First Days

"I'm so tired, I need a coffee. Hell, I'm so tired, I could even go for a Bunny Espresso right about now," Nick Wilde groaned as he ran a paw over his face.

His ears were pressed flat against his head as he laid flat on the floor.

"That actually sounds really good. Could you get me one too–?" Judy Hopps asked with a chuckle, as she rested on the floor next to Nick.

"No," Nick replied curtly.

Judy let out a tired chuckle.

"I'm kidding. I can't even have caffeine anyway – nursing, remember?"


The two broke out in quiet laughter in unison. Nick and Judy were lying side by side on the floor of the babies' room. A few minutes before, they had finally laid all four babies down for a nap that they hoped would last at least fifteen minutes. The couple didn't dare leave the room, because they knew that as soon as they stepped a foot out of the doorway, a child would cry; it was a curse. Judy let out a groaning sigh.

"I can still hear their crying ringing in my ears," she muttered.

"Is that what that noise is?" Nick chuckled.

"I miss sleep, Nick. You know, the good, real sleep that lasted more than an hour? That's what I miss."

"I miss sex."

"You would," Judy giggled. "That's all you think about."

"You think I'm joking, Carrots, but you better watch out. I may just start sleeping around."

"You act like I'm not a cop."

"Forget you being a cop, we act like I would have the time to do something like that," Nick chuckled with ease.

"Technically, you could leave me," Judy thought aloud. "We're just engaged…with four kids."

"Even I wouldn't do that to someone..." Nick said. "And 'we're just engaged?'"

"I'm just kidding," Judy giggled quietly, "But I miss sex too, Nick."

"Please, you act like these four little monsters didn't tear you apart."

Another fit of laughter emerged between the two, before Judy grudgingly agreed.

"I'm going to be sore for a while because of them."

"And I'm going to be without sex for a while because of them."

Judy playfully punched Nick on the shoulder before leaning back onto the floor once more.

"I can't believe it has only been two weeks," she sighed heavily.

"It feels like an eternity has passed," Nick commented.

"And we go back to work tomorrow," Judy interjected. "Don't forget."

"Don't remind me, Carrots."

"How are we both going to work with four kids?"

"Make my mother a permanent nanny?"

"She would love that, but then I would feel as if we didn't really raise our own kids."

"Then maybe one of us should be a stay at home parent?"


"Why?" Nick whined.

Judy rolled her eyes.

"You knew that by suggesting one of us should quit our job that I would make you do it, because I take my job way too seriously and you don't take yours seriously at all, and we both know that you would love that."

"Clever bunny."