A/N Ay yo another chapter. Hopefully, it's up to par, most of this was written at night. Thank you all for you're encouraging words and support and hopefully I'll get another chapter up soon.

Hope you enjoy

Nick had been lulling to and fro the warm embrace of sleep. The day was setting and the ravens outside no longer whispered conspiracy into the cell. The bronze light of the sun streamed across the room, catching a fat cheetah testing multiple solutions in little glass vials, occasionally dropping a bloodied piece of own flesh into the mixture. Each time Clawhauser had to pick up the samples given by the tired fox, he cringed back and always apologised to the fox. But Nick gave no mind to the disgusted cheetah, instead, he was trying to sleep. This was the first time since he was captured that he wasn't woken by cold water or a knife to the chest. His arms weren't twisted to unnatural positions and his digits weren't cut off. Finally, he was left alone. The fox let out a sigh of somewhat content, absentmindedly listening to the owls come out and the crickets slowly chirp their songs. Soon Nick found himself floating amongst the dark clouds of Somnus, the god of sleep. After what seemed like hours of contemptibly floating around the thick cloud, the feeling of floating turned into one of falling. Letting out an inaudible scream Nick tried to move his lead-like arm to cover his fall. Soon however his fearful fall stopped and realising he had shut his eyes opened them. The young fox half expected he had woken and to be back in his rusting cell but instead found himself in a forest, pine trees looming over him like castle towers. Blinking Nick stood up and looked around the dark setting. Walking around aimlessly the russet fox noticed the ground piled with brown pine needles, looking up to see the needles falling in the silent, mourning wind. Soon the forest was pitch black, and even his night vision couldn't see a thing in front of him. That was until he spotted a faint, silver light in the distance. Walking towards it Nick stopped when he heard something from the blackness, ebbing out towards him.


And not just a normal growl, this sound sent spikes of fear down the foxes spine. The sound was filled with death and savagery. Sprinting now Nick scrambled towards the light, occasionally seeing movement dart from the trees. Closer and closer the light got more intense until he could see what was chasing him. Eyes wide in shock and heart nearly sputtering out of his chest Nick saw thousands of wolves chasing him, all with vibrant blue eyes that reminded him of flowers he used to spot on the farm outside the Hopps' castle. Shaking away such useless information the fox's staggered breaths finally reached the silver light and the sounds of chasing paws and growl ceased to a whining of something boiling. Blinking again Nick looked around the scene that was around him. His hind paws pressed gently against a warm carpet in the entrance of a grand, silver tent. Mouth gawped open Nick slowly twirled like a drunk ballerina, looking around the room. Different pelts and weapons stacked against the fabric walls, cloths and blankets thrown artfully across the floor. After a while, the whining noise stung into the foxes ears and he noticed a kettle on a small stove, steam screamed out of the kettle. Hesitantly moving over Nick grabbed a thick piece of cloth and lifted the hot metal container off the coal fire and onto a table sitting snuggly next to the stove. When he turned around his heart nearly lept of his chest. Sitting on one of the many blankets sat a silver vixen, wearing hunting garb and a bow resting casually yet threatening on her lap. Nick couldn't help but gawp at the young beauty of the vixen, before realising who this vixen was and instantly trembled onto one knee, hoping not to be vapourised for staring at the Goddess of maidenhood.

"Lady Diana, my apologies, I did not realise this was your tent." Nick stuttered, trying not to let fear into his voice. He could hear the goddess make a noise, which was either a huff or a grunt and then she spoke in such a silky voice he had to contain himself from getting suddenly aroused.

"Stop with the informalities you insufferable male, please sit." She said in a harsh tone. But when Nick shakingly sat he noticed a look of mirth and warmth behind those cold silver eyes.

"It is good to finally meet you, Prince Wilde. I hope you are going well after Pluto had his meeting with you." The glowing goddess said, the whistling kettle suddenly in her hands. Nick was about to reply but realised it was a rhetorical question. The goddess knew of what was happening to him, so instead the fox just solemnly nodded his head as the goddess grabbed two cups magically from behind her, pouring Calda, a warm drink of watered wine and spices, into the cups. Nick stared longingly at the warm drink, the spices floating around, entrancing him. The last time he had a warm cup of Calda was before he'd ran off before he was hunted. Looking towards the goddess with begging in his eyes, Diana rolled her eyes and nodded approval. Nick's hand darted out and scooped up the cup like a vulture, drowning the warm drink down his parched throat. Moaning in nostalgic bliss, Nick couldn't help asking for another, the goddess once again rolling her eyes but with a small smirk on her snout. Hungrily gulping more of the Calda, Nick finally set down his cup, letting a blissful sigh out and felt the wine warmly work its way into his muscles. When the goddess wearily eyed the fox and believing he had finished his crusade against the Calda, she poured herself some and took a small sip.

"Do you know why you are here, Prince Nicholas?" The goddess asked, looking into the sleepy eyes of the fox, who, when noticing the glare from the immortal being that could turn him into ash, stood upright, forcing the sleep from his eyes.

"The realms are dying Nicholas. Fate is out of balance and the world as we know it is slowly being pulled apart, thread by thread." The silver fox said, sadness and worry in her metallic eyes. Nick then understand why the forest outside seemed so dead, the pine needles falling their last dance.

"Why are you telling me this. Why are the gods even talking to me?!" Nick asked, confusion and his pent up emotions seeping out of him, making him tremble. Diana looked at the Prince sadly and poured him another cup of Calda. The fox didn't touch it.

