was longer, but Susan could not deny that it was the same man, his green eyes shined the same. He was wearing a brown leather tunic underneath the cloak and sword was sheathed at his side.

"Are you certain?" A female voice asked in reply as the other figure also pulled down her hood.

Susan gasped in surprise as she looked upon the face of the woman, for she was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. Her hair was as yellow as the sun and fell down her back in perfect waves, while her eyes were as blue as sapphires.

She undone her travelling cloak and discarded it on a nearby rock, revealing a simple, yet elegant dress underneath. That is when Susan saw the bump at her stomach, the woman was clearly with child and the sight made her smile.

"Yes, I've used this cave several times, they shouldn't look for you here," the man said, though his eyes showed some doubt at his words.

"What will you do when you see him?" The woman asked as she looked at the man with nothing but love in her eyes and Susan could not help but show jealousy at that, for she knew she had never looked at a man like that.

"He betrayed me, he spat on every oath he took, if I'm forced to meet him in battle, then I will do what I must," he affirmed, his words as hard as steel.

The woman gave him a sad smile and extended her hand out to him. He gently grasped it and helped her sit down upon the rocks beneath them, he kept his hand locked with hers, while his other came to rest on her stomach.

"Promise me that you'll come back, for both of us," she said, her voice was gentle, yet her words were firm.

"I will come back, this will not be our end," he declared as he looked into her eyes, pure love shining within them.

The pair came together, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss, while Susan watched the scene with a small smile, for the love the couple shared was a wonderful sight. Slowly they eventually broke apart and placed their foreheads against each other, silently bidding each other goodbye.

"You'd better go, the army will be waiting for you," The woman eventually said.

The man nodded, yet he did not move, it seemed he could not bear to part from this woman. They stayed like that for several minutes, before the man finally placed one last kiss on her forehead and began heading to the entrance.

Both Susan and the woman watched him go, he stopped at the entrance and turned to look at the woman once again. The look he gave her almost melted Susan's own heart and she wondered in that moment why she had seen a vision of the man appearing to fire an arrow at her, for the look in his eyes was so much different.

"I love you, so much," he professed, and Susan could tell he meant those words.

"I love you too, come back to us," the woman replied as she rubbed her swelling belly.

The man smiled and nodded, then the sound of movement came from outside the cave and the man's face changed to serious as he spun to meet the danger, drawing his sword as he moved.

Susan gasped as her eyes fell upon the sword, for she had never seen a weapon as elegant as the one he held. The hilt was simple, black with an ivory pommel, which seemed to be in the shape of a Lion's head. The blade however was completely different, for it had been decorated with small delicate patterns, but the most awe-inspiring part was that the blade seemed to glow with a magical white light.

"Who is there?" The man demanded, holding the sword up ready.

Another sound came from outside the cave, but to Susan it sounded louder than before. The man slowly began to venture out of the cave, while the woman sat on the rock, watching with panic as the man she loved confronted the unknown danger.

The noise sounded again, this time at a more rapid pace and Susan thought it sounded a lot like footsteps. Then the loudest echoed around the cave, it sounded like a broken twig, but it seemed to come from right next to Susan, the cave around her began to rumble as the footsteps neared and within an instant, she had been thrown off into darkness once again.

Susan's eyes snapped open as the sound of the twig cracking, echoed around her. She was now sitting in a small area of grass, pain once gain swept across her skull and she instinctively placed her hand on her head to feel the extent of the damage, that is when she felt that her head had been bandaged.

The footsteps she had heard in the dream then seemed to reverberate around her as a large black furred Minotaur approached and stood over her. His beady eyes narrowed, while his nostrils flared. Susan watched him with wide eyes, before he dropped a piece of stale bread onto the grass in front of her.

"You should eat," the Minotaur grunted.

Susan hesitated as he continued to stare at her, but her stomach growled at the sight of the bread which caused her to slowly grab the food and bring it to her mouth. It did not taste good, but the attack and the injury had left her exhausted and the food helped restore some of her energy.

"How's your head?" The Minotaur inquired; his tone as tough as the bread she was trying to eat.

"Fine thank you, were you the one who bandaged it?" Susan questioned in return.

"I was, name's Darros," He said, and Susan recognised him as the one who had argued for her life to be spared.

"Well thank you for your help Darros, for the dressing and for what you did earlier," Susan replied, her eyes meeting his.

He shuffled uncomfortably as Susan continued to stare at him, then her attention went to their surroundings and Susan realised where she was. The neatly trimmed green grass and the perfect circle of bordering Elm trees showed her that she was at the Dancing Lawn, a meaningful sight for all Narnians.

