VOLUME I: Newcomer

Chapter 1

"Um excuse me but…what exactly are you?''

Darkness. That's all that I've known for lord who knows. I knew nothing…felt nothing as I just sort of…idled there I the void like a being made entirely of air, although my ability to think was still present. Was I asleep? Was I dead? These were the only questions that I had swimming in my head. I found that it wasn't the case for the latter for something wet splashed over my face and I soon slowly but surely opened my eyes.

Immediately the light stung my eyes, as if I was a newborn just brought into the new world. Through the stinging of the sunbeams, I blinked and fluttered my eyelids and soon my eyes adjusted to light, the blurriness clearing away and my vision was restored. But before I could enjoy my renewed sight, my eyes shot wide at the surrounding I was now beholding.

I was in water…no not just mere water as I soon found out. I gazed around to see that I was lost amidst a vast ocean. A seemingly never ending sea with nothing supporting me but a large piece of debris. Fear and panic soon washed over me just as the water washed again upon my face as I rolled along the shifting waves. I tried desperately to keep my balance and stay afloat upon the hard, broken flat wood that served as my floatation device, clinging to it as I've come to believe that it was the only thing that stood between me and death.

What I was feeling…just plain indescribable. How could one describe the very emotions of waking up with no memory of what had happened to you? To suddenly find yourself being rocked around by waves of an incessant ocean as if you, yourself was a toy in a in a bathtub. By all rational thought I should call for help, but I knew that I would be wasting my breath, for I imagined that I was but a speck in a crystal blue environment to a helicopter that even by some miracle did happen to fly.

No wait! I do remember…I think. A storm? Lightning? Water? Sheer, stabbing coldness until finally…darkness. As I tried to piece together what I had happened, the roll of the waves turned me around and what I now saw filled me with hope beyond what I've never felt before. Land! Better yet…a city!

That city…such a wonder that I beheld. From what I could see, the city was surrounded by mountains that looked misty from such a far distance. Wait a minute, one of the mountain ranges from what I can tell seem to have white upon it…snow? I also saw a long structure trailing from the city to what I guessed would be the mainland, figuring it was in fact a railroad track as indeed a speeding train headed towards the city in the distance to what looks like a…desert?! Never have I seen such a metropolis before but yet I couldn't shake the thought that the city held a sort of…exotic air to it as it gleamed under a sunset sky. Wait sunset?! Damn how long was I out for? With the appearance of the city, I couldn't help but ask myself if it was located in some foreign part of the world away from the Americas. I couldn't think of any city in America, or in the world for that matter that had had neighboring mountains bordering the ocean. But how did I get so far from the shore I departed that stayed close to my home? It didn't matter to me. Where there's a city, there's people…means of communication. I was saved.

Without hesitation, I paddled as fast as my arms could towards the civilization. I soon found myself passing under the railroad, noticing a few small islands nearby. How long was it, an hour? Two hours? Hell maybe even three, but it was all worth it as with a final support of a wave I splashed onto the shore of the city. Drenched, cold, and now exhausted, I quickly made way towards stone steps that led off the beach, completely ignoring my new surroundings as I made my way into the city.

However, I suddenly skidded to a sharp halt, the hope and joy of salvation suddenly replaced by confusion, alarm and fear. This certainly was a city but as I looked around in hopes of finding people I was instead met wet with another sight. I could see no trace of humans only…animals. Yes, you heard right. There were no humans to be seen. Only animals. Although I had seen animals before, these were different. Instead of walking around on all fours, they were standing and walking on their hind legs, they even wore clothes, some in business suits while others in more casual attire save for shoes that left their animal feet bare for as far as I could see. But what puzzled me more was the fact that they appeared to be actually SPEAKING to one another.

Their words were lost amid the ringing and the wailing of car horns filling the air. But it wasn't long before my presence became known. Soon, I found myself with hundreds of eyes staring at me. Some of the animals froze in their tracks and backed away cautiously at my sight. Others murmured to each other as they kept watch on me. Some had more curious expressions to their faces while I also caught occasional glimpses of disdain and disgust from my new anthropomorphic peers as I just stood there…frozen in my place and unable to speak as if a slight word would instigate an attack.

I was beginning to believe that there were no sign of human life here, for the animals' glances made it clear that they had never seen the likes of me before. I soon came to realized that this city didn't belong to humans…this was theirs. A city of animals. Where in God's name was I? I gazed around the crowd of stunned animals, man where they a lot of them. All round I saw zebras, giraffes, tigers, bears, lions, wolves, elephants, and not just animals that towered over me. I also saw sheep, pigs, otters, gophers, beavers among other species. It was like every known mammal in the world were here in this one city. As I continued to look around the large crowd that, to my chagrin, was starting to get bigger, I noticed that a lot of them were…hold on. Are they…are they actually taking out cell phones?! Pointing the backsides of their phones at me as they talked and conversed among themselves? Were they…actually recording me?!

All the eyes, all the whispers and pointing…staring…it was all beginning to overwhelm me. My heart began to beat rapidly in my chest as if a dumb was continually being beaten inside me. I then started to take a nervous, slow step backwards and then another and another, all while looking around at the staring eyes of the animals while they still watched and recorded me. I stepped backwards and backwards, ready to whip around and head back to the beach before suddenly sharp objects touched my back. I let out a cry of pain and jumped forwards, causing some of the animals to recoil in shock. I quickly turned around and saw I had walked back first into the quills of a rather startled porcupine.

"Hey!'' the porcupine cried in a female voice, backing away quickly.

The cry of the female porcupine caused me to quickly retreat backwards, forgetting for a brief moment that there was a crowd of animals behind me. I walked too fast backwards and crap! I fell…right into a few animals that cried out as I bowled them over like bowling ball pins. I immediately sprang up and ran passed the remaining crowed, quickly parting to let me through as they still recorded me with their phones. I was trying to run for my dear life. I had just knocked over about five or six animals…ones with fangs and claws. Ones that could kill me in an instant. Before I even got to the curve I halted to a stop, noticing numerous mouse scurrying past my feet. I maneuvered my feet quickly…probably the fastest in my life as I tried not to step on them but…dang there was a lot! My quickly shuffling had caused me to finally stumble in the road when…holy shit! I barely dodged a speeding car. Cars' horns suddenly rang out as I evaded another one and another.

"Get out the road you idiot!'' one driver yelled, blaring his horn.

I tried desperately to get to the other side and…seriously?! Small cars are also in the road?! Are mice actually drive too?! I couldn't help but notice scores of animals on the sidewalk were still watching on as if there were seeing a spectator's spots, recording with their phones. Step, evade, jump, shuffled…dang it I am not in the best shape for this. As another car quickly came my way, I dived as watching animals jumped back as I landed on the sidewalk. Gasps and chatter filled my ears and I scrambled to my feet and ran. I ran through the crowd of animals, some moving out the way while others who weren't quick enough I bumped into. I didn't know where I was running to, I just wanted to get away from the eyes of these animal peers but that was looking to be a lost cause. No matter where I gazed my sight was only met with the surprised glances of different animals. I turned my gazed to my left, stupidly not paying any attention to where I was running and when I looked back to my front, I crashed head long into a fruit stand.

I landed on the ground, the stand completely broken as dozens of bananas, apples, oranges, pineapples, and pears rolled about on the cement. Before I could even process what had just happened a gruff voiced shouted. "My fruits!''

I turned to see a furious looking pig staring me down like as if his eyes were daggers. "Look what you did to my stand you freak! Why don't you watch where you're going?!''

By all rational thought I should've apologized, but with the sheer amount of fear rushing through my body I didn't have any rational thought at the moment. I instead hopped to my feet and ran to my right and into the street, ignoring the angered calls of the pig whose stand I had just ruined. As I tried to run to the other side of the street I stopped dead in my tracks as a car screeched while coming to a halt, but it wasn't going to make it in time. With my arms up to shield myself, I instinctively jumped towards it, my shoulder forwards as I slammed into the windshield of the car, falling and rolling hard onto the pavement. God did that hurt! I stayed they curled up as I held the arm that made contact with my other arm. I was afraid it was broken, but with me moving my fingers I found that was not the case…just incredibly painful at the moment. I groaned in discomfort, peering upwards to see the car that was now stop and…man what a sight. The windshield was completely cracked, some of it even breaking apart as the hood of the car was greatly bent, smoke from the engine rising from it. The driver, what looked like a leopard, just looked from his car and then to me, looking as if he didn't know what to do.

I stared at the car for a moment or two before shifting my gaze to the ground. Horns blared continuously and I looked up to see that I had stopped traffic. The horns sounding, the watching animals, the searing pain in my arm…it was just too much…overwhelming me. I've had it! I jumped to my feet and just ran to the sidewalk. I didn't know how long I ran, didn't know how many dozens of animals I ran passed and I didn't care. Somehow someway, I needed to get away. While running down the sidewalk, I made a right turn into an ally, just to crash into some trash cans. Frustrated beyond I could bare, I punched a tin can, causing it to clatter as it hit the ground. I got up wanting to run but…the exhaustion…it hit me like a ton of bricks. I guessed I was fueled on adrenaline, but since that had died away, I fumbled and pressed my back against the brick wall, sliding down until I was on my bottom sitting next to a dumpster, concealing myself from watchful eyes at last.

