![]() Author has written 2 stories for Zootopia. Hey I'm TheAssassin_2 but you can call me Assassin. I've been a part of the Zootopia fandom now for almost two years. I love reading and doing a little writing and sometimes a tiny bit of art on the side. But my real passion is working with my hands. I have always loved to make stuff from the simplest picture frames to the most complex contraptions. Past job experiences: I got my fist job a year ago working at a place in Colorado called Camp Alexander. It was through the boy scouts. I was the trades director there, so I taught kids a tiny bit about welding and about how to maintain cars. After the welding job ended I went back home and got a job working for the ranch I was living on. I was just a ranch hand didn't do anything amazing. it was a really fun job though. Just recently I moved out and left home. I crossed the state to come up to a place called Powell. I'm going to college here and am in an apprenticeship to become a machinist. Writing plans and ideas: To Stand Together or Not at All: This is my first fic ever. Before I ever started writing it I always told myself I didn't have what it took to be an author. But inspiration has a way to surprise us. The story is about friendship, adventure, love, and a darkness that no one knows how deep it truly goes. Machinists: This is going to be my second story and is four chapters long. As you can tell about the name it might have something to do with making and tinkering but also has romance and fluff. Can't go wrong with that! It's already finished but not ready. If you want to know more PM me. ;) Bridge to Zootopia: This would be my first crossover if I ever do it. I'm not completely sure yet. But it would be a crossover between Zootopia and Bridge to Terabithia. If anyone else has any ideas let me know maybe we can do a collab or something. The Zootopian Wall: This would be my second crossover if I do it. It would be between Zootopia and The great wall. Who could beat some WildeHopps badassery like that? Best Authors of all time: Cimar of Turalis WildeHopps If you don't know this guy you don't know what a real Zootopia story is until you've read one of his. Go read all of them! They are the best I've ever read. upplet If you want to read a long story. Read Upplet's you'll be at it for days and won't want to stop the whole time. TatorTotTottish Tator wrote some of the first stories I read when I fist entered the fandom. They are amazing the story telling and descriptions are truly masterful. PullTogether PullTogether's stories were also some of the first I ever read. They have a dark side but the end product is always worth the pain to get there. ADeadMissionary If you want dark look not further. This guy knows dark his stories are some of the best ever. Especially Electric Eldritch Eidolon that one is one of my all time favorites! Camoss Last but definitely not least is Camoss. Now this guy is an author his stories are out of this world. Not only this but he is a wonderful person to talk and interact with. All these guys are amazing and the stories they tell have gotten me through some really rough spots. Especially Ciamr and Camoss they have been there to lend an ear and some support for me several times. I'm honored to call them my friends. There are others too but if I listed them all you'd be here for days. XD Just check out my favorite authors section below. End notes: Alright Thanks for reading. Any questions, comments, or advice on how to improve my writing PM me I love to talk to you guys, it makes my day. Also before I go you can also find me on Deviantart (theassassin2 dot deviantart dot com) I do put some art up like the cover to my story I did that myself it just looks a little weird because I had to shape it weird so it would fit. I do other stuff too so check it out. Alright that's all I got. I'll see you around. bye! :) |