A/N: Well, here goes nothing. My very first Zootopia story.
I really hope you like it. I haven't given up on any of my other stuff but I needed something different to shake things up.
This chapter is short but they will get longer. I just wanted to leave you guys with the initial setup.
Please review and tell me what you think
Judy Hopps rounded the corner in a huff. No matter what time of day she would go there, you could never find decent parking by the bank. Savannah Central was always like that in general. She remembered it being the low point on her stint in parking duty. The worst was the commercial loaders who either couldn't do their job because somebody obscured the sidewalk, or they themselves were unloading and blocking others.
Things have been busy lately with paperwork and other business that's been eating up much of her time. The only way she was going to deposit her check was to go during her lunch hour.
Normally, Judy and her newly-appointed partner, Nick Wilde; would have lunch together. They were never fancy, either going to the greasy spoon two blocks from the precinct, or from one of the food trucks if they were in a particular hurry. Since she was taking care of her banking, she let Nick know he was on his own. He seemed a little disappointed but bounced back with the idea that he would go to that place that makes the amazing bean and rice burritos he loves so much. Judy made him swear not to consume those gas bombs when on the job because she had to share a car with him.
Finally able to put the cruiser in park, Judy got out and looked at how far the First Bank of Zootopia was. Judy had direct deposit with her paycheck at the ZPD, but this was a birthday check sent by her mother back home. She told them that she appreciates the cards and everything but she felt a little too old for money in a card but Bonnie Hopps can be very stubborn. Her dad reasoned that if she doesn't cash the check, then her mother will just be looking at the account like waiting for a pot to boil. Reluctantly, Judy conceded.
She deposited enough for an hour in the meter. A police officer legally was permitted to park wherever they wanted and didn't have to pay parking meters. But Judy didn't believe in any special treatment. She made a point to not race past red lights except in an emergency, refused handouts like a cup of coffee, and yes, pay the meter. Her rationale was that her badge symbolizes the important job she has but beyond that, she considers herself like anyone else in Zootopia. Judy's transparency, dedication and down-to-earth attitude made her well-liked in the ZPD. Even Chief Bogo admitted he liked her, and he supposedly doesn't like most things.
One mammal especially liked her. And he was dining alone for today.
Some young kits getting out of school ran past Judy who took a moment to wave at her. She smiled and returned the wave. Shaking her head, she reminisced about how she had to have been just as carefree growing up. Judy made a point to keep some childlike energy inside her and have fun once in a while. That reminded her, tonight should be bowling night.
"Maybe this time, I'll let Nick win" she mused.
But if he does that victory cheer of his, next time its on.
The massive building was very spacious, a mandate on all public buildings in Zootopia like banks and hospitals. Mammals, regardless of size, were to be able to conduct their official business or be taken care of with minimal difficulty. From a giraffe to a mouse, the bank is very accessible with its high ceilings and plenty of elbow room. There was a row of tellers, ready to assist their customers. Judy got in line at one of the middle windows. The far right was for especially big patrons like rhinos and elephants while the far left helped out your shrew or gerbil.
They originally tried to conjure up a teller that could handle small, medium and large mammals but that proved to be a logistical nightmare. Then you had the issue with lines. You may think a mammal is next but might miss a shorter fellow standing in front of the "next" customer. It would've been a jumbled jungle of a mess.
Judy looked around, taking in the hustle and bustle. Over here was an older aardvark getting lost at the ATM, which was infuriating the ten mammals behind him to no end. There was a husband and wife Koala who got approved for a loan to buy a house to start a family. Judy smiled to herself, wondering about doing just that someday. It's a pleasant thought but there may be a complication regarding that little fantasy.
"Next please!" shouted a fastidious-looking capybara wearing horn-rimmed glasses.
Not realizing how long her mind was wandering, Judy snapped out of it and approached the teller.
"Sorry," she chuckled. "I just need to deposit this check."
The capybara took the paper and turned it over and frowned.
"You didn't sign the back of this."
Judy winced, realizing she didn't endorse the check.
"Oh, right. Sorry."
"Don't be sorry," the teller condescendingly said. "Just keep the line moving, please."
"Well aren't you friendly, lady" Judy murmured under her breath.
She looked around the little ledge for a pen but there was none there.
"Excuse me?" Judy smiled. "Do you have a pen?"
"Nope," she replied.
"No?" Judy couldn't believe the answer. "Why?"
"Used to have pens up here but a mammal would always" she made air quotes "accidentally forget to give it back."
The capybara pointed to a round black table with all kinds of pens and forms on it.
"If you need to sign anything or fill anything out...beforehand" that was directed to Judy but seemed like it was meant for the rest of the line. "...you must do it over there."
Judy's ears lowered, "But that would mean I lose my place in line."
The teller threw up her paws, basically telling Judy that isn't her problem.
The bunny officer scrunched up her nose, took her check and stepped out of line.
"Maybe I should just deposit this through the ATM," she told herself. She then glanced over and the same old timer is still tying up the machine, only now the line has gotten considerably longer. "Maybe I should just switch banks," Judy sighed.
Suddenly, a gang of masked mammals burst into the main door, holding their guns high.
A wave of panic overcame the crowd, but a single shot fired at the ceiling made everyone drop to the floor.
"Nobody is scurrying anywhere, not until we're gone."
Hiding behind a wooden desk, her ears pointed to not let a single sound get past her, Judy swallowed slowly.
"I really need to switch banks."