I breathed heavily as I tried to catch my breath, my sweat dripping down and off my face. I brought my knees up as I buried my face in my hands, shaking my head. In just a short time I entered a city, caused collateral damage, and almost died by getting hit by a car. On top of that, I was in a city that seemed to be inhabited by nothing but animals. Lost, afraid, nervous, and shaken I just wanted to sit there and be undisturbed…to be alone questions and thoughts whirled around my head like a fierce tornado. I tried not to make any sound whatsoever, to not draw any attention to myself. After a few minutes passed, I hear the sounds of soft footsteps fast approaching. I tensed up a bit and held my breath as the footsteps stopped, and by the sound of it, stopped close to me, maybe even in front of me. Then a female voice spoke out, but it wasn't in a tone of anger or fright, but instead in a rather reserved tone.

"Hey! I just saw what happened, are you ok?''

I didn't say anything, just sat there thinking dumbly that if I remained still then maybe they would go away. But after a moment or two, I felt a rather furry object tap my gently on the hand. "Excuse me. Is everything alright right?''

The voice sounded truly sincere in her questioning my wellbeing. Feeling somewhat less nervous, I swallowed my fear and caution and lifted my head to lock eyes with the source of the voice. It was an animal, a rabbit to be more specific. She had grey fur with a more greyish white underbelly and a pink nose. Her ears were flopped backwards, from what I could see going down and stopping just over her upper back and seemed to have a darker grey or maybe black fur on their tips. She was dressed in a uniform of some kind. She looked as if she was wearing a one piece uniform, or maybe it wasn't. Her upper shirt seemed to be a light blue while her pants was a darker shade of blue. On her knees were grey pads and she wore what looked like a dark blue leather wrappings around her bare feet that only covered half of her feet, leaving her three toes exposed. On both of her arms, she was what I guessed were arm guards, the same color as the wrappings on her feet that extended down to her forearms. Around her waist she wore a black utility belt and as well as what seemed to be a short vest that was dark blue in color. On the left side of her breast, she wore a gold badge with the words, 'Police' written in blue, which drove me to the obvious conclusion that she was a police officer. But probably her most distinctive feature were her eyes, purple in color that looked on me with genuine concern.

"Do you have any broken bones?'' asked the female rabbit taking a step towards me. "Do you need medical attention? Because getting hit by a car did NOT look like it was fun.''

Again I said nothing, just stared at her quizzically. A rabbit was actually talking to me…a RABBIT! Rabbits aren't supposed to be talking, or ANY animal for that matter. What am I supposed to say to a rabbit? The bunny officer tilted her head at my silence before her eyes widened before wincing. "Ooh, that black eye doesn't look good.''

Black eye? I felt over my right eye and indeed felt a rather small bump over it. How did I get a black eye? I never ran into anything that hit my eye. I don't even remember how I got it. I averted my gaze briefly before looking back at the rabbit. Her face turned into a serious frown as she spoke. "Did someone hit you? Do you know where they went? It might not be too late to catch them! Would you like to press charges?''

After a few seconds of thought, I finally shook my head, ready to answer. "N-No,'' I spoke softly.

"You don't want to press charges?''

"No, I was not assaulted,'' I answered.

The rabbit looked at me closely, "Are you sure? Because if someone did and if you have a clear description of them, we can track them down in a heartbeat.''

I just shook my head, "No I'm sure. No one punched me.''

The officer's frown soften and formed a small smile, her ears jolting up as if they were spring loaded. "Ok then. Do you think you can stand?''

I nodded and I nervously climbed to my feet. Now that I was fully standing, I was able to see the differences in my height compared to the rabbit's. She was about half my size and counting her now upright ears, she came to just about the same height as my waist. With me standing, the rabbit put a paw to her chin, her foot tapping rather quickly as she observed me. Her stare was starting to bring back the nervousness and I awkwardly shifted my eyes from her to the ground.

"You seem to be fine,'' the rabbit said with a relieved smile but then losing it to a small frown again. "But why were you running? You didn't…steal anything did you?''

I immediately waved my hands in front of me in defense. "N-No ma'am! I didn't steal anything, I swear!''

The rabbit let out a sigh of relief. "Whew! That's good to hear but…" She then began to walk around me, once then twice before coming to a stop in front of me. A sweat was beginning to come to me again and I gulped lightly, fearing that I was in some sort of trouble. She gazed at me from head to toe, her nose twitching and I inquired.


The rabbit replied with a half-hearted chuckle, "I'm sorry and um excuse me but…what exactly ARE you?''

I was not really expecting that question to be honest. If this rabbit didn't have any clue what I was, then my suspicions about this city were right…there really were no humans here. The officer spoke again. "I don't see a tail, and you don't seem to have fangs or claws…'' her eyes widened with excitement. "Oh my gosh! Are you some kind of new species?! Sweet cheese and crackers, I've actually discovered a new species!''

The rabbit began to bounce happily as I stood there, staring at her as if she had lost her mind.

"A new species of animal…are you serious?! Wait until I tell Nick he is going to flip! Wait, where did you come from? Are you endangered? Are you a predator or a prey? Do you need me to call a shelter for you?''

I shook my head and answered, "No! I-I'm not an animal!''

"Not an animal?'' the officer repeated in confusion, her ears flopping back down. "If you're not an animal, then what are you?''

I took a deep breath and answered honestly. "I'm a human.''

"A…human?'' said the rabbit, clearly never even heard of the word before. "Definitely not an animal I've heard of. In fact, it really doesn't sound animal at all.''

"Because it's not,'' I said, getting a little irritated that I had to repeat myself.

"Well where did you come from?'' the bunny officer asked.

I tried to think, to remember of what happened before coming to this strange city. But as I tried to think of the events that happened before arrival, it was all a blur. I did remember a storm, flashes of lightning, and…that was all. The more I tried to remember and think, the more my head began to hurt, and I rubbed my temples with my thumb and middle finger. It felt as if a migraine had formed from over excessive attempts to remember and I groaned in frustration and ache.

"I…don't remember,'' I finally confessed.

I dropped my hands down and noticed the rabbit giving me a sympathetic gaze. "Oh you poor thing. You look like you've been through a lot today and you're soaked to the bone.''

I glanced down at myself. I had been wearing navy blue jeans with a black T-shirt which I wore a grey, sleeveless vest with a hoodie over it. On my feet were black, Levi's shoes with white sides and she was right, I was still soaked from the ocean I woke up in. She then smiled, her ears perking up. "Oh! How about a drink? Maybe that will help you calm down a bit. My treat!''

I thought about her proposal. After everything that had just happened, a something refreshing to drink would be perfect right now. I nodded. "That would be great actually. But you don't have to pay miss.''

"Oh don't worry about it! It's fine! I insist!''

I was going to reject again, but then I remembered that I didn't have any money on me. Even in a place as strange as this, I'm pretty sure they too exchanged money for goods. With this thought, I conceded and nodded, managing to form a small, but grateful smile. "Alright then. Thank you.''

"It's my pleasure um…I didn't catch your name.''

"Quincy…" I mumbled shyly.

One of the bunny's ears sprang up and twitched. "What was that?''

I cleared my throat and spoke louder and more clearly. "My name is Quincy.''

At this, the rabbit, beamed and extended a hand-err paw for me to shake. "It's nice to meet you Quincy. Officer Judy Hopps, ZPD!''

I took Judy's paw and shook it with a mutual smile but then my face scrunched a bit. "Wait, ZPD?''

"Yep! Zootopia Police Department!''

"Zootopia?!" I blurted out in shock, to Judy's shock.

"Um…yes?'' said Judy rather cautiously.

I looked at her, trying to comprehend what she had just said. Zootopia? There was no such place in the world like it…that much I knew. Judy looked at me for a moment and said, "Wow…you really not from here are you?''

''That's an understatement of a lifetime," I muttered with a sigh. I definitely wasn't in Kansas anymore.

Judy led me down the spacious alley the opposite from where I ran in from and we soon stepped out and into the sunset bathed streets. There weren't as many animals on this side compared to the other side, which was more than what I could've asked for, although that didn't change the fact that there were still a few animals still walking about. As we walked passed a few animals, they glanced and stared at me, most of them bearing the same shocked and confused looks the animal crowd gave me when I first entered the city. Feeling the stares, I merely kept my gaze towards the ground, not having any interest in my surroundings at the moment. However, Judy seemed unfazed by the stares as she just walked on, smiling brightly. She would occasionally give out greetings to passing animals, only for them to respond by staring at me. Man was I feeling uncomfortable, at least I was in the presence of a friendly face.

"I know this little café not far from here with the best drinks!'' chimed Judy as we continued to walk. "I know it'll be just what you need!''