"Please don't mention it," Darros whispered as he looked behind to where the rest of the followers sat around a small fire, before he crouched down so that he was now eye level with Susan.

"This won't work you know, holding me as a hostage," Susan informed, forcing him to turn his attention back to her.

"If it will help us to return to Ettinsmoor, then it is worth the risk, we should never have returned to Narnia," Darros admitted, still speaking softly.

Susan admired his honesty, she could see that he did not share the same agenda with the rest of the followers, his argument against the Hags showed that. The more she spoke to him, the more she found herself feeling a degree of sympathy for the Minotaur.

"That's why you took me isn't it?" "The Hag said she needed a Son of Adam and you could have taken Peridan, he was wounded and was right near me, but you took me because you didn't want the Hags to do the spell," Susan stated, the realisation hitting her quickly.

"I chose the wrong side, just like I did before, the Hags cannot be allowed to do the spell," Darros answered, once again looking around to make sure he was not overheard.

"What is the spell their planning to do?" Susan questioned, her heart beginning to race.

"They want to resurrect Jadis, according to legend, a drop of blood from a Son of Adam can restore her," Darros revealed.

Susan felt a cold chill travel down her spine, the image of the White Witch flashed before her eyes and she silently prayed to Aslan to protect her. The look of horror on her face, caused Darros to look down at the ground, ashamed to have even been apart of it.

"Why would they want to resurrect her?" Susan demanded, wondering why the followers would think going against Aslan would end well for them.

"They believe that she is the only one who can give their homes back to them, Ettinsmoor has not been a kind place for us to live," Darros admitted and Susan once again felt sympathy for him.

"Where are the rest of you, we were informed that thousands had gathered in the great chasm?"

Susan's question did cause Darros to look surprised, apparently it was shocking to hear that the Pevensies knew about the gathering. However, his look changed to one of determination, which made him give another look over his shoulder to make sure he was not overheard.

"We were called to the chasm, an offer was made to lead us back into Narnia, but the Hags refused and revealed their plan to bring Jadis back, most chose the other offer, I did not," Darros explained, the look of shame returning to his furry face.

"Who made the other offer?" Susan asked, the image of the man from the pool floated through her mind.

"The Phoenix has returned to Narnia, he offered us the chance of redemption if we followed him, my brother Fallon took the offer, now I'm wishing I made the same choice," Darros revealed.

Susan's heart was beating faster than ever before, the followers that had attacked the camp had a separate agenda from the ones in Ettinsmoor. But this mysterious leader worried her, who was this person in Narnia to be able to convince a whole army of exiled Narnians to follow him?

"Darros, I need you tell me, who is the Phoenix?"

The desperation was evident in Susan's face and the Minotaur knew that the answer was important for her. This was how he could make up for his mistakes and he had to silently thank Aslan for awarding him this opportunity.

"He's a legend in Narnian history and used to be the High…."

"Darros!" The shrill voice of the Hag called, causing the Minotaur to stop talking and slowly turn around to face an assembled group of followers, who were all watching him with distrustful eyes.

"What are you talking to her about?" The Hag challenged, her cold eyes flicking between Susan and the Minotaur.

"Nothing, I was just making sure she was recovering from her injury," Darros shot back, his voice firm as he returned to his feet and stared down his accusers.

"I don't trust you Darron, first your brother chooses to follow the enemy and now you seem to have struck up a friendship with another," The Hag sneered, which caused Darros to give an angry growl in return.

"Careful Hag, I will not hesitate to kill you where you stand," Darros fired back, his eyes burning with fire.

This statement caused the followers to draw their weapons, while Susan watched the scene with wide eyes, fearing what was going to happen next. Darros scanned each of the followers and Susan could see his brain pondering what his next move would be.

"If you want to play this game Darros, then so be it, kill him!" The Hag ordered and the followers all began to approach.

Darros responded by grabbing Susan by the elbow and dragging her to her feet and holding her in front of him, which caused the followers to halt. She didn't know what Darros' plan was, but she didn't like the idea of him using her as a human shield.

"If you take one more step, I will kill the Queen, then none you will be able to barter for your lives!" Darros yelled, the look on his face dared them all to doubt him.

To both their surprise, the Hag began laughing, followed by several other of her kin who were watching everything with amused expressions. Susan could feel Darros tense up and she knew that he did not know what to do next.

"Go ahead, killing her will not affect us in anyway, for when her siblings come for us, they will feel the power of the White Witch!" The Hag declared as she reached into her robes and pulled out the remade wand of Jadis.