"Because my Prince, you are our last hope in restoring balance to the world." The goddess said, sadly looking at the dead pine needles that seeped under the tent. The fox prince sat there, slowly trembling whilst digesting her words while looking into the swirling herbs, lazily drifting in the cup. Taking a deep breath Nick nodded, steeling himself he looked into the intense gaze of the goddess.

"So what should I do?"


Surprised Nick looked at the goddess with confusion, the silver fox giving nothing away behind her steel features.

"Wait, Prince Nicholas. You might not know it but help comes." The goddess revealed. When a sharp and savage howl ripped the air the goddess gripped her bow, slowing teasing the feather of an arrow.

"Now it is time for you to wake up, my young Prince."

An arrow flashed past his head from the goddess bow, jolting him into his cell. The smell of Calda was gone, now replaced by the bile smell of crusting blood and rust. Blinking, dust flew across the room in the new days light. On the floor sprawled Clawhauser, slowly snoring into his satchel. Looking down Nick saw his fur was slowly growing back, gradually hiding the white scars underneath. The refreshed fox was about to call out to Clawhauser before a yell rippled the stale air. The massive cheetah jumped from his sleep, eyes wide and alert.

"What was that?" Clawhauser slurred, a page from one of his medical books glued onto his cheek. Another cry echoed through the prison and then a figure slammed into the floor, fallen from the stairs. Clawhauser and Nick stared at the arrow sticking out of the Ghost Seers chest. The sound of many footsteps padded down the stairs, sinking anxiety into the cell. Clawhauser rummaged through his bag, producing a small scalpel, shakingly pointing it at the base of the stairs.

A figure fluttered onto the cold stone floor, a green mottled cloak flowing from him. Twin knife scabbards on his hip with a longbow, pointing into the cell with a bright iron tip pointing at the Cheetahs neck. Clawhauser cowered, leading the arrow pointing at the fox. Then in a blink of an eye, two arrows stuck into the wall behind him, destroying the rusted iron chains. Blinking in surprise Nick caressed his raw wrists, looking into the dark hood of the mottled figure. Said figure slung his bow, and sliding out a long knife he cut into the cell lock, the heavy knife going through like butter. Both cheetah and fox looked at the figure looked up at the figure with awe and fright.

"W-who are you?" Nick asked, his throat dry with lack of water and fear. the figure seemed to grimly smile at him from under his hood and took a deep bow.

"The person saving you... My prince." The figure revealed, throwing back his hood and showing the world an old brown fox. Clawhauser sat confused as he looked at an endangered species of people and tried to figure out what the fox had said. Nick, on the other hand, stared at the brown fox, not believing his eyes. Slowly getting up Nick attempted to walk over to the mottled fox, his legs trembling after months of not walking. Finally reaching the other fox Nick slowly extended a paw, his thin paw coming to rest on the shoulder of his kin. And like that tears sprung into his eyes, decades of believing he was the last fox and not seeing his fellow people since the collapse of his kingdom bored down onto him and made him tremble as tears jerked his body. The young fox tightly embraced the brown fox, sobbing into the soft cloak.

"I thought I was the only one." Nick choked out, gripping into the other fox. The ageing fox embraced back, a sad smile playing on his greying muzzle. What seemed like hours went by before the russet fox pulled back, patting the shoulder of his fellow fox.

"I think it's time you finally returned home my prince." The brown fox told Nick, earning a confused look from a cheetah.

"Sorry for breaking such a heart-warming moment, but what do you mean by "Prince", and who are you?" Clawhauser asked, looking between the two foxes. Looking awkwardly at the old fox Nick turned to the cheetah, slowly and painfully falling to one knee.

"Clawhauser, I uh. My name is not William." Nick tried to explain, suddenly feeling self-conscious to the mammal that has helped him. "My name is Nicholas Wilde, and I'm the heir to the Kingdom of Wilde."

Clawhauser stared at the red fox with disbelieving eyes. Slowly the cheetah got up, his eyes shielded and a face of stone. Nick thought he was about to attack Nick, or walk away. Except he got on one knee and bowed his head.

"Clawhauser...?" Shooked Nick asked, trying to understand what was happening. Getting up again Clawhauser looked into the fox's eyes and gave a small smile.

"Just because I worked with the Hopps that doesn't mean I support them." The cheetah explained, giving him a knowing smile. The loud noise of the other fox clearing his throat got the attention of the mammals in the cell. Inclining his head towards the stairs Nick nodded and followed the brown fox, who put his hood back up. On the stairs stood other mammals in the same mottled green cloak, with their back towards them, looking at the entrance for any sign of trouble.

Flanked by the other figures the group burst from the hidden prison and Nick felt the cool breeze, biting into his skin where fur still grew. There were two other figures outside, hiding in the trees and pounced down.

"Alright, Prince. Let's go home." The brown fox said, beginning to walk away. However, Nick stood, looking towards the lights of the castle bearing on the hills and the tents encircling the walls.

"Prince Nicholas, we have to get going." A different cloaked figure said, lightly nudging the fox.

"I can't, there's someone I have to get." The fox said, longing looking at a certain tower, where he saw a light flicker of candlelight dancing in the window.

"Later my Prince, if we don't go now the Ghost Seers will see us." The brown fox said, a certain pain in his voice at the mention of the Seers. Nick painfully looked at the tower, knowing the truth behind the fox's words. Nodding solemnly he shaking followed his escort of mottled figures.

Reaching an incline at the hill he looked back, a single tear threatening to fall. "I'll come back, I promise." He whispered, trudging down the hill, the light of the castle behind him