I just smiled softly with a nod as I continued to follow my guide. I don't know how long we were walking, but it wasn't for too long before we crossed the street and headed towards a building with a sign reading 'Tango Mango Café'. The outside had about three round tables for customers to sit outside with palm trees around, providing what looked to be refreshing shade. The building itself seemed to be in the liking of a hut one would find in to tropical regions of the world. It was quite interesting to look at honestly.

"Is that the place we're going to Officer Hopps?'' I asked.

Judy nodded brightly, "Yep, sure is! They have the best smoothies on this part of the neighborhood. Found out about it about two weeks ago, and I come here at least once a week since!''

I smiled, getting a bit excited. A good smoothie did sound great right about now, for it was a little warm out, even my soaked clothes didn't cool me down that much. As we made our way to the doors of the café, Judy turned to me. "How about you take a seat out here Quincy. I'll go and get us some drinks. What's your favorite fruits?''

I hardly had to think. "Mangos, pineapples, bananas, oranges…''

"Say no more Quincy!'' smiled Judy. I know just what to get you. Stay here and I'll be back in a jiffy.''

With that the excitable bunny open the doors and went inside. I did what I was told and chose a table under one of the palm trees and sat down. That shade…god that felt nice. The coolness along with the low breeze from occasional passing cars made it an ideal spot to rest. My eyes shifted to the ground where I noticed a something green and crumpled next to my feet. Curious, I pick it up and unraveled it to see that it was a twenty dollar bill. However, I soon noticed that it was far different than a twenty that I've always known. Instead of Andrew Jackson, it featured a…I wasn't sure what animal it was. A mouse? But its nose was rather long. What were they called again a…shrew maybe? Well anyway on the sides there were a 'Z' with two vertical lines going through them and I instantly knew that they were the money signs for, Zootopia was it? Well since I did found it on the ground, I decided to slip the green paper in my vest pocket. Maybe I can save it for a rainy day. I looked out into the square we were at and unsurprisingly enough, I saw the stares of a few animals. Some glanced back at me while they went about their business while others stared in their places, whispering to each other. At least they didn't take out their phones and started to…and there goes a grizzly bear whipping out his phone and recording me. Just lovely. I just kept my gaze onto the surface of the table until not before long the doors opened and I saw Judy walking towards me carrying to tall glasses of smoothies.

"Here we go, two of the best smoothies in Zootopia!'' chirped Judy as she handed me one that was a light golden yellow in color.

Her glass was held contents that was of a deep orange color and…I think I noticed some particles of green in there as well. She spoke as she took her seat. "That right there should be a mango, pineapple, and orange smoothie, they call it the Sunny Day. It was on special too!''

I took the glass gratefully. "Thank you Officer Hopps. And what do you have?''

Judy's eyes twinkled. "My favorite, carrot and celery smoothie. I call it call Bunny's Delight!''

I could only smirk as Judy began to happily suck her drink with her straw. Not wanting to waste another moment, I too placed my lips on the straw and sucked, the icy cold beverage hitting my tongue. Immediately I was hit with a symphony of flavors. The pineapples, mangos, and oranges blended seamlessly together to create a sweet, tangy flavor. "Wow this IS good!'' was all I could say.

Judy giggled at my reaction. "See I told you this place had the best smoothies. You shouldn't expect nothing less when coming here.''

I nodded with a smile, "You made a believer out of me.''

For the next few moments, Judy and I sat in silence, enjoying out smoothies. I had to be honest, I felt my fears, and anxiety melt away with each swallow of the drink, but probably more do to the company I was with. From what I could see so far, Judy seemed to have a really upbeat attitude, one that caused to relax brush off any worry you might be experiencing at the moment. She then reached under the table and took out a phone in the next moment. I looked to see that it was clearly a smartphone, black in color. I couldn't believe it, their technology possibly even rivaled my worlds. Wait, am I even on the same planet? Anyway I saw on the back of Judy's phone was a logo of a…

"Carrot?'' I spoke in confusion?

Judy noticed my question and looked at the back of her phone and nodded with a smile. "Oh yeah! It's a Carrot iPhone 6! Like it?''

I smiled when I felt something in my pocket. I dug in to remove the contents to reveal my phone! I had all but forgotten I even had it! Judy was quick to notice and spoke to me, "Wow you have an iPhone too?''

"Yeah, an Apple iPhone 6!''

"Apple?'' Judy asked, tilting her head. "I don't think I've heard of that model before. What's your phone company?''

"Verizon Wireless,'' I answered.

Judy just shook her head, "Yeah…never heard of it. My company's Dash myself.''

I sort of half chuckled. "Don't worry about. Apple and Verizon…they're things from where I came from. Foreign to you like Zootopia is foreign to me.''

Judy just smiled and nodded understandably. I gazed down at my phone as a thought came to my mind. If I had my phone, than that means I could call someone from where I was from. I pressed the button and…it came on! Yes. This water proof covering must've been a great investment. If I put in my lock code, if I call someone from my contacts then…

"So Quincy, are you feeling all better now?'' Judy ask, taking a sip of her drink.

I shrugged, smiling slightly as I put my phone away. "Yeah, well maybe not 'all' better, but I am doing better than I felt twenty minutes or so ago.''

Judy smiled contently. "I'm glad to hear that. But I have to know. I never even heard of a creature called…humans was it?''

I nodded.

"And it's pretty clear that you're not from Zootopia. Where are you from exactly? How did you get here?''

I answered frankly. "I don't know. I really don't know. All I can remember is being caught in a storm and then waking up floating on a piece of debris in the middle of the ocean.''

"The middle of the ocean?! You mean you swam to Zootopia?!'' Judy asked in surprised.

"Yeah,'' I nodded. "I just found myself floating just outside the city. I don't know how I got here. I'm lost, alone, afraid, and animals keeps looking at me like I'm some sort of freak.''

I turned my eyes to my left as did Judy who saw some animals staring at us. Judy snorted a bit in annoyance, but then forced a polite smile. "Beautiful afternoon isn't it? Don't mind us just enjoying our smoothies. Run along folks, nothing to see here!''

This seemed to have done the trick, for as soon as Judy spoke out to them, they shifted awkwardly before finally moving on with their business. Judy nodded triumphantly and turned back to me. "There, that better?''

I nodded with a grateful smile. However, Judy's own smile disappeared as her ears drooped backwards. "Well, I can understand the freak part. I mean I'm not calling you a freak or anything! I mean animals have never seen anything like you before. I know I haven't. So wait a minute. You're saying that you have absolutely no idea how you got here?''

My face fell and I just nodded in silence.

Judy continued. "And since you're new here that means…you don't have a place to stay for the night?''

I shook my head, "No, I don't. Nowhere?''

I glanced up at the sky. It would surely be dark in a few short hours and I didn't have a place to sleep for the night. I knew that getting home wasn't going to be a journey that would happen anytime soon. Maybe I'll just go back to that alley and sleep out the night on the hard ground. I'm sure in the dark the animals would think I was just some animal bum and pay no attention to me. However, my thoughts were interrupted when Judy pounded her fist onto the table with a determined frown, causing me to jump a bit.

"No idea how you got here and no idea how you're getting home AND you don't have a place to stay?! We that's not going to happen…not on my watch!''

I looked at her for a moment before speaking. "O-Oh! Do you know of a shelter or something that I could stay for the night?''

"Even better!'' Judy beamed. "You can just stay with me for the night!''

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. I could hardly believe that she, a rabbit would let me, a human and a complete stranger stay at her house. "No…No I couldn't. I don't want to be a bother to you.''

Judy replied, "You won't' be a bother at all! It'll be nice to have company over. It'd be like a sleepover!'' Judy calmed down a bit. "I insist you stay with me for the night. If not, I might take it as an insult.''

I thought for a moment, that last thing I wanted to do was cause her any sort of insult or offence, especially after she was being so kind to me. I finally nodded in defeat. "Wow Officer Hopps I don't know what to say…''

"You can start by calling me Judy. After all, we're friends now aren't we?''

After thinking about it, I guessed that we were and I just smiled and nodded. The kind bunny bounced in joy. "Then it's settled! You'll stay with me for the night. This'll be fun. I've always wanted to cook for some one!''

Judy and I conversed for a few minutes, completely lost in conversation as we drank our smoothies. "Now that you mentioned it,'' I began. "You're the first cop I've seen since arriving here.''

Judy replied. "Yeah well I've been assigned to patrol this area for my shift. So it's my turf so to speak.''

"And are there other bunnies, beside you on the force?'' I asked.

Judy shook her head with a sort of proud smirk on her furry face. "Nope! You're looking at the first and only rabbit police officer in Zootopia's history!''

My eyes widened, impressed. "Wow, seriously? The first rabbit to be an officer?''

"That's right. It was always my dream to be a cop, and now here I am. A police officer right here in Zootopia: where anyone can be anything!''

I smiled warmly at the apparent motto for the city. "Well in that case, I bet you're the cutest officer they have at the department.''

I fear I was a bit too bold in my remark, for after I said it, Judy winced as she shifted and recoiled backwards. "Ohhh…''

"What is it?'' I asked, perplexed by her sudden change in demeanor.