Both Susan and Darros went rigid at the sight of it. The wand of the White Witch had been restored and fear filtered through Susan as the terrible memories from her first days in Narnia, all seemed to flash through her mind.

"No, you can't do this," Darros said dumfounded, his voice nearly breaking at the sight.

"I will give you one last chance Darros, step away from the Queen and we'll let you live," The Hag offered, and Susan could feel the Minotaur slump in defeat.

Slowly he nodded and Susan was crestfallen at that, for she believed Darros had the heart of a true Narnian. However, she felt his hand on her arm tighten before he pressed something into her hand. Her fingers explored the item and she realised he had given her back her Horn.

"When it starts, head for the trees and don't stop and if you ever meet my brother, tell him I died for Narnia," he whispered.

Before Susan could answer he pushed back behind him and drew his great sword, which caused all the followers to step back in surprise. He gave a loud war cry and charged at them, swinging his sword through the air.

He sliced down a Boggle that tried to block his path, while simultaneously shoving a Cyclops down to the ground. Susan was too stunned to move as she watched him fight off the followers, now in a berserker rage as he cut down many of his foes.

"Run Your Majesty!" He bellowed when he saw her standing there, the distraction caused his defence to falter and the blade of a Goblin sliced open his shoulder, which caused him to grimace before grabbing the Goblin by the throat and sticking his sword straight into the creature's belly.

"Fool!" The Hag shouted as the rest of the followers charged towards the Minotaur. "Kill him, bring him down!"

Darros did not drop his guard, he readied his weapon and engaged his enemies once again, ignoring the blood that now poured down his arm. Susan began heading to the trees but turned back as she saw Darros rush straight for the Hags.

"For Aslan!"

His voice carried through the air, while his bravery was a sight to witness. However, it was obvious that he could not win, for as he charged forward, many of the followers sliced at him with their weapons, causing him to suffer many wounds.

Susan turned away as he collapsed to his knees in front of the Hag and who looked down at him in disgust. His strength was low, wounds now covered his body and the Hag pulled out a knife as she squatted down so that she was eye level.

"Your actions have not saved her, she will die painfully, and your efforts mean nothing," She sneered.

"Either way, I've made my choice and I take comfort in knowing that for once, I am finally on the right side," Darros stated, one last smile gracing his lips.

With a growl of her own, the Hag stuck her knife straight into the Minotaur's throat and he went rigid in response. Blood sprayed as the blade was retracted and his body slumped at the Hag's feet.

Tears fell onto Susan's cheeks as she began to flee through the trees, silently promising that she would never forget the Minotaur's valiant sacrifice. The forest was growing lighter and Susan knew that dawn was not far off now, she did not know where she was running too, all she wanted was to get as much distance between herself and the followers as she could.

That is when she heard rustling behind her and saw many of the followers giving chase, which caused her to increase her speed, despite the protest from her tired legs. The branches from the trees clawed at her face as she ran, while earth was kicked up by her feet.

The trees snagged at her dress, ripping the fabric as she ran. The followers were gaining on her and Susan knew she could not outrun them, she still held the Horn in her hand and knew that she had to use it.

She brought it to her lips and prepared to blow, that is when her foot tripped on tree root and sent her sprawling into the dirt. The impact left her winded and brought more pain to her already injured body, laughter erupted around her as the followers closed in around her.

Susan slowly turned herself over and was met by the sadistic grins of a dozen creatures, all stalking her like predators who had caught their prey. The Hag stepped forward, the wand of the White Witch in one hand and a bloody knife in the other.

"Well, isn't this ironic, a not so gentle end for the Gentle Queen," The Hag laughed, causing the other followers to snicker.

The Horn had shot out of her hand as she fell and was now lying slightly out of reach, she doubted she would be able to reach it before the Hag could strike, but Susan refused to go to her death without trying.

She scrambled in the dirt towards the Horn, the Hag saw what she was doing and descended upon her. Susan's fingers just clenched around it as the Hag reached her, she raised the knife up, ready to plunge it down upon her.

Susan covered her head with her arms as she readied herself for the fatal blow, but then she heard the beat of wings and a rush of air above her, followed by the scream of the Hag. Susan looked up to see a brown feather Owl clawing at the Hag's face as she struggled to throw it off.

Sensing the opportunity Susan reached forward and grabbed the Horn, while the Hag slashed her Knife towards the Owl, causing it to retreat in a shower of feathers. The Hag then turned towards Susan and noticed the Horn in her hand and her eyes went wide with panic.

She charged towards her again, the knife raised as Susan brought the Horn to her lips and blew.

Authors Note: A big thank you to everyone that has read and reviewed so far! I'm so glad that Divided has gotten a positive reaction! :)