"Oh well it's just…well you're new so you probably don't know this but…" Judy explained. "It's just that a bunny can call another bunny 'cute', but when other animals do it it's kinda… offensive to them.''

I immediately looked at her with an expression of pure regret and guilt, placing my hands up. "Oh my God I am so sorry. Believe me the last thing I wanted to do was offend you in anyway Judy!''

I didn't really know why 'cute' would be offensive to her, but nonetheless the very thought of offending her after she bought me a drink and offered her home to me caused me to feel extremely apologetic and shameful. However, Judy just smiled sweetly, yet thankfully at me and said, "It's ok Quincy. It happens.''

There was a brief silence as we went back to finishing our smoothies. I guess Judy must've noticed that I still bore a remorseful look on my face for she chuckled a bit and spoke to me. "Quincy it's fine really. Trust me, you're not the first animal-I mean…you're not the first to call me cute accidentally. I know you didn't mean it. You seem like a really sweet guy.''

I could only give her a timid, small smile at her comment. Within the next few minutes, we both suckled down the last of our smoothies. "Hmmhhmm! That sure hit the spot!''

"It really did,'' I agreed. I totally needed that. Thank you again Officer I- mean Judy.''

"Anytime,'' Judy answered with a smile. ''Anyway, my shift is almost over. How about we go back to my squad car and head back over to the ZPD?''

Since I was staying with her and had nowhere else to go, I just nodded. "Just lead the way.''

I followed Judy as we walked away from the café and headed east. Although I again was met with the uncomfortable feeling of animals quizzical eyes staring at me, I decided to try to zone them out and try to actually take in the surroundings of this new city. Despite this being a city whose inhabitance were all animals, the structure of the buildings didn't seem so different from cities back where I came from. In fact, area that we were walking through reminded me of being in New York City. I never lived there myself, but I had a cousin that did and they were take us to the city whenever we had the chance to visit them, but anyway. Judy and I continued our trek through the area, making some conversation along the way.

"Maybe I should text Nick when we get into the car?'' pondered Judy out loud.

"Nick?'' I asked, feeling the name sounded familiar.

Judy looked at me and smiled. "Yeah, he's my partner! He was off today and went off with a friend for the day. He said he'd be back by tonight. I hope so, he has to come in tomorrow morning.''

I could only imagine what animal could be her partner. In fact, could any animal be a police officer in Zootopia? I mean probably if someone like Judy could be one, I guess it wouldn't be too farfetched. After a little while longer of walking, Judy led me to another alley where we were met by the sight of rather bulky car, the tail lights facing us. As we came closer, I was able to get a better look at the car. It was predominately black with white streaks going about the doors which seemed to form a stylized Z, no doubt the letter of the city. Being a police car it of course had the typical red and blue lights on top of the roof along with large, powerful looking tires that seemed to be designed to take on just about any road hazard. As for the type of car itself, shoot I was never really that knowledgeable about cars. The only thing I knew about them was that you drive them. But still, it was a pretty sweet looking ride.

"You grab shotgun!'' Judy said with that smile I was beginning to be fond of.

Attempting to add a little humor, I smirked and replied. "That's cool. I was going to call dibs anyway.''

My response cause the purple eyed bunny to giggle in amusement. With a push of a button, Judy unlocked the car and we both got in. I found the inside to be a bit…compact compared to the outside. Although it was a little bit tight, it was hardly even uncomfortable to me and I buckled myself in. I've never been inside of a police cruiser before. Wow! Between the steering wheel and the passenger was a modem with various buttons along it, which I could easily guess operated the car's sirens, lights, and all that. I notice what seemed to be a closed laptop resting in the center below the modem as well as two radio speakers. The interior of the car was completely back, with black leather on the seats as well as the steering wheel being black. I looked over my shoulder to see the back of the cruiser through a black cage. I couldn't help but grin a little, feeling rather excited about driving in the passenger seat of a police vehicle.

A buzzing sound was heard in the car as Judy jumped slightly. "Oh!''

I watched as she took out her phone and begin typing away. In a few moments, she let out a laugh and shook her head before typing some more. "What's so funny?'' I asked, interested.

"Oh it's just Nick…being stupid as always,'' Judy answered with a bemused smirk. "Just a couple of...and…done!''

Judy placed her phone in the cup holder and turned to me with an excited smile. "Ready Quincy?''

I nodded, ready to roll. With that Judy put the keys into the ignition, turned it and the engine came to life, rather loudly at that. Judy put the car on drive, pressed the pedal and we moved forwards. She went at a slow speed at first, as animals walked across in front of us, but when it was clear, she gave it some gas and we were out of the ally. I was surprised at the power of the car as I was suddenly jerked back against my seat, but I didn't mind or care. I was enjoying the ride so far. As we rode, I observed the city, safe from phone recorders, and staring eyes as I saw numerous of animals along the trip. I saw sheep traveling in herds to unknown destinations. I saw a couple of animals trying to hail cabs. I saw groups of animals waiting on sidewalks o the lights so they could walk across. Some animals were heading down some stairs underground, quite possible to subways. At a point we turned a corner and came to a stop at a red light.

"How are you holding up Quincy?'' Judy asked.

"Oh I'm all good Judy,'' I said, still looking out the window.

"Zootopia can actually be an interesting place when you're not scared huh?''

I turned to the rabbit and nodded with a grin. "Yeah. Without constantly being watched, this city does seem to have a lot to offer."

Judy smiled and nodded in agreement. After a few moments, the light turned green, but right before we could move, a car yellow passed us at high speed. "Oho, that guy was over the limit! Hold on Quincy!''

Said Judy with a frown, quickly pressing a button as the siren began to wail. Not wasting a second, she stepped on the breaks and went in pursuit of the car. I gripped the door handle tightly, as we sped down the street, the car in questions coming view before us. Soon we were close behind him and after a few seconds, the car began to slow and pull to the side of the road. Judy parked the car a bit behind him and she unbuckled herself and prepared to get out.

"Alright Quincy, I'll be right back.''

"Yeah, of course,'' I spoke, knowing full well it was her job.

Judy got out of the car, closing the door behind her and I watched as she walked up to the window of the driver's side. From inside the car, I saw Judy's mouth move while her face bore a rather stern expression and within minutes, she took something from the driver out of the window and proceeded to make her way back to the car and got back in, what looked like a driver's license and a vehicle registration in her paw. "Oh boy…'' Judy sighed.

"Everything ok Judy?'' I inquired.

Judy nodded. "Yeah…the driver's a leopard. Speeding because he's late for work. Hundredth time I've heard that excuse.''

I just watched on as Judy did her work. For the next couple minutes, Judy opened her laptop and began typing away on the keypad. I turned away, worried that I might be looking at sensitive information and acted like I was looking at something outside that had caught my attention. About what felt as ten minutes later, I heard a click sound, turning to see Judy having closed the computer and taking out a notepad and a pen. She once again got out of the car and walked to the vehicle in front of us. I saw her hand back the driver's license and registration before starting to scribble something down on the note pad all while speaking to the driver, handing out a ticket no doubt. After few more minutes, Judy tore the paper from the pad and handed it to the driver and soon started to walk back over to the car as the yellow car drove off

Judy got and began to buckle up, "Well that was fun. That driver was so charming.'' She said sarcastically.

I winced a bit. "Guess he wasn't too happy about the ticket?''

"Not in the slightest. But what are you going to do? Go the limit, you won't get a ticket.''

I only nodded with a shrug. There really was little to no excuses to speeding, unless it was for an emergency, and being late for work was not an emergency. When she was about to turn on the ignition, a loud crashing sound rang out, causing us to jump. "W-What was that?!'' I asked looking around.

Before Judy could answer, we saw a brown wolf jump out of the window of a store distances away from the car. He had a brown, leather bag in his arms and took off down the street. The owner of the store ran out, what seemed to be an antelope calling for help.

"Looks like a robbery!'' said Judy in a hurry. "Quincy stay here!''

"Are you going to be ok? Maybe you should call backup?'' I suggested in concern.

"I have a radio in my belt, don't worry about me. Just stay here where it's safe!'' commanded the police officer and she was out of the car.

I could only watch as she sprinted at an amazing speed down the street, pursuing the wolf. My eyes were constantly down the way Judy had disappeared to. The owner of the shop had ran back inside, probably to check the damage or call the police. Five minutes turned to ten minutes. Ten minutes turned to twenty and twenty turned to thirty minutes. I watched on, hoping to catch a glimpse of the familiar rabbit just to see cars passing. Occasionally, a male voice would sound from the radio, giving details about crimes happening and various parts of the city, but since I wasn't a cop, I didn't dare touch anything in the car. My heart began to race as I continued to wait for Judy and my worry was beginning to rise to dangerous levels. I know I just met her, but I was fearful of her safety. I know she's a cop and deals with things probably on a daily basis, but I was still concerned for her safety, especially after she's been so kind to me. Come one! Where was she?! I just wanted her to be safe. I just wanted her to be alright but what I saw made me sigh out in relief.

Coming down the street was Judy, walking with a paw on the arm of a now rather sulking looking wolf, the brown bag in Judy's free paw as the wolf's own paws were behind his back, handcuff most definitely. Judy stopped the wolf in front of the store as the own came out. I watched as Judy handed the bag over to the antelope who proceeded to shake her paw enthusiastically with gratitude to with the bunny smile and gave a salute. I observed as Judy walked the attempted robber to her side of the car, opening the back seat as he got in. With him inside, she closed the door before hoping in her own seat. I instantly noticed she was breathing heavily, her fur glistening from sweat.

"Woo! Now that was a workout!''

"Judy! You're ok!'' I said relieved.

Judy looked at me, whipping off some sweat and smirking. "What this? This was nothing. I've had plenty of foot chases since joining the ZPD. Just another day in the life of a cop.''

"I know but still…I was worried about you,'' I confessed.

Judy smiled at me warmly. "Thanks Quincy, but don't worry about me. When the call comes, I must take it. It's my duty after all.''

She was right. If she wanted to be a cop, she signed up for the dangers that came with it. And judging by how she singled handily caught a wolf bigger than her…she could definitely handle herself. With this knowledge, I looked at Judy and nodded with an understanding smile.

"Alright then! Let's get Big Bad Wolf here to the station for booking.'' Judy said, turning the car engine on and we were off.

It was a mostly quite drive as we made our way to the police station. I gazed up at the sky to see the light gradually fading as night approached. I looked at the clock on the radio to see that it was close to seven pm. As we drove, I had the uncomfortable feeling that I was being watched and out of curiosity, I peered over my left shoulder to see the wolf staring at me with an astonished frown. "What the hell are you?'' he spoke in a gruff voice.

I just whipped my head forward and gazed out the window. "Don't worry about him,'' Judy answered. "Just worry about how much jail time you're going to get.''

As we continued our drive to the station, I noticed I was putting up a struggle to stay awake. With the silence and the bumping of the car on the road, I kept nodding off before I closed my eyes entirely. It only felt like it was five minutes when the car finally jerked to a halt, causing me to jolt awake. "We're here sleepy head,'' the voice of Judy said and I turned to find her smiling sweetly at me.

I let out a short yawn. "Sorry about that Judy. I guess I was a little too relaxed."

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure you had a crazy day. Let's take him in, so I can clock out and get you home.''

Judy got out of the car and opened the back door. After letting the wolf get out, she signaled me the ok to hop out and I did. I followed her as she held onto the wolf through the parking lot, filled with police cars. It was twilight out, the sky now a pinkish purple color with the last of the light began fading into the greying space as light from lamp posts began to blink on. I followed behind Judy and she looked back at me. "After I take him in, I do need to clean out the car for night shift and do a police report, but it shouldn't take long at all.''

"Oh no, take your time. I'm in no hurry,'' I responded.

Judy just smiled and turned her attention back forward. I as followed Judy as we walked up what appeared to be marble stairs were I stopped at the sight that I was now seeing. I was looking at a probably one of the largest buildings I've ever seen since arriving at Zootopia. The building was predominately and orange color with a light, cream colored highlights which, personally, reminded me of the color and patterns one would see on a giraffe. I saw on the right side was a low roof with the same color scheme as the rest of the building while also noticing about six, orange, large beams sticking out near the roof of the front of the building, looking as if it was giving off the appearance of a crown. Underneath the beams on the surface of the roof above some glass doors were large, blue letters spelling out 'POLICE'. My jaw hung open slightly as I took in the new appearance of the building.

"Quincy?'' a familiar voice called out.

I snapped out of my trance and saw that she was looking at me, puzzled while the wolf was still looking as if he was trying to figure out what I was. "Sorry Judy it's just…is THAT really the police station?!''

"Yeah! Big isn't it?'' the officer replied.

"Uhh…yeah it is!''

Judy just giggled, "Well wait until you've seen inside. Now come one, and let's get this perp inside.''

The wolf let out a low snarl as I went after the two. I looked around and noticed that there were trees along with some large patches of grass about in front of the police station. I also took notice of what seemed to be similar to a train rail and sure enough, a trolley transport rode at a medium speed along the rail. I turned my attention back to my guide and her attempted robber as she swung open the glass door and we went in. The inside just…wow! We were what I guessed was the main lobby of the station and it was huge! I looked around and saw that there was numerous of indoor landscapes of trees, which did give the area a more…jungle feel to the atmosphere. Hey I shouldn't be too surprised I mean this IS a city of animals. I spotted a hallways across on the other side of the lobby one going north, east, and west that seemed to lead to other places of the station, a door visible straight back in the hallway north of us. Scattered around the lobby were police officers in uniforms, all of varying species. I saw polar bears, lions, tigers, hippos, rhinos, an elephant, even sheep. I even spotted a large, round desk nearby with a rather obese cheetah munching happily on a couple boxes of donuts. Behind the cheetah was a large, gold police badge hung on the wall with the words 'Trust', 'Integrity', and 'Bravery' written around with a gold star in the very center. However, it were the much bigger animals that caused me to being to sweat with nervousness and caution as they talked among each other, some sipping on mugs and Styrofoam cups that were probably coffee.

To my utter misery, it wasn't too long after walking into the lobby that little by little the officers took notice of me. Oh my god I don't think I will ever get used to this. I saw some of them looking at me while whispering to each other while others just stared at me with weird looks. Judy on the other hand, just smiled proudly as she led her suspect towards the cheetah at the desk, me following hastily behind her and trying not to pay heed to the on looking officers. Upon walking up to the desk, I noticed a gold name tag was engraved with the name 'CLAWHAUSER'? Judy greeted the cheetah excitedly.

"Hey Clawhauser!''

The greeting seemed to surprise the cheetah known as Clawhauser as he quickly looked up from his donut, spotting the handcuffed wolf before gazing down at Judy. "Oh! Hey Judy!'' Clawhauser greeted happily, whipping off some sprinkled that covered his mouth. "Got yourself a criminal I see.''

"Yep, sure did. Caught him trying to steal money from an antelope's store,'' Judy explained. "I admit he almost gave me the slip, but no animal can outrun Judy Hopps when she's on the job. Whoop!''

I couldn't help but smirk at Judy's hyperactive attitude. Clawhauser ate another donut in one bite as he spoke with a muffled tone. "Well that's good to hear. I got a call from that location and was about to send backup before…you…" Clawhauser's voice trailed off as he swallowed his pastry treat as a stunned looked came to his face as he gazed at me.


"Yes?'' the bunny answered.

"Do you know there's a freaky looking animal behind you?'' the heavyset, spotted animal asked, pointing at me.

I immediately became annoyed at being called freaky. I know that these animals probably haven't seen the likes of me but come on! Judy looked at me before turned back to Clawhauser with an unamused expression. "He's not a freaky looking animal, this is my new friend Quincy. Quincy this is Benjamin Clawhauser, the receptionist and radio dispatcher.''

Despite the remark, I managed to crack a tiny smile as I waved at him. Clawhauser gasped, "Oh wow. I am so sorry! I didn't mean to insult your friend but…what IS he?! I mean I've seen some exotic looking animals before, but he definitely takes the cake! Wait a sec, is he some new, crazy type of species?! If so then O…M…Goodness! What?! In that case this is awesome!''

Judy replied, "He's not an animal Ben. He's a human.''

Clawhauser blinked blankly, his ears twitching. "Excuse me?''

"A human,'' Judy repeated, putting a paw on her hips. "And he's not from here. He's lost and had a rough day so I'm helping him out.''

Hearing this, Clawhauser placed a sprinkled covered paw over his heart as a touched gaze came to his face. "Wow that is so kind of you Judy. Bless you. That's something for the book right there.''

"He's still a freaky looking though,'' the wolf said plainly.

Judy and I both shot furrowed frowns at him as Judy spoke, "No one asked for your opinion. C'mon big guy it's booking for you!'' she then turned to me with a softer expression. "Quincy, why don't you wait for me in the guest waiting area? I'll try to be done as fast as I can.''

I nodded as Judy turned back to the desk, ready to leave with the wolf. "Clawhauser can you show Quincy where the waiting area is?''

"Can do Hopps!'' responded Clawhauser as he gave a salute, a piece of fried dough dropping from his mouth.

Judy thanked him and proceeded to take the wolf down the east hallway and the two disappeared. I looked at the cheetah as he whipped his paws, finishing another donut. "But seriously though, I'm sorry I called you a freaky animal. I should be the last one to judge others based on their looks."

I looked and saw that the radio dispatcher seemed sincere in his apology and I smiled gratefully. "It's fine. It's all good. I mean, I probably do seem kinda like an alien to everyone else.''

"Yeah…so you've had it pretty rough huh?''

I nodded with a tired sight. Clawhauser smiled. "Well don't worry Quincy. Judy's a pretty cool bunny. You're in good paws with her. And any friend of her is a friend of mine!''

He held out a paw for a shake to which I gladly accepted with grateful smile. My gaze then fell on his collar as I saw something wedged in it. "Um Officer Clawhauser you've got something…"

"Say what?'' Clawhauser asked dumbly, his ears lowering as his eyes darted around.

"There's something in your neck…right there…it's kinda stuck in there,'' I pointed as he ran a paw along his neck to try to find what I had been pointing to.

He finally found what was in his neck and pulled it out to reveal a donut with chocolate frosting upon it. "Oh there you are you little dickens!'' Clawhauser said fondly, continuing in a baby like voice. "You're the fifth one that tried to get away, but I caught you yes I did!"

With that he chomped on the treat in one bit, chewing it with utter bliss. I winced slightly at the display a bit uncomfortably but I smiled awkwardly to hide my uneasiness. "Um yeah…about that waiting area Officer?''

"Oh yeah my bad. It's down the hallway to the left. The first room on your right, can't miss it,'' answered Clawhauser, licking his lips.

I nodded in understanding. "Gotcha. Thank you Officer Clawhauser.''

I bid the cheetah goodbye and started down the way he directed me to. I passed by the other officers as they gave me those weird, silent glances. I just stared at the ground, not saying anything. A lot of these animals probably had fangs and claws so I didn't want to cause any trouble, especially here in a police station. I went down the west hallway and sure enough, there was a door that came up first on my right. I opened it and saw the room that was in it. The waiting room was a good sized room with numerous chairs, probably around ten or so. There was a brown table in the center that had various magazines upon the surface. There were trees in pots in the corners of the room while a flat screen T.V. was situated on the wall on the opposite side, which was turned on left on a news channel of sorts. But most of all, it was completely empty and I loved it. I quickly dipped in the room and closed the door behind me.

I walked towards the center and plopped down in a chair, as I began to wait for Judy. I took notice of the magazines, but one in particular caught my interested and I pick it up. On the cover had the title ANIMALS written in familiar styled letters that I've seen way to often in my life. With this knowledge, I let out a chuckle as I observed the cover. The main picture featured the image of a gazelle. She was wearing a green, sparkling dress with pink sparkling high heels that went all the way up and stopping just under her knees and seemed to be sitting down on something. She had a large lock of blonde hair over her left eye as she smiled gracefully to the camera with her showing brown eye. I guess in terms of animals she was beautiful and read the cover to read:

'Gazelle- 100 Most Beautiful.'

Wait a minute, her names is actually Gazelle?! Well I guess it shouldn't be too hard to remember after all, she's named after her species name. My attention was soon drawn from the magazine to the television. On the corner of the screen read ZNN as two news anchors were shown on the screen. One of them was a snow leopard that appeared to be female due to her facial structure. Ha! Thank you Kung Fu Panda! She was seated on the left and wore a purple dress coat, a yellow flower pinned over her right breast as she wore a pink shirt with a black collar with some sort of designs upon it. Seated to her right was a brown moose wearing a black suit jacket with a pink dress shirt underneath and a red tie, a gold clip in middle of the tie. A 'beard' of fur hung down from under his chin as antlers stood atop his head. Behind both of them was the image of Zootopia, exactly how I remembered it when I first spotted the city from the ocean.

"In other news police are still investigating a trail of gruesome murders that has taken place within the last few weeks," the snow leopard spoke in a British sounding voice.

I instantly took interest as I gave my full attention to the T.V.

"That's right Fabienne,'' the moose news anchor said, a name with Peter Moosebridge written underneath him. "The most recent murder took place near Buckhoof Alley. The victim was 39 year old Henry Elkberg, an elk. Mr. Elkberg was the eleventh victim of a violent attack from a serial killer that animals are now calling, Feral the Slasher. Mr. Elkberg was found with his face horribly mutilated, beyond recognition along with cuts to the throat that led to severe abdominal lacerations.''

I winced with disgust at the horrible description of the crimes that had been committed. Fabienne continued. "Coincidently, the state and injuries of Mr. Elkberg were the same as the other ten victims that included a zebra, a deer, a sheep, a giraffe, a beaver, a rabbit, a gazelle, an antelope, a donkey, and a wombat. Additionally, all those have been killed were found with their hearts, livers, and kidneys missing. Also interestingly enough, all the victims so far have all been prey. With this information, many of Zootopia's prey inhabitants are beginning to suspect that the killer could be in fact a predator.''

I continued watching as the scene, changed to what looked like a kangaroo, looking furious, "All this time prey have been attack and killed but no predators?! Coincidence? I think not! The killer is obvious a predator and if the police would just do their freakin' jobs he might've been caught by now!''

"Now hold up!'' argued a black panther that came on the scene. "Just because a predator wasn't found dead that means a predator is the killer?!''

"Why not? I say that this is a hate crime against all prey!''

"You would know about hate crimes after what happened last year you over sized wallaby!''

My eyes widened in shock as the kangaroo lunged at the panther, the two rolling around as they began to fight while onlookers tried to break them up. The shot then cut back to the two news anchors, the snow leopard known as Fabienne spoke. "Despite eleven murders taking place, there has been no leads or witnesses that could possible lead to the capture of this so called Feral the Slasher. Chief Bogo of the Zootopia Police Department had no comments. Could these heinous attacks really be hate crimes gone deadly? Is the culprit really a predator? When we return will have more development on the story.''

Not wanting to watch anymore, I found the remote and turned off the T.V. It was just sad and despicable. A killer running around and killing innocents without a shred of remorse. Even though I had only been here for a few hours, I couldn't help but feel sympathy for the families of the deceased that were suffering the loss of their lost ones. But something did caught my curiosity. What did that panther mean about, 'what happened last year'? Did something terrible happened? Maybe I could asked Judy when she comes. I rubbed my temples and shook my head. Maybe I shouldn't delve too much into it. Even though I feel for the animals about the crimes that were going on, I should focus on seeing if there was any possible way to get back home. For the next hour, I just sat, paced, and read some of the magazines when suddenly the door opened and Judy came in.

"Hey Quincy, were you ok in here?''

I stood up and gave a slight smile. "Yeah, just doing a bit of reading. I take it you're done with everything?''

The bunny nodded as she walked towards me. "Yep. The wolf's been booked and locked up, the car's been cleaned out, and I finished my arrest report. So I'm free to go!''

"Hopps!'' a male voice suddenly rang out.

The outburst alarmed me while Judy rolled her eyes and face palmed herself with a groan. "Oh geez now what…?''

Within a few short moments, an animal appeared behind Judy and…good lord almighty what an animal! He looked like he could've been a buffalo of some sort. I've think I've seen his species before, but I can't seem to recall what they were actually called. He was an animal of imposing stature, easily towering over Judy and even towering over me. He had had dark grey fur and was wearing a police uniform. His uniform were the same shade of navy blue like the other officers, but with some noticeable differences. While most of the officers I've seen so far wore long sleeved shirts, the buffalo wore a short sleeved shirt with the sleeves being stretched by his bulking triceps muscles while he more no tie and his shirt was instead unbuttoned at the top. Around his waist he wore a black utility belt with a visible walkie-talkie on his left side. Along his collars were eight gold stars, four on each collar making me wonder if he was in the military at some point in his life? On his head were large, curving horns and his ears were angled downward, both with nicks in them. Over his left chest a gold police badge was pinned and a golden name tag with the name 'BOGO' was etched on it. Wait a sec…BOGO?! As if Chief Bogo that I just heard about on the news not too long ago?! This was him?!

My questions were answered when Judy spoke up, giving him a salute. "Yes Chief Bogo! Was there something you needed sir?''

I just gawked at the grey bunny and then back at the chief. That guy was HUGE! Chief Bogo answered rather hotly and s slight yet commanding British voice. "Do you know what all this fuss going around about some 'weird creature'? I've received word from the other officers.''

I saw Judy shift uneasily as she tried to explain. "Well sir…about that. I may know something about what's been going around.''

Bogo snorted, "Then spit it out! What's this weird animal that others won't shut up abou-'' Bogo stopped in mid sentenced as his furrowed glance drifted up and he looked into my eyes. Aw crap!

I took a nervous step back as he continued to stare me down. "Oh…I take it this is the one then?''

"Yes he is Chief!'' Judy spoke up, hopping to me. "Chief this is Quincy. He arrived in Zootopia not too long ago and so I'm helping him out a bit.''

I didn't greet, I didn't say anything, just looked at Bogo timorously as he observed me from head to toe. "Hmph…I've seen weirder in my days. But still, what in the devil kind of animal are you?''

"I-I-I…w-well…you see…" I stammered, trying to answer the question.

"He's a human.'' Judy answered.

"He's a what now?''

"A human!'' Judy repeated with a smile. "He's new here in the city. Had it really tough so I'm helping him out!''

Bogo looked at Judy for a moment or two before turning his gaze back at me. He spoke, looking unimpressed. "Tell me…do you have anything to do with murders that has been happening recently or have any information about them?''

I immediately answered, "No sir! I don't know anything! I just got here like Officer Hopps said!''

"Then I really don't give a damn of who you are, what you are, or why you're here,'' Bogo answered.

I just shifted my gaze away as the buffalo continued. "However, what I do care about is the amount of crap that city hall is running up my tail. So the last thing I need is to have a trouble making punk adding to my stress!''

I took another step back from the aggressive tone, but Judy stood firm between us, giving her boss a disapproving look. "With all due respect sir but Quincy is not a trouble maker. In fact, he's been a pleasure to have around today. I guarantee you'll have no problems with him.''

Bogo gave off a rumbling growl from his throat and replied, "You'd best keep it that way. Are you done with everything?''

"Yes sir! I finished booking and turned in my arrest report shortly ago.''

"Then you're dismissed to leave.'' He then shot me a look. "And you…stay out of trouble or THEY'LL BE trouble, got it?''

I nodded quickly. "Y-Yes sir!''

Bogo gave me one last, disdained look before turning back to the left and walked out of site, the sound of a door slamming was heard not too long after that. With the police chief gone, I let of a staggered breath, taking half a step backwards. Judy turned to me, giving me a sheepish grin. "Sorry about the chief. I know he may seem a little…short fused, but he's actually a really great guy at heart. He's just been stressed out lately.''

"Did you see the size of that guy?! He probably could've flung me across the room with one hand without breaking a sweat!'' I said.

Judy chuckled, scratching the back of her head. "Yeah I know. He intimidated me when I first got here, but he really does have a soft side. Come on, how about we get out of here?''

That was the best idea she gave at the moment and I agreed hastily. I followed Judy through the police station, passing by the stares of the other officers as we made our way out the station. Clawhauser wasn't at his desk which made me to believe that he was off duty. By now it was completely night out. Lights from the lamppost illuminating the streets from the darkness. There were also few to no animals out and about at this time, which was all good to me. Judy led me down the street where we eventually went down a flight of stairs to the subway underground. Unfortunately, there were quite a few animals down here and it wasn't long before I was again met with shocked stares and murmured whispers.

"We'll be taking the B train to Meadowgrove Lane, where my apartment is,'' Judy informed with that friendly smile of hers.

I nodded, "Sounds great to me.''

We waited for five, painful minutes of constant stares at me before the sound of the subway train sped by, numerous of passenger cars passing by in a blue before slowing down and finally stopping. When the doors opened, Judy and I along with some other animals boarded and we took our seats. As the last few animals came on, a sort of double Bing sound was heard before the doors closed and we jerked forwards, heading to our destination. At the journey was mostly quiet, though Judy and I did made some conversation along the way. During the journey, I looked down the car to see animals just watching me, perplexed expressions on their faces. I sighed irritably and slumped down in my seat. We've made about eight stops before Judy hopped up energetically and spoke to me when we've came to the ninth stop.

"Alright! This is our stop! Let's move!''

"Thank God!'' I muttered to myself as the rabbit and I got off the train. Judy led me west as we rode up an escalator before walking through a rotating gate and we were out the subway. We then went east as we walked along the lit sidewalk. Due to the hour, there was little activity going on. We've passed by shops and cafes that were preparing to close up for the night, I even spotted a honey badger locking up what appeared to be a flower shop before turning to walk down the street into the night. We eventually walked among some connected houses and apartment buildings, spotting a few animals sitting about on their booths, smoking, talking, drinking, or just enjoying the cool night air. After nearly about ten minutes Judy turned and walked me up the stairs to an apartment building.

"Here we are! My place. Well soon to be my place when we get inside!''

"Oh let me get that for you Judy,'' I spoke, walking up passed her and opening the door for her.

"Oh! What a gentleman, thank you,'' thanked Judy, giving me a grateful and touched smile.

"No problem. Shall we?'' I responded.

I followed Judy up some stairs, climbing until we reached the fourth floor. We went down the quiet hallway, passing by doors with bronze numbers upon them. "405…406…407 and…408! We're here!'' Judy chimed.

As she took out her key to unlock the door, I noticed a purple door mat with the word 'Welcome' spelled nicely with orange carrots.

I couldn't help but smirk at the welcoming mat and with a turn of the key, Judy opened the door and I followed her inside. "Finally! Welcome to Hotel Hopps Quincy!'' Judy greeted enthusiastically as she turned on the lights

Needless to say I was quite surprised by my new friend's apartment as I walked around, instantly inhaling the sweet scent of what was most likely lavender. It seemed rather spacious, having, more than enough room for the both of us to move around in. In the living room was a couch back against the wall with three pillows and a blanket folded delicately in the center. A recliner sat close to the couch, a small brown table in between the two with three picture frames on top it. On the other side of the couch was another small table with a purple lamp upon it. On the other side of the room was a large, mahogany cabinet with a flat screen T.V resting in the center with a DVD player next to it? Nice! The walls were a light shade of lime green with white paw prints going about in design. I saw colorful flowers at the window in front of a balcony as well as a rectangular brown table with magazines stacked neatly on the surface top and two remote controls each for the T.V and DVD player no doubt. Not far from the living room was the kitchen in which there was a small table next to the wall. I spotted a white refrigerator along with a white microwave on the counter next to a white topped stove. There were dishes that were spotless and placed neatly on the right side of the sink within a rack while a wooden block housing knives with red bases was next to the microwave. On the stove was a red tea kettle and on the door to the pantry was a cute little sign that read "Good food…good friends…good times.''

In all the apartment was bright, warm, cozy, and comfortably. Definitely a place one would one to go back to after having a long, tiring, and frankly weird day. Judy walked passed me and placed her keys on the counter. "I know it might not be much, but its home. I hope you like it?''

I turned to her and smile. "Oh no it's perfect! And I love your house Judy.''

This made Judy smile warmly, shifting her eyes away briefly while stroking her folded back ears, only for them to spring up. "Oh! You must be hungry aren't you?''

Before I could answer, my stomach growled loudly, causing me to give an embarrassed look to my hostess. "I guess that's a yes!'' Judy laughed. "But don't worry, I fix something up in no time. Just give me one second and please make yourself at home!''

Judy turned and headed to the kitchen as I took a seat on her couch. "By the way Quincy, are you a carnivore or an herbivore. I'm sorry, I should've asked you on the way home," Judy said with an uncertain wince.

"I'm actually an omnivore,'' I answered truthfully. "I each all kinds of things, meats, vegetables, fruits, all of that.''

Judy sighed, apparently relieved. "Oh good! Because I've got nothing but vegetables here. Rabbit after all. How does vegetable soup sound?''

"That sounds delicious!'' I spoke up, licking my lips at such a thought.

"Ok then! Vegetable soup coming right up! Oh! Let me turn of the T.V. for you.''

The grey bunny came over and turned on the T.V. after a short moment the black screen came to life and Judy went back bounced back into the kitchen. Soon I heard pots rattling, vegetables, being cut, and finally an enticing aroma filled the air that caused my mouth to water while Judy hummed a cheery tune. I haven't eaten anything since coming to Zootopia and I was starving. Within the next thirty minutes, Judy called me over to sit at the table to eat our dinner.

"What can I get you to drink Quincy?'' Judy asked. I have carrot juice, cranberry apple juice, milk…''

"Water would be fine,'' I answered to which she eagerly prepared and handed me a glass of the clear liquid in mere seconds.

Again like a good host, Judy served me a bowl of soup before serving herself and she sat down opposite of me. I gazed down into the bowl and saw corn, carrots, peas, potatoes, and celery all mixed in a brown broth. "Wow, this looks really good Judy.''

Judy grinned, "Well let's not sit here with tummies growling, let dig in!''

Judy picked up her spoon and began to eat her soup, blowing on it before putting it in her mouth. I too began to eat my dinner and scooped up some vegetables with the broth in my spoon. After blowing on it a couple times, I placed the contents in my mouth. Not surprisingly, it tasted just as it looked.

"Wow, this is amazing! You're a great cook!''

"Thank you,'' Judy responded. "With a family like mine, everyone needed to learn in order to help out with dinner sometimes.''

"I take it you've come from a big family then?'' I asked, eating another scoop of my soup.

Judy proudly beamed, "Sure do. After all, I do have 275 brothers and sisters!''

I nearly choked on my soup when I heard the number. "275?! Are you serious?!''

"Dead serious,'' Judy giggled. "I know, I get that reaction a lot, but what do you expect? My family ARE rabbits after all.''

I just stared at Judy, still in total disbelief at what I just found out. 275 brothers and sister, counting her parents. Jesus Christ how horny do rabbits get? After clearing my throat, I let out a sheepish chuckle. "Sorry about that. That was pretty surprising. But hey, I bet family reunions must be a hoot,'' I spoke, trying to bring humor to the subject.

"Trust me, you have no idea!'' Judy responded.

We both shared a hearty laugh. The remainder of the dinner was mostly in silence, though we did converse every now and then. When I would finish my bowl, Judy would happily offer me more. Boy was I hungry, I managed to eat three bows of the delicious soup. I thought about what had happened earlier and what Chief Bogo had said, which prompt me to ask my rabbit friend.

"Hey Judy?''


"At the station, I was watching something on the news about some murders that's been happening,'' I said.

Judy's ears flopped sadly down her back as her face fell. "Yeah, you heard right. They're even calling the killer-''

"Feral the Slasher?'' I finished.

Judy nodded, "That's the name. Yeah these killings have been going on for about six weeks now. It's so frustrating! Eleven murders…and not one clue or witness. Without them both, we can't even begin to know where to start!''

I looked Judy with a sympathetic expression. "Do you think someone did see it, but are just afraid to speak out?''

"I don't know, it's possible,'' Judy said, shaking her head with a half shrug. "If that was the case, I hope they come forwards soon. Any information can be helpful to catching him before they can kill again.''

There was a brief moment of silence until I sighed deeply. "Well…I hope you catch him soon.''

"Oh I know we will!'' the bunny answered confidently. "No matter how elusive this killer may be in the end, justice will be served and the victims' loved ones will have closer. I'll make sure that they will!''

I stared at her, amazed. Despite having no leads or information that could trail to the killer, Judy was showing determination and optimism that I couldn't help but admire. I gave a small but supportive smile. "Well just know that I'm rooting for you. I know you'll bring the bad guy in.''

Judy smiled softly, "Thank you Quincy. It's very much appreciated knowing a police officer has the faith of a citizen.''

"Well I'm not a citizen here, but you do have my faith. I don't mind giving you that.''

Judy casted me a fond, sweet smile when I said those words. Within the next couple of minutes Judy and I had finished our dinners. I offered to take care of the dishes in return for cooking me a dinner. She refused but I insisted and started on the dishes, earning her gratitude. Since it was just two plates, two glasses, two spoons, and a pot, doing the dishes took no time at all and before long, I was wiping down the counter, stove, and table. While I was cleaning, I heard what sounded like a shower going for a few moments until sure enough Judy came in, looking impressed with noticeable wet fur and a change of clothes. She was out of her uniform and was now wearing a black tank top with grey sweats.

"Wow! The kitchen looks great Quincy! It's nice to know that I'm not the only one that cares about cleanliness.''

I smirked, "It's nothing at all. I grew up cleaning dishes. I wasn't allowed to use the dish washer.''

"Nice policy. Nothing like getting the job done with a little elbow grease.''

I gave an amused chuckle as Judy spoke again. "Well I beat you could use a shower?''

"Yes, most definitely,'' I agreed, now feeling a bit unclean from the day.

"Well you're more than welcome use the shower! And while you're doing that, I can wash your clothes for you. It's no trouble since I need to wash my uniform any way.'' Judy offered.

Even though I wanted to reject the offer, I thought for a moment. These were the only clothes that I had on my back, and I didn't want them to start smelling. Thinking this, I nodded gratefully at my hostess. "That would be great Judy. Thanks.''

Judy joyfully hopped to a closet and took out a blue bathrobe which was rather three sizes too big for her. "Here. While your clothes your clothes are washing, you can wear this. Nick got this for me in 4XXX as a joke. But now, I'm glad I kept it!''

I smirked at the too large robe. Man this Nice must be a prankster for a cop. Nevertheless I took the robe and Judy led me to her bathroom. It wasn't but it wasn't small either and it was still hot and steamy from Judy's use with that familiar sweet smell of lavender. Like the living room, that wallpaper was green with those white paw prints. On the sink was a purple tooth brush with a bottle of toothpaste next to it along with a few brushes. Over the sink was a mirror and the shower curtains were purple decorated with rabbit silhouette. This girl must love purple. Once in the bathroom. I took out my phone and…my wallet?! I didn't even noticed I had it all this time. Now I really felt guilty for Judy buying me that smoothie. I probably could've paid for my own. Then again, after taking out and observing the twenty dollar bill I found on the sidewalk earlier, my debit card probably would've been ineffective in buying anything in this city. I put the bill in my wallet before taking off my shoes, clothes, and underwear and put the robe on. Judy quickly led me to the wash room where I put my clothes with hers and I returned to the bathroom for my shower. I decide to take a quick shower, fearing that it would be rude to stay in for too long in a guest's house. With the lavender scented body wash the only one in the shower, I had no choice but to use it, but…man did it smell good! After rinsing my body, I turned off the shower and hopped out, dried myself off and put the robe back on.

I stepped out into the living room where I found Judy putting the finishing touches of making a fold out bed from her couch. I heard that familiar sound of a washing machine in operation as it washed our clothes. "And there you go! One comfy bed for the guest!" Judy announced. "I'm just glad that you came now and not last year. The apartment I first had wasn't nearly as big as this one.''

"Well I'm just grateful that I won't have to sleep in an alley tonight,'' I replied.

"That wasn't going to happen. There was no way I'd ever let a new friend of mine sleep on the streets!''

I gave Judy a thankful smile. "You're too kind Judy.''

Judy and I engaged in talk, completely lost in conversation. Eventually, the buzz of the washing machine knock us out of our conversation and Judy went over to put the clothes in the dryer.

"Here we go! Now that they're in the dryer I can get ready for bed.'' The bunny chirped.

I gazed at the clock to see that it was already nine-thirty. Wow, I guess time does fly when you're in good company. "Having an early morning tomorrow?'' I asked.

Judy nodded. "Uh huh. Waking up at six.''

Six am wasn't really an alarming time to me. I was more than used to waking up at hours earlier than that. "I have to go in at eight, but I'm meeting up with Nick for some breakfast beforehand. Oh! You should come with us!''

"Oh no, I don't want to be a bother and a nuisance,'' I tried to turn down.

"You're not a nuisance or a bother,'' Judy said looking at me sweetly. "I really the time we've spent together. And I'm sure Nick will like you too!''

After giving it a second thought, I gave Judy a small smile. "Ok Judy, if you insist…I would love to join you tomorrow.''

The energetic bunny officer bounced happily in her place. "Great! Would you like me to wake you up?''

I nodded, "Yeah that would be fine. I don't want to make you late for the meetup.''

"Ok then…six o'clock it is. Better get some shut eye. Being a police officer can really take it out of you. And I bet being washed away to a new land takes it out of you more.''

"Yeah, totally,'' I chuckled before letting my face fell in thought.

Seeing this, Judy tilted her head with concern. "Quincy? What is it? Is something wrong?'' she asked sitting down next to me on the bed.

After a moments pondering, I finally answered. "I just….I really can't thank you enough for what you did for me today. I mean here I am a stranger…practically an alien beyond your species and yet you still had the kindness to open your home to me. I just…thank you Judy. Thank you so much.''

Just looked at me with her large, purple eyes and gave me a warm smile. "It's really nothing to thank me for Quincy. You were lost and you needed help. And I would never turn my back on those that needs help. I'm happy to open up my home to you. As a police officer, it is my duty to serve and protect those that needs it….animal or human. And I will do that duty.''

I just looked at her, astonished at the commitment to her line of work. I just breathed deeply, shaking my head as I held out a hand for her to shake. "Judy…thank you.''

What happened next surprised me for instead of shaking my hand, Judy pulled me in for a friendly hug. Though shocked at the gesture, I then gladly returned it, wrapping my arms around her. This…this was kindness by which I've had never received before. In just a few short hours of coming to this strange city, I met someone that took noticed of me, was worried for me, took pity on me, and gave me food and a warm place to stay for the nice when all others looked at me like I was some sort of dangerous, strange creature. Just pure…unquestionably kindness. Kindness, from the very first friend I made today. With all these things running through my mind, I finally truly realized the hospitality and generosity that Judy gave me and I couldn't stop my vision from going blurry as tears began to sting my eyes and I gritted my teeth. Judy rubbed my back as she whispered tenderly.

"Everything's going to be alright. You'll see.''

I could only nod in response. After a more moments, we broke the hug as Judy gazed at me. She must've noticed my wet eyes since she asked, "What's wrong? You're eyes seem…puffy.''

"Oh it's nothing!'' I lied, wiping my eyes. "I guess I must be more tired than I thought. I'm fine really, in fact…this is the beast I've felt all day.''

Judy smiled contently, "I'm glad to hear that. Well I'll let you get some sleep. If you need anything, ANYTHING at all, I'm just down the hall.''

"Ok Judy thanks. Goodnight.''

"Goodnight Quincy. Sweet dreams,'' Judy bid, giving me one last, lovely smile before walking away, the sound of a door closing was heard shortly after.

With nothing left to do I placed my wallet and phone on the table between the couch and the recliner. Since I had no charger, I prayed that my phone would stay live for as long as possible. I went across the room and turned off the lights, darkening the room. A pale light entered from the window which gave me just enough light to make my way to the bed without bumping into anything. I drew the covers over me as I laid my head down on the pillow….so comfortable. I stared up in the darkness for quite a while. In all honesty, I was thinking of my home. As much as I was grateful to Judy for letting me stay here, I couldn't help but think of how I would get home? Could I even get home? Well I at least have to try. As much as this world is interesting, when it's all said and done, I don't belong here. I belong with other people. That's were my home is. As these thoughts raced in my head. I soon found my eyelid starting to become heavy before I finally managed to drift off to peaceful slumber.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: In my story, I've decided to upscale the animals' sizes compared to the movie just a bit as you've read his description of Judy's size upon meeting her. Thank you all for reading and stay tuned for the next chapter and please leave reviews!